Chapter Fifteen: In the Rain.
The weather was horrible outside, cold and raining. Harry sat under the cover in the courtyard with his hood from his robes over his head so he could get some privacy. Some of the first-years were still pestering him and excited to be in the same school as the man who slayed Voldemort. At least it wasn't as bad as it had been a month ago. The dreary weather also helped.
Most of the students were inside because of the hard rain that was pelting the grounds, which gave Harry a bit of time to himself before Ron and Hermione would be heading to Potions with him.
He had a free period at the moment, but Ron and Hermione were still in class. Hermione, because she had so many, and Ron had ended up taking a few different courses compared to him (courtesy of Hermione, of course).
He was glad to see Ron getting down into some books, but it did mean he would have some free periods by himself. He didn't mind that, though, the silence was very much greeted. Plus, Spells had flown down from the Owlery to perch on the bench he was seated at.
He was still nervous about his next lesson, of course. He didn't want Snape to think he was weak or anything because of how the last few weeks had been, but he didn't want the man to completely act as if it hadn't happened either. If Snape really did like him, then he was going to try anything he could to get the man's attention in a positive way.
When Spells made a small bark, Harry looked up to see a hooded figure walking across the courtyard in the rain. The dark robes were obvious, but Harry felt his chest tighten as it looked awfully like a Death Eater.
"Professor," he said, the hooded figure turning. Underneath the soaking wet hood, Severus Snape's eyes pierced Harry's, and he felt his chest flutter at just how attractive the man looked in a hood. He looked like he was striding rather purposefully, but Snape easily turned in his direction and headed over—much to Harry's own personal excitement.
"You know, you really shouldn't walk around with your hood on, Professor," he swallowed, the dark hair sticking to Snape's face as he was clearly wet from the rain. God, he looked gorgeous, though. And Harry realised he was staring.
"Are you going to tell me hooded figures are instantly sought to be dangerous?" Snape asked, raising a brow. "That's rather Muggle of you, Potter."
Harry smiled, unable to stop himself, "I wasn't talking about looking dangerous, sir."
Snape just stared at the boy, quickly removing his hood. He didn't bother brushing his hair down. The worse he looked, the more Potter would stay away from him.
"Potter, I want to make something clear with you. As a student here at Hogwarts, you will start acting like one. That includes no midnight strolling and no talking to any of the professors here disrespectfully. Do I make myself clear?"
Although he felt awkward, Harry nodded, smiling gently. "I was just trying to compliment you, sir, but… alright. I can see you don't take those very well, even if you look really hot in a hood."
Once more, Snape's words caught in his throat before he grabbed Potter by the robes and stood him up, pushing him against the wall so he had to listen to him. "Listen to me, and listen to me carefully as I will not be repeating myself, Mister Potter." He stopped as he looked into his perfect green eyes, and Harry's hand went against his wrist.
Instantly, he felt the young man's magic connect with his, and he wanted to shove Harry against the wall again and show him just how dangerous he could be. Instead, he just dropped him, taking his hand back and storming away without finishing what he was going to say.
Harry watched as Snape's hood went back up as he headed into the rain. Probably to get ingredients for some kind of potion before class. Either way, he felt rather breathless as he'd been so close to the man, watching as those dark eyes penetrated his own. Snape hadn't hurt him, but it had been a shock to see him react that way.
He was started when he heard footsteps coming his way, Ron and Hermione rushing towards him. Ron looked furious, but Hermione just looked concerned. Obviously they'd seen Snape push him up against the stone wall.
"What the bloody hell was that about, Harry!?" asked Ron, looking horrified.
Harry swallowed hard, not knowing how to explain that he'd egged Professor Snape on. Maybe it was time he told Ron the truth before he got more negative vibes about Snape and threw them around.
"Ron, it was nothing, don't worry," he tried to say, but it didn't seem to calm the red-headed boy down at all.
"Snape just assaulted you! He pushed you against the wall! I don't think that was nothing!"
"Harry… just tell him," Hermione said, Ron looking between them confused. She gave the boy an apologetic look, but if Snape and Harry were to ever have a relationship it couldn't stay a secret to Ron.
"What's going on? What do you mean 'tell' me?"
Rubbing the back of his neck, Harry frowned. "I should have told you earlier, Ron, but… I knew you wouldn't like it, or understand it, really. I mean, I don't even understand it."
Ron almost didn't want to know anymore by the look on both Harry and Hermione's faces. "Spit it out, Harry… you're making me nervous!"
"I like Snape…" Harry said, looking down as a mortified look went across Ron's freckled face.
"Like? Like as in a friend, right? Like… you know, mates hang out and such, yeah?" Ron asked, feeling like he was about to be sick when he saw Harry blush. "Blimey, Harry, what the hell!?"
"Ron," hissed Hermione, giving him a chilled look.
"Don't tell me this is the reason why you broke up with Ginny!"
"I technically never liked Ginny," Harry reminded his friend.
"Well, how do you know if you technically like Snape?" Ron accused. "Who knows what he's been putting in your food or drinks when you have class with him." Ron's face went even paler. "Oh, blimey, is that why… is that why you didn't come with me and Hermione in tutoring lessons, because you wanted to be with…" Ron almost gagged.
"No, Ron," urged Hermione, "I was going to tell Harry about it, but then he got the letter from Snape. That was McGonagall… She knew Harry needed extra lessons to catch up, and… she made Snape do it. He wasn't any more pleased than Harry was about the arrangement."
Ron looked at his girlfriend in shock. "Wait… y-you knew about this!? How long have you known that my best friend's been dating a teacher!? And not just any teacher, but Snape! He's a greasy bat, Harry!"
"We're not dating!" objected Harry, seeing Spells fly away from all of the noise. Much too like Hedwig. He frowned, but he turned back to Ron. He'd apologise to Spells later on and give her a treat. "And I've never eaten or drunk anything in his class before."
Ron seemed a little embarrassed about that, but his face was still red with fury at the whole thing. "So… what? What was that about before, then?" he said, motioning his hand to where Snape had had him against the wall.
"I just pissed him off, that's all…" Harry explained, Hermione looking rather concerned once again. "I… tried complimenting him, but it didn't go the way I planned and it just sort of made him angry…"
"So… Snape doesn't like you back?" asked Ron. He sounded almost relieved about that, but he felt a bit guilty when Harry looked at him uncertainly.
"Hermione seems to think he does, but… I'm not so sure."
Ron sat down, trying to make sense of everything. How hadn't he figured this out? Harry had been beside Snape when he'd been bitten. He'd saved his life, though he doubted Harry liked him before any of that happened. Ron knew he hated the man for killing Dumbledore until the truth came out.
He ran a hand through his messy red hair. Why didn't Harry just tell him? How long had this all been going on for? Sure, he didn't like the idea, and it was awkward as hell, but he now understood why Harry had asked about wizarding relationships months back.
Months back? Had he started liking Snape months back!?
"Blimey, Harry… why didn't you just tell me?" he asked, looking up. He felt awfully betrayed and left out. Especially if Hermione had been in the loop all this time. Did Snape even have feelings!? Despite Ron knowing the truth of Snape's past, he still didn't trust him. It just felt weird to when he'd hated him for years.
Harry shrugged awkwardly. "Well, to be honest, I didn't even know it, or want to admit it… I didn't want to tell you anything because I knew that nothing would come out of it. I'm sorry," he said softly, rubbing the back of his neck once more. This was going to make for a very awkward Potions lesson.
"I should have told you, but… I didn't even want to tell Hermione, but she guessed. I didn't want to lie to her."
Hermione looked thankful to that. "Ron, trust me, Harry didn't do it on purpose, he was just confused. Plus… learning you have feelings for a teacher, and Snape of all teachers, is pretty nerve racking. Especially when you've been dating girls for the last few years."
Ron didn't really think about that, looking back at Harry. If Harry had had the chance before Ginny had been feeding him love potions, maybe he would have liked Snape earlier. He still shuddered at the thought, though. He doubted he'd ever get used to that.
"Mate, I'm sorry, but I can't stand here and watch you walk into an abusive relationship. Even if Snape does like you, what the hell kind of show of affection was that?" he said, gesturing to what had happened a few minutes ago. "I can't allow it. I won't." Ron's voice was stern.
"I already told you, Ron, that was my fault. I egged him on. Plus, he didn't even hurt me."
"I don't care. He's a bloody Death Eater!"
"Ronald!" Hermione hissed once more, stopping the boy from continuing. "Harry and Professor Snape are actually a very good match for one another."
Before Ron could protest, she put her hand up and stopped him, Harry just blushing. "Before you go back and say all the mean things that's been shared between them over the years, you have to realise that Snape had to be cruel to Harry. If he didn't, then Voldemort would have known Snape wasn't loyal to him… Snape's had to endure some horrible stuff, Ron. Things that he probably didn't want to do, but he did, to spy for Dumbledore and show his loyalty to Voldemort, and to protect Harry—even though he hated him at the time."
Hermione seemed to have put a lot of the pieces together, and Ron just looked down, not knowing what to say. He still didn't approve, and he doubted he ever would.
"Fine… but that doesn't mean I have to like him," he muttered, picking up his bag and slinging it across his shoulder. "This Potions lessons is going to be awful," he mumbled before walking away.
Hermione sighed, looking back to Harry. "Sorry…"
"It's fine. I knew he wouldn't take it well, anyway," Harry murmured.
"He'll come around, Harry, he always does," the girl smiled. "Just out of curiosity, what did you say to Snape to make him angry?"
Harry grinned stupidly, feeling his cheeks blush, "That he looks hot in a hood."
Hermione's eyes widened as she put a hand over her mouth. "Harry, you're awful!" she laughed. "I almost feel sorry for Professor Snape."
"I don't," Harry smirked.
"So you're trying to swoon him?"
"Trying to. Don't know if it'll work, but… soon enough, if you say we're a match, then he'll cave in."
"He's still a professor, Harry," Hermione stated.
"I know," nodded Harry, "but that doesn't mean we can't be nice to one another. I'm thinking flowers. Do you think he'd hate me if I left flowers in his desk?"
Hermione laughed once more, knowing Harry was just joking. Snape was hardly one to like flowers. "Go on, before we all get into trouble."
Harry chuckled as he picked up his bag and headed to the dungeons. This would, indeed, be an interesting lesson.
Potions had indeed been interesting. When Hermione and Harry had arrived, Ron was already seated by himself. He didn't talk to Harry the whole lesson and kept giving Snape dirty looks. Snape didn't seem to care or see—which was fine with Harry.
Hermione sat in the middle between them, just to keep the peace. And when they had to split off and work in sets of two, Harry paired himself with Dean Thomas.
Snape was rather silent for himself in class, and Harry kept stealing glances at him. Much to his disappointment, though, he hadn't seen the man look at him once. Only to come over and inspect his and Dean's cauldron and walk away silently.
The silence was usually a good thing when Snape hovered. It meant he had nothing to criticize. He'd noticed he did that a lot with Hermione in class, but anyone else he'd jump at the chance to say something snarky. Today, though, it had been different. And odd. He doubted he was the only one to notice this as well. The other students probably just thought he was sick or something.
Snape was dry of any rain, which only meant he'd probably used a spell to make himself dry. He doubted Snape was actually sick. He was probably just quiet because he didn't want to yell and overreact because he was still awkward around Harry.
Harry just smirked at that.
Looking at the instructions, Dean was having trouble getting the cutting right. Having learnt that it actually did make a dramatic difference with how you cut things, Harry knew all too well that Dean was doing it wrong, however he didn't do anything about it. Instead, he waited until Snape circled back around.
"Professor," he said quietly, Snape's dark eyes going to him, his hands behind his back in a military fashion.
"Yes, Potter?" asked the Potions master. He hadn't completely disregarded Potter being in his class, he was just trying to avoid him at all costs right now. However, being a professor, it was his duty to tend to his students when in need of help, even if it was Harry Potter.
"I was wondering if you could tell us if we're doing this right. Dean's been cutting, but it doesn't seem to be doing the right thing. It says it's meant to bubble, but it's not." Dean looked nervous beside him, giving Harry an angry look that he'd called Snape over.
Frowning, Snape looked at the diced pieces of gingerroot. "Dicing is not slicing, Mister Thomas," he noted, shaking his head and completely ignoring Harry. "Put this rubbish aside and start again. This time, read the instructions properly."
"Yes, sir," said Dean, eyeing Harry and quickly moving to go and get a new gingerroot.
Snape took this as an opportunity to look darkly at Potter. "I don't know what you are playing at, Potter, but stop acting like a child. I already went over this with you in private lessons. Waste any more of my valuable recourses and I will be giving you detention for a month and removing more House points."
"You think that's a punishment, Professor?" said Harry rather boldly. Now knowing that Snape could potentially have feelings for him, he had become a lot more courageous—despite the hot blush on his face.
Snape growled, pushing past the boy and tending to his other students.
Ron mumbled under his breath as he watched Harry talk to Snape. Never in his life he thought that that would happen. His best friend, Harry, falling for Snape! The Dungeon Bat. He grimaced at the thought. How could anyone find that git attractive?
Not watching what he was doing, he accidently sliced his finger, wincing and swearing to himself.
"Ron, are you alright?" Hermione asked hurriedly, watching as the blood dripped down his finger.
"I'll be fine. I've had worse," said the red-head, trying to act rather brave.
"Ron, you're bleeding quite profusely!" Hermione put her hand up, but yelped quietly when Ron grabbed it and tore it back down. "Ron!"
"Are you mental!? I'm not asking him for help!" Ron sneered, eyeing Snape as he still circled the class like a vulture.
Hermione gave an aggravated look. "Don't be such a child, Ron. Come on, if you don't get it covered you might get an infection with all these ingredients around the place, and believe it or not, Snape's actually been a lot nicer since he's recovered."
Ron muttered to himself, not wanting anything to do with Professor Snape, but Hermione put her hand high up in the air and soon enough Snape was walking over to them. Ron just held his bleeding finger, trying to put on a brave face despite the pain.
"Professor, Ron's cut his finger."
Snape looked at the dark blood that dripped onto the table before grabbing out a small phial from his pocket. Classes could be quite dangerous and there was never knowing what idiot would cut themselves or explode a cauldron, so he always came prepared.
"Your hand, Mister Weasley," he said, Ron hesitant to move. Eventually, the boy leant his hand out, and Snape put a single drop of Essence of Dittany on the cut, it disappearing within mere seconds.
Ron felt a sharp kick in his shin from Hermione under the desk and looked as thankful as he could to Professor Snape. "Thank you, sir…" he mumbled. Snape just put the phial back into his pocket and went back to work, watching the students brew.
Leaning his hand down, he looked at it, thankful that the pain was gone. He wiped the blood away with a cloth that was on the bench before putting it back down.
"Ron, if Snape and Harry do… end up together, you're going to have to start getting used to it," Hermione made clear. "Harry is your best friend. You're not really going to get upset over this, are you?"
"I'm sorry, but have you noticed that the man he's fallen in love with is Professor Snape!?" Ron hissed, Hermione hushing him. Luckily, everyone was too preoccupied with what they were doing in their own pairs to hear their discussion.
"How can you be okay with this?" Okay, so he understood that Snape had protected Harry since the beginning, but that didn't make him a good person! Snape was evil! He didn't care if he ended up being cleared and had been a spy for Dumbledore, he still didn't like him! And he didn't like him even more now that Harry had started liking him.
"Can you imagine, in the future, us going to hang out and then ol' Snape comes along with us just because he's dating Harry? He'd completely ruin everything!"
Hermione sighed in exasperation. "I don't think Professor Snape would do anything like that. He's more respectful than that, and he'd be well aware of the age gap in friends."
"Respectful!?" Ron argued. "Bloody hell, Hermione, have you gone completely mental?"
"No! And I'm tired of you being so blind to what your best friend wants and enjoys! Gosh, Ron, can't you see that even if we don't like it that magic is a very strong bond!? They've clearly made one, and although Snape is trying to be ignorant to it, magic will eventually pull them together no matter what anyone else thinks, even themselves. And you're just going to have to live with it, so you better start dealing with it!"
Putting her hand up once more, she got Snape to inspect the finished potion she's mainly worked on and asked if she could leave for the bathroom. Once she'd gotten the okay, she stormed out of the dungeons.
Ron just looked down, beginning to pack away the things he didn't use.
After his final lesson, Harry walked up to the Owlery in the pouring rain, shuddering as he got himself under the covers. It was freezing now, and his damp robes weren't helping any, but he wanted to come and check on Spells.
Across the way, she was resting comfortably on a perch provided in the room. He walked over to her and greeted her, grabbing out a small treat for her from the bag in his pocket that said Eeylops Owl Treats.
Spells nibbled his fingers in thanks and ate the treat, gulping it down gleefully.
Lifting his hand, he patted her gently, the snowy owl fluffing up. "Sorry I was loud before, I didn't mean to annoy you," he said, leaning down and giving her a kiss on the soft head feathers. Spells just chittered in response and Harry took it as he was in the clear with her.
Once knowing Spells was alright, Harry headed back down to the castle, wearing the hood on his robes so his face wouldn't get pelted with the rain. It didn't help much, and he ended up with speckles all over his glasses. The robes also didn't really help. It wasn't like they were waterproof.
Trying to look where he was going, he ended up slipping over on the slippery steps and fell flat on his backside. He gave a grunt as he pushed his hood up, it having fallen and covered his eyes. He had no idea why the hoods on these robes were so bloody large!
As he pushed the hood up, he winced as someone was standing above him. He couldn't see a thing because his glasses were fogged, but he gladly took the hand that he could make out being offered to him, and he was lead under the cover, able to take his glasses off and clean them the best he could.
"You really shouldn't be walking around in the rain by yourself, Potter."
Harry put his glasses back on quickly as he recognised that drawling voice, Professor Snape standing before him. He felt his cheeks warm a little at the sight of the Potions master, and felt horribly embarrassed that he'd fallen over in front of him. He probably thought he was a clutz.
"I could say the same thing about you, sir," he said with a smile, though Snape wasn't nearly as saturated as he was. He could feel himself shivering in the cold. It should not be this cold in autumn!
Snape shook his head at the sight of the boy shivering and dripping wet. "What was so important that it had you roaming around in the rain?" he asked curiously and somewhat worriedly. He hid his worry the best he could, though. Although seeing Potter fall over had been a little amusing, he did worry for him, which was why he gave him a hand.
Pushing his hood off and brushing a hand roughly through his hair, Harry wrapped his arms around himself. "I was just checking on Spells," he said.
"I see you've kept her unoriginal name. Very creative." Severus' voice dripped sarcasm.
"Well, yeah, she likes it. And you said she was used to it. I didn't feel I needed to rename her," Harry shrugged.
Snape just nodded absently. "You should get inside before you fall ill," he said flatly, even if he very much liked the look of the boy's wild hair all wet and messy. "Come, Potter."
As Professor Snape turned on his heal, Harry immediately followed the man inside, dragging the rain from his robes inside. "I noticed you were dry when I reached your class, you don't maybe have a spell that could dry me, do you, Professor?" he asked, shivering rather horribly now.
"Perhaps," said Snape, "But perhaps if you were any more intelligent, you would have used the Impervius charm to repel the rain before you went roaming about in it."
Harry stopped. "Well, if you're so smart, why didn't you use it? You were just as wet as I am now."
Turning swiftly, Snape groused. "Had it ever occurred to you that maybe I enjoy the rain?" he snapped. "Besides, unlike you, I do know a spell that can undo the damage."
Severus approached the shorter wizard and looked down at him, seeing his glasses still smudged and drops of water coming from the tips of his hair. He looked horribly tempting all wet and messy.
Harry just held green against brown as they looked at one another. Suddenly, they had become quite close. "Is… asking you to lend me that spell too much, sir?" he asked, barely a whisper now as he looked into those dark eyes before him.
"If you don't mind my wand being directed at you…" Severus murmured, looking Harry up and down.
Harry's lips parted as he realised that could have a very bad double meaning, and he felt himself swallow hard as his blood pooled into his cheeks.
Merlin, Harry looked utterly vulnerable, and it took everything Severus had not to gently caress his cheek and claim those wet lips as his own. What the hell had come over him!? He knew desire could be a strong thing, but this was insane!
The closer they got to one another, the closer their magic connected, and it was trying to pull them closer and closer until they had fully connected in an intimate moment. No, he wouldn't have that! But damnit, Harry was fucking gorgeous like this!
Harry realised that his breath had increased, his magic pushing him to get closer and closer. "Sir…"
As he heard footsteps, Snape moved back immediately, feeling his magic strain to stay. He clenched his fists and gained control over it, seeing Weasley and Granger heading their way.
"I am sure Miss Granger knows a spell well enough to get you dry, Potter. Good luck."
As Snape walked away, Harry felt his own magic fall back under his control, but with the utmost despair. He watched as Snape's dark robes billowed behind him as he walked away, Ron and Hermione approaching him.
"Harry, what on earth are you doing soaked!?" Hermione gasped, immediately pulling out her wand and saying, "Assicco."
Harry felt his hair prickle and his clothes loosen from their sticky position, the water being drained from his clothes and hair.
Tucking her wand back away, the girl shook her head. "Honestly, you're going to get yourself sick."
Harry, who was still caught in a daze, just muttered an apology and thanks.
"What was he doing here?" asked Ron, folding his arms.
Harry was snapped back to reality and swallowed, pushing his now dry glasses up. "Oh… nothing. He just told me to get out of the rain before I get sick…" he said, trying to ignore the magic that was tingling all around him. Bloody hell it had been absolutely pleasurable, and he was glad his robes were still covering him, because it had also been very arousing.
Ron made an uncertain facial, looking away. "Well… I guess that at least stands for something, right?"
Both Harry and Hermione looked up at Ron. "Does this mean…?"
"You're my best friend, Harry, I can't really hate you if you like someone. I'm not gunna try and be friends with him, though."
Harry laughed a little. "That's probably for the best anyway. I don't think Snape plays well with others."
"You can say that again," mumbled Ron. "I'm gunna grab a bite. I'll see you two inside."
As Ron walked away, Hermione gave the now dry boy a smile. "I told you he'd come around, Harry. It just takes him a while."
"Better late than never," Harry noted. Ron and Harry had had their fair share of disagreements.
Having seen what had happened seconds ago, Hermione knew that eventually both Professor Snape and Harry couldn't fight their magic any longer. It was already getting stronger by the minute, and the only way it would stop would be if they gave into their temptation and consummated their relationship. Clearly it was already getting strong, because Hermione had never seen either Harry or Snape like that before. It was awkward, but in a way, it was also very romantic.
"Harry… how bad are the urges getting?" she asked concernedly. Harry would certainly be under a lot more stress than Snape would, just because of hormonal levels, but at the same time, she doubted Snape had to deal with this kind of feeling before.
Harry's green eyes opened in surprised. How much did Hermione know without ever being told? "I… dunno," he said honestly. "I-I don't really think about it… and… when it happens, it's kind of like I don't really know it's happening."
The girl nodded. "You do realise that it's not going to get any easier each time you see one another, don't you?"
"Hermione, Snape hasn't even admitted that he likes me. I'm not going to jump him. He'd probably kill me!"
Although Hermione had no idea what Harry was really going through, from the looks of it, it was very powerful and uncontrollable. Soon enough if Snape and Harry didn't finally talk things out, they'd be very frustrated and moody from their magical urges—not to mention the sexual frustration.
Hermione didn't exactly like thinking about Harry or Snape in a sexual manner, but those were the facts. If they didn't give in soon, then they would be utterly forced to! And who knew what would happen if that happened.
"He doesn't need to, Harry. And I don't know if he ever will before doing something physical about it. He's stubborn, and like I said… he knows the rules of Hogwarts. He's never betrayed them before (despite when spying for Voldemort), so he'll try his hardest not to now, even if that means trying to reject you every time."
At the mention of something physical, Harry felt his cheeks warm in both lust and embarrassment. "So, what's going to happen to me? I'm just going to suffer these urges? I don't know if I can stand that anymore, Hermione. Isn't there something that can make it go away?"
The girl shook her head grimly. "Sorry, but no. This kind of magic is a kind of its own. It's ancient and very powerful. I doubt there's even potions that could subdue it. The… sexual frustration, yes, but not the overall magic."
Harry tried to ignore the mention of anything sexual. "So, Snape's got to be suffering just as much as me, then?"
"Harry, didn't you just see him!? You two were mere inches away from snogging in the corridor!"
Harry felt the blood rush from his head. What!? They had been!? But… he could have sworn they were much further apart than that.
"If Snape hadn't have walked away… I don't know what would have happened. He's clearly fighting a losing battle, though," Hermione explained. "Snape's suffering just as much as you are, and soon enough it's going to become torture. Some wizards have gone insane because they didn't give into their magic…"
Harry felt awful now. He didn't want Snape to be suffering, but they hardly even knew one another on a person level! Why did their magic have to be bonding when they hadn't even bonded personally? Snape just refused to talk to him! Every time he tried, he'd just ignore it and tell him to go away!
If their magic was becoming stronger, and if they couldn't control it in the end, then what the hell were they supposed to do? As much as he just wanted Snape to take him, he didn't like the thought of sleeping with someone he didn't exactly know—even if he did have a major crush on him.
What was Snape thinking about all of this?