"OK then lets set out the adventure in this new land!" I declared with a bright smile on my face as I slowly started to feel dizzy. My head started to spin as my servants saw me struggling and realized what happened. They immediately have gone to their sprit form as I felt relief but only sight. I took out my phone and checked what had happened.
=> Congratulations,
you have discovered that mana is something abundant in this world and therefore the possibilities of people using magic are high. You have also found the limit of mana your body has. The Mana parameter has unlocked. you have sacrificed a few of your health to summon and sustained your servants. The health parameter is unlocked. displaying your health and mana.
Ritsuka Fujimaru
HP: 98 / 150
MP: 00 / 150
Some of your skills also consume. The estimated mana cost is calculated.
Paranoia C++ -> MP cost: 250
Eternal Arms Mastership A+ -> MP cost: 180
Summoning your servants also cost MP.
Due to Zelretch's work, the MP cost is greatly reduced.
The estimated cost of summoning 3* servants cost -> 200 MP.
Maintaining 1 3* servant cost -> 3 MP /sec
Your blood is found special, which helps you convert 1 HP to 10 MP
You can increase your HP and MP as you train your self both physically and spiritually.<=
"Holy duck, The adventure came to a sudden halt! without making improvements in my MP status everything is screwed. If I had known this earlier, I would have asked for the unlimited mana reservoir with Heaven's feel magic! I missed heaven's feel! nooo." I got very depressed ignoring the obvious thing.
I had wasted more time as I go through of the list of servants, CEs, and anything which would help me. And it helped me! I found Heaven's Feel - 5* CE which I got earlier. How did I miss this out? There are no instructions on how to use it or what to use it on. So I thought to start with a simple approach. I took the 5* CE in my hand.
"Integrate the third magic - Heaven's Feel with the help of Heaven's Feel - 5* CE." I commanded as it shines with bright light and a voice came out. It asked me to sacrifice any 7 servants which I have so that it would get enough Mana to pass on the magic. After all the holy grail war is fought to sacrifice 7 servants to make the grail have enough power and let Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern who's part of soul inside grail can pass on her third magic to the later generations. This is also why Einzbern's are so adamant to win the war as it is their ancestor's magic which should rightfully belong to them according to them.
So I need to sacrifice 7 servants now. What the hell? My servants number are decreasing drastically. First for the skill, now for the third magic. but this is a necessary cost without which I can not make any improvements. So let's select the servants.
Lu Bu Fengxian - 3* Berserker X 3
David - 3* Archer
Charles Babbage - 3* Caster
Alexander - 3* Rider X 2
Total of 7 servants. The choice is the servants who more abundant in nature. I had 4 Lu Bu and 3 Alexander for god's sake! I still one copy of each I choose to sacrifice and these servants are common drops in gacha thanks to my luck. These 7 cards came out of my phone as they have gone and merged with the light of heaven's feel. Then the light becomes more bright and becomes a golden light as it merged with me slowly.
=> Congratulations, You have acquired the third magic!
Title obtained
Owner of the Third Magic:
You have successfully completed Heaven's feel ritual and obtained the third magic!
Effect: Can perform miracles that can be performed by heaven.
Skill obtained
Heaven's Feel EX :
Type: Passive / Active
Passive: You are having access to an unlimited amount of mana. But your only restriction is your body. You can perform a spell which costs more mana than your body can handle. For example: Using a spell like your Paranoia C++ which costs 250 MP with your current body which can only have 150 MP is not possible even when you sacrifice your HP for missing 100 MP. But you can cast it as many as possible ones you reach 250 MP without a drop in HP. Your body's MP holding rate will increase at a high rate than before. Your HP regeneration rate is now 5% of total HP /Sec. You can not truly die until your soul truly dies.
Active: At your current familiarity with the magic, you can only create a body for yourself once you die as it will be done subconsciously by your soul. It takes 15 days by your soul to reconstruct your new body when you die. The time will reduce with your familiarity with the magic and you can start to perform many kinds of miracles after a certain level. <=
Good. Now the main problem is settled, we can go for other problems, to increase my HP and MP. I asked my phone as it said that both HP and MP will increase with good physical training. So, I should go with my current plan then. I asked them to come to physical form as they appeared with concern to my health. I had told them not to worry about that and told them I become the third magician. They were happy as I assigned them to various tasks.
Assassin -> to scout the forest and build a house together with caster till house is constructed. I also left them the decision of choosing the spot. Finding food and water is also their responsibility.
Caster -> to Construct a house and make a bounded field around the house using magecraft And also help me train in both runes and lance.
Lancer -> To train me. After seeing many Chinese monk movies I thought to give this monk a chance to train me in the spear and physical strength in both his and Shaolin temple style. Time for some KungFu babe~
And so my hell starts.