
Dean went to Drake's room and took this opportunity to inform him about the changes he wanted in preparation for the upcoming Apocalypse. He laughed crazily when he heard it but when he saw how serious Dean was, he stopped and listened even if he was so tired. He's certain that his brother would not take him seriously so he wants to ask Bella her opinion. He can vouch for Drake's personality that he would not betray them.

Bella was easily convinced because he helped save her when his brother asked for his help. She's not planning to hide it from Dean's family for long. They treat her better than her own blood relatives. They decided to show him the next morning because they needed to rest first.

When they woke up, everybody started the day exercising. After taking a bath, the ladies prepared breakfast while the guys made calls in the living room. They ate breakfast and are now in the living room. Adelle didn't hide her online shopping spree and also she made calls to the gasoline stations.

"Why are you buying so much gasoline and diesel?" Drake asked curiously.

"Just like I told you yesterday, it's preparation for the upcoming disaster."

"Dammit Dean, were you serious?"

"Yes I am, and it's better that Bella explain to you personally." Drake looked at her seriously.

"I want to thank you for your help yesterday. Just like what Dean said, It's true that in July next year, the world you see now will change into something unimaginable…."

Drake listens very carefully. After a while, he was silent. In his eyes were confusion and doubt were visible.

"Poof!" the table disappears. Drake's eyes were wide, he stopped breathing and his mouth was hanging. Even before he could breathe again, "Poof!" Table reappears. He abruptly stood up and walked back and forth behind the sofa, his hands were in his mouth and waist. Feeling creeped out! He was really about to faint but when he saw Adelle's face, he pulled all his strength to stay focused! It wouldn't look cool for a man to faint! It's embarrassing, a tough guy like him whose hands are covered with blood, would faint? Noooo! It's not manly! So he stood up and walked to remove some of his anxiety. His heart beats fast like his chest was about to explode. Adelle came with a glass of cooled water and gave it to him. He drank it in one gulp.

He sat down again and looked at Bella. His eyes wide and face with anticipation,

"Can I do it too?!"

"Pffffttttttt!" Adelle laughed hard. Bella and Dean sighed relief. Bella waved at Adelle, showing her to sit down. She sat beside Drake and then "Poof!"

It shocked Drake he held Adelle's hand by impulse. Adelle giggled, but she didn't resist and waited for him to calm down. His neck moved everywhere looking at the place. He was breathing heavily with this phenomenon. It's amazing!

"This is my personal space." Bella grinned.

"So you were here yesterday?"

"Yeah, I hid here because I got shot by the sleeping dart so I couldn't stay focused. Might as well hide here."

"This is amazing! If the military has this ability, we can…." Bella smiled slightly. Dean frowned.

"No, I'm sorry, I was excited, I'm sorry Bella. I won't tell anybody about this, I promise on my grave." He said embarrassingly.

"No, it's ok don't worry. You have a patriotic heart so it's natural to think for the benefit of the people but I'm telling you right now that I'm not sharing this with outsiders. I will help with the resources but bringing people here would be selected by me. Look, if my life would be in danger because of this, We could disappear and you will never find me again."

Dean embraces her immediately. "No, I will not let it happen, I'll make them disappear for you, please don't leave me…." Dean said sadly, like an abandoned puppy.

"Dummy of course you're coming with me with Adelle and Uncle." She embraced him back.

"No Bella, I'm sorry…" Adelle patted Drake's hand that's holding her.

"Don't worry Bella said IF her life is in danger, so please mind what you say. We decided to tell you because the bases would be the safest place but resources could deplete especially food."

"Okay, I know what to do…."

"I don't really mind it, but you should take responsibility if you continue holding my hands." Adelle said teasingly.

"I...I...Sorry…." He didn't want to let go but right now his mind was in a mess. But then he regretted it immediately when the softness disappeared. Adelle waved saying she doesn't mind.

"Do you want to see the place? I'll give you a brief tour!" Adelle asked Drake.

"Sure!" Bella and Dean remained seated, but Dean was still embracing her.

"You promised you'll never leave me!"

"I told you, it depends on your performance!" Bella said teasingly. Dean clasped her.

"Common, I can't breathe…", "I'm sorry…." Bella giggled and squeezed his cheeks.

Drake and Adelle returned, and they all went back to the living room.

Drake took his phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, I need you to control something, code 8xxxxxx, ASAP." He dialed another number.

"Bro how are you?... Yeah, I'm good thanks, listen, I need a favor, are still working in the observatory?... That's great! Can you call me when you notice some anomalies?....No, it's just curiosity…..Hahahahaha! You got me, buddy! Could you please...thanks, I owe you again. Hey wait, do you still have that bunker in your house?....No, I don't need it but you should stock up food and water just in case….Sorry that I can't speak about but…..Hahahahaha! Sure, Say Hi to Hannah for me. Thanks, bye!" He sat down again.

"Hey, Dean, did you ask mom about the experimental farming his friends were doing?"

"Yes I did, but I'm planning to call her this morning."

"Could you also ask if she could send two teams at the base? I'll go back now and do the paperwork. It takes months to approve the budget, so I'll use my savings first. I know two old bases that were closed, I can ask permission to use that as an experiment. It's for the benefit of the base, so I don't think they would give me trouble. We should do three things at the same time. But wait Bella, will you use the soil and water in your space?"

"That would be Plan B. The water in the bottles was not contaminated during that time, but I'm not sure when it's inside reservoirs. So if you could place some water tanks underground, maybe it'll be fine. If not, I could replace it stealthy of course, what's important now is a place to store them. The water from my space is still undergoing experiments, Dean will let you know the results.

There will also be water ability users, but usually using too much power drains the body. Imagine providing clean water to so many people? It's also better not to depend much on them because when there's a demand, some become arrogant, making it hard to control them resulting in unstable supply. "

"Got it. Thanks for trusting me."

"You're welcome, you save me, remember." She winked.


Drake made a serious face, "Report." Slowly, his face turns ugly. "Good job, please send me the file." He dropped the call, then after 15 seconds, a message arrived.

"You should never judge a person by their looks." Drake shook his head while looking at his phone. Then he gave it to Dean, his hands gripped the phone tightly, almost crushing it.

"Hey don't destroy my phone!", "Sorry.", "What's the matter?" Bella asked curiously.

"Charlotte Song is really ruthless. She had done the same thing with other girls who admired Dean in the past. They couldn't find any evidence, so until now the victims suffered a lot. Some committed suicide from humiliation." Bella and Adelle gasped. Bella was trembling from anger, if she didn't have space, she might have suffered the same fate as them.

"She must pay for what she's done." Adelle said angrily.

"Bella, I know I can't tell you to back out, but can you give me time, until tonight is enough. I need to inform Grandpa because Grandpa Song is his best buddy." Drake asked apologetically.

"Sure, but she still needs to go to jail."

"Yes, of course, the evidence is clear. Then I'll go for now."

"Thanks again Drake." Bella smiled brightly

"Anytime sister-in-law!" Bella blushed, Adelle giggled. When he was at the door, he turned around. He looked at Adelle and hesitated for a bit.

"Can I have your number?" He touched his nose.

"Sure, give me your phone." He did what she asked and typed her number. His ears were red when she bid them goodbye. Adele smiled politely.

At the Song Villa, Charlotte had dark circles around her eyes and was agitatedly holding her phone. She didn't sleep last night, there was no news about the job she requested. She had no idea, it has already exposed her. It has been done so many times; she lost count. It's the first time she had to wait for long. Little by little, fear creeps under her skin. She would be in big trouble if her family finds out. No! It's impossible, she used an offshore account and nontraceable phone….

Drake is with Grandpa Jin in his study room, holding a bunch of documents. Grandpa Jin held the papers tighter because of shock. He couldn't believe that his friend's granddaughter is so vicious! How did she escape his grandfather's eyes? His friend is a very upright and patriotic man. If he had known this, she could've been stopped before she destroyed so many lives. It's been a while since he talked to him. The last time he called was three months ago. He told him that he was going to their island for vacation and he hadn't called since then. He took his satellite phone and dialed his number.

"You're still alive, old man?" Grandpa Jin said teasingly.

"I'm stronger than you, of course, I'm alive! Hahahahaha!"

"That's good, I hope you won't have a heart attack later."

"Why old friend, what happened?"

"You're so laid back, you're losing your touch on family matters."

"Yaahh cut the c*** and tell me what's going on?!"

"Your granddaughter Charlotte committed crimes and I can't do anything about it."

"WHAAATTTT????What did she do?"

"Well, yesterday….."

"WHATTTT?????!!!! WTH my son's doing letting her daughter run amok???!!!!"

"The evidence is exposed and there are so many lives she's ruined. I know you won't tolerate her actions, that's why I'm notifying you before it gets on the news."

"I….I know, thanks for telling me. Honestly,, I'm too old and sick. I let the younger generation handle things at home. If I had known this….."

"No, you didn't do wrong, the time will come when we need to step back and let them lead. But it's really with a risk. I'm sorry that the name you painstakingly built will have this ugly stain."

��Hah I'll let them handle this, I'm sad for Charlotte but…. she still needs to be punished."

"I can arrange something inside, but that'll be it."

"It's up to my son, I hope I made the right decision and I hope they do too…."

"Good, that you still haven't changed."

"When you get old, you'll be too lazy to change…"

"You said you're sick? That's why you went there?"

"Yeah, fresh air improves my health a little."

"Oh, I'll send you something good. Wait, another thing, if you're staying there for a long time, might as well prepare for the worst. Imagine that war is coming, make preparations, especially food and water."

"War is coming?"

"Yeah, but do things stealthy, shut your mouth and this call never existed."

"Roger General!!!!" Grandpa Jin and Song saluted at the same time while holding their phone.

Grandpa Song cried after he dropped the call. "My poor Charlotte, what have you done…."

After Grandpa Jin ended the call, he sighed and looked at Drake.

"Do it."