The Party

[All the new characters, school names are chosen with the random name generator. I am too bad in naming so let me settle with the random generator again. *sigh* I think this story is filled with random things and I have a thing for random generator...]

"Again why are we here visiting these filthy peasants area Ryou?" A blond beauty dressed in a very expensive dress sitting in a luxurious carriage. She was the only one sitting in it. There was also a lion and a wolf sleeping near her in the carriage.

"Ms.Nora Deleon, we are here to take a test for you and your party members so that they can be qualified as the first-class adventurers or high-rank adventurers when you and your party members graduate from the academy. This mission needs your party including you to defeat a B-rank and the higher monster by yourselves. While you can defeat the monster in the dungeon, it will be weak and no one knows about the party killing the monster as it is a very common thing in the dungeon. So, If we do something like killing the chimera that is haunting that mid-rank adventurer's village, you can both complete the qualification test in the academy and also gain frame which is useful for you when you challenge for your rights to the throne. To be frank, to defeat that chimera, we need at least 7-8 level 60's adventurers to complete this mission. But your party consists of prodigies who can fight 10 levels above them with an average level of about 50. I have confidence that your party can win this fight. By the my, You must either call me teacher or Mr.Ryou when you are still studying in the school princess." A masked man appears near the wagon and informs to the girl who is apparently one of the princesses of the kingdom, Robrium.

"Is that the only reason Ryou? I thought that you also need to boost the reputation of the Acadamy by doing the task that no adventurers there to do that too when the rewards are very low compared to the risk we take. Not only that you also want to scout more talents for the academy. Maybe my guesses were wrong. What do you think Ryou?" The princess is apparently capable of thinking it seems though she acts high and mighty, she has some brains to compensate for it. but her brawls are currently lacking. She is only a level 35 student who can actually consider as a genius. But it is only a borderline genius. compared to other members of her party and the genius in the world, she is just above average. But her class makes up for it.

She is a spirit mage, one of the rare class, the class which calls for various sprits and have them fight. The people in this class usually tend to have a low level as they will simply sit back and let their spirits do the fight and give the last hit. So they will get only 25% of the exp and the remaining 75% goes to the spirit which did the fighting. As a princess of a nation, she got the best spirits in the nations through various means, and lion and wolf were 2 of her spirits she keeps around. Both the spirits level are 57 and 56 respectively. Nora is like a pokemon trainer who wants to collect all the best pokemon including the legendary ones.

"That is also one of the reasons. But go you want to fight the chimera or the B-rank monster in the dungeon?" Ryou asked the princess as she is the one commanding the party.

"Chimera is the type of monster that can be either found in the dungeon or created by some dark adventurers. This chimera is clearly created and is been allowed to roam inside my kingdom. It is the responsibility of our royalty and nobles who are under our rule to save their sorry excuse ass so that they can serve us. And I am not going to allow any of these peasants to simply die without any purpose under my watch. Let's kill that monster and find who created it and torture him for his impudence."

"let's hurry up. The more we delay the more peasants will die. Inform the rest of the party to get ready so that they can start the hunt immediately after we arrived to the location. Wait. I will store this wagon in my inventory. we are going to town together in one wagon with my party. If the dark adventurer finds that I arrived to that small town for this problem then he will immediately hide and retreat which will cause more headaches. Inform the nobles in the second wagon to store their wagon and join me in the third wagon." The princess ordered and proceeded to disembark the carriage and store it in her inventory.

Ryou Emmerich, their teacher who accompanied them to monitor the party and make sure that they were safe only noded at Nora and flickered immediately like the ninjas from naruto. he is an assassin class instructor at The Blessed Academy of the world tree, one of the top 3 academies present in the Robrium Kingdom. The party he safeguards consists of 12 adventurers form different classes, which has 1 royalty, 5 nobles, and 6 commoners. They are also discriminating against each other by making each class sit in their own carriage The Robrium Kingdom is a nation that focuses on social standing and power, though it is a nation that does not support slavery even though it has a very strict hierarchy. If you are born in a lower standing, then you need to get strong that you can get seats in the higher standing or else must be suffering from humiliation and must be living in fear of the high-class people, mainly the people living in the capital of the nation. This is the kind of nation Robrium kingdom. The people of this nation didn't raise an objection to this kind of society because it is a lot better than many nations and the only person who can actually object are those who have the strength to support it. But the person who had achieved that strength has no need to object the system because he/she will be recognized and they along with the family gets the status equal to low rank noble and can start their growth in the rank and standing of the family.

The noble has always had a hard time in society and must see to their level. If 3 consecutive generations of the family head do not have their level meeting the standards of the ranking they will get demoted or lose their standing as nobles. A commoner getting noble title means that he is getting rich overnight and if a noble becomes commoner they will be getting poor overnight. Not only that if someone important in the family found corrupted or using dark arts, then the whole family has a very high risk of losing their title.

Ryou made his way to the second carriage to inform them of the princess's decision. The second carriage consists of nobles. There are only a few noble families that had retained their noble status from the foundation of the kingdom. there are 2 of such families in the carriage, a space mage, and a fire mage. Both families had developed their own specialty. Augusta Mcgrath, the void mage who comes from one of the highest nobility of the country, The Mcgrath family. The Mcgrath family always retained the position of the Duke of the nation by having the level 75+. This family practice space magic, one of the most feared classes in the world. Whenever the family head of this family heads to war, the enemies will automatically retreat because how can win the battle when they can't even scratch the opponent?

Augusta is the second son of the family. Every day he is thanking the space god that he was not born as the first son. Because being the first son means that he must always concentrate on getting stronger and stronger and become a muscle head who can't think anything other than fighting and getting addicted to the training. He is happy and content with being the second son as he can practice and get strong in leisure which greatly annoys his brother. He is very happy and content with his life. He is actually lev 59 despite leisurely leveling up.

If one asks him what is the thing he complains in his life, he will say nothing. But he will be saying to himself that being engaged to the second princess, Nora is the only thing he regrets in his life. It is not because she lacks beauty or something. It is because of the well-known fact on the kingdom except for royalty that almost all the members of the royal family are Tsundere. Not only that they are also very overprotective of each other even though they appear to fight for the throne. If he married Nora, then he will be struck with the tsundere royal family, the hell he doesn't want to see. It was something his brother suggested. From the other point of view, it looks like a kind brother who is helping his little brother but the real intention is that his brother wants him to suffer in something together with him.

There are 2 ways that this arranged marriage can be canceled. 1.- Either of the 2 dies, the one which he doesn't want to happen. If by any case Nora dies, he will be the first one taken to questioned. If he dies, he dies. that's it. 2.- If Nora by any miracle falls in love with someone, he gets to be free. But, he doubts that will happen. So, the did the next best thing, to give in and accept his future.

The other high standing noble is Raffaella Aina, a fire mage lev 56. She is as hot as her fire and has beautiful long red hair. She comes from the Aina family. The Aina families fire magic is the strongest fire mage present in the kingdom. Her family is having the rank of Baron, the position next to Duke. The minimum level requirement is lev 70+. Raffaella is the only heir of the Aina family. Because of being the only heir, she can't be married to any higher or equal standing family as she will inherit that family name, which means that the Aina family ends there. So, she needs to look for a worthy commoner or start-up noble as her marriage partner. Since the choice is many the family let her choose her partner but must be worthy of inheriting the family name. Sadly, she finds none good enough to stand next to her.

The other three nobles are Godwine Ofek, A swordsman with lev 53. Johannes Paderau, An alchemist with lev 42. Wesley Ryan, A support class with lev 48.

"The princess asked you all to disembark for the carriage and join the third one. She prefers to do the mission in as quietly and quickly as possible." Their assassin teacher comes and informs them about the next phase of action and disappears after that.

"That our ninja teacher. Coming and going like a wind." Augusta joked as he ordered the wagon to stop moving.

"Should we really join those peasants in that carriage?" Johannes asked warily.

"Na, let's stay here. why should we join those filthy peasants?" Wesley asked.

"So are you going to disobey the person who is both the party leader and the royal princess? Then you stay here and while we three go. Honestly, why were we paired with you two?" The swordsman Godwine said as he jumped down from the carriage.

"I find it comfortable with the other then you two so if you excuse me, I will join the rest of the party. " Raffaella said as she followed Godwine.

"Do what you want. But when you disembark from the carriage save it safely in the inventory. But, If I find even a single scratch, you both are responsible and must buy me a new one. After all, you both are 'all-mighty nobles' that think that they can do anything right? Wait! this scratch near Wesley, who did this? Did you do it? Are you ready for a debt for your life?" Augusta just joked as both ran away from the carriage.

"Those fools, they are just barking dogs, damaging all the real Noble's name." Augusta just shook his head as he puts his carriage into the inventory.

"And Nora, you need to be honest with yourself. you just needed an excuse to travel together with the party." Augusta again shook his head.