what class to summon next?

"Are you sure to leave both the master of sabers alone like that?" the assassin of red asked her master.

"Let them go for now. They might be useful in the future." The master replied to her.

"Are you leaving as a duty to your former master, master?" the assassin asked curiously.

"You could also say that. This is the least I could do so that they could take their revenge." Shirou said.

"But what if they turn their back against us. It would be quite problematic for us if we were to face another 7 servants." The assassin asked with concern.

"You heard what he said. he told that he has no wish for the grail. Moreover he is also OK with giving the grail to us. So, why are you worrying?" Shirou was believing Ritsuka would not fight against them.

"But, he said that was only he finds it to be worthy. how are you sure that he finds your wish worthy?" Assassin is still asking her master.

"You heard his reason right? He told that he is for revenge. Which means he understands the pain and suffering that the people experience in their life. And so he is more interested to find a solution so that people would not experience what he experienced. If we explain him of what we wish, he might even join us. I think he will be most suitable successor which if in case our plan fails. Or are you mad at him that he invited you for a date?" Shirou asked curiously.

"No way I would be made for such a silly reason. He is just a mere boy who amuses me by sleeping in this place of all the place existed. If I am mad for this simple attraction of my beauty, how could I become an empress." She said as she simply rejected our MC.

"Though, I am interested in what kind of heroic spirits he summons. How will he be able to sustain them with his limited amount of magical energy? Will his desire for revenge would allow him to summon a unique servant? I am simply curious for his future as much as yours." She completes as an eccentric caster barges into the room informing of their rouge berserker with a smile on his face.

=> You have completed in declaring war against black in red faction. you have gained 1 summon ticket.<=

=>Since you had a good nap in the base of the Red faction under their watchful eyes you gained 1 summon ticket<=

"sweet. Ok do you want to say something saber." I asked my saber.

"Why did you reject the offer of that woman?" she materialized herself as she asked with curiously.

'Cause you threaten me with your cough' was what he wanted to say. " Well, For starters we are not from same faction. so I could not trust them. and also you don't want me near them right?" I asked wanted to know if she will answer like Morderd.

"Good. You are not the fool you appear to be. That woman has the same sent of a witch I know in my lifetime. Those kind of woman are not to be trusted. I am glad that my master is a sensible person at the least." she said with a smile as she disappeared again.

"call me when you need me again master" she said and she disappeared. but this time she didn't sound that distant as before. atleast we are improving our bond. and I am quite happy with it.

"so let's rool this ticket. I want to try something new." I said as I took out something. it was 2 - 3*CE seeker of Miracles.

"Craft Essence activate" I said and they disappeared. I found that I can use 1 of that CE to guarantee a class specific 3* servent at the least. 2 for of that CE for a guarantee class 4* class specific servent and 3 for guarantee class specific 5* servent to be summoned and thank God that I have 2 of them. It is thanks for me observing the name of the CE as I was wondering what I can do with the basically useless CEs.

[basically I roll Fate/Grand Order 3nd Anniversary Guaranteed Summon (Class specific) with summon tickets instead of paid SQ till I get the 4*servent. It is because I need more powerful servents for the war]

I am pondering over what class of servent I must summon.

saber and lancer is not need now as I have them.

as for assassin I think 3* will be good because 3* has more assassin type assassin then fighting type assassin.

caster is not an option as most casters are good support not offensive enough. I want more fire power then support.

Riders and Archers are more preferable I hope.

But Archer are most preferred as they are made up of archers I think.

I am pondering over who to choose.

[comment which class of a 4 or 5 star servent to role for. the story will go based on class you choose and the luck for which servent I summon.]

[one more thing to add, this is gacha so we don't even know what we get. so it is hard to aim for a single servent like king hussan, istar or Arjuna. it is basically depends on my E rank luck so that I choose first 4 or 5 star servent I get in gatcha simulator]