The birth of an Empress

Mia P.o.v-

what a beautiful night it is .it is winter year 2020...i live alone in the suburbs of city kolkata .i am a single lady passing her days by doing her accountant job.tomorrow is my Birthday .i am supposed to go home tomorrow .so after preparing for that i was watching the clear winter sky at night.suddenly i saw a shooting star...i heard that shooting stars grant i made a wish that i want my boring accountant life to be exciting.everyone who had been an accountant knows it is a monotonous job.but little did i know within minutes i would regret asking for that wish.remember folks -always be careful what you wish for . coz as i asked the wish i slowly watched that the star was not vanishing rather it was at the same spot ...after some more time i understood in horror that it was approaching towards my direction.i hurriedly went away from the window and hid under the bed fearing that the meteor is big and it would crash our apartment.soon within a minute i heard a booming sound following the sound of my dining room windows glasses breaking .but fortunately it seemed that the meteor is not that big .phew....i am saved.

i slowly came out of under the bed and tried to peek in my dining room.i was going to peek at that very moment i felt a terrifying fear ....i felt like being engulfed by an unknown presence . without delay i turned tail and tried to go call for help from other apartment residents.but i suddenly found it hard to even move my limbs was like some one or some thing trying to take control over my mind and body completely. i tried to resist but i could not resist at all.the will of what ever landed in my apartment ,felt invincible soon i approached the door and entered the room.i saw the broken glasses broken table and within the wreckage i finally met it ....the source of my trouble .it looked like a thick dark purple jelly like creature of some did not have legs but only had some appendages like willed me to come forth and touch it ....willed me to submit to its will.i kept up my resistance but was still forced to touch it .and then happened .

That thing suddenly created a needle like appendage and shot it at my finger then slowly kept injecting it within my body,surprisingly i did not feel any pain ...i only felt some numbness which started spreading from my finger towards my heart and then the numbness reached my brain thought process started getting sluggish.all my memories since childhood kept resurfacing day by day and i felt that parasite like thing consuming my memories and getting stronger . slowly i felt it consuming almost all my world turning purple slowly body numb and stiff.but the parasite miscalculated something .....or i should say i also underestimated something.

about 7 years ago i met a certain tantrik monk in a cemetery.he gave me a seeded mantra...taught me about the Goddess he worships...he taught me that mantra is like a seed and mind is like the soil.long years of reciting mantra in mind is like nurturing the seed and turning it into a towering tree.....which will later give fruits .i did not understand its meaning then ...but tonight i got its meaning.after the dark purple aura devoured all my memories other than the memories of my nights spending in reciting mantra.i started having a vision....that the mantra which was seeded in my mind started working .i felt a slight hummm coming from it . with this slight reaction i felt like i found my last straw.i started reciting the mantra with full attention.soon my vision enlarged my mind i saw the mantra written in red-ish color glowing ....and slowly the purple aura decreasing.i don't know long i spent but i felt like eons went past.most important is as i kept reciting the mantra i slowly started devouring it instead of getting devoured...and i got back all my memories and i also got all the memories stored in that things gene pool.

it seems it is a zerg overmind fragment some how entered to earth realm from the parallel realm and tried to devour me to use my body.i understood almost everything that has happened previously and also what is happening now seems i am now within the chrysalis...where my body is under going the mutation....i will no longer be a human physically ..but depending on what happens next i would evolve into something not too horrible .my only hope was reciting the mantra now so i kept reciting it .hoping it would purify that zerg overmind fragment .i got to know that right now that thing was trying to infest me . An infested creature is created when a terran is infected with the zerg hyper-evolutionary virus. ... Often while being infested, subjects will see a reflection of themselves from which the zerg hive mind speaks through, encouraging them to give in to the encroaching will of the Swarm.but since this is just a zerg overmind fragment and also it was damaged in the process of landing on earth ,i could overpower it by using the mantra which works similar to fortitude of the Khala or powers of the Void of protoss race . zergs do not mate and zerg overall are genderless.. Larvae are asexually produced (cloned basically) from the Hatchery. The larvae then mutate into whatever strain of Zerg the cerebrate tells it to.

time went by and i could feel the psionic power condensing, purifying and undulating around the mantra.i already got vast knowledge about combat and warfare which was being ingrained in my very gene pool.however this process ended as everything ends....i could understood many things now ....many knowledge i previously thought impossible.but all that was unimportant at this moment .the most important thing is i just became the prime mind of a new hive mind and i heard a ding ....Bionet has come online .after reading many webnevels i was no stranger to system.i promptly asked the status page ...but i was replied that ....body forging going on ..currently in chrysalis...please direct which direction you want your first form to be.currently available resources is 25000 points.i asked ...okay what is the resources and how do you work system?? seems the system has no primary AI of sort ...when ever i ask some thing in my mind .....the answers just pop up in my mind automatically.

the system has capability of absorbing any 'matter' either organic or inorganic and store it as system resource.later they can be used to do everything in the system.even your daily sustenance is a few resource points long as zerg has resource points it is immortal . there is trade tab,body upgrade tab where you can trade or upgrade .all the other functions are now seems i can trade with other zergs from the other plane. while upgrading i need to use both my psionic power and resources to which body part is to upgrade or while trading i need to use my psionic power to manifest the item traded .my current Psi(psionic in short psi) is 2500...during the mental struggle i lost around 500 of my mental i have 2000 left to forge my body.

bionet use my gene structure as a base and then perfect it ...tell me how much resource and psi it takes takes about 400 resources and 50 psi to do it .then use this perfected human gene structure as base and upgrade it in a way that it does not destroy my humanoid shape.give me a few best possible presentations on how would i look like ...i am concerned about my looks coz currently i am one zerg and i cant fight the country alone now .i am now very vulnerable .....if people saw some thing truly alien roaming around the street then i am done for.soon the system gave me about 5 options to choose from.....

1-Humanoid Drone --This form is the most basic of all zerg unites.A Drone will win in a fight versus any basic opponent provided it attacks first.even if the other party attacks first, because the Drone regenerates its health during the battle, which allows it to take bit more hit from the other party .drone from does not have much outer carapace .it mainly changes the body internal organs although it looks almost the same .it does not have much outer carapace either .takes 1000 resources and 100 psi to form.

2- Humanoid Zergling--it is a small and fast melee attacker and the backbone of the Zerg family.Individual Zerglings are not that strong, but large groups can surround and terrorize enemy ground forces. In such groups, they soak a lot of incoming damage . Zergling rushes are an infamous early threat for which opponents must has carapace and decent combat ability using claws and takes only about 2000 resources and 150 psi to forge.

3-Humanoid Infestor--The Infestor is an offensive spellcaster, meaning that its abilities are used to harm enemy units rather than support the player's units. It can be built using 1500 resources and 100 psi. Infestors have three abilities: Neural Parasite, Fungal Growth, and Microbial Shroud. They can move while burrowed. The Infestor has the furthest range of vision among the Zerg ground units and retains it while burrowed.

4-Humanoid Overseer-The Overseer is a Zerg anti air form that is morphed from a human. The Overseer has the ability to Detect invisible units and become invisible , can infest target mind and body. The Overseer is extremely useful for scouting and detecting enemy units/positions. The Overseer moves fast also receives the benefit of the Pneumatized Carapace.they have the highest armor of the 5 base forms provided.requires 5000 resources and 500 forge.

5-Humanoid Ravager--This form has the highest health pool.wields plasma fire both in close-quarters combat and as a wedge to crack open entrenched positions, something the Swarm struggled with in the past. Its heavier frame isn't subtle, but has the ability to launch large gobs of Corrosive plasma at distant targets through arms. Smartly adapting to the problems of the Sentry's Force Field ability and buildings . the Ravager's ability ignores armor.takes 5000 resources and 150 psi to forge.

i got in a dilemma .i like all the forms .they are showing in system panel in a 3d card form. they all have usefulness, even the most basic drone form.but i really like either the humanoid zergling or the humanoid overseer. i also saw the option to synthesis which would take the 5 basic forms and synthesize into a perfect base form.i tried to see what would my synthesized from look like from all 5 forms . it would retain all the properties and abilities of all forms. it takes - a grand total of 15000 resources and 1500 psi to forge ..if i wanna forge in one go .i thought it ...that since i have come this far .....and i have resources .....i should go big or go home.this synthesized form is named Zerg Prime and i choose it .i did not feel pain i was just physically numb.....using psi i could feel my body melting and turning into liquid jelly like substance and then i felt it being rebuild with otherworldly absurd power.i felt my every gene ....humming with power all this while i did not forget to recite my mantra ...which kept my mind clear and also i noticed it regenerates my psi faster.

after who knows how long i felt a signal that i am again full of vigor was kind of a biological signal to break breaking free i eyes opened .it was dark at night lights were turned on ...but i could just see every little detail down to the dust particle.i went to the broken window panel and looked outside ....i could mentally measure i can see about 10 km in straight distance i could smell....touch... through my carapace...i tried licking the chrysalis had a distinct taste ....i did not necessarily like it but i did not hate it either was a taste of different kind...i felt so very odd.i tried using psi and moved a few small objects telepathically ...i felt they were in full control.i did not need to for combat i tried making a few moves ...kicks and punches ...i learned them from the zerg overmind's memory .their collective combat technique ...hunting and espionage technique and formation techniques are ingrained in my gene now ..i can stop my kick just at the moment it has touched the target without hurting it one bit .

i noticed it is 1 am in the clock.....which means i have spent about 5 hours doing these things.tomorrow car would come at morning 7 am to take me home .this time i called upon my status panel....




Attributes-[ranging F-


Strength [measuring physical power and carrying capacity]-E+ ( + )

Constitution [measuring endurance, stamina and good health]-E+ ( + )

Dexterity [measuring agility, balance, coordination and reflexes]-D- ( + )

"Mental" statistics

Intelligence [measuring deductive reasoning, knowledge, memory, logic and rationality]-F+ ( + )

Wisdom [measuring self-awareness, common sense, restraint, perception and insight]-F+ ( + )

Charisma [measuring force of personality, persuasiveness, leadership and successful planning]-F( + )

Resourceses-5000 [daily need 100 resources to sustain body]


.i first closed the stats tab ...then cleaned up the dining room by absorbing everything that was broken or remains of a few resource points that way .then i checked my carapace in the full body carapace in the full length mirror.i don't look bad ...i mean my body is now covered in a red-ish orange carapace.other than two arms and two legs no other limbs my mouth has a special gland in it to throw a long plasma beam and my palm has same of those two glands but small versions ....i believe my mouth can throw a beam that can raze anything current human tech can throw at me within 10 km range .but i should not over draw my luck and try them here .i have gotten taller ..nearing 6 feet .i tried my most loose fitting cloths and they fit thing about my hair is alive ....i can move them depending on my wish and i can sense things with my hair .they work like vibrissae — are a well-honed sensory tool that helps a cat like animals see in the dark and steer clear of hungry predators. Whiskers are highly sensitive tactile hairs .i was amazed and pissed suddenly ...if anyone touches my hair ...other than my family .....hmmmph....they will get it .

for now i wanna rest some ....i wanna sleep....tomorrow i go to family and i will explain it to them in my way .i currently am unable to think of any plans for future .....for now good night .