
Butler Bo greeted them and the maids helped them carry the gifts for everybody. In the living room, aside from Dean's grandparents and parents, Oliva, Olie, an elegant girl and a middle-aged man wearing a traditional suit seated beside them, sipping tea.

"My Darlings, you're back!" Aurora and the others embraced them. They chatted happily until they heard someone cough. Grandpa smirked.

"Oh Bella, Adelle, he's Peter Jiang, Olie's husband and his daughter Grace Jiang."

"Hello." The girls greeted politely, but Grace only looked for a second and then fixed her gaze on the door.

"My, you really are a beauty."

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang."

"You can call me Uncle you know, we're gonna be family. I heard about your engagement with Dean." She felt uncomfortable with his hostile gaze.

"Thank you." She said politely.

"Hi, Devyn!" Grace elegantly stood up, smiling brightly.

"Oh, Hello." He smiled politely as if greeting a business partner. Then he went to hug Bella and Adelle warmly.

"Hi girls! I missed you. Wait, did you bring me souvenirs?" Adelle saw Grace's face darkened for a second, then turned to normal. If she's not paying her attention, she would have missed it.

"Good to see you, Dean." Peter greeted Dean enthusiastically. Dean only nodded and went to kiss his beloved. Peter can see Olivia's nails digging into her palm. He smirked at this foolish step-daughter of his.

He flew right away when he received Olie's call last night. The Zhangs are famous even in Galvin country, and he wants to maintain a good relationship with them. Especially Dean, whom he admires a lot and wished to have a marriage alliance through Grace. It was surprising to know that a girl from an ordinary family could get close to him.

In his eyes, Dean is the perfect son-in-law, even if he has that one flaw, he's germaphobic. But looking at him now seemed like he's already cured. Embracing the little doll and surrounded by his family, not refusing their touch. This is the chance for Grace, he won't allow a girl of low birth to take this chance away from them. His ignorant step-daughter almost ruined his plan when she made trouble.

It's unbelievable that they made it a big issue. Just because a lowly maid was hurt, they would punish his wife and step-daughter. He was furious at first, but then he remembers that this prominent family doesn't follow strict traditional rules and treat their subordinate like family. Although he respects General Jin, he finds it funny. Servants must know their place. It's their obligation and honor to sacrifice their bodies for nobles like them.

General Jin has the final say but could bend the rules just to pacify his wife. If it was him, he would never lower down. His voice is the law that everyone must obey.

Knowing Dean's attitude towards Olivia, he brought Grace and took this chance to get close to him. Observing his actions towards Isabella, he needs to redo his plan. The competition is tough, but he won't back out.

Devyn's comfortable attitude towards the strangers irritates Grace. His father insisted on getting together with Dean, but she doesn't like that block of ice! She likes Devyn, whose presence can warm the entire room. He smiles brightly as the sun and adores his angel-like face that she would love to wake up to every morning. He's young, smart, handsome and one of the youngest CEOs in the continent.

She graduated from an all ladies' school and trained very well since young. Preparing her entire life to be flawless, she wholeheartedly aimed to be Devyn's wife. Her family is one of the richest families in Galvin and one of Zhang's investors in their country. They're perfect for each other.

She fell in love years ago when they met at his step-mother's wedding. It motivated her to study well and harness skills that would make him notice her. When his father meets him during business meetings, she tags along as his secretary so she could get a glimpse of him and attract his attention at the same time. His attitude remained business-like but at least he doesn't refute her existence, unlike Dean who seemed to be irritated just standing in the same room with her.

She hated her step-sister a lot. If she successfully seduced Dean, she'll be free to pursue Devyn. But no, this b**** had the nerve to get in trouble. It's not gonna be easy, but she mustn't give up. She's willing to compromise and help her just this once.

Their unwelcome attitude bothers him, but he couldn't lament for now. He came to salvage the relationship and retreating for now is the right move. They bid them goodbye. He needs to teach this step-daughter a lesson. Grace and Olivia reluctantly followed them.

After dinner, they all went to space. Everybody's amazed by the place now resembles a paradise in another world. The girls adored the colorful moons and the warm sunlight as if embracing them pleasantly. Inside, the moons remain on the horizon, night or day. The sunsets at midnight and sunrise at six in the morning. Even so, it's not dark because the moons give them light.

Vulcan Island is as big as Celestia. At first, they were worried, but when she told them it's safe; they tossed it at the back of their minds. The river's current is good, so Bella took a boat and rode it with them around the island. On the river banks, there were chickens, monkey's and rabbits drinking. They weren't afraid of them and roamed leisurely in the jungle. Then they went back to work.

Devan watches Bella admiringly as she levitates the soil to bury the pipes. With her new ability, they finished the pipes and cables. Now, they can arrange the brick roads. Grandpa insisted on doing it manually since they have the machines, so Bella, together with Uncle Desmond, went to the beach. It stunned him when he saw the castle wall and praised Bella's creativity. With his help, the construction of the castle slowly made progress.

The next day, Bella giggled when she was brought to the warehouse of the villa. There was so much stuff bought by the teens these past days, filling the whole place. She divided them according to the names attached to them, so it would be easier to find without her help. Then Grandma took her to the back, where the seeds and new saplings were delivered. She has this proud look because most of them were rare plants from Ravenna Continent.

Aunt Aurora and the girls took her to buy a gown for the engagement party. Bella showed them the gowns that Uncle Belden gifted her, but they still insisted. She guessed it was just an excuse to go shopping.

Somewhere in Aster Continent

In a modern house, a man in black entered a dim room. Another man is standing back straight in front of a french window looking at the garden from the second floor.

"The girl was skilled in combat and has connections to the military."

"It doesn't matter, even if we use her as a hostage, they will never come out. I told you it'll be useless."

"How can you be so sure?"

"They would have taken her with them when they returned. But they didn't go to the city where she was. I assume they're willing to sacrifice her to protect it. The girl broke her ties with the Chen's but she still has no idea who her real father is, it means they didn't approach her anymore after all these years."

"And I thought we're the only ones who don't have a heart."

"Humans are very complicated creatures." He said while rubbing his chin.

"Do you think that traitor told him how to use it?"

"No, the human body differs from ours. Even if he has the core, his olefin is already destroyed. Although he's a genius, he has no way of knowing if this race can use it. Unless he tests on his own body while he's still breathing. Plus, where would he get the technology to experiment? This planet is way low tech. That elder's core is too precious, he won't take the risk."

"Then why can't we get a hold of them?"

"It's what I've been thinking after he met that woman, it's harder to track him as if the aura disappeared. So I thought maybe they found a way to cover it's aura and hid it somewhere."

"How many years since we last saw them?"

"I don't remember, but they haven't left that mountain for a long time. It was thoroughly searched and guarded. Not even a fly would come out unnoticed."

"How can they survive without food?"

He turned around, his black eyes stared at the man.

"Maybe you have forgotten, who's that traitor's family is?" The man tries to think then, like a eureka moment.

"You mean he has other abilities we don't know?"

"It was already suspicious, why would somebody like him join a suicidal mission?" He smirked.

"Why didn't you say anything before?"

"We were in a desperate situation, I thought he gave up whatever he's planning. I didn't expect his patience to be his asset. I was also suspecting others as well, now I know he's the only one."

"What should we do with the girl?"

"Leave someone to watch her but pull the others. Our fund is decreasing, it's time to hunt for another source." He smiled creepily.

"I obey Commander Zunic. For Oliene!"