chapter 28

where do you think has the most security?" brian asked.

"Where?" Will and Vic asked.

"who you think wizards trust their price possession, money and gold-"

"Gringotts" teddy and Vanessa said at the same time.

"Hell yeah, it might be in Gringotts if not in Hogwarts," Oliver said.


"Gringotts" Will said, "but isn't Gringotts closed for normal witches and wizards"

"yeah damn will is right, only the ministry of magic authority can go in" brian said.

"that's why, it's closed for normal witches and wizards, so that's why a thing like that locket can be there" Oliver explained

"but how will we know which vault it will be in?" Vic asked.

"hell which vault, how we will go inside?" Oliver said while looking teddy and Vanessa.

"who was the last person to use that?" teddy asked.

"Hermione" brain replied, "it's written in the book"

"so it can be in her vault" William said.

"I don't think so Will it can't be in her vault, it's something which gets you back in time, things like that are under ministry's possession" teddy said while sitting on the couch followed by vic, will and Brian.

"Oliver use your brain, rather than walking here and there" brian said who was frustrated by seeing Oliver walking back and forth.

"shut up I'm trying"

"but I have one question?" Will said, "why that locket was used first of all?"

"nice question will" Oliver said stills walking back and forth.

"I don't know in book it's written it was to save a innocent life, but didn't mention who it was" Vic replied going through pages.

"innocent life?" brain repeat "who it was?, that they went back in time to save?"

"brain right, going back in time to save someone, that person might be important" teddy said looking at his friends who had confused faces on themselves.

"that's what I'm trying to find in this book, but it's not written or hinted at who it was" Vic said, "I think it's someone close, someone special,-"

"someone who needed help-" William said

"or someone who was trapped?" Vanessa continued, all started to look at her.

"someone who was trapped?" Oliver said while standing up and looked at vanessa.

"who can be trapped?" vic asked.

"that is what we have to find, who was trapped, who was that innocent life that they went back in time to save"

"vic, is there any year written like what year they used that locket or anything?" Oliver asked who was reading that page.

"no, it's not" viv replied.

"what you kids are doing?" the six Gryffindor looked where the voice came from, the voice belongs to Ron who was standing on the door.

"h-hey uncle Ron" Vic said.


hello long time no seen, I hope you guys are doing well

well 100 collection Ohhh My goddddd, thank you everyone who has stick around till now

I appreciate it.