New set of servants

I watched as 3 servant cards burning down animation in his phone as the skills integrate within him. He felt the power flowing through him as he feels the new magic resistance C rank skill becomes a passive skill. He had a wide grin in his face as he felt confident in taking mages all by himself. Now he needs to summon 3, 3 * servants of different classes to help him train and scout the forest. He also needs a servant who can help him inside the forest, who is more familiar with forest life like how to find food, how to hunt, finding shelter avoiding danger, and many things.

Scouting the forest and the city is as important as training because how can I complete the mission without knowing where the Chimera is? I also need to know my future planes outside the forest. Hence I made up my mind to summon the servants.

The three servants I like to summon in this situation are Hassan of the Hundred Personas, a person who is very good for scouting even though her combat ability is week. She can scout both within the forest and also outside the forest and can also create an information network with which, I can learn what is happening around me all while protecting me in shadows.

Hōzōin Inshun, the lancer servant who's sphere techniques are said to reach the level of gods and buddhas. He is a monk who cannot speak anything aside from spear and will die if he can't talk about them. He is a servant who realis on spear technique for fighting and I can learn it from him. To fight against the beast-like Chimera, it is best to maintain a distance and be agile. Something, which a spearman should have. And also, the weapon I prefer is a lance. I like to be a lancer than a saber or a sword-using archer. Wait! my luck is also low like them. damn.

The third one who I like to summon is Robin hood. The archer class servant, who is very helpful in this forest. He can also help me in teaching traps which I can place before the battle which will help me tremendously. But unfortunately, my gacha luck is bad as I did not get him yet.

Hence I decided to summon Caster Cu instead. He is after all known by another name, 'The sage of the forest'. His luck is also not that terrible that he would die in a few days. He also uses runes as a main source of magecraft. I can ask him to teach me those. Runes are more flexible kinds of magecraft which will be helpful in many scenarios. He can also help me by teaching me how to use a sphere.

So the plan is Hassan will scout and gather info, while lancer and caster will be teaching me to use lance and Rune magecraft and also helping me get used to the forest.

"System summon me the 3* servants Hassan of the Hundred Personas, Hōzōin Inshun, and Caster Cú Chulainn. Now," I told as I started with my traditional summoning chant

"Legendary spirits from across time and space,

Heroes who save mankind time and time again,

I summon to me now ...

Aid me as I murder-death-kill!"

102 summoning circles appeared before be as my new set of servants appears from it. (For Hassan it takes 100 summoning circles)

"Now that you have command over the army of shadows, victory is at hand. You can rest easy now, Master. " Hassan said proudly as she represented all the hundred assassins. All hundred were Kneeling before me.


Lancer, Houzouin Inshun.

Pleased to meet you. " My lancer introduced himself casually.

"Oops! I guess this time I am materialized as a Caster?

Caster servant, Cú Chulainn here, use me as you see fit." My caster servant also introduced himself casually.

"Hello guys, my name is Ritsuka Fujimaru. I am your master. As you guess, we are not in the same world where you had lived. This is a world that even Zelretch has yet to explore. I have summoned you all so that you can help me explore this world. Can you help me? we could also have a good adventure in these unknown lands. What do you say?" I asked my servants whether they are ok to be summoned.

"No problem master. I can test out my sphere which is said to have abilities to pierce gods and buddhas and find out where I stand among the top fighters of this world. So don't worry master. You can rely on me to fight any opponents you want as I will be your spear." My new lancer Inshun had declared it with the joy of testing his spear skills.

"We have pledged our loyalty to you just now master. We are nothing more than your tools and as such, there is no need for you to ask such a question master. But we are also joyed by your concern master." The same Hassan woman answered in tall of their behalf.

"Oh! a new world to explore! Count me in master. Though I would love to have my spear in this exploration, I can use rune magecraft quite well. So relay on me when you have any situation arises." Cu said with enthusiasm.

"OK then lets set out the adventure in this new land!" I declared with a bright smile in my face