"What do you want to confess" asked the 'Father' while maintaining a smile.
" I drove a bike without license." I replied to him.
" ...you did what?" Asked the 'Father' in a confused manner.
" Nothing. I am here to say that I am a master of this Great Holy Grail War." I said while showing him my command seal. The command seal was similar to the original Ritsuka Fujimaru.
" So you are the master of Saber. But I heard that the one chosen to be was an old man named Kairi Shishigou. Who are you?" The priest asked me seriously. I actually came before Kairi. Because of the map function, I know where and when everything occurs in the original Fate/Apocrypha and I also have a copy of the anime on my phone. So I actually know what might happen in future, what are each person's weakness and their characters. The only problem is that I cant use it forever. The timeline will diverge from original soon as the MC is not there. So no ultimate defense - Plot armor.
" Yes, I am not the one called Kairi Shishigou. My name is Ritsuka Fujimaru. I am here on behalf of the three families who created the holy grail to get revenge. You see, I am the next hair for the Tohsaka family and so I have a responsibility for taking revenge for the Tohsaka. So, Zelretch has helped me to join this war and I stand here as the master of saber. I am here to inform you that my main goal for joining this war is to get my revenge against Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia and his family. Hence I have no wish for the grail. So I will give it to you guys if I win, only when your wish is worthy of it." I introduced my self to the priest.
" My name is Shirou Kotomine. I am the one sent by the church to help the clock tower in this war. This is my servent Assasin. So will you help us during this war?" He asked.
"No. I can't. This is my battle to fight. So, I could not join your red fraction. But that does not mean that we are enemies. Here, this has Important information for regarding the war." I said as I handed over a letter. as I was about to leave.
" Common boy you could join us. we also joined in this war to get our revenge against clock tower. we could use some help of some strong masters like you." The poisoner asked while seductively licking her lips.
'HELL YA I WILL JOIN' I was about to say that but I heard a cough of his saber in their telepathic communication. " sorry I have the worst luck and you guys will be dragged down because of it." I replied to her.
" Are you sure? You going along with your servant will cause us inconveniences and you are also young to fight in this war by yourself," she asked angrily.
'Scary' "Sorry, I can. but I might help you guys when the situation demands" I told as I opened the door. A man with a scar on his face was standing opposite to me. I know who he was
"Hi, Mr.Go_Lion. I am in a hurry, so let's have a good chat when we meet next time" I told as I took of the ran towards the bike and took off at full speed.
" ... Well, that was weird. And to think that the name given by the kid in clock tower spread here. *sigh* are you the one sent by the church. My name is Kairi Shishigou. I am the Master of saber." Kairi told while confused by seeing the confused face of the two people before him.
"What is something weird?" He asked them.
" Yes, it is. The one who left earlier declared himself as the master of Saber with command seals as proof." Shirou told him.
"He might be a master of Black. he only informed us that he is a master of saber but did not give his fraction to us. why don't you check what was in the letter master?" the assassin said.
"Let's see
=> Greetings,
As I informed earlier, my name is Ritsuka Fujimaru. and I am also the master of saber. to be precise, The only master of the white fraction which is formed to fight the Black fraction as I informed you earlier. This meeting was to inform you that as long as you guys stand in my way, I won't hesitate to be your worst nightmare. If your goal is to defeat black fraction then I am your best ally. So decide yourself.
One and only Master of White,
Ritsuka Fujimaru.
P.S. If you don't mind I would like to invite lady assassin for a date. Of course, on the event, if both of us survive the war.<=" Shirou read it.