
It's been a week, and he's still thinking about her. He looks at his phone, no new messages and calls. 'What's happening to me?' He had a full body check-up to know what's wrong with his body. He couldn't sleep and he had chest pains. He also asked his friend for a second opinion.

"Well, the tests say you're healthy as a horse. It may be psychological, you know. When did it start?" said Arnold, his best friend.


"Hahahahahah! sorry buddy, this is the first time you ask for my help so I'm curious."

"You know I can't just ask anybody. If my parents found out..."

"Yeah yeah yeah I know, okay, seriously you need a vacation."

"Yes, maybe you're right." He continues to look at his phone. Arnold noticed it.

"Hey, you've been looking at it a thousand times since you entered the room. Are you waiting for somebody?"

"NO!!" Dean's ears turn red.

'Ho ho ho, this is something new!'

"Is it a giiirrrlll?" asked teasingly.

"Noooooo!!! None of your business!!!!" his face turned red and ran out of the room angrily.

"Hahahahahahaha!!!!, GOTCHA Buddy!!!" while smiling, he took his phone and dialed a number.

"Hi Auntie, how are you?...I'm fine, I just want to tell you something good, yeah yeah about your son....blahh blahh"

After a week of thinking, he's now sure what he's feeling but couldn't accept it. There was no scientific explanation for this and they were also trained to control emotions so they can concentrate better with their tasks. He can't accept that a mere "crush" shakes him. There are also famous people that he admires, but it's definitely different from what he's feeling right now. He has never been in a relationship, so he did not understand what to do.

He took his coat and went to the nurse's station. He took Adelle's chart and headed to her room. The door was slightly open. There's the sweet smell that he missed and it immediately calmed his mind. He can hear voices and when he was about to knock,

"So what are your plans?"

"I want to take a first aid course and martial arts." said the lovely voice. Like a dumbstruck fool, longing to hear it again. Without thinking, his body moved forward....

"I can help you...."

The handsome Adonis who entered the room stunned both of the girls. Bella recovers quickly. But not Adelle, who was literally drooling. She recovered when Bella wiped the drool, embarrassingly lowered her head.

"Good evening Doctor," said Bella.

"Hi..." He was also shocked by his reckless move, but to save his face he quickly thinks of an excuse...

"I'm sorry, the door was open when I was about to knock."

"It's all right, we don't mind. So you were saying you can help us? Do you know where We can take these courses?"

"Yes....I can teach you personally." said with a serious face.


"Aren't you busy?" Bella asked curiously.

"No, I'm not."

"Claaangggg" When he turned around at the door there was a young man who dropped some charts.....

"Sooorrry Dr. Zhang, I tripped...." Said June, Dr. Zhang's assistant. He was about to give him some documents and schedules for the following months when he heard him say he was not busy.....

'Yes, you are busy!!!!! I've been coming home late organizing your schedule! Don't tell me I need to adjust it again!!!! ARgggggg!!!!' taking to his inner self.

Dean was a little irritated. He looked at Bella again. "It's okay, I still have time."

"Okaayy, well that would be great. You'll save me a lot of time!" she smiled like a child who discovered a treasure.

"Zoooommm...." Dean's heart felt something in his chest. Like something good, but he couldn't breathe.

"Call me when you want to schedule." remained calm outside.

'Isn't that supposed to be my job?' June said silently in his mind.

"Sure" smiled, showing her cute dimples.

"All right." He then looks at Adelle. "Your injury was very light, and it's healing well. You can leave after a week."

"Thanks, doctor...."

"Goodbye." He went out and June followed him.

"OMOOOOO OMMOOOOO Bella, I think I lost my panties!"


"He's sooooo hoooooooot!!!! How did you meet him?!!!! "

"Well, when..blahh blahhh"

He and June went back to his office. Dean looks at his assistant, June. He's scared because he doesn't know what he did wrong.

"I'll tell you about the changes after she calls."

"Yes, Doctor." 'OMG! He's giving her priority! Maybe she'll be the future Mistress!I have to do well!' silently making mental notes on how to impress Bella....

After chatting for a while, she went back to the hotel. Since she already had the excavators, she started building the fences. When she finished, it was already 5 in the morning. She looked at the river that looked clean. She drank a mouthful. Well, she didn't think it was dangerous since it's from her space. She wanted to see if it has healing effects, just like in the novels she usually read. She already doubted it because the change happened when the stone hit her head and not when she soaked in the river. After a while, nothing happened. She's not disappointed because at least they'll have clean water to drink.

She did her morning run, ate breakfast with Adelle, and returned to the hotel to rest. She woke up at noon, went to buy lunch, and ate at the hospital. Then she went to the largest Chinese pharmacy and bought medicines she could think of. She also bought seeds and gave them the address of the warehouse.

"I want to buy rare seeds. Do you have them?"

"Could you wait for a moment, I'll call the shopkeeper." He went to the back of the shop and came back with an old man.

"Are you the one who wants to purchase the rare seeds?"

"Yes Grandpa." smiled cheerfully. The old man was a little dazed. He reminds her of his granddaughter. If she was alive, she would have been....

"I'm Grandpa Tang. What's your name, little girl?"

"I'm Isabella Grandpa, you can call me Bella."

"What a pretty name. Good, come with me." She went with him to the back. When they exited the shop, it amazed her. She's now in front of a large greenhouse! When they entered, the smell of medicine was strong but not unpleasant.

"Soooo beautiful!!!!"

"It's years of hard work Bella, techniques passed for generations. Come, come, I'll show you around."

They toured the greenhouse. She was so bewitched; she decided to copy the greenhouse in her space. The problem would be how to take care of them. Grandpa Tang saw her face and looked troubled.

"Bella, even if I just met you, I felt comfortable being with you." He looked at the herbs like he's recalling something sad.

"I had a daughter who eloped with his lover, Mike. But I betrothed her to a different man, whom I thought could make her happy. She was disappointed and ran away. Years later, we found that she was living in Allegra City. We moved here and looked for them, but we couldn't find them. We didn't want to give up. Sofia was our only child. We built this pharmacy to cover the expenses at first. But later on, it was a success, and we opened branches in other countries. Three years ago, we had a lead. But it was not a good one. My daughter's neighbor told us that my daughter died and later my son-in-law too. We were so devastated, especially my wife. But when we found out we have a granddaughter, we became hopeful again. We searched for the orphanages since it was the last information we got. Some pretended to be our granddaughter. We again lost hope. So slowly my wife became ill. When I saw you, you reminded me of her. She might be older than you, but in my eyes, she will always be our little girl...."

Bella hugged Grandpa Tang. She knows how it feels too long for someone you love.

"So, if you have any problems you can tell me." She felt touched. 'So this is how it feels having a grandfather.'

"Well Grandpa, honestly, I want to build a greenhouse-like yours, but the problem is, I don't know how to take care of them."

"Well, that's simple, I'll teach you!" smiled happily at her.

"That's great!" She hugged him again. They went back to the pharmacy and Grandpa Tang gave her some books about herbs. Since she felt that her memory improved a lot, she's excited to learn more. Grandpa gave her common seeds that are easy to plant. She needs to come every day and spend two hours of training. She'll start learning after Adelle rested.

She went to the hospital and ate dinner. Then she went back to the hotel and planted the herbs. After she finished, she took a bath and slept.

The next day, she went running, took a bath, and ate breakfast with Adelle. She went to the warehouse and received the medicines from the pharmacy.

Then she went to the rental company and rented the truck. She went to the farm and learned how they operate. She also noted how to grow the crops and how to make fertilizers from compost. Before she went home, they loaded the truck with seeds, plants, and feed. She also bought a dozen chickens and some ready to assemble shed.

She went to a deserted place, put the stuff in space, and went to return the truck. She ate dinner with Adelle and went back to the hotel. She assembles the shed and puts the chicken in their new fenced home. She then planted the trees and seeds she bought. After that, she took a bath and slept. She did this routine for a week, and now it's time to move to the new house!