Chapter Nineteen: Approval.
The following few days, things between Severus Snape and Harry Potter had become much calmer. Harry hadn't been so upfront with his questions, and they decided they just wished to get comfortable with one another first.
Of course, this didn't stop their magic from going haywire every time they were in the same room as one another. In fact, now that they were being subtle and more polite, it was growing even stronger, and Harry was beginning to have horribly graphic dreams of the professor.
Just this morning, he'd woken up to a very graphic dream which had the two of them in the Slytherin shower that he'd seen in the man's personal quarters. It had left him horribly flustered, and he'd been back to putting charms up so no one heard him in his sleep—just in case. After all, he didn't know if he was really making noise compared to in his dreams where he was gasping and almost screaming.
He wondered if Snape was having the same issue. After the fight they'd gotten into over sex, he'd been too caution to bring the subject up again. Especially since they had been getting along so well once more. He didn't exactly wish to ruin that and get into another fight about it.
He understood that there were things that he and Snape could never agree on. But being in a relationship wasn't about having common ground on everything. Snape was an intelligent man and a very powerful wizard. He didn't exactly wish to go back to being on the man's bad side.
He had felt better about knowing that Snape hadn't killed anyone before, though—except Dumbledore. But the both of them knew that that was an assisted suicide and a merciful killing if anything. If there was one thing that Dumbledore had taught him, it was to trust Snape. And he was beginning to, very much so.
He knew Snape hadn't been a good person. He'd done many bad things and he had plenty of flaws. But Snape didn't need to be perfect. Harry could see past those things. And he was positive he had things about him that Snape didn't like. One of them was wearing the Dursleys clothes from Dudley. He supposed it probably was about time he got some more fitted clothing, but he wasn't exactly the kind of guy who enjoyed clothes shopping. Plus, he preferred Muggle clothes. It was what he was used to.
It was getting colder now, and across the courtyard, he could see Professor Snape wrapped in a silver and green scarf, speaking with McGonagall (who was also wearing her colours) as they both walked towards the castle. Snape was looking much happier than he had been the last few days, and he enjoyed the sight of that. Harry hoped that it was because of him. Or it could possibly be the cold weather. He knew Snape preferred cold weather over warm. But still, he hoped it was because of him.
Of course, not much of Snape's personality had changed, and he didn't expect it to. It had only been a few days, but he was glad he was being more polite. The man was who he was, and he still made classes miserable, but Harry found himself not too worried about the lessons. He spent most of his time watching Snape as he worked and walked the class. Until Snape would tell him off about it. If he screwed up in Potions, he was still punished—which only seamed fair.
Looking to his friends, he told them that he would be back in a moment. Of course, Ron wasn't happy to hear that he and Snape were getting along again, and he'd explained to Hermione what had really happened. She couldn't give a detailed analysis on the whole thing, but she did tell him that Snape was probably offended that he thought that of him. He didn't realise it could have been read that way, but like mentioned before, he was too nervous to ever bring it up again.
When he made his way over to the two professors, McGonagall greeted him with a gentle nod. "Professors," he smiled, his smile growing wider when he looked at Snape, "I was hoping to talk to Professor Snape about something."
Snape had said that he was going to talk to McGonagall about their relationship because he didn't want to be breaking school rules, and considering their magic was connecting, there wasn't exactly any way of truly fighting it. He hadn't heard anything about it for a few days now, so he wanted to know if the man had discussed it.
McGonagall looked between the two, Severus' expression blank. "Yes, of course, Potter. He's all yours," she smirked, getting a scrutinising look from the Potions master. "I'll be in my office, Severus, if you need me."
When McGonagall left, Snape looked down to Harry who was in his winter robes, a red and yellow scarf around his neck. "I have yet to speak to the Headmistress, Potter, if that's what you're asking," he noted, leaning a hand onto the stone wall.
Harry gave a sound if impatience. "You said you were going to ask," he whined.
"Potter, it may interest you that I do have a life outside of you," Snape frowned, folding his arms and giving the boy a warning look.
Harry smirked, looking up over his glasses. "How disappointing."
Snape just stared at the young man. He had yet to get used to Harry's more… adult side. "I will try my best after classes if it means that much to you," he drawled, though enjoying the sight of Harry's excitement. Of course, Severus was enjoying their time together much more than the last few weeks, and much more than he led on. He had his pride, though.
The last few weeks had been strange and awkward and just a complete cluster-fuck of emotions. However, since they had talked things out and were going 'slow', things had been much easier for the both of them—certainly him, considering Harry wanted to know so many personal questions.
Snape expected most of them, to be honest. Harry was a curious young man, but he hadn't been ready to open up yet. He'd created a very hard and thick shell when it came to others knowing of him. The Pensieve was a must when he was about to die. Harry needed to know those things, but the last seven years of his life? It was crucial that he hide most of himself from both Harry and the Dark Lord. For Harry's sake.
"Thank you," Harry smiled, "And yeah, it does mean a lot to me. I want to know if I can actually talk to you in public without getting harassed. I don't like being secretive. I want to be able to… well… you know, do things."
Snape lifted a brow curiously. "Do things?" he asked, returning his hands to his side.
"Yeah," said Harry shyly, though wearing a grin again. He took Severus' hand into his own, slipping his fingers into the sleeve, "I like being affectionate with you."
Severus immediately took his hand back, much to Harry's disappointment. "Potter, I understand that you want to show affection, you are human after all, but not here. It is much too risky," he warned, though his voice going softer than before. It had felt rather nice, even if completely awkward.
"I will speak to the Headmistress after class if I have the time. Until then… your friends are waiting for you," he said, noting to the two sitting in the middle of the courtyard. Plus, besides the two steamy kisses they had shared, they had hardly showed any affection towards one another. It was still very strange to Severus. The thought of it progressing was a bit embarrassing, even if the Slytherin had his own desires.
Harry nodded, "Alright," he said, knowing Snape would hear his disappointment. Much to his surprise, the man gave him a reassuring adjustment of his scarf.
"I thought you said no affection," he protested.
"I'm a professor, and you must look presentable during school hours," Snape smirked before leaving Harry and heading back to the dungeons.
Harry shook his head, brushing his hair down a little bit before heading back over to Ron and Hermione—who had been watching the whole time by the looks of things.
"You two are serious, then…?" Ron asked, his voice sounding somewhat dissatisfied as he'd watched the two of them across the courtyard.
Harry shrugged, "We kind of have to be considering even if we hated each other our magic would still be sending us mental."
"I think it's cute," Hermione said, Ron looking at her funnily. "Well, it's true. Who would have ever thought Professor Snape, of all people? And he's looking a lot less scary when walking around the corridors. Plus, it makes for a much better Potions lesson."
Ron had to agree with that at least. Since Harry and Snape had been continuing their relationship, Potions lessons had been less dreadful. Snape wasn't exactly the nicest of people, and Ron could never see him being nice, but he'd at least stopped singling out the Gryffindors. Although they were still miserable.
"Think you could get him to cut us some slack in our exams?" Ron mused, Hermione looking horrified, though pleased that he wasn't saying anything else. "You know… I'm sure a quick snogging or something the morning before would really cheer him up."
Harry was unable to hold his laughter, even though he had turned a light shade of red. At least the rest of the day was going to be easy. The waiting, however, was going to kill him.
As luck had it, Severus had time after class and before dinner to talk to McGonagall. So he headed up to the Headmistress' office once he was finished and knocked on the open door before taking a step inside.
McGonagall was behind her desk, speaking to one of the portraits. When she heard the knock, she turned, not surprised to see Severus. "Come in, Severus," she said, putting her hands onto the desk. "What can I do for you this evening?"
Severus didn't take a seat, he just stood beside the chair. "I wanted to speak of Potter," he said, noticing the glimmer in McGonagall's eyes as she looked at him. She knew exactly what this was about.
"Ahh, yes," said the Headmistress, relaxing a little in her seat. "You and Potter certainly seem to be getting along now. I'm pleased to see the two of you enjoying yourselves."
Snape avoided the temptation to roll his eyes and decided to sit down in the available seat. It wasn't like their magic really gave them much of a choice. "Yes, about that," he started, "It's quite clear that Potter's and my own magic have formed some kind of bond. I already tried to speak to you and Albus about this, but I understand I may have been acting irrational at the time."
When Minerva gave him a rather accusing look, Snape gave her a blunt look, "I did act out of line, fine. But under the rules of the Ministry and Hogwarts, it is illegal for a student and a professor to have a romantic relationship. So I am asking, how do you suppose Potter and I go about this?"
Snape had thought how he was going to approach this question since Potter had asked, but the question wasn't exactly that simple. There was either you do it and get caught and into trouble, or there was you betray the law and sneak around. He knew Harry didn't wish to be so secretive, and he agreed. It would be quite a nuisance for the both of them, particularly with their magic urging them together. Sometimes it just wasn't in their control—obviously with how quick things had escalated previous times.
The Headmistress found herself unable to stop smirking, which was much to the professor's annoyance. "Well, Severus, that all depends on if you and Potter are pursuing a romantic relationship," she stated happily. "Are you?"
She really wanted him to say it, didn't she? Severus found himself glaring at the Headmistress. "Yes…" he finally murmured, the word slowly but surely coming out.
Minerva clasped her hands together as if she'd been waiting for this moment for years. "I knew it," she said, standing up from her seat and putting a hand onto Severus' shoulder. The man gruffly shook it off, and she just waved a hand.
"Well, you are in luck, Severus. No, students and professors are not to have relationships; however, under the circumstances of either previous marriage or a magical bond—which the two of you have clearly made—you and Potter are quite excused for your actions."
What!? She couldn't have told him this months ago!? Severus found his hands gripping rather tightly on the arms of the lounge.
"This information would have been very useful when you first noticed what was happening," he hissed nastily. "Do you have any idea what you have put the both of us through by keeping this to yourself?"
"Ah, that would be because under law, one must know for certain that a magical bond is present," said Dumbledore from his portrait on the wall. "You had just recovered from a very horrid wound, Severus, it could have simply been a change of heart to the boy. Both Minerva and I had to be certain it was the force of your magic before anything else."
Standing from his seat, Severus bit his tongue in saying anything out of line. "So, this entitles us to have a public relationship?" he asked.
"Quite so, Severus, as Ancient Magic is still much stronger than the Ministry's laws," Minerva clarified, "However, for the interest of Potter and yourself, I would not flaunt it around. You wouldn't want the wrong person to see or hear of it, and Potter still has his exams coming up. But you must realise that this relationship still has to remain somewhat professional. No acting like hormonal teenagers. The last thing he needs is the Daily Prophet posting his face on the front page."
"Isn't it there every morning?" Snape muttered, his hands going in front of him. What the hell was the Prophet without Potter's face being in there somewhere.
"This brings me to my next request," informed the witch, "Severus, Harry will need your protection over the next weekend. There are a few reporters and tourists coming to Hogwarts here to study and write down the historical event of Voldemort's defeat. This means there will be plenty of others who will want to talk to and meet Harry."
Snape felt his gut boil at the thought of the boy being harassed and bickered at. He hardly saw what he could do about it, but he gathered he'd been protecting Harry since his first year here, so why not again? "What do you suppose I do, Headmistress?"
"I'm afraid there isn't much you can do, eventually they will get to him. But we do ask that you keep him safe and keep an eye on him," Minerva said hopefully. "Both Albus and I know you can do this. You've protected Potter far better than any of us have before."
Now Snape didn't know about that. He always felt that he could have done more to help Harry, but this wasn't up for debate.
"I will do what I can," he said. "Does Potter know? Are you going to address the school?"
"Tonight, at dinner, I shall reveal this," Minerva nodded. "Was there anything else you needed?"
"No," Severus said, "Thank you." He then walked from the Headmistress' office, heading down the stairs. He wanted to warn Harry that this was happening before he was surprised about it at dinner, which was only an hour or so away.
Surely Harry wasn't already in the Gryffindor common room, so he walked back down to the courtyard. There were students everywhere, so it was hard to tell with all of the House colours roaming about.
It wasn't the Gryffindor he was searching for, but he did spot one of Potter's friends, making his way over to the girl. "Miss Granger, do you happen to know where Potter is?" he asked, the girl looking up from her book, Weasley, surprisingly, reading his own. The girl clearly had him wrapped around her finger.
"He went to the burial grounds," said Ron, looking up. "With all due respect, Professor Snape, I think he wants to be alone."
"Ron, that's not true," Hermione butted in, "I'm sure you're more than welcome to talk to him, Professor."
Snape had little time to care about Weasley's remark, and he nodded, moving past them and heading to the cemetery that Hogwarts had made to remember the dead from the battle. He should have figured Harry would visit there sooner or later if he already hadn't.
Moving over the hill, Severus soon saw the black and red robes of the Gryffindor as he was sitting in the grass in front of a particular tombstone. He moved as quietly as possible so he didn't startle the boy, but Harry seemed to know he was there—most likely from their magic.
"I know you didn't like him," Harry said, "and I know you had your reasons, but Remus was my friend… and he was a great man."
This wasn't the first time Harry had come here. Sometimes when he couldn't sleep he'd grab his father's old cloak and sit out here. Mostly it was nights of a full moon. That wasn't the only grave that he came to see, though. He came to see everyone's.
Of course, the dead weren't actually buried here; this was just a memorial for them. Their bodies had been taken to their desired resting places. It would be too chaotic if they were here. Still, Harry wished that he could at least see the ghosts of his friends here. But he knew he never would. After all, none of them had been afraid of death in the end.
Snape tried not to remember the fact that Remus Lupin could have eaten him in his werewolf form as a child no thanks to Sirius Black. Instead, he just moved a little closer, watching the Gryffindor as he sat on the ground, picking at the grass.
"I just wish I could have said goodbye," Harry said, swallowing hard as he felt a familiar ache in his chest. He'd seen so many of his friends and family die, he just wanted it all gone. He hated feeling like this, but he knew deep down that they never truly left him. They'd always be with him. In his heart.
"Lupin was certainly the least of my worries when it came to your father and his friends," Snape murmured, as if that was meant to make Harry feel any better. Sure, he had turned a blind eye to their behaviour, but Lupin didn't exactly pick on him like the others had. After all, why? Lupin was a werewolf. He saw himself as a freak of nature. If Snape had truly hated him, he wouldn't have brewed the Wolfsbane potion to control his animalistic urges—even if it had been Dumbledore's orders.
"You still hated him," Harry muttered, "otherwise you wouldn't have let slip that he was a werewolf."
Yes, about that. Snape felt his shoulders drop a little as he decided to lean down onto one knee beside the Gryffindor. "Harry, I did not let that slip because I disliked the man. He was a danger to the students here at Hogwarts, and it was a duty of mine to protect them, as well as you."
"He would have never hurt me!" Harry snapped, tears glazing his eyes. "He was a good man! He taught me about my mum and dad… He taught me how to conjure a Patronus."
"Do you know what kind of trauma I had endured when Lupin turned?" said the Slytherin. "I feared for all of you and myself, but you were more important than I. I would have done anything to protect the three of you. Lupin showed that he was still a threat, and I could not have that. I could not risk that happening again. To any student here. He was being careless in forgetting to take his potions. Even if it were because of Black. Risking that was not an option."
Harry looked away, knowing that it had been Snape to make the potions for Lupin as he turned so he'd stay calm. He knew that even though Snape hated Lupin, he still went out of his way to make a potion to protect Lupin and everyone around him. And to think, he thought he'd been poisoning Lupin in his third year.
"It doesn't matter now, anyway," he said shortly, ripping at the grass now. "He's gone. They're all gone… And I'm still here."
Watching the boy tear at the grass, Severus stopped him, putting his hand onto Harry's. "By the rate of how you are going, there won't be any grass left," he said, looking at the boy's watery green eyes. "I can stay here with you, but I'm afraid I am not the best at comforting anyone. If you wish to be alone, I will leave immediately."
Harry just kept his eyes on the grass, not wanting to cry in front of Snape. He had already done that once in a temper tantrum breakdown, he didn't want to do it again and make him feel uncomfortable.
At the same time, he didn't want the man to leave. Even if Snape didn't know how to comfort him, his magic did. He could feel it gently soothing against his skin, and he couldn't help but lean into it, feeling himself lean into the man's side, which soon became his shoulder as Snape turned.
When Harry had made his decision, Severus let the boy lean into his shoulder as he crouched, not wanting to sit in the damp grass. Clearly Harry didn't want to be left alone, though, so he stayed, awkwardly letting Harry lean into him.
They were silent for a while, and Snape heard the small sobs come from the Gryffindor. The best he could do was watch in silence and let the boy get his feelings out. He would have offered a hand, but he didn't wish to get their magic too connected as it was already quite close. Plus, he didn't want to risk Harry getting more upset.
It was only when Harry started to sob harder that Severus couldn't take it anymore. Not because he hated the sound of someone crying, but because he hated seeing Potter in so much emotional (and probably physical) pain.
He leant his head down and placed a hand against Harry's back, and suddenly the boy was clutching at him, hands wrapped around his back. He didn't say anything, he just let Harry get it out, knowing that it had probably been building up for a very long time. How often did he come here and do this?
With all the death's the Gryffindor had witnessed, he certainly couldn't blame him. As much as Severus was in control of his emotions (most of the time), that didn't mean he was ignorant to how one could or should feel in such situations.
Feeling his tears dampen Snape's shoulder, Harry tried to sniff and wipe them away with his own sleeve, though not wanting to leave the warm body.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled, feeling rather ashamed of himself. "I didn't mean to get you all wet." He still didn't move himself away, though. Snape felt good—despite the greasy hair from making potions all day that was now against his cheek as he leant over his shoulder.
"No matter," said Snape calmly, looking down at the tear-streaked face as he moved away. He hated seeing Harry in pain. He'd always hated it. Sure, he didn't like Harry when he'd started school, there were many reasons why, but that didn't mean he enjoyed seeing Harry literally suffer. He'd spent years trying to protect him. It seemed like something natural now. Making a fool out of himself, that was enjoyable to see, but real pain? No.
But things were different from back then. Now Severus could care for the younger wizard. He didn't just have to walk away and act as if he cared so little for him. He could show that he did care for him, that he meant something to him.
Pulling away, he lifted a hand and placed it against Harry's cheek, wiping his thumb against the damp skin. "Harry, I apologise for being cruel to you. Merlin knows I was never pleasant to you during your years here at Hogwarts, but you must understand that I had to be cruel to you."
He knew he'd already explained this, but he wanted Harry to understand. "I will not lie; you did remind me of your father quite so, but I still would have protected you at all costs. I could have been more obvious for you, though, and I had tried to subtly hint certain things to you, especially in the Dark Arts, but-,"
"I was too stupid to figure it out," Harry finished, shrugging. "No point in sugar-coating it, Professor, it's true."
"That was not what I was going to say," Snape muttered, "I knew Miss Granger would have aided you, she was more than capable."
"So you didn't set these things up to hurt me all the time?" Harry said, looking up.
"No," Snape confirmed, lowering his hand and leaning it onto his crouched knee. "I had to be subtle, otherwise others would have known. However, in doing so, I do understand that it may not have been as simple as I thought it may be for you to understand. But I knew Miss Granger would. She is a rather bright witch for her age."
Harry wiped down his face once more, smiling at the compliment. He trusted Snape, and he nodded. "Thank you for being here with me. I know that things have been weird and awkward between us figuring our feelings out, and I certainly don't expect you to be very public about it, but… I'm glad you're here."
Severus nodded, looking up as a snowy owl made its way over, Spells landing gracefully onto the gravestone of Remus Lupin.
"Spells, what are you doing here?" asked Harry, the owl jumping down do waddle across the grass and over to them. Harry lifted his hand and patted her gently on the back of the head. "I really like her, Professor… thank you for giving her to me."
Once more, Snape just nodded once. "You are welcome."
Harry smiled as Spells nibbled onto the sleeve of his robes before looking back up to the Slytherin. "Why did you get her for me? Really?"
"I already told you, it was a necessity for school," said Snape, looking at the owl.
"I know that's what you said, but… buying me an owl?" Harry asked, taking off his glasses for a moment so he could clean them down before putting them back on. They were horribly dirty from his tears.
Snape pushed himself back up. "I thought I was gone the moment Nagini bit me. Many things flashed before me, including you. I woke up and you were there. Of all the people, it was you, Potter, to save me. Even before you knew what I had done to protect you. You saved my life thinking that I was a traitor, that I had murdered Dumbledore out of the Dark Lord's wishes. I thought I could at least give you something in return, and I knew how much you had been mourning Hedwig."
"You knew her name?" Harry asked.
"You said her name when you collected Fawkes for the holidays. It honestly wasn't the first time I had heard of your owl, Potter…" Snape shrugged. "Does the gesture mean so much to you?" It was just an owl!
"Yeah, kinda…" Harry murmured, patting Spells. "No one's ever given me anything, Professor. Well, not until I came here anyway. The Durlseys didn't even celebrate my birthday, let alone get me something like an owl."
Harry wiped his face down and sniffed a little. "What happened to your raven, if you don't mind me asking?"
"The Dark Lord had most of our messengers killed. It was too risky for them to be seen flying and delivering posts. Death Eaters and owls? Hardly an image that was wanted for such dark witches and wizards."
Harry felt a tight pain in his gut as he heard that. "He killed all of them? Why didn't you just send them away? Send them home? They could have stayed here at Hogwarts!"
Severus mentally sighed, looking down at the Gryffindor. "Potter, you have no idea what it was like to defy the Dark Lord. You simply did not if you cherished the will to live. There were many things I had to witness, much to my own contempt, to keep my place by his side."
Looking down, Harry expelled a gentle sigh. He still didn't quite know how his and Snape's magic had connected. They were so different from one another. Snape was still dark in nature. Of course he knew the man was all about protecting him and the students, but that didn't mean Snape wasn't into the Dark Arts still. And Harry was… well, he supposed he wasn't as nice as everyone thought he was, but he wasn't bad. He had a good heart, and he was forgiving—just look at Ginny (as well as Snape) and Malfoy.
As Harry fell silent, Severus thought it was the right time to tell him of the news. After all, he may as well get it out in the open. It might be something Harry could look forward to.
"Potter, I have good and bad news to inform you of. Which would you prefer to hear first?" he asked rather bluntly, Harry looking at him.
Bad news? Instantly Harry thought that their relationship was going to be frowned upon. He hated the thought of that. He knew he and Snape were different, but that didn't mean he didn't like the man. He liked him a lot, and he could feel that his magic liked him even more.
"Please don't tell me Professor McGonagall said no…" he said. Right now, he really didn't need another negative thing in his life. He was just starting to deal with the loss of all of his friends and family, and he was just starting to get used to his actual feelings for Snape.
'Certainly good new first, then,' Snape thought, brushing a strand of stray hair from his face. "The Headmistress has given us approval," he said, Harry's green eyes looking up at him in pure surprise and delight. It was much better than seeing them haunted and teary, that was for sure.
"You're serious!? Why?" Harry asked, leaning onto his hands and pushing himself up to his feet, Spells giving a sharp bark at the disturbance in his robes as she had been sitting on them.
"Ancient Magic overrides the Ministry's laws, and since our magic had bonded, well… that is something that is beyond our control," Snape said, "But I must warn you, making things public is not wise unless you wish to have the Prophet hounding you, as well as your peers."
"And you…" Harry added. "I'm sure it wouldn't be just me… After what you did for Dumbledore and Hogwarts, and betraying Voldemort, I'm sure they'd want just as much of you as they would of me," he murmured.
He looked back up, watching the man carefully. Over the course of liking the Slytherin, Snape had become more attractive to him, and he'd wanted more than ever to be able to show that to him. To be able to let Snape know that he enjoyed his company, his presence, and just him overall.
"Does this mean that we can… show affection to one another? At least in private?" he asked, feeling nerves hit his chest hard as he realised what he'd said. "I mean… since… we're going to make things official, right? Unless you don't want that?" He knew his magic was playing up again, he could feel it, but it wasn't just that anymore. Harry really did want to be with Severus Snape.
Snape all of a sudden realised how awkward that this may be for the two of them. Harry was a teenager who was probably shy, while he just… wasn't very good at showing affection. He'd never really had any experience.
Of course, when he was young, he and Lily were quite close before things fell apart. They would talk for hours and do silly teenager things like lay in the grass. And she would even sometimes brush his hair—much to his own embarrassment. He was shy back then, but now he just didn't know how to react.
"Harry, I must tell you that I am not the most affectionate being out there," he admitted, looking at the boy. "I do want to pursue a relationship with you, but it may take time for me to become comfortable with it."
Harry looked up, Spells making herself comfortable between the two on the grass and clearly setting enough distance. "You're… You've never been in a relationship before?" he asked. God, even he'd been in one, even if potion induced. He knew Snape loved Lily, but…
"Does that bother you?"
"No…" Harry said immediately, smiling lightly. "Actually… I kind of like being your first."
Snape felt his body stiffen at the mention of his 'first'. He just looked at Potter strangely as if to determine what exactly Harry was thinking. He would not invade his privacy, though. Not like he had done so before when trying to teach the Gryffindor Occlumency. Although he was doing that forcefully because he knew what the Dark Lord could be like.
Looking back away, Harry felt himself flush under the man's gaze, but it made sense now, why Snape had been so furious when he'd asked about them having sex. The man hadn't even had it! He was a virgin! Right? No, it didn't mean he was a virgin just because he hadn't been in a relationship before. In fact, it meant nothing at all. Who knew how many witches or wizards slept with one another whilst not or even in a relationship? He was a Slytherin after all…
"Does this mean that you're a v-,"
"Potter, does that really matter!?" Snape said in a rather hostile tone. It wasn't that he was ashamed of that, he'd never cared for it, but speaking about it meant he was forced to see Harry as a sexual being again—something that he had been trying to avoid at all costs due to his wanting magic.
A relationship was one thing with the Gryffindor, but a sexual relationship was a whole different level. Of course he liked Harry and he enjoyed being against him and feeling the young man against him. It was horribly exciting, but he didn't want to hurt Harry. Plus, it was just awkward to talk about. Sex was not one of Severus' strong points.
"Sorry, I didn't… mean anything by it," said Harry, moving a little closer, much to Spells' disdain as she flapped and landed onto the tombstone once more as Harry's boot had come very close to her. "I… like that you are. It means I don't have any competition, because I'm awful at anything when it comes to relationships, and… I've never... well, done 'it' either."
Snape actually didn't find that hard to believe. Harry Potter was rather awkward when it came to girls, that he did know, and did see at least in his fourth year at the Yule Ball (not that he attended, but he had been there as security).
"Potter, we don't need to be talking about this here and now," he said rather urgently. "I still have bad news to inform you of, if you haven't forgotten that already with the overexcitement of our relationship being approved."
Oh, right. Harry nodded silently, allowing Snape to continue and feeling rather guilty and embarrassed.
"For the next few days, over the weekend, Hogwarts will be open to the public, mainly the Prophet. They will be taking many photos of the grounds, I'd assume the battle grounds mainly just outside the Hall, but nonetheless, they will wish to speak with you, that I am certain of."
Harry felt a hot sensation of anger hit his stomach. He did not want to be around a crowd for a very long time.
"Is there any way to avoid it?" he asked, though doubtful. He knew eventually he would have to talk to the Prophet. He was a hero after all. Sure, he was more than happy that Voldemort was gone, but that didn't mean he wanted to be crowded. From growing up and living in a cupboard with no friends, Harry quite liked his solitude at times.
Understanding that Harry didn't quite like the fame as he once thought, Severus didn't wish to disappoint the Gryffindor. Unfortunately, Harry was a celebrity, and he would have to face the public—unless he wanted his reputation completely ruined.
"Potter, you defeated the Dark Lord, and the wizarding world expects to hear from you. The only reason why you haven't spoken to them already is because Professor McGonagall had the school closed off so classes could start on a smooth track, and over the holidays you were at the Weasley's house—to which the Ministry did not know, and I doubt the Weasley's would have allowed them on their property," Snape explained.
"However, since school is already part way through, the Headmistress is unable to keep the journalists away for much longer, and thus she is allowing this weekend to be open. Most of them will be expecting you for interviews. I doubt the issue is up for debate."
Feeling angry now, Harry looked back to the castle. He supposed it was the right thing to do, to finally talk about it. It was the weekend, so his classes wouldn't be disrupted, but he'd still rather be with his friends than a bunch of vultures trying to pick at his flesh.
He didn't want to have to remember it all over again. The deaths, the blood, the ache of it all. He killed Voldemort, he knew that! But he wasn't the only hero that day! The whole of Hogwarts had put their lives on the line for him! They were just as much of a hero as he was.
"Will you be there?" he asked, eyes looking up almost desperately as he moved a little closer to Severus. "I know you don't like it, but… I would really like your support, even your protection. I'd like if you were there."
Snape felt the boy come closer, and his magic spiked almost instantly. But it wasn't just that anymore, he felt rather protective of Harry, and he understood that this was going to be a tough weekend for the Gryffindor hero.
"I will be there if you wish that of me," he said gently, looking down at the boy's green eyes through his glasses as Harry had somehow come very close. "But I must insist that it be purely professional. You do not wish for this to be publicised, unless you wish for more fame," he motioned to the both of them with his hand as he said so.
"No, I don't want that for either of us… especially you," Harry said, his eyes locked to the dark ones of the Potions master. He bit his bottom lip temptingly, feeling their magic curl and slither against one another's.
"Professor… how long can we hold this up for?" he asked, his breath merely a whisper. It was getting harder and harder to stay away from the Head of Slytherin, and now that they were together again, he didn't want to leave once more. He wanted to spend every second with the professor. He wanted those erotic dreams of his to come true. He wanted that strong chest against his back, Snape's lips against the back of his neck, and those soft, potion-brewing hands against his hips.
"I… do not know," Snape admitted more to himself than to Harry. A bark from Spells made him take a step back, though, breaking eye contact with the Gryffindor. "Potter, it is getting late, and dinner is going to start soon, you best head to the Great Hall."
Harry felt a spark of anger hit his gut when Snape stepped back. "Are you ashamed of me?" he asked, looking at the man in his dark robes. Snape gave him a rather questioning and shocked look. "You never want to take anything to the next step. I get I'm younger than you, but… do you think I'm disgusting or something?"
He was tired of Snape always taking a step back. Starting something and never finishing it. He was a Slytherin! If anything, he should be taking his opportunities. He could be manipulating and lay him down already, take what he wanted and run away. Slytherin's weren't stupid! They were intelligent and cunning, and he knew very well what Snape could be like when he wanted something his way.
"That is rather bold of you, Potter, but no," Snape said honestly.
"Then why do you always walk away?"
Severus could see that Harry was blushing from what he was asking, but he tried his best to ignore it. Plus, Harry's voice was strong in what he was asking. He was being serious about this.
"I am not ashamed of you, I am just indifferent." That came out wrong. He wasn't completely heartless. He was just reserved.
"That's not true," Harry pushed. "I've seen you in moments of passion. You comforted me here today, and you were nice about it. Stop thinking that you're so cruel all the time, it's just a mask and I know it. You've loved before, even if it was kind of creepy and obsessive."
Snape scowled at that. Okay, so he loved Lily, and he may have seemed possessive of her, but he never would have hurt her. Ever. He'd just been deeply in love with her!
Harry gave a rather aggravated sigh. "You were the one that kissed me first! You can't say you don't want it as much as I do. I get that you might not know how, but I don't either! The only relationship I was ever in was formed because of a stupid potion! Do you think I'm any better at this than you are?"
Snape felt rather angry at that, but he resisted the urge to snap at Harry. Another argument was now what they needed. For a moment, he just looked at the Gryffindor before turning his attention back to the castle. "Potter, I just don't wish to hurt you," he finally said.
Harry looked up, a little confused to what exactly Snape meant about that. Emotionally? Physically? So far, Snape not wanting to be physical was the only thing that was hurting him.
He moved towards the Potions master once more, and he took his arm, Snape almost instantly resisted, but he locked his eyes onto the brown ones. Maybe Snape was the one who was afraid? Or maybe he just wasn't used to human contact. After all, he was pretty solitary.
"Please… Severus," he said. He hadn't called Snape by his first name except for when they had first accepted that they wanted a relationship (or were going to try), but he wanted Snape to know he was serious about this. "You've spent my whole life here at Hogwarts looking after me, why would this change anything?"
Those words? Just like the last Dumbledore had said…? Feeling the Gryffindor's magic against his own, it was soothing and comforting, and something Severus had never really felt before. It was nice, but it was different. He wasn't used to this. He wanted to be, for Harry, but it wasn't that easy. Relationships were difficult things, especially when sex became involved.
Returning his eyes to the young man, Severus watched him closely. "Relationships are very complex things, Harry, even more so when you involve intimacy. What if it hurts you? The last thing I want is for me to be causing you pain. Emotionally and physically. I think we both understand how much trauma you have experienced the last few years."
Harry blushed as he realised what Snape was talking about. "The first time always hurts, doesn't it?" he asked, though realising Snape was just as inexperienced as he was. "But you'll be there for me. You won't hurt me, I know you won't. And if you do, I know you'll stop. I-I trust you…"
Snape's lips parted as Harry said that, looking into the soft, green eyes across from him. Out of all the people, Harry had been one of the ones who had constantly questioned his motives and loyalty to Dumbledore, and now the boy was almost promising him that everything would be alright. That he trusted him. Were things moving too fast? Or were they being too careful?
"I want you more and more each day, Professor," Harry admitted, feeling his blush stick to his cheeks. "I know we're different in many ways, but I'm willing to look past those things. I like you a lot, I like the time I get with you, and… I want to try it with you. I want it so much that I find myself dampened in sweat when I wake up in the morning from… these graphic dreams."
Harry realised he was babbling—such a Gryffindor thing to do—but he wasn't expecting the look on Snape's face when he looked back up, the man clearly embarrassed over the whole thing. "Sorry… I didn't mean to make you feel awkward."
Snape just awkwardly put his hands together in front of him. He'd been having the same dreams, to be perfectly honest. He could take Dreamless Sleep potions, but he didn't tend to make a habit of that, plus, the potion could become quite addictive if not taken in the right portions, so he had suffered his fair share of erotic dreams involving Harry Potter since their magic had connected.
"Potter, I don't know what you've done to make me feel this way, but don't think for a second that I regret it happening," he said, picking the boy's chin up. At first, he had tried to push it away. He hadn't hated Potter, but he didn't think he'd ever come to like the Gryffindor, and certainly not like this.
Leaning in, he gave him a small kiss on the lips, Harry leaning into him. Before their magic could get too involved, he pulled back, letting his hand fall. "Dinner will be ready soon, we should return to the castle."
Feeling his insides flutter, Harry nodded, looking at Snape and swallowing hard. He wanted so much more, and it was just like Snape was teasing him to depart so quickly. But he followed him back to the castle, calling Spells to his arm as they headed back across the field.