
The school organized a camping trip to Mount Bari. At the bus, Diara is seated beside Elijiah while Aqua and Adem are seated across them. Inside it's noisy, full of chatting and excited students. Although Elijah Song is a member of the fourth branch, he wasn't treated badly. He could have enrolled in an elite school but chose to be with Diara instead.

He fell in love with her when she saved him from drowning. He slipped in a mud near the lake in a park when he tried to hide from his bodyguards. He woke up seeing Diara's crying face. He felt warm inside, even though his body was freezing.

He's not in line with the inheritance, so he was raised normally. His parents were always busy and his siblings didn't care about him who concentrated on their studies. He eats alone, only nannies and bodyguards accompany him. He doesn't have friends because they were afraid of his family. Diara was the only one who was worried when he almost died.

Nobody saw what happened because there were few people at that time. He found out who she was after days of investigation. Since then, he made up her mind to be with her, so he requested his parents to be his fiancée. It doesn't matter to them who he marries since he's the youngest, so they accepted it in a bat of an eye.

He was first attracted to her beauty, then, later on, he discovered how lovely she is. She's friendly, caring, funny, and smart. Her bright smile makes him want to protect it.

It was unknown to him, two pairs of jealous eyes were watching them like hawks looking at their prey. Aquan can only clench his fist seeing them flirting. Although he knew that Diara was only pretending, he couldn't help it. He wanted to punch his face and claim his rightful place, but he couldn't. His family is nothing in Elijah's eyes and could squash them at any time.

Adem wasn't well either. No one must know this indecent feeling he's hiding. It's irritating to see these boys who flock around her cute little sister. He knows very well he can't have her, but he couldn't stop loving her. Her smile makes him happy, her tears make him want to kill who made her cry, he will give her anything she wants in the world if she asks for it. Looking at Aquan's jealous face, he chuckled slightly. He can't do anything with Elijah but seeing Aquan's constipated face relieves some of his anger.

After leaving their luggage in the hotel and eating lunch, they were divided into groups. For security reasons, they must explore the place together. In the group were Diara, Adem, and Elijiah. While Aquan was in another group. Each group was assigned to a teacher.

After exploring the garden around and the entire hotel, they ate dinner and went to sleep. The next day, they packed the camping gears and left the hotel on foot. Diara's group was at the end of the line because of her weak legs. Their group, together with a teacher, rested while the others continued to walk to the campsite. It took a long time for Diara to regain her strength, but when they were about to follow the path, they heard noises. The teacher, armed with a gun, pointed at the bushes. The three were scared, but since there's a teacher, they calmed down a little.

"Bang bang bang, Ahhhhh!"

"Ruuuun!" The bleeding teacher shouted, holding the wild boar. He missed the shots and attacked his legs. He held it until the three were able to escape. But what strength could hold it, he was thrown like a rag. The boar ran ahead, but he couldn't tell what direction. He dragged his body and reached for the satellite phone to call for help, then he shot the emergency gun in the air.

The three continued running until they reached the edge of a waterfall.

"Are we safe?" still catching her breath.

"Yes, don't worry, I won't let anything harm you." He looked at her tenderly as her cute face has now had rosy cheeks. He couldn't help it, he embraced her waist and kissed her. Diara, with her eyes wide open, pushed him hard, but what can a weak body do? They were separated by a strong pull.

Adem was furious when he kissed his sister. He was so disgusted, using his sleeves, he wiped Diara's lips. It hurts so bad but couldn't say anything, she felt chills when seeing his dark face. He stopped when her lips were red, he's so desperate to mark his possession, without thinking, he kissed her.

Diara was shocked again! She woke up right away when she felt his tongue invade her mouth. She was desperately trying to escape when he was pulled from her. Both the guys drag each other by the collar. The guys were near the waterfalls. Seeing the dangerous situation, she pulled Adem's arm when he was about to punch Elijiah.

Maybe because of anger, Adem shook his body with all his might, the force pushed Elijiah and Diara. She fell, her head hit a rock, blood dripped on her head. Adem ran to her and fell on his knees, desperately waking her, but she's unconscious.

Still looking at her, "Elijah we need to get her to....Elijiah?" He's not there anymore.

"Elijiah! Where are you? We need to bring her to the hospital! Elijiaaaah!!!!" Then his heart had a bad feeling. He was standing there a moment ago. He had the urge to look down the waterfalls, he stood up and walk at the edge then he saw Elijiah, floating face down. He's still wearing his backpack….

"Noooooo!" He held his mouth while tears fell on his face, shocked and scared. He murdered somebody! He vomited, holding his hair and chest that's aching, gasping for air, then he fell unconscious.

When he woke up, he was already in the hospital. He didn't speak for days. Although he understood what's happening around him, he chose to stay silent, he didn't want to go to jail! Diara came three days later, she visited him in a wheelchair. She couldn't remember anything after the bore chased them.

It was his chance! So at that moment, he decided to fabricate the story which everybody believed. He told the police; they were chased to the cliff, and the boar reached it too. It aimed for them and when it attacked, Elijiah pushed them out of the way. He and the boar fell in the waterfall while Diara hit her head on the rock.

Making Elijiah the hero. A ceremony was held in his honor and everybody mourned even his family. For years, this secret hunts him when he sleeps. He silently suffers but will bury it to his grave. Diara will never forgive him if she finds out he's a murderer. What matters is this tragedy freed her from the engagement and now she's happy with Aquan.

But does Aquan feel the same? He saw how he looked at Isabella, did his feelings change? Or was just fascinated with her beauty? In his eyes were adoration and gentleness. For now, he needs to investigate. He'll never let anything hurt her even if it means he must kill again.

That f****** guy's so lucky to be loved by her and he wants to be in his place, but what could he do? Even if he erased his existence, Diara will never see him more than a brother.

"Adem?Adem? Are you okay?" Diara asked worriedly.

His thoughts came back to reality when he heard her lovely voice.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" He smiled.

"I was asking you if you want to go shopping with us?"

"No, thanks, I have to go back to the company. You enjoy shopping." He said dotingly.

"Sure, I'll bring you something too." smiled cheerfully. 'Who wouldn't anyone fall for her?'

Uncle Belden called Bella and reminded her about her mother's villa, so she and Adelle drove the rented truck to Anji Village.

Silvana City is situated in the west of Allegra City. Its surrounding villages are filled with fertile farming lands that supply ⅓ of the food in the country. Anji village is one of them that plants sugarcane and rice.

On the way, they bought thousands of sacks of seeds like cotton, corn, wheat, almond, soy, cashew, hazelnuts, pistachio, sunflower, watermelon, etc. They also bought a lot of saplings like coconut, banana, sugar cane, avocado, guava, mango, mulberry, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, papaya, and jackfruit.

When they reached the village in the afternoon. People are tending to their farms even though the sun is very hot. The villa is located at the farthest end of the village, a few meters to the foot of a mountain. The girls were greeted by the keeper, Aunt Minda. Bella has little memory of the place but felt nostalgic knowing that her family lived here.

"Nice to meet you, girls."

"Hello, Aunt Minda!", "Hi, Aunty."

"Belden didn't mention the time you're coming, so there's lunch and snacks in the kitchen."

"We already ate lunch Aunt, we'll have the snacks and reheat the rest for dinner."

"Up to you, I'll be at my house when you need anything."

"Thank you!"

Aunt Minda is also their neighbor and keeps the place spotless, even if she lives with her family. The girls explored the place after eating some snacks. Her parent's room has a few cabinets, paintings, a large bed and an empty wardrobe. Adelle opened the cabinets while Bella went inside the wardrobe.

There's a painting of a mountain in the center while the sides are divided into shelves and bars for clothes. Nothing to see, Bella turned around, but when she stepped on the floor, it made an odd sound. She bends down and notices the loose wooden floor in the corner. Using a knife she took from space, she lifted the wood. There's a dark space under it, using a flashlight she found a dusty wooden box.