
Dean smiled brightly showing his teeth. His mind stopped functioning after she said 'hubby'. He woke up from a trance when she pinched his cheeks.

"Earth to Dean, are you here now?" She wanted to smack his head. It was not the time to be absent-minded since she was about to tell him something important. Like before, she's afraid of what he'll think about her. But it will also serve as a challenge if he's still willing to stay with her.

When she sees she got his attention,

"You couldn't find anything wrong with my body because it's beyond normal. At the beginning, I couldn't accept your feelings for a lot of reasons and one of these might let you think twice of staying with me."

"No matter what it is, I won't leave you. I may be a man of few words but I know you can see clearly how I feel for you. You're my first woman, and you'll also be my last." he said with a serious face. She's so touched tears fell on her face. She's so scared right now, she really prays he'll accept her for who she is. Dean dried her tears and kissed her eyes.

"Show me." Said Dean while making eye contact. Bella pulled from his embrace. She pointed at the table on the side. Dean paid attention to it, "Poof!" It disappeared...Dean was stupefied for a minute, then he looked at Bella. She pointed in the same place, "Poof!" Table reappears.

Bella's observing every face movement he made. Shock, confusion, worry, and fear, there was no disgust from what she could see.

He's trembling a little, then he breathes deeply. "Are there side effects on your body when you do that?" He asked worriedly but as calmly as possible.

Bella smiled. "No, nothing that I know of. Are you scared?"

"Yes," Dean said it truthfully. Bella thinks it's normal because humans usually fear something unexplainable. But Dean is calm. He was shocked but didn't seem too shocked like Adelle.

" Yes, I'm really afraid of losing you…." Dean cried. Tears fell like waterfalls. She hugged him tightly. " I won't leave you. Well, if you're good to me that is." She chuckled.

Dean removed himself from their embrace and pouted. He was talking something serious. This bunny over here still had the mood to joke. Bella chuckled and then kissed his lips.

"So, you're not afraid of a monster like me?"

"No, you're the most beautiful monster I've ever seen." Dean tried to copy a child acting cute.

"Pfft Hahahahaha" They both laugh.

"Seriously, are you all right?"

"Yeah, I think it's just an upgrade of my abilities, it's like a computer rebooting. Maybe that's why I fell unconscious."

"Do you always have these symptoms when upgrading? Maybe you shouldn't upgrade it."

"I don't have control over it though." She showed her hands.

"This was the ring Charlotte used to frame me. I suspect that the pink diamond was not real. Maybe they've mistaken it for one. When my body absorbs these stones, I lose consciousness, but this time is the longest I have experienced."

"You've talked about the upgrade, but what's your ability? Making things invisible?"

Bella smiled. "Sit properly." She said excitedly. He obeyed immediately.

"Three, two, one, "Poof!" They disappeared from the room together with the bed.

Dean, what shocked! They are now in the middle of a field? The bed is over a floor made of the palette. He looked everywhere but without getting out of the bed. On his left is a waterfall, then the river stretches on to the east. On the other side, an extensive field with grass divided by fences. One of them has chickens and chicken coops. On their side seems to be empty. To go to the other side, they need a bridge. Well, maybe for her it doesn't matter because she can appear anywhere she wants. But if other people live here, this place should be more independent of her, so they can move without her help. His head was already planning on how to improve this space.

Bella was smiling when she saw him sitting on the bed with his hands on his chin. He seems to be in deep thought so she didn't disturb him. She took this opportunity to observe the changes, but they seem to be the same as before. She looked at the waterfalls. ' It seems higher?' Her eyes focused on the waterfall. 'The space that the rocks occupy looks wider?' Then she looked at the cave, 'Huh? Is that a door?' The door's color blends with the rock so it's not visible. She shakes her head. Since Dean is with her, she'll investigate it in a few days. She wants to spend some time with him for now.

Dean saw her, shook her head. " What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. The upgrade has to be that door." She pointed. "But I will investigate in a few days."

"That's good, so you can rest more."

"But I feel better. Hey, why do I feel you're not too shocked with all of this?" she asked confusingly.

He smiled. "Well, you're not the only one who has secrets." He winked. Then he touched his ear and took off a stud earring. He placed it in his palm. " You can look but you can't touch."

"Huh, are you saying this may be the same with.."

"Yes. This was given to me by Grandma Dy. You should talk to her about it. Maybe she can help you somehow."

"Yeah, I will."

"The old man who gave him this told her it will be well to give this to someone who heals. She couldn't understand it because it seems broad. So she took it literally and made it into a family heirloom. My father was a doctor, but he didn't take it, so she gave it to me"

"Can I have it?"

"Yes, but not now. What if you faint again if you touch it?"

"No, it doesn't work that way. I left the bag with the ring in her, but nothing happened. I haven't thought of it yet. Common, let me hold it."

Dean sighed. He gave it to her. Bella took it and played with it. She felt a faint connection.

"See, I told you nothing will happen. But did you feel something when you had it?"

"Nothing I know of. She gave it to me when I was about to study medicine abroad."

"The old man said to give this to someone who heals…." Bella thought deeply. Dean waited patiently. Bella looked at the fields, but she was already in a trance. These plants, flowers, clean water, fertile land, animals, fresh air, all of them will change in the future.

She's selfish most of the time, but she's not heartless. She was given an opportunity to live again so for her if she could save others too, why not? But she can't take them all here. Now that there are people who are growing in her heart, she wants to save them too. But not all of them are open-minded like Dean and Adelle. Others might think she's crazy, and that could put her in danger. She also needs to protect herself from greedy people. It would be nice if the apocalypse would never happen so they could just enjoy this treasure without pressure.

But she's sure it will happen. It happened so abruptly, everybody was unguarded. When she woke up, she also thought, if there's a way to prevent the meteors from landing, maybe they'll have a different future. She watches TV and reads the news on the internet, but there's not an even report of meteors heading this way. So it's a puzzle she may not be able to solve.

The undead will appear, it's inevitable. Now that what is happening to her seems magical, maybe if she had an ability to save others from dying, maybe the chaos would be minimal?.... Her line of thought stopped when she fainted…..

"Isabella!!!" Dean's heart stopped when she fainted. "Isabella, please wake up!" He checked his breathing and then her pulse, it was normal. Also, notice her palm holding what appears to be the earring but without the stone… 'F*****!!!!!' This woman will be the death of him. He stood up and fixed her sleeping position. When he was about to go to the other side of the bed to lay beside her, he noticed the waterfall and river glowing purple color!

"!!!!!!!!" He approached the river, it was too bright, and he turned back. He lied down beside Bella.

Bella opened her eyes. She felt refreshed. Her hands were held by Dean while sitting beside her. She signed. 'I need to be careful next time.' Dean smiled at her.

"I'm so sorry, I will be careful next time."

"Of course you should! How do you feel?"

" I feel so light, full of energy, I really feel good!"

"That's good to hear."

"Hhhow long was I out?" She asked embarrassedly.

"An entire day…."


"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" She stood up, jumped around. "Wait, we need to get out of here, they'll be waiting for us!"

"Wait!" Dean stopped her. She was puzzled.

"Something happened to the river and waterfalls when you fainted. It glowed purple. After eight hours it stopped. I was thirsty, and I drank it."

"I'm sorry, I should have told you there's food in the cave."

"No, that's not it, I haven't eaten since yesterday right? I drank the water four times, I didn't feel hungry."

"!!!!!!!! OMO OMO, This is good! Maybe it has special effects!!!" Bella was about to run to the river when Dean grabbed her.

"You can inspect it later, we should get out first. I heard the knocks from here."

"Oh yeah, your right! Poof!" and they are back in the room.

Bella opened the door at the exact time Adelle was about to knock.

"Everything ok?" She asked with teasing eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sorry something happened inside, I'll tell you later. What happened yesterday?"

"Nothing much, when they heard that you woke up, everybody went home. They will visit you after you and Dean had some time together. Oh, Grandpa Tang called you last Monday and two days ago. I told him you were sick. He said you can come when you get well. Then also Uncle Belden is sleeping in the guest room. He's also been coming here from work since Monday."

" I must talk to him about it, maybe he can do more preparations. Actually, I told him about the apocalypse, but he's not 100 percent convinced."

"What apocalypse?" Dean asked curiously. Adelle looked at Bella. Bella facepalmed! She told him about the abilities but not the apocalypse.

"We need to eat first. I forgot to tell you a very crucial piece of information. Maybe with your help, we can save more lives."
