Chapter Sixteen: The Owlery
Severus slammed the door to his personal quarters, Fawkes peering up, startled. His body was itching and tingling, and he just couldn't get the hot desire away from him. It was burning! His magic was burning! His whole body was burning, and it was sending him insane!
Harry Potter was a bloody student! And here he was, panting and pacing because he couldn't get the feeling of the boy's magic off him! And what could have been publically seen!? He wanted to just stay away from Potter as much as he could, but now the damn boy was in his classes again! How the hell was he supposed to teach like this!?
Breathing in, he stopped his pacing and exhaled slowly, trying to calm himself. He could do this, he had bloody-well kept himself at ease with the Dark Lord, so he could damn well calm down from Harry Potter.
But it wasn't the same! Hate and… whatever he was feeling right now was completely different!
He knew his magic and Harry's was getting stronger, and he knew all about what had happened between them. He wasn't stupid. He may have been gifted when it came to knowing the Dark Arts, but Ancient Magic was something very powerful, and he knew what would happen if he didn't eventually give in.
Did Potter know? Did Potter know that their magic, out of everyone in the wizarding—and even Muggle—world, had joined? Had made a bond?
"Why Potter…?" he whispered, falling into his lounge with a thud, his robes following him. Why the hell did it have to be Potter!? He had no quarrel about the fact that Harry was a man; he grew up disregarding Muggle behaviour as soon as his mother knew he was a wizard—despite his father hating it.
But Potter? After everything that had happened between them, he probably would have been happy to never see Harry after he'd recovered. In fact, the boy being there when he woke up had been awkward and strange.
So he knew that he had come to care for Harry, after all, it had been a duty of his to protect the boy when he got himself into such stupid situations. Bloody nosy kid. But that was hardly a reason for him to start feeling for the boy in a much deeper, emotional connection!
He would not admit his feelings. Lily, yes, he'd loved her. But POTTER!? He just didn't understand how the boy had even come to care for him! His own feelings were confusing enough, but at least he had known the truth from the start, that he was protecting the boy. Harry saw nothing but a twisted, cruel and bitter Death Eater. How had his feelings changed?
Severus covered his face with both of his hands as he leant back, expelling a sigh. Harry had grown up hating him, questioning his loyalty, and he had good reason to. He'd killed Dumbledore right in front of him, and then given the boy mixed feelings about being in The Order—a bunch of witches and wizards who were to protect Harry and fight against the Dark Lord.
Snape's eyes lowered, relaxing his body. It was still tingling with the magic of the boy, as well as his own, but he knew it wasn't the end of it. It would keep happening as long as Harry and he were in contact with one another. Even the same room. And soon enough, if they didn't give in, it would become torture for the both of them. Not just because it was annoying, but it would become physically and mentally unbearable. That's what this bond did!
Could Harry stand that kind of suffering? He didn't exactly wish for the Gryffindor to suffer. As much as he enjoyed seeing him in trouble or taking away points, the last few weeks he had been rather generous to the boy in letting him get away with things he probably would have punished any other student for—especially Gryffindors.
Harry was a teenager, though. It had to have been much stronger. He understood that it was making him suffer as well, but at least he had somewhat control over his emotions. Harry didn't. He never had! The boy was terrible at it. It's why he failed so miserably in the Occlumency lessons.
He supposed he should really talk to Harry. But he didn't know if he could stand being in the same room as him right now. It seemed like torture already. However, if he took a potion and subdued at least the sexual desire, then maybe it would suffice? First, he would allow the Gryffindor to calm down. He would speak to him after dinner in the Great Hall, that way he wouldn't get in the way of his friends.
Pushing himself up, he walked over to the cupboards, moving a few things around to grab a phial which contained a very dark red liquid. He popped it open and took a mouthful before putting it back. He would first speak to Albus and Minerva about this. As embarrassing as it was, they needed to know what may happen because of this Ancient Magic.
The door was open, and Severus checked to see if Minerva was inside before entering, the Headmistress looking up.
"Severus, is something wrong?" said the witch, looking up from her desk. The portraits in the room all seemed to stop what they were doing, turning to the man dressed in black who had his hands together in front of him, fingers linked.
"Headmistress, I was hoping I could discuss something rather… private with you and Albus," said Snape, taking a few steps inside. The portraits in the room all seemed to moan at that, but Severus just kept a straight face, even if rather amused. Nosy sods.
"My boy, is everything alright?" said Dumbledore from his portrait. Looking at the other portraits, he shook his head. "Out, all of you!"
When the other witches and wizards all left their portraits, Severus finally approached the back of the spare chair, leaning a hand onto it. "I believe you know why I am here. Potter."
"Oh, he hasn't gotten himself into any more trouble, had he?" Minerva said, adjusting her glasses.
"No," stated Snape coolly. "Don't play stupid with me, you two have been planning this from the very beginning, and now it's finally happening. And yet, what you both fail to realise is that it's against the school rules. If either of us acted upon such desires we would both be kicked out of Hogwarts." Snape's voice had gone rather cold and snappy.
"In pushing this, you have both forced us to be completely miserable if we do give into our magic. If you thought this was a good idea, I must admit… you are far from right. Unless your intentions all along have been to make us suffer?"
Minerva tried to hide a smirk and gave a quick glimpse to Dumbledore's portrait. "Severus, please explain what you mean by this."
"I don't need to explain it!" snapped the Slytherin. "You know bloody-well what I am talking about! You're the one who forced him into my classroom, and now I have to look at him every blasted day for the rest of this miserable year!"
"And you think Harry is not feeling the same way?" suggested Dumbledore as he peered over his glasses.
"I don't care what Potter is feeling! It's perfectly fine for him to have feelings for a professor. I'm the one that will be scolded and berated!" Snape retorted. Usually he was in much better control of himself, but this was getting beyond ridiculous.
"Can you imagine the talk at Hogwarts!? As a professor, it is a duty of mine to know what is for the best of the students here, and rumours of Gryffindor's Golden Boy and the Head of Slytherin fraternising is hardly a way to get the students learning! Don't you see what you have potentially caused for this school and our lives!? Not to mention the blasted Prophet if they ever heard!"
Dumbledore was the one who spoke next, "Severus, we did nothing to cause this," he chuckled.
Nothing!? Severus didn't believe it for a second! "You two were onto this from the start! Don't. Lie! I have followed your orders, I have risked my life, and now that the boy has saved me, I am still here to serve in any way you need me, but I will not have you lying to me!"
"We did not make you two fall for one another, Severus," McGonagall stated gently. She wasn't expecting Severus Snape to take any of this well, certainly after his years of being alone and bitter, but they had done nothing to make Harry's and his magic connect. No one could do anything about that, it was just something that happened. It was destiny. Fate. Not even the most powerful of witches and wizards could tamper with Ancient Magic.
Snape, highly frustrated, pointed an accusing finger at the Headmistress. "I have not fallen for Potter!" he sneered. "I would never allow it!" It was uncharacteristic of him to ever talk to a superior this way, but he would not take them playing with him and Potter like they were a ball of yarn!
"Then whatever are you speaking of, Severus? Surely you have some kind of feelings for the young man. Only love would make your magic bond with his," said Dumbledore with the gentlest of smiles.
It wasn't love! The only person he ever loved was Lily Evans! Whatever the hell was happening with Harry Potter was all the boy's fault! He refused to accept it!
Snape gave a frustrated noise and turned towards the door, his robes flapping to keep up. And he left without another word.
Minerva smirked a little, eyeing the portrait of Dumbledore.
"Well, you didn't expect him to admit it, did you, Minerva?"
"Of course not, Albus. Even as a boy Severus was hard to talk to."
Severus made his way down to the Great Hall for dinner, but he had no intention of staying there while the feast went on. He was still rather frustrated and didn't wish to be seated anywhere near Minerva McGonagall. Even if they were house enemies, he still respected her, and he didn't exactly feel like getting into trouble for hexing her. Plus, he knew she'd be watching him. Observing. He wouldn't have that. Especially if he did accidently look at Potter.
Approaching the Gryffindor table, he turned to Harry, who looked rather eagerly up to him. Already, he could smell the boy's magic curling around him, and he tried his best to keep a perfectly disinterested expression.
"Potter, I need a word with you after dinner."
Surprised, Harry lifted a curious brow. "Is something wrong, Professor?"
Something was very wrong, but he didn't say that. "I will be in the Owlery." He wasn't having Potter anywhere near his personal quarters, so he figured somewhere out of sight but still in public would be best. Out of sight simply because of the Headmistress.
Snape left before Harry could say anything, and he just turned back to his friends, Ron and Hermione looking at him oddly. "I don't know what that was about, so don't even ask," he shrugged, trying to get the heated feel of Professor Snape's magic off him. It was so wonderful, though. Something that one couldn't even describe.
"Why would he want to meet you up there? It's cold out there…" Ron said accusingly. Of course, he still didn't trust Snape. He wouldn't for a long time. Even with knowing that Snape had risked his life to protect Harry for years and that he was loyal to Dumbledore, it didn't make him a good man. Snape had still done some terrible things to keep alongside Voldemort as a spy.
"Like I said, I dunno," Harry repeated. "Maybe he needs to send something off?"
"Or maybe he wants to finally talk to you in private," Hermione suggested, the two boys looking at her. Ron went a pale colour, like he didn't like the thought of that at all.
"Blimey, Harry, what if he wants to… you know? He's a guy after all, I mean… Is he still a virgin!?"
"Ron!" Hermione hissed, slapping the boy on the arm. "Even if Professor Snape is a man, it doesn't mean that's the first thing on his mind. Plus, the Owlery? He's got more class than that!"
"More class? Would you listen to yourself?" Ron scoffed as if Hermione knew what she was talking about. "You're blokes! Besides, mate… didn't you think about this before? Surely you realised it would come up sooner or later."
"Ron, we're not even dating! We're not even a couple!" Harry protested. "I doubt Snape thinks anything like that! God…" He was blushing now, and he tried to look away.
Of course he'd thought about the possibility. He'd had numerous amounts of exciting dreams about the man. He was a teenager after all, and a guy. Of course he'd thought about sex! Well… not really-really thought about it, but it had crossed his mind. What if Snape did want to talk about that?
"Harry's right, they're not even dating. I'm sure Professor Snape has a valid reason for wanting to talk to Harry," Hermione said calmly. "Besides, if Harry and Snape do decide to make a relationship out of things, then that's their own business. Harry doesn't need us asking about him every two seconds. We're his friends, not the tabloids."
When Ron muttered to himself, Harry just awkwardly looked away. He didn't even know how intimate Ron and Hermione were, so yes, it really wasn't any of their business, was it? Still, the thought of getting to see Professor Snape naked was a very stimulating one, even if awkward. He had no idea what he looked like under those clothes.
The rest of their dinner was deadly silent. Hermione had tried to pick up a different subject, but both he and Ron couldn't really carry it. Harry's mind was too curious and nervous about what the hell was going to happen tonight.
When the time came, he broke away from his friends, the both of them giving him a good luck pat, and he set towards the Owlery. He did have to question… why there? Why couldn't they go somewhere warmer? It was still freezing out here. At least the rain had stopped, though.
As he started up the stairs, he realised that he was carrying very heavy nerves in his chest now. He could feel his heart thumping into his ears, and his legs seemed to be going rather weak. What if Snape did want to talk about sex? No, he was sure that wasn't it. That would just be embarrassing. Even for Snape, he imagined. Although, the thought of talking about sex in that smooth voice of his was kind of a turn on.
Then again, maybe he was meeting him in the Owlery because it was dirty and full of birds. Probably less likely to get sexually aroused in there than it was in the dungeons, or in Snape's office. Yes, that was probably why. If Hermione was right, then Snape was probably thinking the same things he was.
As he made it up the top, Harry walked inside and under the cover. Professor Snake was standing near the stone railing to where some of the owls would fly in and out.
"Professor," he said softly, approaching him. Now his nerves really were beginning to make a meal out of his insides.
There was no easy way of saying this, but Snape had to, and he wanted things to be very clear. When Harry walked in, he tried his best to ignore the horribly exciting feel of their magic together again.
"Potter, I wished to speak of the night on the Astronomy Tower."
Harry almost deflated. "Oh… you mean about Dumbledore?"
"No." Snape shook his head, looking down at the younger man. Damnit, he'd come here because he thought it would be less exciting for the both of them, but it wasn't helping any. Harry's eyes were so glassy and beautiful behind the shimmer of his glasses, and his messy hair was ragged and spiked. It made him frustrated at the same time, and he wanted to pat it down, but it made him look gorgeous and wild. Like any Gryffindor.
"No, I wanted to talk about the night we were on the Astronomy Tower," he stated. It sounded strange coming from his own throat as he said it rather softly, but he couldn't let Harry think that things between them were allowed. It wasn't. And Harry clearly had a way of driving him crazy.
Harry's nerves instantly came back. "W-what about it?"
Watching the boy's hair wisp in the night air, Severus tried his damn best to stay focused, but it seemed impossible. He could feel their magic locking as he'd moved closer, and dear Merlin he wanted to grab the Gryffindor and make him his right here in the Owlery. He wasn't an animal, but his magic was making it incredibly hard to stay on track. Nor had sex ever been on his mind. It was the damn magic! He just wanted it gone!
"I understand that you have certain… urges and feelings, Potter," he said, the words seeming like they were dragging out as long as possible. His head felt like it was spinning, and as Harry's soft lips parted, he swallowed hard. "But I must make clear that you cannot act upon them. You are a… a student, and I am a professor here at Hogwarts, and…"
Harry's eyes never once left those dark, purposeful ones, but even stuck in this trance, he noticed that Snape didn't sound like his usual self at all. He could feel it, their magic, pulling closer and closer, and he could feel it dancing against his skin.
"Professor…?" he whispered, Snape clearly having lost his train of thought. Somehow, and he didn't know how, the both of them had moved closer to one another, and Harry was now mere inches away from Snape's lips. He could feel the heat radiating from the professor, and those dark eyes were piercing his. His breath got caught in his throat, and he inched closer.
"And… " Oh, fuck it. Severus felt himself grab at the Gryffindor, their lips crashing together as he tasted Harry in a lust-filled kiss. The young man's lips were soft and sweet and he heard the most pleasurable sound come from the Gryffindor's throat. He didn't even know what he was doing, but it felt good!
Harry, completely stunned but holding his ground, gripped at Severus' robes, gasping as their lips didn't waver. His nostrils filled with the scent of the man, their magic going haywire in the Owlery, the birds flapping from the disturbance.
Even though he had no clue to what he was doing, it just seemed natural to pull the man closer to him until their chests were flush against one another. His hands slipped under the dark black robes, gripping at the side of Snape's plum purple coat and slipping through it.
He wanted desperately for all of those buttons to come off, and he felt his hand grip the man's arm, pushing the sleeve up, his eyes closing as he took in every sense of the man against him.
With a hand at the back of Harry's head, Snape felt the Gryffindor's back hit up against the stone wall of the Owlery. He also felt his sleeve being rolled up, and his shame for the Dark Mark being exposed seemed so little as the Gryffindor's lips were still against him.
He'd tried to fight the feeling, their magic, but it was impossible. He knew all too well it wouldn't stop until they were together, but part of him knew it was wrong to be dating a student. And what of Harry!? He'd just… violated him! He didn't know if Harry wanted to be treated this way. Hell, he didn't know a thing about how Harry felt besides the fact that he'd childishly blurted out that he 'liked' him.
When Harry's hands went into his belt and pulled his shirt out, he knew things had to stop, and even though his magic was urging him to continue, he pushed himself immediately away from Harry, breathing heavily and looking down at himself. His shirt was hanging over his pants, and his arm sleeve was rolled up, the Dark Mark quite visible in the light of the Owlery.
"Potter… I…" he started, trying to level his head out. He swallowed heavily and flicked the hair from his face. "You will speak of this to no one! Is that clear?" he ordered, trying to pull himself together.
Harry, who still had his back against the wall, just stared at the man in front of him, dazed from the feeling of Snape being so close to him. He couldn't form words, and he just touched his warm lips, soft and swollen from the passionate and brutal kiss the man had given him.
Snape threw his arm sleeve back down and tucked his shirt in as quickly as he could, ignoring his erection that prodded needily in his trousers. Flicking his robes, he flew out of the Owlery like a bat out of Hell.
Swallowing heavily, Harry stared to where Severus Snape had been a second ago before turning into a ghostly figure of black smoke. He didn't even walk out, he flew out.
Harry just leant against the wall, his body shaking. God, he'd felt so amazing against him. So warm and tasty and… He looked down at his hands, seeing them shake horribly as the static of magic tingled across them.
It took a few minutes for Harry to compose himself, fixing his own robes and shirt up. Somehow, in the midst of it all, his tie had become loose. He tightened it back up, running a hand through his hair before quickly making his way back to the Gryffindor Common Room.
Bloody hell, what the hell had just happened? Snape had… kissed him! And not just a gentle peck or anything, but a fully blown brutal pash! Harry felt like there was nothing but air in his head, and his heart was pounding in his chest. Snape had kissed him! He liked him! He liked him back!
Hermione was right! But he frowned, realising just how angry Snape had been. He was furious with himself for having kissed him—Harry had felt it through their bonded magic. Did Snape hate the fact that he liked him, or was it just because it was breaking school rules?
Touching his lips for a moment, he was happy the blood had returned to where it belonged and they were no longer swollen from Snape's own lips having taken his. Walking back into Gryffindor Tower looking like that may have raised some very awkward questions.
Was he going to tell Ron and Hermione? Of course he was! They were his best friends! He couldn't keep this a secret! He knew Snape said to tell no one, but he couldn't have that. What if Snape never talked to him again and tried to ignore this? He had to at least tell someone, because right now, his magic was making him horribly agitated. He needed this off his chest!
When he entered, both Hermione and Ron looked up at him eagerly wanting to know what had happened. He told them that he would only start talking once everyone else had gone to bed.
When it was finally just the three of them, Harry sat rather uncomfortably on the lounge opposite the other two.
"Well, you've kept us up all bloody night, so what happened?" asked Ron. As much as he wasn't eager to hear about Snape, he still wanted to know what had happened.
Harry looked nervously to his friends, feeling his heart pound. But he couldn't keep it in any longer, and he just came out with it, "He kissed me."
"WHAT!?" Both Ron and Hermione said in unison. The both of them looked at each other before returning their eyes to Harry.
"Surely he didn't just take you up there to… to kiss you," said Hermione. "Surely there was something else, right?" Of course, she was happy for Harry, but at the same time, she couldn't shake the feeling that this could get them both in severe trouble! They couldn't sneak around like that!
Harry just sank into his shoulders a little. "Well, it didn't start off like that, no. He was… sort of… trying to tell me off, I think," he said, trying to remember. Once again, everything had been a bit of a blur because of the magic that was swimming around them.
"I think he was trying to tell me that nothing could come out of it because I'm a student… and then… it just sort of happened. It was weird, but… it was bloody fantastic," he grinned.
Ron tried to hide his disgust. "So does this mean he does like you back?"
"Well he didn't say he did," Harry admitted. He didn't say it at all. "But I think the kiss said a lot more than needed. I don't really think he meant to kiss me. Like I said, it just sort of happened, and then after it he… flew off."
"What? He had a broom with him?" asked Ron. That seemed odd.
"No, Snape can fly," said Hermione. "Somehow, and I don't know how, Voldemort had taught him. It really shows just how much Voldemort had trusted him to teach him something as powerful as flight without a broom. And he's clearly not thinking! He shouldn't be flying at all! People are going to think Voldemort is back or something."
Harry hadn't thought about that, nor had he thought about the fact that Snape could indeed fly. Of course, he knew from when he'd fled the school back in the Battle of Hogwarts, but he never realised this had to have meant that Snape was very powerful. Even Dumbledore had to use Fawkes or Apparation.
"It's dark out, I doubt anyone would have seen him," Harry said, his voice trying to sound reassuring. Maybe Snape really wasn't thinking… He hoped nothing bad had happened. He actually had the sudden urge to go and check up on the professor.
"Right, well… I think I've heard enough. I'm gunna head to bed," said Ron, nodding lightly before standing up and heading to the boy's dormitory.
Hermione gave Harry a gentle smile. "He's still just getting used to the idea. I suppose Snape having kissed you kind of settles the deal, right?"
"Yeah, I suppose," Harry nodded. "I don't know about Snape, though… Now I feel a bit worried. He honestly didn't seem himself. I mean, even in the circumstances," he added quickly considering no one would have thought any of this to be normal for Snape.
"What exactly happened? I know you probably didn't want to get into details with Ron being here and his feelings, but… you know I completely support your decision, Harry. Of course, I don't want either of you getting into trouble, but I've read all about Ancient Magic, and I know how strong it can be. As long as nothing changes during your school hours…"
Harry had to mentally laugh at how supportive Hermione was being, even if it meant breaking school rules. He and Ron had certainly been a bad influence on her since they had met.
"Like I said, I think he was trying to tell me that nothing was going to happen between us. Things sort of started to blur from thereon in, though. Like, I know we kissed, but I don't even know how we had been so close to each other. One second Snape was a few metres from me, and then we were right up against one another." He tried to hide how flustered remembering this made him.
Hermione tried not to make Harry feel too uncomfortable, but considering Ron was no way near ready to talk about this, Hermione would be there for Harry if he needed someone to listen to and talk to.
"That's your magic's doing," she explained. "I can tell it's very powerful right now. It's a bit like a drug, or a potion, really. It's very strong. I can only imagine what Snape is going through." When Harry looked at her, she gave a light shrug, "He's a grown wizard, Harry… I know you think your magic would be imbalanced because of your hormones, but to be honest, you've accepted yours. Snape is trying to fight it. That's dangerous."
"What's so bad about liking me back?" Harry asked, looking somewhat hurt. "I mean… am I really that horrible?"
Hermione laughed. "Harry, it's nothing to do with you, it's… probably more to do with him. I'm sure he knows you're an attractive young man, but this is Snape. The Slytherin. You can't honestly think it's easy for him to accept such a change of feelings, do you? He spent his whole life loving Lily, and now all of a sudden he's developed feelings for you—Lily's son. That can't be easy on him. I mean… it's not like you two are best friends or anything. Everyone knows you've always been pretty nasty to one another."
"But he does like me, then, right?" Harry knew it had to be difficult, and he didn't disregard that, but would Snape ever give in? Or would he try and fight it the whole time until it just went away? Did magical bonds go away?
Hermione nodded. "Yes, he does. I think his feelings are very strong, which is why he probably kissed you tonight. He's still trying to fight it, otherwise he wouldn't have flown away, but… yes, when it comes down to it, he does like you. I doubt he knows how to go about it, though. This is Snape. And from what I got from his memories, he was pretty lousy with romance and emotions. He's probably trying not to make the same mistakes. He's worn a mask for a very long time, Harry. Being nice? Polite? He abandoned those things a long time ago. It got him nowhere."
Harry looked down at the ground, not really knowing what to do. If Snape liked him, he figured it would have made things simple, but the Potions master was only making things more difficult. He wanted to kiss Snape again. He wanted to be against him. God, the feeling of Snape's hardened member against him had felt amazing! Harry reddened at the thought.
"Just how intimate did this kiss get?" Hermione asked, seeing Harry in thought.
Honestly, Harry didn't really know what kind of levels came with kissing, but he'd still rate theirs as rather heated and steamy. It was definitely more than what he and Ginny had done. Hell, he'd almost unbuckled the man's belt! Not to mention the both of them had been sporting hard-ons.
"It was pretty crazy," he finally said. "It wasn't just a peck, if that's what you're asking. It was sort of a full on snogging session. God, I think I tried to get his shirt off…" he mumbled, feeling embarrassed. Snape wore layers of clothes, though, so it didn't prove to be very efficient.
Trying not to feel awkward, Hermione nodded. "Harry… do you even know how sex works with a man?"
"What?" Harry's face went a deep red. "Well, yeah, I do, sort of. You know I've never dated a guy before, but I still know how it works. It's weird… I grew up with Muggles. I always thought it was wrong to like guys… but… I think I always did."
Hermione understood the Muggle views of prejudice. She, too, grew up with Muggles. "I think before you and Snape do anything stupid, you really need to talk to each other about this. I know Snape might try and avoid you, but he has to come around. If you don't start accepting your relationship, then your magic is going to force it upon you… Wouldn't you rather that moment be special?"
Having a 'special' moment hadn't really crossed Harry's mind before. Even with Ginny—although now he knew why. He honesty never really had time to think about sex. Not with Voldemort trying to kill him for so many years. But now that that was over, he was starting to finally become a normal teenager. Normal teenagers had crushes on their teachers sometimes, right?
"How do you think I can get him to listen to me? This is Snape. One, he's older than me, two, he knows a lot more magic than me, and I'm starting to think that if he can fly, he's even more powerful than me considering Voldemort is dead now."
Harry could be right about that, but Hermione wasn't going to make any assumptions. "I don't know how you can convince him, but I have a feeling he's going to become weaker to his wants. I'm sure he'll start listening to you if you just say the right words," she said.
"Sometimes I think he enjoys being snarky with you. I think it makes him still feel like he has the upper hand. God knows he's a man who likes power. Clearly he has a desire to belong somewhere, and I think Dark Arts and power are sort of his… thing. He probably feels rather weak and vulnerable now that both Voldemort and Dumbledore are gone. Not to mention having feelings for someone. That always makes us succumb to our vulnerabilities."
Once more, Harry felt his cheeks flush at the thought of Snape dominating him in the bed. Harry never really considered himself a dominate or submissive character, but today had felt wonderful when Snape had pushed him up against that stone wall. Was he always like that?
"Then I suppose I should start thinking about what I need to say…" he murmured, looking up to his best friend again. "Thanks, Hermione, you've been a real help. I know it must be awkward for Ron and all, but… you've been really great about this."
Hermione smiled. "You're my friend, Harry. We've been through so much together, and although I thought you and Ginny would be together forever, well, I now understand why you can't be. And now that I've seen how Snape's been acting around you… I think it's great for the both of you. Clearly you're meant to be together. Your magic certainly things so. I think you make for a very charming couple."
Harry couldn't help but smile at that. "Thanks," he said once more. Harry stayed up for a while longer, but he soon headed upstairs and went to bed.
Severus panted hard as he let his head fall down, water cascading down his back. He slammed a fist against the tiled wall as he realised what he'd just given into, the scent of fresh, hot seminal fluid hitting him hard.
How the hell could he let it come to this? How had he allowed Potter to get to him like this? He'd been a Death Eater. He'd been Dumbledore's and the Dark Lord's right hand man. And now what was he? Nothing but weak to his own lust over the Gryffindor.
Taking the bar of soap, he washed the remnants of fluid from his body and turned the tap off before stepping out of the old tub/shower. He grabbed a towel and wiped the water from his naked body, approaching the sink after scruffing his hair in an attempt to dry it. He could have used a spell, but wizards didn't always rely on their magic.
With a frown, Severus lifted his hand and felt against the snake bite scars that were against his neck. Just the latest addition to his mangled body, and he looked at himself angrily in the mirror.
The moment Potter saw any of this he would be running. He was hideous. Pale. Lack of any real muscle. Scarred horribly from childhood beatings and the Dark Lord's torture—he'd often thought it was fun to torture his loyal subjects if he were bored. Severus had had his fair share of curses thrown at him.
How the hell had Potter ever grown feelings for him? He was never nice; he was cold, hate-filled… He'd killed just about everyone Harry had ever cared for! He didn't even get a chance to know his parents! Instead, he was sent to Petunia's house, and Merlin knew how horrible that woman could be. It made him sick! He'd put the boy through hell and back, and yet, here they were, unable to keep their hands off one another in the bloody Owlery.
Severus slipped his nightclothes on before heading back out of the bathroom. He'd have to talk to Potter seriously next time and tell him that this couldn't go on. Harry could not have feelings for him, and he could not have feelings for Harry. It just wasn't going to work. Not without something horrible happening. It always did when it came to Severus Snape. Life wasn't fair.