Sofia Marie

A piece of explosive news awoke the country, Charlotte Song was arrested. On tv, internet, radio, and newspaper, it exposed her past crimes. As hours passed, more victims came to light. With the evidence and their testimony, she won't escape the punishment and would surely be sentenced to jail. Song's phones, be it at the company and at the residence, won't stop ringing.

Patrick Song is still on a conference call and his wife Agnes crying while talking with the attorney. Song's stocks are greatly affected.

He worries about his daughter, but right now, the future of the company rests on his shoulders. It's a wake-up call for his wife, she took some burden that should've been hers from the start. Nobody's to blame but themselves. She was confident that her children were doing well on their nanny's watch, just like her when she was young, but she was wrong.

Patrick also blamed himself, he should've involved himself more with their lives. He thinks he's a failure as a father. His other children Cordelia, Seth, and Ralph are sitting with them in the study room, feeling guilty because they spoiled her too much. But there's no medicine for regrets. They could only work together to surpass this.

The city was in shock but Bella wasn't affected, he trusted Dean with this matter. After learning from Grandpa Tang, she's now heading to the warehouse to pick up the materials for the vineyard and other deliveries like metal shelves, rice harvester, rice peeler machine, gasoline, diesel, and more fences for the added land. After she put them all to space, she went to the farm and purchased grapevine seedlings and more grass that would be food for animals.

Drake is free for a couple of days, so he volunteered to help set up the vineyard. Tomorrow, while Adelle does the shopping, Bella will stay in the warehouse and help him inside while she waits for the deliveries.

Dean brought more water to Aunt Deborah and went back to the hospital to work.

His Uncle Desmond is busy drawing a blueprint of a villa, two-story house with four-bedroom designs, just like Dean requested.

Zhang Villa is very busy at this time. Butler Bo wished he had two bodies and eight hands!

Trucks loads of construction materials are being delivered while Grandma Dy and the maids are busy making preserved food like kimchi, chilies, cucumbers, etc. Homemade tastes the best, especially with rice.

While others are busy, some are relaxing like Diara and Monique, who are currently having their massage in a spa. While she was waiting for their next treatment, she started reading the news about Charlotte's arrest.

"That woman is really an idiot!"

"My friend who loves to gossip called me this morning about it."

"It's not wise to move right now, we can only get her when she's defenseless."

"Let's plan it thoroughly…." Diara smiled mockingly.

Chloe Zhao couldn't believe it when she saw the news. They were friends for a very long time, but it looks like she was kept in the dark. The time they spent together seems unreal. She felt sorry for her, but also to the victims. Just like her, she's also desperate to get his attention, but not to the point of killing someone. Charlotte's despair made her mind clouded to the point of ruining her life.

The next day, Bella and Adelle had lessons from Grandpa Tang. To make things easier, Adelle went with her to the warehouse. They set up a small office at the entrance so she can accept the deliveries and make calls while she waits, then Bella can move them in space right away.

After they finished the deliveries, Adelle bought dinner, and they ate in space. Drake stayed with them until tomorrow, to finish the vineyard, so he went home with them.

The next morning, after exercising, they went to Grandpa Tang and to the warehouse after that. Today will be the last day of the deliveries for this week. Tomorrow will be the continuation of training with Dean so on Monday, they needed to adjust the time.

Drake invited Adelle to train together with Bella at Zhang Villa. He will be her sparring partner. Actually, these past days, he observed her movements when they exercise and she seemed to have a good foundation.

Dean also told him they want to learn to shoot guns, he's happy to teach so after a month, he'll teach them the basics and his techniques then Dean will continue while he's on a mission. Dean is also proficient with guns, but he's much better based on experience.

After they finished setting up the vineyard, Drake went home. Bella and Adelle were chatting in the living room while drinking tea.

"Bessy, on Sunday, I want to speak with Grandpa Tang."

"Sure. Do you want me to come?"

"No need." She looked at her teacup.

"Is there something on your mind?"

"Yeah, I've been thinking these days, so I might as well face it head-on."

Bella looked confused. Adelle smiled brightly.

"I think I'm Grandpa Tang's granddaughter."

"!!!!!!" Bella's eyes were wide open.

"Don't be mad, I didn't tell you because it was my past I buried a long time ago." Bella held her hand.

"My old name was Sofia Marie…."


"My relatives were heartless. They took everything from me after my father died. When they left me at the orphanage, they didn't even leave anything else for me aside from the dress I was wearing. Prior to my arrival, the Directress lost her daughter because of illness. Her name was Adelle. She took pity on me and changed my name so my relatives won't pester me anymore.

I was five years old at that time. I could only remember my name and my parents. As time passed, I got used to being called Adelle and forgot about them until the Directress got sick and reminded me of their names before passing away.

I remembered Grandpa Tang's story when he was embracing me. I felt confused, surprised, and also angry. If only they came a little early, maybe my parents would've been saved. Maybe I hadn't experienced so much hardship. But then I thought, they're already gone. Blaming them wouldn't bring them back.

I also think because of those experiences, I learned a lot; I met you and I like my life now.

So I told them about it and do a DNA test." Bella cried and hugged Adelle.

The next day they went to the shop, but Grandpa Tang was at home because Grandma Meihui's health was getting worse. Adelle looked at Bella. They went there.

"Grandpa we're here"

"I'm sorry I can't teach you this week, I want to stay with her for a while."

"Grandpa, do you trust me?" said Adelle who was holding her tears.

"Of course dear." He smiled. Adelle took a thermos from her bag.

"Please let Grandma drink this."

"Right away." He waved at the maid, she helped him move Grandma in a sitting position and fed her. After drinking a glass, her complexion improved. Her cheeks got rosy. Her eyes were still closed, but the change was obvious. Grandpa Tang took her pulse, it was better! If this continues, maybe….

"My dear, where did this come from?" Adelle looked at the maid.

"Don't worry, she's my wife's trusted attendant." Bella nodded at her.

"It's an experimental supplement. A friend gave it to me. It's safe, but it's not yet in the market."

"Thank you so much!"

"No worries, I have more, I'll leave it to you so you can feed her a glass every day."

He embraced both of them.

"Ladies, can you leave us for a while?" Adelle asked the attendant and Bella.

"Sure." Adelle and Grandpa Tang were left inside with Grandma Meihui. She told him about her past and the possibility of being their granddaughter. To make sure, she'll ask Dean's help to get a DNA test. Grandpa Tang was crying, but he's happy. Adelle held her Grandma's hands and tried to talk to her. She's too weak to speak, but she feels a feeble grip as a response.

Bella hopes the test result would bring good news. Even though they treat each other like blood relatives, it still feels good to have more people who care about her. They can give her unconditional love and it could also heal loneliness. She will prepare more water for them and hopes that Grandma's health gets better, even slowly. Now that they may have more people, she's more determined to build a bigger house for them.

When Adelle and Grandpa Tang exited the room, their eyes were puffy and red. Adelle stayed with them, so Bella reminded her about the training and then went home alone.

The next day, Bella went to the farm and learned how to plant, harvest, and peel rice manually and with a machine. She also bought some ducks, more chickens, and then put them into space. She picked up Adelle from Grandpa Tang's house and then they went to Zhang's Villa.