Going Home

I slowly woke up....i was not groggy is the first thing that came to my mind...i checked my psi fully charged.it is now 5 am...means i have only slept for 4 hours and i am good to go . i decided to take a bit of morning walk before the car comes .i ran about 10 km non stop at my highest speed along the high road ...my speed is well beyond the speed of sound .i went to a park and carried out some of the most hard to perform combat moves i did not even sweat ...lol...i don't think i have sweat gland at all.

Mom, dad ,sister i am home ....welcome mia....oh my god you look different ...are you really our daughter?i secretly started infesting their mind coz i knew they at least would be able to tell the difference .I asked them to come in a room to talk.then i undressed in front of them.looking at my body they were shocked ...my sister touched my carapace and then she kept stuttering ...this ...this ....this is not fake ...this is real ...who are you ???what have you done to my sister??i said ...talking is useless ...it is better if i directly transfer my memories of these past few hours onto you guys ....you will understand soon.

after one hour of adjusting to the new information ...all three of my family member had a shocked color on their faces ....dad's face is grim and solemn....mom's face is almost crying ....and sister is just standing motionless.after a long time...mom opened her mouth ....first thing she said is ...so...you can no longer give birth ???...sigh mama ..oh mama..this is the first thing you say ??is what sister said. yes child..now think....what would you do from now on....these things were built to conquer the universe and seek genetic perfection and you are an accountant whatever you try you can never be the same .so better be prepared for it ....said my dad.

okay what ever you guys do just let me know what i can ...i will go to cook.....today is still Mia's Bday and we are going to celebrate.Mama not so fast.i want you guys to change race first.i will guard while you all do that .and i wont listen if you all say no...i am not living eternity without my family ...i share my joy and sorrows with you all.so please do change race. sigh okay ....lets do it ....will it be painful??? no ...you will feel numb and no pain at all.so we got started ..i injected them with my gene and started the transformation.....they all got into respective chrysalis .i chose Humanoid Drone for all of them for now ...coz i don't plan on sending them to battle ...so the health regen of the drones will just serve as their security .after half an hour they came out of the chrysalis.....they all looked anew ...fresh and now they all are my underling of sort....i did not like the idea of making my family my underling and being the matriarch .....but this is how it has got to be.

next we spent the day with merry laughter and dining ....although the windows were shut down then after dinner we got into a family meeting about what to do next .i proposed that we should use the trade function for exchanging resources .... opened the trade tab...there is an option invite trade partner....trade partner will be randomly chosen from any of the starcraft plane ..that is protoss or terran or the zerg . started first invitation ..randomly chosen....Sarah kerrigan.


who are you ??how did you access zerg bionet .it is zerg secret none can access it without my permission and i cant remember ever permitting a sapient zerg recently .tell me who you are ...Now !!


i think me saying anything is pointless to explain...so i will send my dna sample to you so that you can see my memory and understand my situation yourself.next i secreted a bit of my blood by biting my tongue and sent it through the system to the other party.after about 15 min.she replied.


Hmm....interesting ...so you actually became able to overpower the overmind fragment without any prior knowledge of psi control and you just have ..that mantra of yours .although that was just a fragment of overmind ...and it was reduced to a sorry state but it does not deny fact that you won over it as a mare human ...you were not even a soldier.so you succeeded in doing what i could not .also there is your gene sample ...you have perfectly merged with the dark energy thus being immune to it and maybe your Dna can infest protoss race as well...we will see soon.....you have no damn idea how much of a good news it is for me ...who want to dominate this universe. i know currently you lack resources and you are reluctant to start wholesale slaughter coz you are not yet capable of confronting your government .....you dont have enough resources and you dont have the zerg bio-upgrade modules we have here. yeah that's right .....other than upgrading attributes directly using resource points ,you can also research other special upgrades .those things don't come from system.let me finish checking and estimating what kind of benefits you have brought to us and i will not disappoint you ...i promise.i wanna conquer my universe and i cant conquer yours coz we are in a different plane .


yeah .we can be friends .hehe.

kerrigan-(after 1 hour )

omg mia your gene is amazing ...it not only solves out most imminent threat of dark energy ....it really can infest protoss mind. we have estimated your gene pool value is to be at the very least 900 trillion points in one time transaction and about 10% share of our daily resource earning from now on.what do you say ??


yeah i agree.let make this trade as your first gesture of friendship.after we did the trade i had 900 trillion resource points in my account instantly.also kerrigan could you please guide me about what should i do from now on ..i am confused ...i mean do i must have an AI assistant...what kind of upgrades should i research for and how to do special upgrades??i am confused.


oh dear ..it has been a long time since i last guided some one .first thing ..you need to upgrade the bionet system..uses 1million system points and upgrade it for first time ..you will see upgrade options choose -open shop from there .next buy the bionic Ai assistant which is capable of telling you what kind of special upgrades you can do depending on your body structure and combat habit ....it can also wirelessly hack any electronic device be it connected to your internet or not.after you upgrade the system second time ..open mission menu ...the AI will issue mission suitable enough to take on your planet slowly .basically i myself have that AI as a guide. from the shop you will understand everything the system is truly capable off and from mission menu you will have the guidance you seek.so don't worry and go for it .


okay i will get right on to it ...time is of essence .we will talk later then .


okay bye.

i upgraded the system ..back to back .first used 1 mil point to open shop and then used 10 mil point to upgrade the system a second time and opened mission tab.the shop...was truly marvelous .there was literally everything there but for now i just checked bionic AI section and bought the most expensive one for 100 mil resource points ...anyway i have resources now why not put it to good use ...this AI going to to be my partner for who knows how long.

Ding ...hello host ...i heard a very sweet androgynous voice and saw .i saw a little zerg loli 10 year old manifesting in front of me . i said ..call me mia .....and your name is going to be Alice .Alice said hello mia ....hello everyone lets get along together okay ?? hihihi .okay Alice here is the thing ..i want you to consider all factors like my available resources and current earth's technological state and forces and give me a good plan ...take your time and consider everything thoroughly ....hack everything if you need to .

okay mia but first upgrade your family to zerg prime and then upgrade all of your attribute to max.then you by the zerg combat simulation chamber to go and practice. there you will face any kind of zerg ...protoss or terran the zerg have ever faced and hone your battle tactics and instinct .i think all four of you needs it .one hour outside is one year inside there . after upgrading your attributes to S+ stay in the simulation chamber till you all are at the best you can be for now ...give me tonight to do the planning.

we did everything according to Alice's suggestion.the zerg combat simulation chamber uses spatial technology.....so it is not big outside but the inside is a big space like a planet...we 4 trained there for about 12 years until we reached the pinnacle in everything possible at our current state.when we came out it was about 9 am.we don't get hungry as long as resource points stay enough but that does not sate our craving for taste.i asked mama to cook up some puri and went up to alice to see what was going on .