
The room turned silent, then sounds of broken glasses and dropping things could be heard throughout the room.


Reporters woke up from shock when they dropped their cameras. They picked it up hurriedly and clicked them nonstop at the two lovebirds. He's known to be a germaphobe and every one of his admirers knows this by heart. That's why they could only look at him from afar. But now, was it only a rumor? No! It was also proven, so what's happening? It's like they're seeing a clone from another planet!

Bella was dumbfounded. When he embraced her, she automatically embraced back and her hands never left his body even when she heard him call her wifey…. 'Wifey?????!!!!' Although confused and shocked, she knew it's not the right time to talk about it, so she followed his actions.

She smiled back. " I forgive you…."

It surprised Monique and Benedict. They had no idea she had connections with the Zhangs. Monique's face was distorted. She was jealous. The Zhang family is more powerful than the Fangs. If she would have known, she would've pushed her daughter to maintain good relations with her. Benedict was the same, so without wasting his time, he went to them.

"Good to see you, Doctor Zhang and Young Master Zhang!" He smiled brightly and proudly looked around like he had won something awesome. But Dean didn't even look at him.

"Do you want to eat?" asked Dean.

"Yes, I'm starving." They walk away, leaving his dumbstruck Uncle. Devyn chuckled.

"Hello Mr. Chen, I'm Devyn Zhang." He smiled politely. Although he also wants to ignore him, he can't help but activate his businessman mode since he saw familiar faces in the same field.

Aquan and Diara also woke up and felt humiliated. Aquan's felt someone had robbed his favorite toy while Diara glared at their departed backs feeling jealous and angry. She wants to take everything she has and erase her existence forever.

Adelle was eating 'dog food' but was really happy for them. She kept herself busy since a gossip seeking crowd also surrounded her.

It infuriated Charlotte, she went to the back garden and screamed like a madwoman. She was first dumbfounded when she saw Bella wearing the gown from Isabella Apparel. Then the second shock was when she heard him say….no!!!!!!! Chloe was one of those who dropped the wineglass out of surprise. She has liked Dean for a long time, like Charlotte. Although she and Charlotte were love rivals, they were also childhood friends. Loving the same person wasn't an issue for them. She was standing near Charlotte, who was pulling the plants while screaming.

"He's mine! Dean is mine!!! There's no way I let her take him away from me! AHhhhhrrghh!"

"We should keep our mind clear, Charlotte, it's the only way we can plan our attack."

Said Chloe tiredly. Charlotte then stopped but was wheezing.

"Yes, yes that's right! We won't let that b***** near him anymore." She acted like she had a eureka moment. " Here's what I'm gonna do…."

Bella seated with Dean feeding her with snacks. She cooperated and ate everything he gave her. After she's full, she excused herself to go to the bathroom. She wanted to go with Adelle, but she saw her busy talking with a passionate guy, so she went on her own.

In the bathroom, she placed her bag beside one sink. She washed her hands and dried it. She took a lipstick from her bag and was about to retouch her lips when Charlotte and Chloe entered. Bella looked at them through the mirror for a second, then continued where she left off.

Charlotte went to the sink beside her and calmly washed her dirty hands. While Chole was standing behind Bella.

"Hey is that yours?" Chloe pointed at Bella's feet.

"What is it?" asked Bella, still looking at her in the mirror.

"There's an earring under your dress," Chloe said worriedly. 'Dear, I can see my ears you know'

Bella decided to play with them. She turned around and lifted her gown. There was no earring.

"Oh, I thought I saw one," Chloe said apologetically.

Bella turned around and placed her lipstick back in the bag and went out.

" Is it done?" Chloe whispered.

"Yeah, her bag has few things, so I hid it inside the pleated wall of the bag."

"Good!" Chloe added. Charlotte was excited thinking about the play they prepared.

Bella seated beside Dean, who's busy feeding her. Dean already knew what happened at the shop. Because Danika was so annoyed, she texted it in the teen Zhang chatroom. After that, she called Dean and told him what happened. He was outraged and wanted to punish those nasty girls, but he had second thoughts because of Bella's character. She's a very independent and capable woman. From what he understands about her, she doesn't like to depend on others. She feels happy and satisfied if she does things with her own hands. And he wanted to respect that. It's some things he liked about her. Sometimes she acts on impulse, but most of the time, she thinks before she acts. So he wants to talk with her first.

Aside from that, it seems she's connected with Isabella Apparel. Something that wasn't on the investigation he received from his subordinate. He doesn't want to act rashly and endanger her because of revenge. He'll just clean up the mess after she finishes whatever dirty plans she has in the future. His thoughts were ended when three ladies approached their table. The potent smell of perfume assaulted him, making him want to puke.

Bella saw Dean's face, frowned. She looked at the ladies and sensed trouble.

"Dean, why are you wasting your time with a thief?" Charlotte said mockingly while her arms were crossed on her chest. Dean felt disgusted and was about to chase her away when he felt Bella gripped his hand under the table. So he closed his mouth and looked at her, controlling the urge to vomit.

"You thief! Give me back my ring!" Charlotte shouted while pointing at her. Her sudden outburst caught the attention of everybody. Diara was elated seeing someone making trouble even without her doing anything yet.

Bella looked at her, annoyed. She needs to finish this drama so she could spend more time with him. There were a lot of things that didn't happen in her past life, but it doesn't mean she's afraid of them.

"Oh? you know I can sue you for false accusation, right?" Bella said lazily.

"Ha! Sue me? I'm sure you stole my pink diamond ring when we were in the bathroom!."

Everybody gasped. Pink diamonds are one of the most expensive stones in the world.

"How can you be so sure I stole it?"

" I washed my hands and took it off, then you went out and the ring was gone."

"Maybe it fell on the sink. There are many ways to lose a ring, you know." Adele said loudly. She was on Dean's right side, but on the far end of the table. She knows Dean doesn't like to be near other women.

" If I remember it correctly, there were three of us," Bella said confidently.

"Chloe is my best friend, she would never do that. She's also rich and so she can buy it too. Unlike you, a motherless bumpkin!" Bella stood up abruptly, scaring Charlotte she stepped back.

Well, she tried….."AAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" "Bang!" Charlotte fell backward and shoeless…

There were several things she was doing while she was talking with her.

Bella could see Charlotte's feet from where she sat. Using her mind, she poured quick dry glue around her shoes….

It dumbfounded everyone for a second, then started laughing. Charlotte's ankle seemed broken and was beet red from humiliation. Chloe helped her stand up. She tried to put on her shoes and was annoyed that she couldn't take off. Bella wanted to laugh, but she controlled it because she knows it's not yet finished. She wants to know where they hid the ring.

" Cough, cough, where were we?" Bella seated again, and she moved a little closer to the table, with her hands on her lap. They were sitting beside a wall, so there was nobody behind them.

" You b*****, you did this!!!!!"

" Ms. Song, this is the second accusation. Are you blind? There's a table in front of us. How can I reach you? I only stood up. You fell on your own." The guests were nodding because she was right.

"I.. I just knew it was you!"

" First the ring, now this?" Bella shook her head, pretending to be disappointed.

Chloe couldn't take it anymore because of how Charlotte's temper would ruin the plan.

" If you're really innocent, you wouldn't mind us looking at your bag, right?" Chloe asked.

" Ohh, seems like you're sure that it's in my bag." She smirked.

" I am not sure, right now we could only search your belongings."

" Of course I mind, I didn't steal it so there's no point looking at my bag."

" Are you afraid to be discovered, you thief?" Charlotte retorted.

" But what would you do if you can't find anything?" she asked Charlotte.

" I'll give you a million dollars to compensate, how about that?"

" No."

" Hah, I knew it!."

Bella sighed. " What I mean is, no, it's not enough. Do you think my reputation's worth is only a million dollars, Ms. Song?" Bella said mockingly.

" I don't need your money…..but I want you to lick my shoes."

" You b*******!"

" That's too much!" said Chloe.

" Too much? You're pinning me on a crime I did not commit, do you think they will erase it if you pay me money? Can you control the mouths of the crowd watching us right now? You're humiliating me on purpose, I deserve a bigger compensation."

Chloe was about to say something, but Charlotte beat her to it.

" Deal, now hand us your bag."

" No, to be fair. It should be someone other than us three and should not be related to us."

Everybody looked at each other.

" I can be the inspector!" A crisp voice came from the crowd of reporters.

" My name's Aubrey Drew." Most of the guests gasped. Bella doesn't know the elegant lady, but from the crowd's reaction, she's someone they feared? Even Chloe and Charlotte showed uneasiness.

" Thank you, Miss Drew, I have no objection. What about you two?"

" We also agree," Chloe said hurriedly.

" If you may, Ms. Chen." She offered her hand. Bella took her bag from underneath the table and gave it to the lady. She opened the bag and emptied it one by one. Everything was out, but there was no ring. Miss Drew meticulously checked every angle, every pleated cloth inside, but none was found. Everybody whispered.

" As everybody can see, there's no ring."

" Impossible!" Charlotte shouted.

" Ms. Song, you doubt my judgment?" Aubrey said with her brow lifting upward.

" No no no, we're not. Maybe she lost it somewhere." Chloe pulled Charlotte's skirt from behind, hoping she could understand that it's time to retreat.

" No! I'm sure you have it!"

" Oh, looks like you're saying I didn't search well." Aubrey's face turned dark and Charlotte felt her heart's being crushed. " Nnnooo, I think I lost it somewhere else," Charlotte said while panting.

" Good, since you falsely accused Ms. Chen, don't forget what you said." Aubrey clapped.

" I...I…" Charlotte trembles from fear, anger, and desperation. She's never been humiliated like this in her entire life. She's planning to eliminate Bella when she gets out of this mess. "Bang!"

Charlotte fainted. This time, it was real. Chloe and Diara took Charlotte with the help of the maids, and everybody dispersed.

Bella sighed. Aubrey handed her the bag.

" Thank you, Ms. Drew!"

" No need to thank me." She winked mischievously, nodded at Dean, and went away.

Bella touched her neck. Dean held her waist. " Are you all right?"

" Yeah, I'm just tired. Let's go home."

" Okay," Dean said dotingly. Bella, Dean, Devyn, and Adelle rode the limousine and left the scene.