Adelle Wu

"....." Touches her face. 'Did my face really changed that much?'

"Wait pretty look like my sissy Bella, are you relatives?"asked with a raspy voice.

"...." while her mouth opened seemed to talk but nothing came out. She then reaches a glass of water with a straw and fed Adelle.

"Pretty girl, you smell nice. What's your perfume? It's a sweet and fruity smell."

Bella froze. She didn't put on any perfume after bathing and sweated like a dog when she ran earlier. She didn't notice the smell and tried smelling her armpit. It smells pleasant! Is it related to the upgrade? Wait, this is not important right now!

"YAh Adelle, I haven't seen you for a while and you didn't recognize your own sister!!!"

"!!!!!!!!" Adelle gaped with her mouth open. "Bella it's you!!!! But how?"

Then Bella told her about the phone call, what happened till now.

"What the heck were you doing roaming outside on working hours?"

Adelle looked at the ceiling and seemed to recall something sad. "I quit my job three days ago. I didn't want to tell you and worry you for nothing...."

Bella stayed silent and listened.

Adelle was an orphan. Her mother died giving birth to her. Her father fell ill when she was 5 years old and later also died. Her relatives were also poor, so they didn't want to raise her, so they left her at the orphanage. After she was old enough to work, she started saving for college since the orphanage supports them till they finish high school. But since she also helped the kids like her, she could save enough 3 years later. So when she entered university, she was older than Adelle.

They met when she entered university. One night, Bella was heading to the dormitory from a part-time job. On the way, she met three drunk guys.

"Heeyyyy baby, what's up? Wanna hang out with us?" said guy one looking maliciously at her.

"No, thanks!" She tried to evade them. But guy two grabbed her hand.

"Why are you running? Common, where good guys hang out with us and you'll never regret it." Guy one and three laughed.

When she was about to kick the guy's groin. A shadow suddenly passed in front of her and collided with guy two.


Her hand was still hanging and eyes blinking, confused what had happened. Guy two was rolling 3 meters away from them, howling like a mad dog, in a fetus position holding his 'ehem'.

In front of her was a girl in a ponytail with a white shirt and black fitted pants. She was a little taller and her back oozes with confidence. Her hand was on her waist and the other was holding a cell phone.

'She looked cool!' The girl was facing the other guys, "I'll count to three, if you don't scram, you'll get beaten like him before the police arrive." While waving her phone.

The two guys went to get the other one on the floor and ran.

"Tsk! weaklings!"


"Pretty girl, are you hurt?"

Bella felt warm. Nobody asked her this question for a while.

"I'm fine. Thank you!"

"Don't worry, big sister will protect you! You shouldn't walk alone at this hour."

"Thanks, I finished late from my part-time job."

"Well, I also came from work when I saw you. I usually take this route since it's near the dormitory."

"Really? Do you also go to Allegra University!?"

"Yes! I'm taking up Marketing. By the way, I'm Adelle Wu!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Isabella Chen." In the following days, they went home together from their jobs. Their friendship continued even after they graduated.

Adelle worked in a small company for almost a year. Three days ago, her supervisor grabbed her behind when they were in the coffee room. She beat the hell out of him. There were no witnesses and even if there were other victims, they were afraid to tell because he has a powerful cousin that works in the government. Since Adelle knew she was at a disadvantage and may kill him if she sees his face, she decided to quit her job. On the third day of being jobless, she wanted to buy ice cream to melt her anger, so she went to the store.

Bella sighed. " You know you can tell me anything, we only have each other. I'm a little sad that you're not planning to tell me, but I'm glad you' re still here. If something happened to you, I don't know what..." she started crying.

"Wait wait wait please don't cry. Common, I know you're stronger than this. I'm really sorry, I won't hide anything from you from now on. Please don't cry. The last time I saw you cried was ages ago, please stop. It breaks my heart. If you don't, I'll call the doctor and say that you're making me feel worse!"

"...." She stopped crying. Wiped her tears and smiled at her.

"OMO OMO OMO! Quickly call the doctor! I'm having a heart attack! You're so pretty I think I'll change my gender preference!"

"Pfftttt HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" They laughed together! "Aww Awww, Bella, stop making me laugh, my body hurts."

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. Do you want to eat? I bought porridge and some clothes."

"It's okay, I want to sleep more. Will you be here tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'll be staying in the hotel upfront. I quit my job so I'll be here most of the time so don't worry"

"Hey hey hey, you also quit and you didn't tell me?!"

"Yes, and we're...EVEN! Got it!?"

"Okay mommy got it!" said while grinning. "Good night, sister."

"Goodnight Sis, see you tomorrow!"

When Bella woke up, she did her morning run. She goes back to the hotel, takes a bath, and goes to buy breakfast. She eats with Adelle, then she goes out to see the houses.

The company offers two choices for customized houses. The first one is made from wood and the other is from containers that were used to carry merchandise on cargo ships. The company has a three-story building. There were three large warehouses at the back and a huge open space with lots of containers that had not yet been modified.

The man was stunned for a while when she entered the office.

"Cough, Cough." She was a little uncomfortable being stared at.

He snaps out, recollects himself. While smiling, "I'm Danny, how may I help you?"

"Hello, I have an appointment today."

"Are you Miss Wang?"

"Yes." She didn't use her proper name for security reasons.

"Yes, Ms. Wang, I will accompany you to see the model houses."

"Thanks." They went to the warehouse where she saw some that were under construction. Then they went to the model houses. She liked the biggest one with two bedrooms and a rooftop. But since she's not sure if she can move them, she just took note and went on with the tour. On the other warehouse were modified containers arranged like legos. They were beautiful and they can be spacious depending on how they are arranged. Since she wants to have a hospital inside the space, this model is the best solution. When they went out, she saw the open space with a bunch of finished houses and containers.

"Those were pre-ordered five months ago, but for some reason, the company went bankrupt. They were planning to ship it to Ravenna Continent. Since they already paid half of the total amount, we couldn't sell them to others right away. Two days ago, our attorney notified us that we can now resell them.

Bella's inner self was dancing. But she tried to remain calm on the outside. "Can you leave me for now? I would like to take a tour by myself."

"Sure, I'll be at the warehouse when you're finished." When he left. She made way to the last container at the back. She checked if nobody was around and...."Proof!". The container and one mobile house entered the space. She took them out right away. She jumps excitedly for a while and calms down. She returned to where Danny was.

She smiled at him. Points at the open space."I'll take them all."

"!!!!!!!!!" Danny almost fainted.

"And I want another ten containers and ten houses customized similar to the largest model."

"Ssssure... Miss." He walked back to the office, still in shock. She paid the amount plus a deposit for the new orders. She also added extra for the appliances and furniture. She also left a sketch for the containers. This morning, she received a message from the bank. Money is flowing just like his Uncle said.

She instructed them to make the delivery at night time so it won't attract attention and told them to wait for her call to make the delivery. She's planning to tell Adelle about the space and hand her duplicate keys to the warehouse.

After she left the company, she went back to the hospital and ate dinner with Adelle. The next day, she did her morning run, took a bath, and ate breakfast with her. Then she went to the warehouse. After the goods were delivered, she went back to the hospital and ate dinner with Adelle. She did this for a week until the fences, excavators, plows, harvesters, generators, solar panels, and other equipment were delivered.

After dinner, Bella took an apple and started peeling them while sitting beside Adelle.

"Hey, I was thinking since you still need to rest, why don't you move in with me?"

"Okay...."Replied Adelle.

"....." 'That wasn't hard'

"Hahahaha! Look at your face! Don't get me wrong. I also plan to get a job next month, so it's alright. And it's getting lonely, anyway. We lived with our dormmates for years, so the silence at home was really nerve-wracking. And I'm not planning to be in a relationship for now...."

"That's great! Don't worry, I can support you for now." They looked at each other...

"Pfffftt HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" wiping their tears.

"So what are your plans?"

"I want to take a first aid course and martial arts."

Before Adelle can ask further, the door was opened...

"I can help you...."