[Still, now I avoided using CEs as I was so lazy to sort them out and making the list of all the CEs I have after the Gacha pulls. But now, I made a small program that compiles the list of all the servants and CEs I have and gives that as my output. So basically, the "Servants and CE's list. updated on (07/08/20)" Chapter which is in the "VOLUME000 Auxiliary Volume" is the output of my program so that I don't have to worry about counting all the servants and CEs and proceed with the gacha summon and wasting all CEs and so on. So, let's begin the story.]
"You guys are really a slave-driver, but I won't complain though because I have tremendously improved in my HP, MP, and spear skills, so I must thank you guys instead of complaining. Today lets kill this Chimera that has caused so much to the surrounding villages and start our journey to the outside world of this forest" I said to my servants as we started to head towards the Chimera that we decided to slay.
"Do not mention thanks master, Instead I should be happy that I get to have someone alive who I can share my techniques, Though I only taught you spear for a day. And not only that I also got me a companion to discuss the new ideas and concept in using spears." My lancer as thanking me that I summoned him with the Caster Cu, so that he can talk with him about spears and their beauty. This lancer can only talk about spears and nothing else. After the 5 days of intense workout, my lancer and caster decided to teach me how to use the spear. For now, they had mainly taught my 2 very basic things in the spear.
One, the straight thrust. They told me that that will be my main source of dealing damage to the opponent which I will face today. They showed how to thrust the spear into the opponent. all the leg movements and how each and every muscle must move. Then they made me thrust a stick into a huge pile of sand that was dug out. They had made it difficult by adding a rune in all the places which restrict my movement. They told me to thrust it for a straight 8 hours. Damn! that was one hell of farming that I had to do. But now I can easily cut down a tree with the thrust.
Two, How to flip attack using the spear. Same as before they started it by showing me the stance and explaining each and every movement. This flip is helpful in many ways. Mainly my caster showed me his favorite flip. The one which makes a completed 360 degree turn and attack with the force generated by it. This can be used to confuse some inexperienced fighters. Since many nubs will attack immediately when you turn your back, this attack will catch them off-guard. The enemies will near you to attack only for them to be attacked in their back because of the length of the spear which can reach their back before they reach you. This technique was thought for 5 hours.
After that, today morning, we started sparing so that I know when to attack and when to move till 3 P.M. After 1-hour rest we are here now.
"Though the lancer is annoying me all the time with the spears, he gave me many new ideas for using them. My only regret is that I am not summoned with my spear that I cannot test these ideas and inspiration. But I have to give you this master, You are having a talent in using runes. So don't stop practicing the runes after this mission you are given." My caster is still sad that he is not having his Gae Bolg. After constructing the house he started to teach me runes as I was doing the daily build-ups. I only have learned the basics of using rune. I can cast Ansuz - The rune which can be used to create fire. But With my current skill, I can only produce a spark. Caster had encouraged me saying that I will start using a good version of it in a week or 2.
"Master, You need to move fast. The adventures are started to move from La Vesay town to the forest. They have also decided to kill that monster today, master. It seems that the reinforcements that they waited for have arrived. So, I recommend you to move fast." One of the hundred Hassan has informed me. My assassins have spread through the forest and found the town of La Vesay. They have infiltrated the town to gain more information about this world. It seems that there is a similar system to the levels and stats. My phone cant produces my status until it observed the stat of another person in this world. To be more precise, My HP and MP stats are just like a prototype. It means that 1 HP of my phone might be equal to 10 HP of this world or 0.1HP of this world. It generated HP and MP just to keep a track of it so I won't kill myself by spending too much without knowing how much I spent. So, this time it will only generate my other stat after I, at least saw stat of 1 person together with his strength.
Speaking of the HP and MP, during these few days I gained a good amount of it.
=>Ritsuka Fujimaru
HP: 4000/4000
MP: 6000/6000 <=
Back to the topic at hand, There are also guilds, adventurers, quests, and dungeons all around the world! La Vesay is one of the towns where intermediate adventurers stay. There are many dungeons surrounding this town which is the main source of income. Monsters are mainly found from the dungeons. There are a few monsters nests that can be found outside the forest but they are rare and are quite strong than the counterpart found in the dungeon.
Now La Vesay has a major problem. It is the same Chimera that I need to kill. This Chimera blocked many trade routes to the town and has also attacked the town 4 times in these 7 days. The adventures managed to hold it off while getting injured. Many must have died during those attacks but Assassin had saved everyone from being killed and become the urban legend, 'Skull Masked Hero of La Vesay' coming with various shapes and sizes. They have requested high-level adventures to help with this problem but they are claiming a huge fortune as a reward that these people cant afford. But it seems a kind soul has accepted their request.
We are close to the place that Chimera sleeps. Let me equip my CE's now. First I equipped with the Bronze-Link Manipulator - 3 * CE. This CE gives me the Bronze Link Manipulator which I can readily use in a battle. This is something similar to the octopus-like a drone that Doctor Octopus form the spiderman used. This drone is not something which can affect the users' mind like in Spiderman 2 but will obey each and every command. I need to only ware the controller gloves and attack the drones on my back and it is ready to go. For this battle, I will use 2 of these 4 arms(drones) to attack with a magic bullet machine gun. and the other 2 for defense and mobility if needed.
My next CE is Divine Construct - 3 * CE. I decided to use this because Chimera needs a few high-level adventurers of this world to deal with it. So, for a nub like me, a good weapon is needed to do some good damage to it. I thought of a spear as the CE card turned into a spear. I don't know what power this spear has but since this is a Divine Construct, I think it will be good. One thing to note is that this will be destroyed at the end of battle like the bronze-Link Manipulator.
Next CE is The greatest counter trump card - Fragarach - 3 * CE. This weapon is an ultimate Counter trump weapon that one can get. Normally, this will be like a tennis ball-sized marble which I need to let it fly beside me. I can use this weapon in a few ways. One way is to attack them simply without any conditions. In this way, this weapon is similar to a C-D rank NP. But the other way of using this makes it is way more deadlier. If I activate it in that mode, It will be just flying beside me in the marble form. It wouldn't do anything. Just stays there. But, when the enemy activates/uses their trump card ( in servants case their NP ) then it will go back in time just before the opponent activates/uses the trump card and stabs their heart like Gae Bolg of Cu. moreover, its rank will be equivalent to that of Gae Bolg, rank A. The opponent cannot use their trump card in 99% of the cases because they are killed before they use it! The 1% usage of trump cards is because of NP like Gae Bolg itself. Because the Gae bolg reflects cause and effect, that is it attacks at the time it is activated and Fragarach also a time type weapon which ultimately causes paradox, which results in both sides getting stabbed in their heart.
Last but not the least, I ate the favorite food of the world's favorite priest, mainly FGO players, The one and only kirei kotomine's favorite food, and FGO player's favorite food, The legendary Extremely Spicy Mapo Tofu. This CE while eating gives me a buff of 100% healing rate up for next 3 hours! This is op with my Heaven's feel passive. Currently, I have 4000 HP and Heaven's feel heals me at the rate of 5% of max HP/sec, which is 200 HP/sec as its passive. with this buff, I get another 200 HP/sec bonus heal! A total of 400 HP/sec - 10% Of Max HP/sec. Another thing to note is that the buff is stackable. This means if I eat another Extremely Spicy Mapo Tofu after this one, I will get another 100% of already boosted HP! Which means the 400 HP/sec becomes 800 HP/sec! or in other words 20% of Max HP/sec regen! Imagine what will happen if I get a Monstrous stat in HP with these buff with unlimited mana pool?
So, I ate my Mopo Tofu then equipped the Golden Millennium Tree - 4 * CE on the phone. I can equip only 1 CE on the phone and it will grant similar effects in the real battle and will not be destroyed after use. In this CE's case, It will increase my Max HP by 300 per minute till an extra 3000 HP at the end of the 10th minute. Which means an extra 3000 HP! Then my total HP is 7000 HP with 1400 HP/sec regen! I am a tank with unlimited mana now! Fuahahahahaha.
Now let's start the battle. I got a message form the assassin that the party for slaying the chimera is nearing. So, that means that I need to act fast. I instructed both my lancers, sorry I mean my lancer and caster to not to interfere my battle whatever happens. I also asked them to keep an eye on the party and interfere with them if they try to interfere with my battle.
Since the chimera is sleeping, I get the first chance. I asked the phone to analyze its HP value the same way it did to me. I did a fast analysis and said that it has about 47,000 HP. It also said to me that it originally had 150,000 HP and it seems it is affected by some poison or curse or whatever it is. Good to me because if it had its full HP value, it will be a very long battle to fight.
So, my first move. I slowly as stealthy as possible, gone behind the sleeping chimera. had gotten into the straight stabbing stand. Took a deep breath as I remembered the words of Shirou of an original novel, whoever the opponent is, they will always have an opening to exploit. So, why should I not exploit it? or something like that. She even got and nickname a**-destroying princess. I will start my fight with the advice of a particular nanomancer / celestrial empress. There is also an important line, mercy to enemy is cruelty to yourself. I forget who said this. There is also another famous quote, people die when they are killed. Oh, sorry wrong situation to mention the line.
"SPECIAL ATTACK! the spear that pierces through the heaven! pierce him!" I said as I thrust into his weakest point. I immediately retreated with the help of a bronze-link manipulator. I got a notification that I managed to land a critical hit with a critical attack up in no defense area, and landed a hit which took 25,000 HP! Oh my god, this is cool! ... wait why I an shouting like a black beard caster?
I started to bombard it with magic bullets form the 2 arms of bronze-link. these bullets are only causing 1HP damage with 5 hits. It seems that it has heavy magic resistance. Meanwhile, the beast was suffering from great pain and humiliation that the small pain from the bullets seems like a gentle breeze. It slowly recovered as it fixed its blood-red color eyes towards me. it seems like it went into some kind of madness enchantment because of my attack. Hay it is not my mistake that you are exposing your weakness.
I attacked with a dash that I managed to dodge because of the bronze-link but one of its arms is gone. It is very fast. It's one slash is enough to bring a tree down. So it has decent strength. I am bombarding it with magic bullets form the other arm of the bronze-link as I use the 2 others to dodge and move away from its attack. I am now using the delay tactics now while trying to do as much damage as possible. this will tire it out easily as it is using its full strength and doesn't hold anything back because of its rage. yes, come to me with all you got! I will evade you thanks to the lancer and caster training. Do you know? I have seen hell because of you. Now come. I was yelling in my mind as am placing safety as my first line.
This cat and mouse game continued for another 15 min as I brought its health to 8K. During this time I received quite a lot of damages. Each of its hit took 4,500HP - 5,000 HP. but I healed fully within 3.5 sec. If I did not equip my Golden Millennium Tree CE and increased my health to 7,000 HP or did not eat the Kirei's favorite food twice, I would have died! But thank god that I did those. And thanks again that its attack speed is low that I can heal. And other thanks that It took around 3-4min to recover form the special attack that I managed to get my max HP to a good level. now the beast is worn out and my bronze- link is completely damaged, I will start my next wave. I started to fight with the chimera in close range. But now it is revealing its another attack, to shoot flame thrower from its tail. Damn, I was nearly caught off guard. But thanks to that I activated the Eternal Arms Mastership A+ at the start of close-range fight I managed to evade. Earlier it couldn't use that flame thrower as I was on the constant move for it to aim.
The battle continued till it had only 1.5K HP left as my Eternal Arms Mastership A+ got on CD. Its legs slowly got weaken as it slowly got unconscious. Ok, let's finish it with a stab to its heart. As I was about to stab it, It got the attack with its hand bringing its HP to 900 HP. But I saw domething strange, It smirked? then it suddenly exploded. Only if it exploded. sorry buddy, you will only pay penalty for using your trump card without using it. my Fragarach which I placed earlier attacked you. after you use explosion it attacked you before using explosion preventing you from using explosion. so no art buddy. I gave a smirk looking at its shoked face as it died.