
After they sent off her Uncle's Belden's team, she moved all the gifts inside the space including Adelle's. So when Chloe mentioned the bag, Bella hid it under the table. She needed to do it quickly. She moved the bag in space and took a new one from one of his Uncle's gifts. It looks almost the same color and style, but if you look closely, the diamond patterns are different and it was a little bigger. Using her mind, she took her cellphone, money holder, and her lipstick and placed it on the new one.

She was doing two things at the same time. Talking with them and moving things in space. She needs to concentrate if she wants to search for the bag. She couldn't do it since she also needed to talk to them and buy some time. So replacing the bag was the quickest way.

Inside the limo, Dean was massaging Bella's shoulder. While the other two were eating 'dog food'….

"Hi, I'm Devyn." He took out his card and gave it to her.

"Hello, I'm Adelle, I'm sorry I don't have a calling card." She accepted the card and placed it inside her bag.

" It's okay, give me your phone." Adelle was puzzled but still gave it. Devyn typed something and his phone vibrated. When he returned the phone Adelle's face couldn't help but twitch.

On the screen, ' Cupid 8xxxxxxxxx'.

Then a message followed. 'If you have pretty pictures of Bella, send it to me, 50/50.'

Adelle looked at Devyn after reading the message. Devyn winked. Adelle pinched the bridge of his nose. ' I hope it's not in their genes...'

Bella leaned over Dean's shoulder while he leaned on her head. Bella and Adelle were dropped first, then she ordered the driver to send them home.

The girls went to their rooms. Bella showered and sat on the bed. She took out the bag where the ring should be hidden. The pink diamond is in the center, with white diamonds on the hoop. She wore the ring. ' What should I do with it?' She doesn't want to return it nor she could sell it because it's one of a kind. It has serial numbers that could easily identify the owners.

'Whatever, let's think about it later.'

She then closed her eyes to explore the space. All the plants and flowers she planted were growing well. But the fruit trees are still young to produce fruits. If only she can fast forward the time so she could eat the fruits it would produce. Bella suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head. The pink diamond vanished, and she fainted.

Bella's eyes opened slowly, blinded by the light, she tried to cover her eyes but couldn't move her hands. When she looked at it, she saw Dean's head sleeping while holding her hands!

She was surprised! She blinked twice, thinking she was just hallucinating.

' What happened, why is he here?' She looked at Dean's face. His eyes seemed to have dark circles? Then she noticed a transparent ear stud with a purple stone at the back of his ear. You wouldn't notice it if you don't look closer, especially now that his hair seems longer.

When she was about to touch it, the door opened. Adelle came in with a tray and she froze.

"Bella you're awake!" her voice was loud from excitement, Dean woke up.

"Isabella!" Dean stood up hurriedly, the chair fell backward. He took her pulse while caressing her hair.

"How do you feel?" Dean asked worriedly.

Bella smiled brightly. " Hello, handsome."

Dean bends down and hugs Bella. She hugged back, then she felt her ears were getting wet.

'Huh? Dean is crying!!!!!' 'My god what did she do to make him cry?"

She caressed Dean's head. " What happened, why are you crying?" She turned to Adelle, and she was also crying!!!


"You were asleep for a week." Adelle was wiping her tears. It stupefied Bella! She was asleep for an entire week! She didn't know what to say. She also did not understand what happened. Then she felt Dean's body got heavier and she could hear his stable breathing.

"Sis, I think Dean fell asleep."

"Of course he would, he hasn't had a good sleep or rest since you fell unconscious."

Sunday morning, Adelle came to her room because she didn't come down for their morning exercise. That's when she found her lying in her bed unconscious. She checked if she was breathing and tried to wake her up. She panicked because she wouldn't wake up no matter how she tried. She called the ambulance. On their way to the hospital, she called Devyn, and then he called Dean.

When they arrived at the hospital, there was already a team waiting for them. She was sure it was Dean's doing. They brought her to the emergency room. Not long, Dean also arrived, and she told what had happened.

He went in. After 15 minutes, Zhang Family came. She was so shocked she could only remember Grandma Dy, Grandpa Jin, Dr. Sean, and Sr Aurora. After 2 hours, they could hear a crashing sound from the inside. Dr. Sean and Dr. Aurora went in. She didn't know what happened till later.

All the results showed that there was nothing wrong with her. Dean couldn't accept it and had an argument with the other doctor. He was so devastated he went out of control and punched him. The doctor fell over a tray of instruments, injuring him. So Dean's parents cured the doctor, while Dean continued to redo the tests.

They moved Bella to the VIP room. Many tests were done, and all results were normal. It seems she was only sleeping. Day and night Dean would stay in her room, making calls. Doctors from other cities came, but all of them failed to wake her up.

If Grandma Dy didn't scare him that Bella would be disgusted seeing his dirty appearance, he wouldn't even go bathe. He was afraid that he would miss the chance to see her awake. When he goes to the bathroom, it would be the shortest time possible.

One of his friends suggested taking care of her at home. He advised Dean to try talking, holding her hands, like what they do on comatose patients. So that's why when Bella woke up and saw him seated but asleep, it was because he talked to her the whole night.

Bella's heart ached, and she cried. She felt stupid. This man cared for her, and she's still holding back because of stupid heartbreak. She asked herself, what other proof does she need to accept him wholeheartedly. No, she doesn't need them. This man right here is all she needs. She embraced him hard and kissed his cheek.

She couldn't move much because her muscles felt numb from not moving. She moved to the other side of the bed with Adelle's help. Then Adele pushed Dean on the bed beside Bella. After feeding Bella, Adele went out and let them rest. Bella looked at Dean's sleeping face. She bent down and said, " Thank you." She then kissed his pale, chapped lips.

Dean was still in the dreamland. The sky was full of clouds like winter, except that no sunlight could be seen. He was running in an endless field of flowers. He can smell Bella's scent, but he couldn't find her. No matter where he turned, it seemed he was going around in circles. Then she heard her voice that said 'Thank you'. A bright light appeared in front of him. Although it hurt his eyes, he still walked towards the light.

He opened his eyes and blinked many times. He saw a ceiling he didn't recognize. He looked downward; he saw a head on his chest with a light brown hair. He smiled. Yes, he remembers now, his darling Bella woke up. She's breathing evenly, showing that she's sleeping. He tried hard to move, even if his arms were hurting. But there was a knock on the door, so she still woke up. She moved slowly, then she looked up.

"Hi gorgeous." he smiled like a fool.

"Hi handsome." she smiled brightly.

"Knock knock knock."

"We need to open the door."

"Not now." Said Dean. "Knock knock knock"

Bella sighed. She changed into a sitting position. So did Dean. as they fixed their clothes.

"Please come in." Said Bella. Adelle entered with two bowls of porridge and glasses of water.

"Dean, I know you don't want to be disturbed, but Bella needs to eat, and you too."

"Thank you." He said with enthusiasm in his voice.

"All right, I leave you lovebirds alone." she winked at Bella and left.

Dean stood up and moved a bed table over Bella's lap. He took the porridge and started feeding Bella.

"You eat too." She pointed at the other plate on the other table.

He smirked. He eats the porridge in front of Bella, using the spoon he used to feed her…..

She smiled, showing her dimples. He fed her while eating in the same bowl. He took the other bowl and did the same until they were both empty.

" I want to take a bath."

" Okay, I'll call Adelle." Dean kissed her forehead. He took the tray and went out of the room.

She tries to remember what happened. In a frustrating manner, she touched her eyes both at the same time. Then she noticed her hand and looked at the ring closely...the pink diamond was gone! 'What the heck…' so she fainted. The stone was absorbed….She sighed. How can he explain it to Dean? She threw the ring in space, closed her eyes, and explored the space. She looked at every angle to see the change. The strange thing is, the chicks and fish were fine even if she didn't feed them for a week. The plants too were growing well. Her actions stopped when Adelle entered the door. She helped her take a bath. She was helping her dry her hair when she told her what could have happened.

Adel sighed. She also agreed that Dean is a unique man. He's not perfect, but after all, that has happened, she's convinced that he's not a bad guy. Also, his family treated her like one of their own. Heck! Some of them are sleeping in the guests' rooms, taking turns in helping, ensuring they're properly taken care of. She can't control Bella's heart but if it was her, she would've assaul 'ehem' thrown herself to him already. She may look tough outside, but sometimes her heart is weaker, like a kid longing for attention and love.

They needed doctors anyway. It wouldn't be bad if they prepare a little early. Adelle changed her bedsheets, helped her sit down on the bed, and went to call Dean.

Dean entered, looking fresh from taking a bath. He sat beside her. He touched her cheeks, looked at her face in a doting smile. He seems to check everything from her forehead, brows, eyes, nose, cheeks, and lips. He slid his hands behind his neck and kissed her.

Bella kissed back. Slowly at first, but then when she opened her mouth, Dean's tongue made its way inside, caressing hers. Their breathing becomes rougher. Deans started kissing her like he was venting his emotions, happiness, anger, longing and love… His other hands wandered around Bella's body, it went behind her waist slowly caressing her back. When his finger touched her skin, she felt electrified she moaned. Dean's kiss became rougher from being excited. Bella forced herself to stop because she couldn't breathe. She placed her forehead on his and looked in his eyes. Both of them were still breathless. She smiled dazzlingly. " We need to talk, hubby….."