Diara Chen

Monique is a very ambitious woman. She wants to use her daughter and become one of those rich Madams she's envious of. Although she lacks nothing since Chen's are well off, she wants more. Benedict's company is still growing, so having connections through marriage was a great idea. That's why they betrothed Diara to Elijiah Song when she was 10 years old.

The Songs are famous for their first-class hotels, that's why Monique agreed right away. Actually, the Songs were against it at first because Chen's company was nothing in their eyes. But Elijah liked Diara very much. Since he was only a member of the 4th branch, they agreed to it in the end. Diara also liked Elijiah at first until she met Aquan.

Bella met Aquan in highschool. He's one of the school princes that girls dream about. One day, Bella received a love letter from him. She was so excited she told Diara about it. Diara seemed happy for her, but it was just an illusion.

"Elder Sis, I'm so happy I can't breathe, oh my god what am I supposed to do?" Bella said cheerfully.

Diara had a fake smile. "Don't worry Sis, I'll be your bridge! If you want to send him a letter, I'll pass it to him since we have the same class. I can also tell him your good points."

"I love you, Sis, thank you!"

"Of course I'll help you, we're sisters." she was secretly clenching her hands.

"But what about Elijiah? Won't he misunderstand if you get close to him? I don't want to get you in trouble since he's your fiancé."

"Nahh, Don't worry, they are also friends. I can also explain to him in secret, you know."

"Okay, thanks. I'll write right away. He wants to meet on Sunday."

"I'll give it to him after class, so wait for me in the car."

"Okay!" Bella went back to her room. Diara glared at her back.

The next day, Bella handed the letter to Diara. Diara put it in her bag and they went to school together. Bella was daydreaming the entire day. The last period ended, students made their way out of the school, aside from Diara who was on her way behind the gym.

A handsome teenager was leaning on the gym wall, waiting for someone.

"Hi!" she greeted, then she embraced him. He embraced back and kissed her cheek.

" I have my sister's letter, do you want it?"

"No need, you know I'm not interested in her."

" I know but we need to know what she wrote so you'll know what to say."

" I don't even want to touch it! Let's do this, when she sends me letters, read them, then burn them after you finish."

"Okay!" She kissed his cheeks. He pulled her waist and kissed her lips.

She sighed. " I don't know how long I can pretend. When I see her happy, I want to shout and tell her you're mine!"

" I'm sorry baby you had to do this. We don't have a choice. I love you but you're already engaged. We can't compete with the Song's so father wants me to court your sister. You know my heart belongs to you but this is how business' works."

" I know but still…"

" You love me too, right?"

" Of course!"

" Then wait for me, wait for me to inherit the business. Then I'll convince my father to break the engagement."

" I'll wait for you!" they kissed.

" I saw Elijiah brought you lunch."

"Hehehe are you jealous?"


"Then we were even!" she pinched his waist with a doting smile.

He pulled her in an embrace.

"So where do you want to go on Sunday?"

" I want to go shopping!"

"So you'll take care of your sister, right?"

" Arghhh, I want to leave her but you can't evade her forever, you know."

" Let's do this, I'll take her to see a movie then send her home right away. You can wait at the cinema so we can go shopping after the driver sends her home."

" Okay, let's do that. I have to go." They kissed, and they separated.

In the car, Bella was red from excitement. Diara entered the car, and they went home.

After dinner, Bella knocked at Diara's door. Diara opens and invites her in.

"What did he say?"

"He wants to watch a movie, so he'll wait for you at the mall."

"AAaayyyyaaaaaa!!!! Thank you, sister!!!!" She embraced Diara. Diara was disgusted, but she pretended she's happy and embraced her.

"Anything for my little sister."

"I'll go prepare my dress!!!" She happily went to her room. Diara's turned red right after she closed her door. ' Enjoy it while you can, because you'll never have him.'

Aquam continued to spend time with Bella. He brought her to see movies, eat out, and go to an amusement park every Sunday. But he spent more time with Diara than with her. They meet every day after school, on Saturday, and even on Sunday after spending one to two hours with Bella.

Everything was going well until Aquam's father pressured him.

"Bella, do you want to be my girlfriend?" he smiled fakery.

"Yes!" She turned beet red, almost jumping.

He held her hands and looked at her. ' My Diara's prettier, I can't wait to be with her.'

The next day, the Fangs went to Cheng's, and the news spread like fire. Alexandria was surprised, but when she asked Bella, it's what her daughter wanted, so she also agreed. Bella was thrilled she couldn't sleep. They are the most gossiped couple for months. The Fang family became more popular and their business boomed. But not everybody was happy, of course.

When Bella went to school, everybody was whispering. She kept walking, thinking it was just because of the engagement. When she entered the room, she saw her table full of graffiti. Violent words that could make anyone cry. She looked around, but they were just whispering. She put her bag on the chair and went to look for Aquam. When she told him, he just caressed her head and apologized. He said it was because they were jealous, she just needed to ignore it. When Diara heard this, she just sneered.

She went back to her room and cleaned her table. The next day, it was full of gum. She cleaned it and went on with the lessons. The next day, it was glue. She went to the teacher and showed it. The teacher warned them and it stopped for a while.

In the following days, she couldn't leave her things on the table because it would always disappear and she'll find them in the trash or in the bathroom soaked with water. Her shoes would have thumbtacks on it and her notebooks would have ripped pages. Aquam would only comfort her with words, rub her head, or hold her hands. She's happy because she felt he cared, so she still endured. She didn't tell her mom because she was afraid. If her mom finds out about the bullying, she might cancel the engagement.

When Aquam and Diara graduated, the bullying stopped. But they spent less time together. Sometimes he would see her once in two months. He said he's busy studying, so she patiently waited. She wasn't accepted in the same university as Aquam. But he still promised to see her when he's free. Two weeks after she graduated, her mom disappeared. She felt lost. She couldn't understand why she left, saying nothing.

"Father, do you have news about mom?"

"Do you think you can find someone who doesn't want to be found?" said Benedict while walking away.

It devastated Bella. She walked up the stairs. Her head was hanging low. She didn't see Grandma Chen who was holding her phone while going down the stairs.

"Bang! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Blaaaaaaag!" They both fell down the stairs.

Bella was on the floor. She felt pain all over her body. She saw Grandma Chen on the floor, unconscious. She heard footsteps coming towards them.

"Ahhh!!!! mother! mother, wake up!" Monique was wailing like a pig.

"What did you do!!!! You unlucky girl!!! You're just like your mother, causing trouble everywhere! Why don't you just disappear too!!!" Bella's tears flowed on her cheeks.

Benedict came back. He heard the shout when he was about to enter the car.

"Mother! Mother! Call an ambulance!!!" he shouted at the butler while he was shaking her mother.

"What happened?" he asked Monique.

"It was her! She's trying to kill her!" She pointed at Bella.

" I didn't see her, we bump into each other and we fell."

"You're lying! Why are you fine and she's unconscious?" shouted Monique. Ever since Benedict brought them back, she felt like they were thorns in her heart. She wanted them to disappear. She couldn't do anything because she was afraid of Alexandria, but now she's gone, she wants to get rid of Bella. The ambulance came, and they all went to the hospital.

They were all waiting outside the room. The doctor came out. "The patient is fine now. But she had a broken hip, and she suffered from hypertension. She needs to stay here for a while."

"Thank you, doctor." Benedict entered, followed by Monique and Bella.

"YOU MURDERER!!!!! I don't want to see you!!!! Get out of my sight!!!!!"

"I'm sorry Grandma I didn't see you when I was climbing the stairs, But I'm not a murderer!!!!"

"You unlucky child! Why don't you just disappear like your mother!"

"Stop it, you have hypertension, so calm down," said Benedict.

"If you don't kick her out, I won't come home! Hu hu hu hu, I'm dying! She wants to kill me! If she stays, I will always have to worry!!!!"

"Mother, don't worry, get well and we'll talk about it later," said Benedict.

"Nooooo! If you won't kick her out right now, I won't recognize you as my son!" Benedict signed.

Bella's tears flowed endlessly. "Fine, I'll go. From this moment, all of you have nothing to do with me." Bella ran out. Monique sneered.

Bella hailed a taxi and went home. She packed her important things and left the house. It's still one week before the opening of the university, so she went to a hotel and rented for a week. She sat on the bed and wailed. After she cried, she looked at her bank book. Her mother saved a lot of money, but it won't be enough. So she called the university and asked for information. They said that Isabella Apparel was offering a full scholarship with an allowance. She was hopeful, so she applied. She went to university and brought the necessary documents. She went back to the hotel after that.

She took her mom's photo and caressed it. 'I'll be strong, I'll be waiting for you.'