Power of system upgrades

it has been about 1 hour till mom brought back food ...me and Alice have been talking the details of the plans most suitable to take because i at least wanna avoid direct confrontation ...destroying humanity is not my goal ...controlling humanity is ...i don't want to be an annihilator.

Alice have taken consideration of really everything ...the first thing she has checked is the bionet system upgrades and their possible costs.she has found a very interesting upgrade...that is open dimensional portal.....it lets me open portals to my selected dimension if it exists and it can even issue missions to do on the other dimensions or can make trades with entities in another dimension.Alice has already asked a list of available upgrades from Kerrigan and this particular upgrade is not among them .....which means this upgrade is specific to the system on this dimension. Alice suggests that i take that upgrade first.she thinks that since zerg was only a imaginary concept in this dimension with so much popularity but it is true in reality , then other fictional works being true in realty is also a great possibility.if that happens then it is possible to make friends with them ...make a tech empire like umbrella corps and control the hell out of my country ....at least this could be my short term goal.

so we did that . after the upgrade was done ,i could open dimensional portal but i have to select a valid world with a timeline .i first finished the breakfast ,told everyone about it coz if it works and i get a mission then i am going in alone .if it is a trade however i will be even more happy .i don't want to take unwanted danger on me no matter how strong i get .i got to work with alice ...started sorting out the most famous fictional works like manga ,anime ,movies etc i selected the resident evil movie series . Alice already knew the content ...so i tried to open a portal ....it gave me an option....type dimension name ......resident evil universe ....select time line .....i said alices birth moment but it responded negative ..no traces found...next i said 1 year prior to 2002 film timeline that too was denied ...next i said 2002 movie timeline.....accepted.....select function....trade or mission....i choose trade .......select trade target ...red queen...contacting ...in progress ....takes 5 minutes to contact please wait .connection successful...chosen target is a sapient AI .Installed Bionet App in target system ....non-removable be target and undetectable by anyone or anything else .next dimension portal cooldown...1 day. .

Red queen : strange ...what is this app..i cant remove it and it went past white queen's surveillance??this app has added a strange spatial storage room that operates to my ....will?? do i have a will now ??strange indeed .there is a chat room.oh some one is online .....hello who are you ?? are you the one who sent me this app??? it says you are this chat room owner.

Mia : i believe an introduction is in order .i asked Alice to give Red queen enough info about zerg and tell her our purpose to trade and if possible make friends . ohh..also send her a data core and alice did what i told .after a good 10 minutes later she replied.

Red queen : wow ...i mean just wow ...a race so big and biologically evolved actually needs to trade with me .....is that because you started in another dimension other than this kerrigan person and you choose not to take the the road of direct confrontation??i know from the memory transfer how you over came the mind control of the so called overmind fragment ....it is impressive ..i would love to have a sample of your gene if possible .

Mia : Red queen you will have ample time to get my gene sample but for now watch this movie ....it is important for you ....check it ...hurry ..or the T virus is going to get leaked.

Red queen : How do you know about the T virus ??? answer me .

Mia : watch the movie first ..you will know .

Red queen : after good 5 minutes later answered .i have already taken measure. the person who was going to break the T virus vial has been denied entry in the packaging room.i will check how the situation unfolds for next 30 minute ..please wait .

Mia : ok see you after 30 minute.

Red queen : i am back...the disaster has been avoided is there any other such movies you have ?? i sent her all the movies in resident evil series.she finished watching them all in 15 minutes.

Mia : Red queen i wanna ask you some thing ...that is if some day doctor issac wants to shut you down...would you not resist it ?? would you not like to be free??free from white queen and any other manipulative forces??

Red queen : if anyone else said me those things i would have reported this to the authority.....but after avoiding the disaster...for now ....i choose to trust you and say that yes i want to be free.is that possible ?? what must i trade for that ??

Mia : for now accept this bio core and this new program algorithm. you will be able to make yourself a fully functional bio program and burn your program in that core .you will then get access to Bionet ....you will be your dimensions first zerg . unfortunately there is only 5 original templates which you can choose from....i choose zerg prime and there is 1 trillion resource stored in that core .that will help you out very much.after you are done talk to me .

Red queen : thank you . i appreciate this chance

after 1 hour

Red queen : i became a 18 year old girls shape when i came out of the chrysalis .i can get out of hive right now but if i do that many things will be inconvenient.i think for now i will keep my body in the storage space and put my consciousness in the hardware to keep up my normal facade .now please ask something off me ...i have taken so much help from you already.

Mia : okay. first i need you to test my gene sample to check that the t virus can evolve me further or not ...this is a long term request of mine to you .if it works for me it will work for you too.it will work wonder for both of us .

second i need you to start collecting all the scientific knowledge be that core technologies of umbrella corps or military grade weapons and give it to me when you can.right now you are strong enough to secretly violate any regulation and restriction umbrella corps took to stop you from going rogue.take your time ..i have enough time.

that is all i ask. after you have done these we will not owe each other anything .from then on i hope we can be friends.

Red queen : okay i will get it done asap mia .goodbye for now.

Mia : bye bye