
It turns out, Dean has two brothers, Drake and Devyn. Drake, the eldest, is a general and the head of an elite army unit called " WeLoBe". He's currently on a mission and will return in a week. He's 25 years old, single, and he spent most of his time doing missions or training soldiers.

Devyn, the youngest, is the CEO of the Zhang Empire. He rarely comes to the main house and likes to play around, but does his job very well. He was awarded as one of the youngest CEOs in the country. He and his father Doctor Sean established a hospital for the poor that provides free check-up, low priced medicines, and treatments. Also, he and Drake started a Security Agency that usually hires ex-soldiers who no longer serve the army and train them to be special bodyguards.

"So Dean, when's the wedding?!" Desmond asked teasingly.

"Cough, cough, cough." Dean choked. Everybody stopped eating and looked at him.

Dean wiped his mouth, then smiled mischievously and looked at Bella beside him." I'm working on it…"

"Clang, clang, clang," sound of chopsticks falling on the table. All of them dropped their jaws from shock…..

Everybody recovered when they heard a childish voice. "I didn't know Uncle Dean could smile," said Danika.

Bella was beet red from embarrassment. She really wants to run right now.

To divert the topic. "Grandpa Jin, can I be excused? I want to get the gifts for Uncles and Aunties in my car?"

"Hahahaha, you're not running away are you? No need. You can give your keys to Butler Bo." He waved his hand. Butler Bo went to Bella. She had no choice but to give it to him. Actually, she could give them later, it was just an excuse so she could take some fresh air.

"Yahhhh Oldman, you're making her nervous. If she runs away, prepare yourself to sleep in the attic!!!" said Grandma Dy.

He murmurs. " I can sleep in other rooms…"

"Oy Jinmoo, what did you say?!" Grandma said while putting her hand on her waist.

"I said we should make her feel comfortable just like you said!"

"Tsk! Good!" Then she turned to Bella, "Dear, excuse us old folks. Where just happy Dean brought you home. Whatever relationship you have, I'll give you two thumbs up." She showed her two thumbs smiling like a kid.

"Me too!" Grandpa Jin did the same.

"And us!" Dean's parents copied them.

"Include us too!" Everybody followed! Even the twins.

Dean covered his face in embarrassment. His ears are red like ripe cherries.

"Thank you! But Dean and I are just friends." Bella said shyly.

"For now." Dean followed.

Everybody giggled. Her face turned red again.

"Okay stop teasing them. As his mother, I'm very pleased. You know Bella, if you become Dean's finance', you don't have to worry because he doesn't like other women. Before he brought you here, we thought he bends the other way!"

"MOM!" Dean shouted.

"What! I'm telling you the truth! These days, I only see you hanging out with Arnold." She turned to Sean beside her. "Remember honey, when he was young, his cute classmate tried to kiss him….blah blah blah then after that in high school he…. blah blah blah…" Doctor Sean continues eating while nodding. She continued telling embarrassing stories of Dean. Even around the time a girl accidentally touched his finger, he vomited! While she was speaking, she casually put food in Bella's bowl, Dean's, and her husband's. Like she has done it a couple of times.

Dean notices it and thinks for a moment. It was a long time ago when her mother placed food in his bowl. The last time he tried eating it, he puked. He didn't feel disgusted since it's his mother, but his body automatically does it. That's when they discovered he's germaphobic. They didn't know it's cause, but he knows how much his parents were hurt because they loved to be intimate. No matter how much they want to embrace him, cuddle, they couldn't. They know he tried very hard to control it. Like how much he endured training with his brothers and grandfather. The sweat on their bodies splattering everywhere. The moment his Grandfather ends the practice, he literally flies to the bathroom and showers right away. Maybe that's why he prefers reading books. But today it's very different.

He feels so relaxed; he reaches for the prawns. He peeled it and placed it in Bella's bowl. Bella only smiled since she really didn't know what to say. Aurora noticed it too, and she stopped talking. Dean peeled some prawns again and put it in his mother's bowl and on his father's too. Then he ate the meat his mother placed in his bowl. His body reacts differently when he's with Bella. He chewed the meat. The food is even more delicious….

Aurora smiled and ate the prawns delightedly. 'I really want to cry….In the past, he didn't like to touch other people's food, even ours. This is a wonderful change, and it's because of her. I hope he can win this girl's heart.' she prayed silently.

Sean was sneakily glancing at them, silently observing. He saw him move his chair closer to Bella and sat beside her. Just like it's normal for him to do so. When he put the prawn in her bowl, his ears were clapping. And when he put some on Aurora's and on his bowl, he wanted to cry, but he couldn't. He must stay calm. He thinks he looked cool this way. None of his children showed interest in women in the past, so when he received his father's message, he canceled all his appointments. There were times he brought female friends and classmates, but they stayed at the gazebo or in the living room to do homework and projects. None of them received a special treatment and his distance from them was clear.

To him, nothing's more important than family. He wants to be with them in all happy or sad moments, just like his father. He will drop anything that he's doing and go to them when they need him.

His father retired early because of his health. When General Jin was still in the army, no matter how tired he was, he would still go home after missions. One time, they found him in the front door unconscious. It turns out, he just came from a mission that prevented him from sleeping for four days in a row. He was so tired his body collapsed before he could knock on the door. He could've stayed in the barracks to rest, then go home, but he didn't. Sean couldn't forget it because it was his birthday on that day. His father's body crushed his gift when he fainted. But he wasn't angry. He carefully glued the toy truck together, even if he gave him a new one to compensate. He was their role model, even if he's not a perfect father.

He wants to be like him in his children's eyes. He can see that his son is changing. A good change, of course. And the culprit is this pretty young lady. He promised himself that he'll root for them.

He already ordered books on how to court a girl in modern days. When he courted Aurora, those times were different. So he needs to be prepared. If Dean asks him something, he wants to give excellent advice. He wants to look cool in his eyes like he knows everything about anything. He also texted his other sons so they could prepare a proper gift for her when they meet. It really caught them unguarded today.

Same with the rest of the family. All of them left everything they were doing when they got the message. Even the twins were out with friends rushed home. It caused curiosity among them. They even speculated that it was a family emergency since everybody in the high society knew that Zhang Clan is an exception to the norms when it comes to family. Well, some idiots challenged them anyway and learned the hard way.

After they finished dinner. They went to the living room and drank tea. Then Butler Bo came with bags and Bella distributed them. Bella pretended to get something from her gym bag. But the truth is, she's getting things from space. She took out random branded accessories that she bought while she went on a shopping spree and gave them to Dean's cousins. She also gave him the supplement.

Aurora pulled Bella's hand and slipped a thin transparent green jade bangle.

"This is my welcome gift. I didn't have the time to get something so I'll get you a better one next time."

"Wait, I can't accept something valuable." The jade is more expensive than the things she gave them altogether. Bella tried to remove it, but Aurora stopped her.

"NO! This is nothing, don't worry. I always wanted a daughter to spoil. So just accept it, dear."

"Take it," Dean said.

"This is from me!." Aunt Deborah slipped her silver bracelet with colorful rubies in it.

Bella feels complicated with all of this but still accepts it. She didn't want to offend anybody.

She thanks them and bids them goodbye. Everybody went to do their own thing except for Dawn, Desiree, Danika, and Devan.

"I like her, they look good together," said Danika

"Well, she's the only one who can get close to him," Devan said lazily.

"Cousin's feelings are soooo obvious, so I'll root for them," Desiree said happily.

"I like her, simple and humble. Not like those other ladies swarming him. Did you see her car? I mean, no arrogance, even if she's well off." Dawn said while drinking the tea elegantly.

"Oh no, I forgot to ask for her number!" Danika said disappointedly.

Devan knocked on his twin's forehead. "Ask Dean you fool."

"...I forgot." Danika said embarrassingly.

"Enough of that. We still have bigger problems." Dawn said, holding her nose seemingly tired.

"What?" all of them asked together.

"Cousin ignores other women, but imagine if THEY found out about her." Signed Dawn.

"She doesn't look weak though." Desiree rebutted.

"Don't underestimate their madness." Dawn.

"We should warn her." Danika said worriedly.

"No. This is like a trial. If they really end up together, imagine more bees coming to steal the honey. She must endure, surpass, and learn how to counterattack." Dawn said, gazing at her cup.

"Well, we can still protect them secretly so no need to worry. But we must stay alert. Don't forget to send messages to our group chat. Remember the protocol."Desiree said confidently.

"Everything we hear and see, we must communicate it to everyone. Understand?!" Dawn said hastily.

"Understood Ma'am!" Everybody saluted.
