
Two days passed doing the same routine. Exercise, eat breakfast, shopping, and managing the deliveries.

Today she received a text from Danika. The meeting place would be at the shopping district, near her school. It's perfect since she wants to check out their shop but she didn't feel the need to notify his Uncle Belden about it.

Before heading out, she checked all the cards her Uncle gave her and gave one of the bank cards to Adelle so she can buy anything she wants. It's also for other expenses since she'll assist her with stocking things in the space. There were also cards that had exceptional designs but she didn't know its use. Especially the one that his assistant gave her, together with the house key and her old cell phone that his Uncle confiscated in their first meeting. Well, since Uncle Belden wouldn't waste his time giving her worthless things, she put them all in space.

Allegra Galore is one of the most visited shopping districts in the city, because of the top-tier brands and luxurious amenities. It's surrounded by elite schools and it's near a large business sector. Bella and Adelle parked the car and went to look for Danika who wanted to meet at the fountain near the entrance.

Danika was standing in front of the fountain wearing a pink shoulder split top and white pleated skirt. She waved at them and looked at them with twinkling eyes. Danika was so amazed by the two goddesses who seemed to be walking on the red carpet.

Bella had a red-draped blouse amplifying her flawless white skin and white fitted pants showing her hourglass figure and flat abs. While Adelle wore a jeans type skirt and maroon empire top that enhanced her delicio'ehem' ample chest.

" Hi, did you wait long?"

" No, I just arrived."

" This is my bessy Adelle, she's Danika, Dean's cousin."

" Nice to meet you, sweety."

" Hello, gorgeous Sis!" Adelle looked at Bella. "I like her already!"

"Pffftttttt hahahaah." They laughed together.

"Hey let's take a picture!" Danika delightfully suggested.

"Sure!" They took selfies together then she took single photos as well, and most were Bella's…

They went to a cafe' and drank smoothies. While they were waiting, Danika sent the photos to Bella and Adelle. And she sent a separate message.

'Bella's photo.' Then her phone beeped right away, 'One wish'. Danila typed 'Deal!' Then she sent Bella's photos.

Dean was drinking coffee when he received Bella's photos. He smiled like a love-struck fool. Arnold was in front of him caressing his arms having goosebumps.

They continued to shop the whole morning and went to a restaurant at lunch. Adelle and Danika clicked very well. Bella was happy with the two of them looking like they were having sisters' bonding time.

"Hey, I heard that Isabella's Apparel released an exclusive line, and it's showcased here this week. Let's go see!" Danika said jumping away.

Bella and Adelle looked at each other and smiled brightly.

Isabella's Apparel produced casual clothing at first. Then they grew and now produce luxury lines like undergarments, fancy dresses, gowns, corporate clothes, sportswear, shoes and bags.

The first thing that captured their eyes was the gorgeous gowns in the center of the shop. Seven gorgeous gowns encircling a red princess type gown. It's an off-shoulder gown embroidered with lifelike cherry blossom flowers with shiny crystals at the center. The three of them were drooling. Even Bella, who is not a fan of fancy gowns was daydreaming.

"Beautiful!!!" Said Danika.

"Yeah, do you want to buy it?" Bella asked Danika.

"Yes!" Danika's eyes were still glued on the dress.

"Okay let's buy it!" Bella called the saleslady.

"Good day how may I help you?"

"My cousin wants to buy that dress," she pointed at the red gown. Before the saleslady could reply. A voice shouted from behind them.

"Pack it for me."

When all of them turned around, there was a petite young lady pointing at the red gown. She was not alone, there were three more ladies. Bella recognized her elder sister with her lackeys.

"Charlotte Song, I saw it first!" Danika said firmly.

"But I'm buying it right now!" Charlotte smirked.

"It's not like you already paid for it." said Diara who came from the back.

" I don't think it's fair eldest sis since Danika was about to try it first." Said Bella.

"Who are you, why did you call me my eldest Sister? Diara asked in disgust.

Bella and Adelle laughed. Danika moved beside Adelle. " What's funny, sis?"

" It's me elder sister, Isabella." Diara's and her lackey's face changed to shock.

" Bella? How come you look different?" Diara can't believe it. 'Why did she become beautiful!'

" I'm sorry sister, I didn't recognize you." She forced herself to smile.

" Who is she?" asked Charlotte.

" She's my younger sister," said Diara with a fake smile.

" Ohhh, the motherless one," Charlotte said mockingly.

" Oh my, what's that smell, disgusting, did you forget to brush your teeth?" Adelle said while covering her nose.

"You b****!" Adelle, Danika, and Bella giggled.

"Hey you, pack the dress!" she said at the saleslady.

" I'm sorry I was about to tell you that all of these were already sold!" she said respectfully.

" I'll pay for it four times the price!" Charlotte gritted her teeth.

" I'm very sorry, Ma'am, we can't do anything about it." the lady bowed. Bella was satisfied with their employee's response.

" Danika, the one in front of the shop looks good too, I'll give it to you."

" Yeah, that's pretty too!" Danika replied.

" Hah, a bumpkin like you can afford that gown? Let me tell you, those are exclusive, meaning for members only!" Charlotte took something from her bag, a gold-plated card with the word "Bella" on the center, and white crystals at the corners. She holds it on her right hand, showing it like an expensive priced object.

" See this bumpkin, without this you can't have it."

" Don't worry sister, I also have it, you can use mine." Diara took the same thing in her wallet.

Danika was furious, not because of the dress but with Charlotte's attitude. She was about to say something but was stopped by Bella.

" No need, I can buy it myself." She put her hand on her bag, but the truth is, she took a card booklet from space. She opened it in front of them and there were plastic pages that contained cards in an organized way. Then she took a platinum-colored card that had the word "Bella" on it. It was almost the same aside from the color and the crystals which surrounded the entire card.

All of them gasped, even the saleslady and the customers who were watching the drama.

"See Sister, I have it too." She smiled brightly. Then she looked at the saleslady.

" With this, I can buy that dress, right?" The sales lady was trembling, it was the legendary card! Only three of them exist! The CEO has one, but no one knows who has the other two.

The lady bowed 90 degrees. She took a deep breath.

"Yes, you can! Aside from that, if the red gown was not sold, you'll have the priority to purchase it. And of course the most important, you can take anything you want for free in all Isabella Apparel's Stores and all partner stores!!!!!"

'WHAT THE HECK!!!!!' Everybody was shocked! Even Bella, but she tried to remain calm on the outside.

Charlotte's hands were almost bleeding, her nails drugged her skin. She was so humiliated she wanted to destroy it.

Diara was not looking good either. She was jealous. How can she have something so valuable?

' I should have it instead! No, I won't let you off!'

"Sister is that yours? I don't think…" Diara said as it embarrassed her to continue....

"Hah! I knew it. You stole it! Someone call the police!" Charlotte shouted, she wanted to save her face so she would not surrender easily. Adelle and Danika were nervous at first, but when they looked at Bella smiling like she's watching a show, they calmed down.

"What are you saying Charlotte, how can you say that without proof!" said Adelle.

"This is proof. How can a poor country bumpkin afford it?!" Charlotte said mockingly.

Bella was about to open her mouth when the lady walked in front of them.

" No need to call the police!" She clapped her hands and a petite sales lady walked hurriedly to her. She handed a rectangular device with a transparent glass in the middle and a card reader on top.

" This device will clarify everything. Gold cards have invisible serial numbers with the name of the cardholder, while the platinum is fingerprint integrated. We place the card in this slot and the holder's thumb in this glass. When the light turns white, it means the card is real, and the holder is the owner. If it turns green, the card is real, but the cardholder is not the owner of the card. If it turns red, the card is fake." It excited everybody, especially Charlotte and Diara. They can't wait to humiliate Bella.

The lady turned to Bella. " Young Miss, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, would you like to try?" The lady tried to look calm, but her back was sweating. If it turns white, she's facing a VIP that no one has ever heard or seen.

"Of course." Bella smiled brightly, showing her dimples. She passed the card to the lady, and she placed it in the slot. Bella placed her right thumb on the glass and the lady pushed a button. A thin golden light can be seen on the glass that moved from left to right. Right after the gold color disappeared, the glass changed to …...WHITE COLOR!!!!"

The lady almost dropped to her knees. Her mouth gaped open. She closed her eyes and breathe deeply, took the card from the device, and passed it on to Bella.

" Thank you for your cooperation, Young Miss. Now, you can take anything you want free of charge!"

Adelle and Danika were cheering happily, while Charlotte and Diara almost vomited from anger. Feeling dejected, Charlotte and her lackeys so hurriedly left. Diara looked at her sister one more time, then followed Charlotte.

Bella was smiling and was calm. She never doubted her Uncle's actions, but it made her think how cunning he is. He took her fingerprint from the old phone without her knowing. Anyway, she doesn't mind since he won't do anything that could put her in danger.

" Young Miss, you also may blacklist anybody at any time. Those ladies?"

"No need, let them spend more money. It'll be good for our business." She winked at the lady.

" Okay, you two, go get anything you want!" Bella said proudly.

"Yeeyyy! You're the best cousin!!!!!" Danika kissed Bella's right cheek.

" I laaaaaab yaaahhh Sissy!" Adelle kissed her left cheeks.

Bella watches them run around like kids. She also got three elegant gowns, clothes, shoes, and bags. Adelle took two gowns and three casual dresses. Danika took two gowns but paid for the other clothes. Bella insisted, but Danika was a sincere girl. Bella smiled and plans to give her more in the future.

She asked the staff to deliver them to their house and also gave them rewards, especially the lady who helped her. They were so happy to receive it. The girls separated after having snacks at a cafe'. Bella brought Adelle home, and she went to Zhang Villa. After dinner, Dean walked her to the car.

"Dean, I won't be coming tomorrow and on Sunday."

Dean frowned. "Why?"

"Tomorrow I need to attend my ex sister's party."


" I'll take the lessons from Monday to Saturday. I want you to rest on Sundays." she smiled brightly. It displeased Dean at first, but when he heard her reason, he felt wonderful. 'So this is what it feels like, it's addicting.'



"Goodbye." He smiled dotingly. When her car was gone, he took his phone out. And wrote a text message.

' Tomorrow, whose party is it?' He sent it to two people.

' Hey cousin, You're asking the party Bella's invited to right? It's Chen's. Her ex-elder sister's.' Danika replied.

' Big bro, it's the Chen's. I don't want to go, I don't even know them personally.' replied Devyn.

' It's Bella's ex-family.'

' Oh! Then I should go and give them some face!'

' I'm coming with you.'