
She was walking towards the car in a daze. Before they reached her car. Dean moved in front of her.

"Think little about it," he said calmly.

'How can I not think about it? Everything happened so fast, I don't know what I'm feeling right now.' she inwardly replied.

"Sure, see you tomorrow." she smiled.

Dean also smiled.

'Badum badum badum' 'I need to get out of here or else I might...Arggghh' Bella got in her car and drove out of the villa.

She's silently suffering from confusion, embarrassment, and nervousness. There's also a fear of disappointment and betrayal that she couldn't shake off because of the past. But deep down, she enjoys being cared for. Frustrated, she shakes her head. No, she mustn't think in advance. He said nothing. Yes, that's it. Just go with the flow. She had other things to think about and must stay focused.

She's not the only one who's agonizing. Dean combed his hair with his hand and sighed. He wants more time with her. He wants to get to know her even more. It's a long road ahead. Like a battle, he needs to win, but he doesn't enjoy walking forward blindly. He took his phone and typed. 'Isabella Chen, Allegra City, tomorrow morning' and sent it.

In an underground base in the Aster continent, somewhere up north, a cell phone rang.

The man who got the message sighed. He was about to go out and eat hotpot when he received the mission. He texted back and sat down again in front of many computer screens. His boss wants information about this girl by tomorrow morning. 'I need coffee…'

Dean smiled upon receiving the message and went back inside the house. On his way, there's a maid holding a cup of milk. Her head was slightly lowered.

"Your warm milk Master Dean," she said nervously.

He just looked for a second and then he passed her.

The maid looked at his departing back, clenching her teeth. She walked stomping into the kitchen and placed the glass on the counter. Another maid came in.

"Who asked for milk?" The middle-aged maid asked.

"No one!" She drank the milk, washed the glass, and returned to her room.

The middle-aged maid confusingly murmurs, "Nobody in this house drinks milk at night."

They didn't know there were eyes in the shadow that saw everything.

It was already late when Bella came home. Adelle was watching the news when she entered the house.

"How's the training?"

"It was fine."

"Your dinner is still on the table if you want to eat."

"I'll put it in the fridge later, coz I already ate."

"Oh. You had dinner with Doctor Dean?"

She sighed. " Not only him…"

Adelle grinned. She ran to the kitchen and took a bag of chips. Then she changed her position into a more comfortable one and looked at her expectantly, munching the chips…..


"Go on." Adelle encouraged her.

"Well, nothing special happened. After the lessons, his family invited me for dinner..."


"Then, nothing, we ate, we chatted, I went home."

"Isabella Chen, you know your eyes are saying more than that."

"Well, there's nothing important to say, anyway."

"No, you skipped so many parts, give me the details, start from when you went out."

"...Aren't you sleepy?"

"Oh No Bella, No way you're evading this. I want details, NOW!"

"Okay Okay calm down, girl. I'll tell you….blahh blahhh blahhh."

After an hour….

"So?" asked Adelle.

"So what, it's nothing. It's not like he asked me out."

"Okay, you want this to be clear? Like a confirmation, even if it's so evident that he wants to pursue you? "

"Yeah, so I'll just go with the flow." Bella sighed. She was exhausted.

"He's not bad."

"Hahaha… Hey wait, why aren't you surprised?" Bella asked.

"Sissy, when we were in the hospital, the moment he said he wanted to help you, I knew that he's interested in you."

"Really? I just thought he was just being friendly since you're his patient."

"Well, I heard some gossip about him from the nurses. I have been there for two weeks, you know. I occasionally chat with them when I'm bored."

"What about it?" Bella asked curiously.

"They say he's very hard to approach. Even though he had a lot of admirers, nobody from the employees attempted to get close to him. They respected him very much. It's like they have a silent agreement that he belongs to no one. Aside from that, they could lose their job if they provoke him. There were patients who were thick-skinned and caused trouble, but none of them were successful. So, it's not a bad idea to try since he's throwing himself to you. You should be honored, girl! A hot, sexy, smart doctor is flirting with you! Go go go!"

"Hahahahaha, you're crazy!"

"I know Dahhling! But if you don't like him, can I have him instead?..." asked in a serious face.

"Pffffttttt hahahahahahahahah!" They had stomach aches laughing hard. Adelle went to the kitchen and cleaned it. Bella went to her room, changed, and slept.

The next day, Bella did her morning run, practiced the moves Dean taught her and ate breakfast with Adelle.

"Hey, yesterday I called some gasoline stations, and they were happy to sell us gasoline and diesel. I ordered in five different stations and forty barrels of them in each station. So you'll be busy today. I also ordered more and it'll be delivered in the next few days. "

"Thanks, let me see the delivery schedule," she looked at the paper. "Okay, so I should be there by 10:00, 1:00, and 3:00."

"I can do this on my own now."

"No, rest for another week and then you can do anything you want."

"Okay. I want to go with you to the pharmacy. I'm interested in herbs."

"Sure. I want you to meet Grandpa Tang, he's so nice. I will teach you the defense moves so we can practice together."

"Affirmative! Do you want help on the farm?"

"Maybe on Sunday. Using my mind, I can control the flow of water so watering the plants is a breeze. But I can't pull the weeds. I need to get in and do it."

"Sure, how does it work?"

"Look at this." She took an empty glass and placed it in front of her. Out of nowhere, the water rises from the bottom.

"That's so exceptional!."

"And I can also take it back." The level of the water decreased until there was not a drop left.

"Wait, do it again, I wanna drink it. Its taste is so refreshing." Bella filled the glass and Adelle drank it.

"I'll go to the warehouse right now. I won't eat lunch and go directly to Dean's house. I'll take a bath in space later."

"Sure. Do you know you smell sweeter when you sweat?"

"I do??!"

"Yeah, like you're wearing endless perfume, I'm jealous." she pouted.

"But I can't change it if I want to wear a different scent."

"Even so."

"Okay okay I'll buy you all the perfumes you want!"

"Yeahhhhh you're the best!" She gave her a flying kiss.

Bella catches the kiss and places it on her behind.

"Pffffttttt hahahahaha, we're so weird," Bella said while walking to the door.

She drove to the warehouse and waited for the deliveries. At 12:00, she went to eat at a restaurant. She also went shopping for some ladies ' and men's accessories, perfumes, supplements, and tea. Ideal for giving as gifts. She also bought skincare products for her, Adelle, and her parents. Even if she doesn't need to, she likes to take care of her skin. 'Hmmmm, what brand does Dean use?'

She went back to the warehouse to receive the last delivery, and then she closed the door. She put all the barrels in space, then she also went in. She swam in the river. She didn't use soap coz; she doesn't want to pollute the water. Even so, she felt refreshed. She went out and drove to Zhang Villa.

The guards greeted her and went in. At the parking area, she took the basket of fruits from the car's trunk. She gave it to the maid, and she went in. She greeted everybody she saw. Grandma Dy was sitting under the cherry blossom tree, reading something. She sensed someone approaching.

"Hi dear, how's your day?" asked Grandma.

"Same busy day, Grandma, and you?"

"Idle for now. I had a backache yesterday and I couldn't sleep. When I woke up, I didn't have the energy to stretch my old bones!"

"Oh, I know a special massage, would you like to try it?"

"Really? Sure, come with, let's go to my room." She helped her stand up, and they slowly went to her room.

The truth is, she doesn't know any special massage. She looked lonely under the tree and thought maybe she just needed someone to chat. So she and a maid helped Grandma get on the bed, stomach down. Then she slowly massaged her back while telling random stories. After an hour, she heard Grandma Dy's snores. So they went out of the room and saw Dean smiling at her.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"It's okay, we can start anytime." When he got home, the butler already told him where she was. So he showered and went to see her. But when he was about to enter, he heard her soothing voice telling random things. Grandma seems to be enjoying it too, so he didn't want to ruin her mood. He leaned on the wall and continued to listen until she finished. He felt his tensed muscles loosen up, listening to her voice that seemed music to his ears.

"Do you want to rest?"

"No need, it wasn't tiring. And we'll be sitting for an hour, so it's like resting too."

"Okay, let's go." They went to the dojo and started the lessons.

They finished after three hours. They went to take a shower and went to the dining room. Dean insisted that his Grandma would want to see her later when she's rested. And he was right….