A golden bow and a skull

"It's decided. let's roll a 4* archer class servant. 5* if I am lucky enough. The only 4* archers I remember are EMIYA, Atlanta, and Chiron. So I have a heavy risk not getting useful 4* servants for this war. " I pressed the summon button and pressed archer in the choice menu. [ I have considered your choice. so read completely]

The light goes bright as a golden light joins it. As a goldern Archer comes out with Archer Back cover showed front. As the archer fades an almost nude girl with a massive bow appears in the card.

I felt a tear dropped from my eyes in happiness. The servent Archer I just got is one of the very best archers in the game. It is the 5-star archer Ishtar. Though I belong to the Ereshkigal group, I must admit that Ishtar is a very good archer. I now have some of the very best three Knight class servents, I am confident that I can solo both sides.

I also rolled another summon ticket, which I got was another gold light. then the card reveals itself. It is an assassin card. Immediately I felt my heart stop. It was not because of happiness, It was because of a trauma I experienced while playing FGO.

Once, I was rolling for Sherlock Holmes in the Murder at the KOGETSUKAN event. That was the last day for the banner, the day I experienced hell. I rolled on the day where there were 10 servants who had rate ups. 1 -> 5* servent, 4 -> 4*servent, 5 -> 3* servant. In that banner 2, 4* assassin servants were there. One was Yan Qing. He was not the one who caused me nightmare. It was another one, Stheno. I summoned 4 copies of her in a single roll. Not 1 or 2, but 4 of them that to this useless goddess all I got.

Praying God for some kindness I looked to who I got. After looking at that I cried. It was not tears of sorrow, by the one of joy. The one I got is none other than "The Old Man of the Mountain" in flesh and bone.

With this, I already won this war!

A saber servant who is capable of kicking of Hercules himself like a football.

A Lancer who is not one but 15 in number, each strong on their own, and most importantly they don't have the main curse of lancers - the LUCK.

An Archer who uses Venus as an arrow.

An Assassin who is good than the most powerful knight of round table - Gawain, in the swordsmanship. and has a Presence Concealment where he can hide while standing next to you and also can a minute chance to instakill with just normal attack.

The only thing I am missing is The Caster, Rider, and Berserker. For Rider Medusa is Ok. I have no berserker and for Caster, I have Charles Babbage and Gilles. I will go with Gilles because of his obsession with a certain ruler. But I will hold these 2 servents for now because who knows what I might summon in the future.

"Or right the summoning incantation.

Legendary spirits from across time and space,

Heroes who save mankind time and time again,

I summon to me now ...

Aid me as I murder-death-kill!"

As two goldern lights appear before me now. A tsundere servent and a bony servent appears before me.

"The goddess Ishtar has come in response to your summons.

As the Goddess of Beauty, I rule over Venus, but also govern fertility, war, and destruction, so you had best respect me deeply... "A self-proclaimed goddess introduced herself to me.

"Fear not, contractor. The Old Man of the Mountain hath come in answer to thy summons. I have no name. Address me as thou wilt" The servant who has a blue fire instead of eyes introduces himself.

"I am your master Ritsuka Fujimaru. You can call me Ritsuka if you want and I am the one and only master of the white fraction of this great holy grail war." I introduced myself to my 2 new servents.

"These are my two already summoned servants, The saber of White" As saber appears "And the Lancer of White" as Lancer appears. I also said their true name to them.

"Tonight we are going to have a look over our enemies so take a good rest. You will find some Interesting servants to fight with." I said as the Saber, Lancer and Assassin disappears.

"You want to say something?" I asked Ishtar as she was sitting in her heavenly boat.

"Yes, we still did not sign our contract. here kiss my feet to denote that the contract is complete." She says as she extends her leg.



[This time only I will make an exception in the gacha and only for King Hassan. Ishtar is from gacha simulator.

Guys I am happy to announce to you guys that I finally managed to beat the Soloman singularity. Actually, Solomon is the singularity that I took the shortest time to complete, without skipping the story and credits of course.

I will usually take a minimum of 2 weeks for a singularity, including Fuyuki because I like to read the full story, and playing the game continuously is hard. But I needed to complete the Solomon so I have another 10 SQ for 10 x pull summoning Skadi.

This time, I used different logic to try to summon her. First, I did the 10 x friend summon for about 50 times from the FP given by the event. By doing this the game will see me like only drawing 3* and below CE and servants for a long time. So, if I suddenly changed from friend point summon to Skadi summon, It might give me a chance to summon her as I did not draw any 4* and above CE and servants for a very long time in the gacha recently. I simply did this as my final hope to summon her. But the Gacha gods heard my request and I FINALLY SUMMONED SKADI.

I am very happy about this as I almost forget another hell waiting for me. Keyword - 'almost' forget about it. I forget about the materials I need to form to max level her and her skills. and what the hell are these materials? where the hell can I get them now? Till ascension 2 no problem but after that, I need the hearts and the ice. And so I stuck in another despair situation but still, I am very happy to summon her. I am going to take a temporary break from the game and logging for login rewards only.]