Chapter Twenty: Haywire.
As the weekend hit, Harry tried to be prepared in the morning for the flood of people who would be wanting to talk to him. This was something he had mixed feelings on. When he was younger, he didn't want the fame and was overwhelmed and confused by it, when he was a mid-teenager, he'd grown a little arrogant in his hormonal state, and quite enjoyed the spotlight—though fearing what the hell would happen to him in the Triwizard Tournament. Now? He was pretty over fame. He just wanted to have a normal life with his friends.
Getting out of bed, he noticed he'd slept in until late, the other beds empty. He headed downstairs where Hermione stopped him, grabbing his shoulder. This could only mean one thing: people were already outside and wanting to talk to him.
"Harry… you might not want to go out there just yet, there's people everywhere wanting to talk to you! You won't even make it to the Great Hall for breakfast!" the girl exclaimed, though realising Harry was still in his pyjamas. Clearly he wasn't thinking of heading out just yet. Certainly not dressed like that!
They were right outside the door!? Harry felt his heart sink at the thought of that. "Great…" he mumbled. "I should probably change into something more presentable, then," he said, looking down at his striped pyjama pants and his baggy T-shirt.
"I don't know, Potter, I think the public would revel at the sight of your nightclothes. Something to excite them, wouldn't you think?"
Harry turned at the drawling voice, seeing the Slytherin dressed in his usual dark frock-coat. "Snape!?" he gawked, not expecting to see him here—considering it was the Gryffindor common room. He instantly blushed as he realised he was in his pyjamas, though giving a bit of an excited grin to see him here.
"Go and get yourself presentable, Potter," the Slytherin muttered, his eyes returning to the chessboard in front of him. "Another checkmate, Weasley," he smirked, Ron's eyes going wide.
"Unbelievable! This is the second time in a row!" the red-head complained, well aware that it was Professor Snape he was playing Chess with. "I swear you've got to be cheating…" he muttered under his breath.
"H-how long have you been here?" Harry asked, confused at the rather friendly sight before him. Ron, of all people, playing Wizard's Chess with Snape? He would have figured Ron would have been out the door at the sight of Snape in here. And who the hell let him in? Surely Snape didn't know the Gryffindor password. McGonagall would never let him! He figured it was Hermione.
Snape gave a rather uninterested look. "Long enough to get bored with Weasley's repetitive strategy," he sighed, resting a hand on his cheek as Ron gave a very unimpressed look. And he thought Weasley was meant to be amazing at it.
"Hey, I got through that maze in the first year, didn't I?" the boy protested. He was damn good at Chess!
"You should learn to choose your battles, Weasley," Snape pointed out, Ron flipping the board and giving a rather aggravated sigh. "I must admit, Potter, your friends are quite… interesting. And this room is horribly bright with such Gryffindor tapestry. I much prefer the dungeons."
"'Course you would," Run muttered, giving Harry a friendly good-morning. "Thought I'd keep him busy for you, mate. Slytherin's are so pushy." Despite the fact that Snape had been bored waiting, so Ron figured he'd challenge him at Chess. Worst mistake ever. Now Snape had that over him.
Harry just felt himself blush once more, Snape eyeing the stairs. "Thanks, Ron," he smirked. "Right, I'll get dressed." He gave Hermione a thankful look for entertaining the man as well before running up the stairs and back to his room. He wouldn't have minded if they woke him up instead of making Snape wait.
He knew he'd have to wear something nice, so he made sure to get a dress shirt that actually fitted, wrapping his Gryffindor tie around his neck. He pulled on some black trousers and brushed down his hair a little bit. At least knowing that Snape was there would make things somewhat easier on him today.
He was utterly stunned that the man had even made it up here inside the Gryffindor common room. Tower, he could understand, and even waiting outside the door. But actually being inside? And playing chess with Ron…? He would have to ask about it when he got the time.
Pulling his tie straight, he went back down the stairs, Snape now standing with his hands behind his back. He smiled lightly and the Slytherin nodded gently. "They're not going to question why you're here, are they? I didn't think you'd want to be seen with me."
"The Headmistress is busy entertaining the higher guests, I have no issue with escorting you around for the day, Potter," the man said honestly. "I am positive the last thing on their minds is why I am inside the Gryffindor common room. The moment you step outside this door, you will be the only thing on their minds."
Would Severus prefer to be doing something else today? Of course. He hated the spotlight. He hated popularity. He hated that this was not a necessity. But Potter was famous. He had to get used to that if he wanted to be in a relationship with him. He didn't have much of a choice, either. Minerva was busy, and it was Severus' duty to take care of Harry—student, partner, whatever.
"Right," Harry muttered, looking to Ron and Hermione. Neville was in the background, sitting by himself on the lounge and clearly trying to avoid any contact with Snape. That only made Harry silently laugh to himself. He, thankfully, didn't know anything about their relationship.
"Are you two coming?" he asked, considering he knew Neville wouldn't be. He could stand up to Voldemort with a sword, but he still couldn't look at Snape? Harry mentally rolled his eyes.
"Er, no, it's alright, Harry," said Hermione. "Ron and I are going to wait a while. You and Professor Snape can go right ahead. We'll catch up with you later, when some of these people have gone."
Harry knew what Hermione was really doing. She was allowing him and Snape to have some time to themselves, which he appreciated, even though he would still have enjoyed spending the morning with them. But he knew Snape didn't want to hang around here all day, so he nodded.
"Professor," he smiled, looking up at the man and gesturing so he could head outside the door. Snape did so, and the crowd of people down the stairs was quite evident to his ears. This was going to be one tough day.
Stopping, he was hesitant to go any further down, knowing that there would be a hundred people with parchment and quills waiting for him to answer a thousand questions at once. He looked up when he felt a hand go to his shoulder, though, the dark eyes on him.
"If things get too involved and rough on you, I will happily pull you out," said Snape reassuringly. The events of the morning had been odd for him, but he would not let others see him as weak. He was still the Potions Professor here, despite what Harry's friends may know about him and them.
"I also brought you this, just in case. I am well aware of your outbursts, Potter. It would be best if you contained them," he pulled a small phial from his pocket and handed it to the Gryffindor.
Looking at the phial, Harry knew it was Calming Draught inside. "Thank you," he nodded, tucking the phial into his pocket just in case. He made sure he was presentable once more before heading down the stairs and seeing the wall of reporters and interviewers, the flashes of cameras almost blinding him.
He would have to remember to thank Snape properly after this. He knew he was going to hate every second of it. He also knew that he would have his time with McGonagall as well—as she was the Headmistress of Hogwarts. But he was pleased it was Severus this morning.
Snape stood behind Harry with his hands behind his back as he listened to the voices screaming and yelling at the boy who stood in front of him. He was getting rather annoyed at all of the insolence and wished he'd brought his own Calming Draught. Foolish of him not to.
Harry was well behaved and took everything in the calmest of ways. He was rather impressed with the Gryffindor. He would have thought a few weeks back that this would have been one of Harry's greatest moments, but he could see the boy was just trying his best to please everyone but himself.
Harry's attitude had certainly changed over the years of being here at Hogwarts (and being hunted by the Dark Lord). He was just a young boy when he had started, but he had soon learnt to fight for what was right. By his mid years, he'd become a rather arrogant teenager, one that reminded Severus of James. Luckily, the boy didn't stay that way for long. The events in his life had made him grow up faster than the regular teenager, and here he was, acting very much like an adult in being as polite and professional as possible to these vermin.
Severus wanted nothing more than to wave them all away so Harry could have some peace and quiet. He could tell the young wizard needed it, and he'd suggested a break once before, but Harry had said it was quite alright—much to his own frustration.
Harry wasn't the only one that was getting asked questions, though. When Ron and Hermione had entered, some of the reporters had surrounded them as well, which Harry seemed to feel guilty about. There was no stopping it, though. Today was the day that these people got what they wanted. The story from their hero. The Battle of Hogwarts.
It was Rita Skeeter, much to his own despise, that had come forward about Severus' own actions during the war. Severus knew better than to walk into her trap, and simply waved her away, saying that he had no comment on the matter, that he was simply here as Potter's security so people like her wouldn't hound him.
The woman seemed to be offended, but nonetheless, her quill was scribbling ferociously onto the parchment, and Snape only knew it was something horribly out of proportion. When it was clear he wasn't going to speak to her, she moved onto Harry right away, pulling him to a corner for a more 'private' interview while the others had to wait.
Harry protested, giving Snape a desperate look as he didn't want to be alone with the woman, and so he had to step in, feeling the urge to try and protect the boy as much as possible.
"Interview is over, Skeeter, Potter is a boy after all, he needs something in that scrawny stomach of his," he said, grabbing Harry's shirt collar roughly and tearing him away from the crowd of now disappointed fans. He was more than happy to step into the quiet corridor. He was this close to tossing curses around the place.
Finally, Harry could breathe, and he gave an overwhelmed sigh. "Wow, they're absolutely mental out there!" he said, brushing himself down and more than happy to get away from Rita Skeeter. "Sorry you have to do this…"
"Not your fault, Potter, McGonagall's orders," Snape muttered, though feeling rather agitated by all of the attention. "I suppose I've done quite well at protecting you previously, I'm not going to stop now." Besides, who else could do a better job? He only trusted himself for something like this. Everyone else had their vulnerabilities. Who would ever think anything of Harry Potter and Severus Snape?
Harry smiled at that, looking up at the man as they headed down the corridor. "Thank you, I mean it, for doing this," he said, still catching his breath. Snape had been rather rough on him in pulling him out of there. "I know you'd rather be doing something else, probably avoiding all these people, but it means a lot that you're here with me."
Snape just nodded silently as they walked, getting himself in check as they headed for the Great Hall so Harry could get some food into him. It wasn't just the fact that those people were vultures, it was also because he couldn't stand Potter being in the spotlight all of the time. It bothered him quite a bit, and he didn't really know why. He'd never been one for popularity, though.
As they reached the Great Hall, he allowed Harry to go and sit with his friends for a bit while he headed to the High Table, moving towards McGonagall who seemed rather tired of having to deal with the people being here.
"You're doing a splendid job with Potter, Severus," said the witch, Hagrid beside her and giving a grin behind his bushy beard. "Soon enough they should be gone, and I do apologise for you having to put up with them."
"I don't see why you couldn't have done this," Snape said roughly, "You are, after all, the Head of Gryffindor, and more suited for the position."
"As Headmistress of Hogwarts, don't think I am not also being hounded by these… people," Minerva hissed. "I would have thought this a great opportunity for you and Potter to be seen together."
Seen together? Snape lifted a brow as he sat down. "You wish for the public to know of this?" he asked. "Do you have any idea what might happen to Hogwarts if this goes public? Not to mention our lives."
"They will find out one day, Severus, they may as well get used to seeing the two of you together," the witch said sharply. "Besides, I was not speaking of your relationship. It is good to see you in a more positive spotlight. You are simply his escort, Severus, nothing more. And if you are being this snappy around him, then believe me, the public will think nothing of it."
Severus just looked away. He wasn't going to get into an argument over this. McGonagall was the Headmistress, and he was sure this was the first break she'd gotten the whole day. The afternoon was going to be packed with more annoying people, and so he decided some food really wouldn't be so bad.
"There… it wasn't too bad, was it?" Harry grinned, though very tiredly. His hair was rather a mess now, and he was ready to get out of these dressy clothes. But he was more than thankful that the day was over. And, of course, glad that Snape didn't have to put up with any more of it either.
"It was dreadful," Snape muttered, "Every moment of it was agonising." Of course, he wasn't used to being around so many people, and he was rather exhausted after the whole thing. Thank Merlin the day was over, and he was ready to lock himself in his office and go to sleep. Damn, he had papers to grade, he couldn't even do that! He moaned mentally. Even the Dark Lord was less tedious.
Harry just grinned, though apologising softly. "I did like that you were there, though," he smiled.
"Potter, if every day of your life is going to be that way…"
Snape just looked at the Gryffindor before expelling a sigh, "Then I assume I'll have to deal with it. But don't expect me to tend to fancy dinners or the like."
"Wouldn't dream of it, Professor," Harry smirked, though thinking for a moment. "What are your plans for tonight, if you don't mind me asking?"
Continuing to walk down the corridor, Severus took a glimpse at the young man. "I have papers to grade, and I think the both of us need an early night. You may be used to this attention, Potter, but I assure you, I am not. Do not forget that you will be doing the same with McGonagall tomorrow."
Harry felt guilty about that. He knew it wasn't all by choice that Snape had come and escorted him today, he knew McGonagall was busy and so chose him, but he still felt guilty. He knew very well that Snape enjoyed his solitude over a crowd of hungry reporters. Honestly, solitude sounded rather nice right now, and he was happy Hogwarts was closed for the evening.
"Can I come and stay with you?" he asked, Snape slowing down as he looked at him. "Unless I'd get in your way, then that's okay. I just kind of like the silence, and going back to the common room will probably be horribly rowdy. I think I've had enough attention for one day."
The thought of Harry spending time with him grading papers made Severus uneasy. "Potter, you're going to be bored out of your mind. I know what you Gryffindors are like. The moment your mind strays you'll be touching things that don't belong to you and looking for trouble."
Harry laughed. "Well, what if I said it involved Potions? Could you help me with my homework?" he asked, brows arching as he looked to the Potions master.
Puppy eyes did not work on Severus Snape. "Potter, I am your Potions teacher, I hardly think it wise if others noticed you all of a sudden getting the highest score in the school. Merlin knows Miss Granger would notice, and your results are only starting to just improve."
"I'm still going that bad?" Harry asked, stopping.
Snape stopped and looked at the tired young man. "I didn't say that you were bad, Potter, you're always jumping to conclusions."
Harry knew he'd never be as good as Hermione, but he still needed to pass Potions to become an Auror. "I don't want to fail, Professor…"
"And you won't if you listen closely in classes," reassured Snape.
Harry felt his cheeks go a little pink. "It's hard to listen when your professor's kinda hot."
Severus froze, his hands going by his side. He had no idea how Harry (or anyone) could see him as attractive. He was pale, his nose had been broken multiple times during childhood, his hair was constantly oily from standing over cauldrons all bloody day and he was hardly nice.
Still, somehow, and he tried not to question how, Harry had come to like him. Before or after their magic had connected, he didn't know, but he didn't mind either. It was strange to accept it, but Harry was here telling him what he thought. Even if it made him feel awkward, it was still nice.
"Potter," he started, looking at the young man. He hated when their magic did this! He could feel it already attracting one another. It had been pestering him all day, and now that he was finally alone with Harry, it was beginning to try and urge him closer.
"I just want to spend time with you," Harry admitted, "is that so bad?"
No, of course it wasn't, and Snape resisted the urge to get any closer to the Gryffindor. "You've had a long day, Potter, you should get to bed as soon as possible. I am sure your friends are eager to see you."
Why did he always have to do that!? Turn into his professor instead of his partner? Harry nodded, though hiding his disappointment. How he would really like to undo all of those buttons in front of him.
He could feel his own magic calling to the other, and he wanted nothing more than to get Snape alone (truly alone) and press himself against him. He was probably lucky that he was tired, otherwise his magic would be much stronger and he doubted he'd be able to truly stop himself.
Instead, Snape led him quietly to the Great Hall and he shared dinner with his friends. Thankfully, Ron and Hermione didn't ask too many questions about the day, and Harry realised that he really was quite tired.
After dinner, he headed off with his House back the Gryffindor Tower and went to bed.
Harry's sleep didn't last long. He woke up panting, covered in a thick sweat as his body filled with a familiar warm flush. His magic was prickling against his skin as the imagines from his dream taunted him. His body was tingling horribly from the sensation of Severus Snape being against his back in his dream.
Looking at the out of focus ceiling, he caught his breath, swallowing hard as he realised he still had an erection. His magic was taunting him this much that it wouldn't even give him a proper wet dream!? Instead, his member was just sitting hard against his lower belly, throbbing for attention.
Leaning up, he quickly put his glasses on to check if anyone had woken up. He'd put a silencing ward up, but he was still nervous. Luckily, though, everyone was sound asleep in their beds. He, however, knew he wasn't going to get to sleep any time soon. No, there was something on his mind, and he knew it wasn't going to go away any time soon.
He didn't know if it was because he was half-asleep or because his magic was driving him there, or maybe it was just what he truly wanted, but he grabbed his father's Invisibility Cloak and opened the door as quietly as possible, heading out of Gryffindor Tower with his wand in his hand—just in case.
He padded his way softly down the corridors, not even thinking of the consequences. He didn't think of maybe meeting Filch or Peeves along the way and getting caught, and he certainly didn't think that Snape would even care if he came to his door at who knows what hour it was in the morning. He didn't even check. He just went to the destination he was craving, his magic urging him more and more.
Once he reached the dungeons, he lifted his hand and knocked on the door, knowing very well that Snape would be alerted that someone was at his door—as he was a professor and Head of House.
Inside Snape's office, Fawkes stirred as he heard the tapping from the door. The candles were low, but his feathers illuminated enough when he wished them to, and he stretched tiredly before flapping down to the sleeping Slytherin who was still dressed in his coat and had fallen asleep at his desk.
Snape instantly awoke, as if from a bad dream and pushed himself back up into a seated position, instantly regretting it from the kink in his neck. How the hell had he managed to fall asleep at his desk? Oh right, it wasn't anything new, was it? He worked late most nights and today had been tiring.
Running a hand down his face, he gave a tired but grouchy sigh as he heard the knocking on the door. If this was a bloody student asking him to escort them to the bathroom or something again, he was going to drag them back inside the Slytherin common room by the scruff of their neck.
Considering his office was still lit up from the candles, he pushed himself up and headed over to the door, stretching his body before opening it. To his annoyance, no one was there. He took a step outside, his brow furrowing as he gave a confused look. Perhaps it had been in his sleep?
He shook his head, rubbing his forehead as he turned back to go inside. However, he stopped in his tracks as he saw half of Harry Potter popped out of what looked like nowhere just inside his office.
"Potter, what are you doing!?" he hissed, stepping inside and instantly closing the door behind him in case someone caught him here. "You are going to get yourself into serious trouble. Roaming about the castle after hours," he scoffed, grabbing the Cloak and tossing it from the Gryffindor, who was in his pyjamas, so he couldn't run away from him beneath it.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it, I just… I had to come here," Harry said, picking up the Cloak and putting it onto the lounge. He looked around, realising Snape was still dressed in today's clothes. "Do you ever sleep?" he asked, though realising the man looked rather rough.
"I fell asleep at my desk, but that's beside the point," Snape snapped. "What the hell are you doing down here? If anyone saw you…" He huffed, folding his arms. There was no point in arguing it, Harry had always been one to roam around at night. "Do you require a phial of Sleeping Draught?"
"No," Harry said, feeling an intense urge to be against the man. He looked so human when he was confused and had just woken up, it was rather cute in a way. He moved closer, wanting to touch Snape, but trying horribly to keep to himself. His magic was itching, screaming at him to get closer!
Brushing his hair from his face, Snape looked at the eager green eyes of the Gryffindor in front of him. "Then what was so important that you needed to come down here underneath that Cloak?" he asked brusquely.
Harry moved closer and Snape leant against his desk. "I couldn't sleep," he murmured. "Well, I could, but I woke up and then I knew I couldn't get back to sleep. I had this sudden urge to come see you. To be with you…" Harry explained quickly, adjusting his glasses. "I dunno what it is, if it's my magic or not but… can't you feel it? It's driving me mental."
Realising Harry had moved relatively close, Severus just watched those green eyes. They were burning with need, and he could feel Harry's magic in the air, crawling against his own skin. He swallowed hard as he realised the hot surge that flowed through his own body in need at the Gryffindor being here inside his quarters.
Merlin, Harry looked so messy and almost innocent in those horrid pyjamas of his. The way his eyes looked at him, almost hungry in need and desire. Severus found himself unable to look away from the young man.
"Harry, you really shouldn't be down here," he tried to say. "I will get you something so you can rest easy tonight." He moved to walk over to the shelf, but was stopped when he felt Harry's hand go against his arm, a flow of magic surging through his body and making him look at the young man once more.
"Professor—Severus… please," Harry said almost as if he were in pain. The magic was getting worse, and he couldn't take it anymore! He just wanted the man to be against him. He could feel their magic going haywire as they were standing there, and it wasn't even skin on skin. Harry's hand was on the thick wool of Snape's coat, and how he wished he could undo all those buttons and feel that pale skin of his under his fingertips.
Why did he have to say it like that? So needy? Pleading for his help. Pleading for the magic to stop driving him insane. Severus didn't know to move or not, he just felt the hand on his arm smooth up over his shoulder, Harry's chest soon flush against his own, those green eyes piercing his ever-so-gently.
"I can't take it anymore, Professor, please let me be with you," said the Gryffindor, somehow plucking the courage to run his hands down Severus' chest. Already he could feel his member stirring once more against his thigh, wanting to be let out and played with. His lips parted as he wanted to taste Snape's once more. It felt like it had been so long since they had last kissed. He wanted so much more!
Severus' breath caught in his throat as he felt like he was going to be strangled by the magic that intertwined around them. His eyes didn't once leave Harry's, and he could feel his heart beating like a drum inside his chest.
Those seeking fingers found their way down to his stomach, slipping in between the opening of his coat and finding his belt buckle. He'd be lying if he said he wanted Harry to stop. No, he didn't. He'd wanted this all day. He was nervous and embarrassed about anyone ever seeing him naked, but the thought was soon stolen from him as he felt warm, soft lips against his own, his hands tightening around the rim of his desk as he leant into it.
"Professor…" Harry moaned needily, deepening the kiss between them, their magic curling between one another. "Please don't tease me again." His hands went down the front of Snape's trousers and felt the erection beneath, getting a short gasp from the Slytherin, his body stiffening sharply.
Severus felt his eyes close as every other sensation felt so fresh, those nimble fingers slipping into his belt. "Harry… we shouldn't…" he tried to say, his voice clearly deceiving him, and once more, he was hushed with a hot kiss.
Tasting the Gryffindor, Severus was unable to stop himself, his hands leaving the desk and taking Harry's hips, slipping underneath the long T-shirt the young man was wearing, feeling his warm, soft and silky skin.
"Oh, that feels good," Harry murmured, swallowing hard as their kiss soon became more brutal. He felt Snape's skilled potion fingers curl into his hair, and his own hands started undoing the buttons on Snape's coat, pushing the sleeves down over his shoulders.
"Wait!" Severus said, pushing himself up. "You don't even know what you're doing…!" Hell, he didn't even know what he was doing!
"I don't care, to be honest," Harry breathed, looking at the exciting state the professor was in, his coat halfway down his arms to show the white shirt and cravat he wore beneath it. Blimey, he looked gorgeous when he was roughened up.
Harry bit his lip. "Call an elf, they'll get you protection. I don't care how, I just want you inside me tonight. I can't stand it anymore, I can't stand not being able to touch you! Being able to feel you…! I know, I sound like I've gone mental, but I've never had this feeling before. Not with anyone before, and… Blimey, you look hot when you're uncomfortable. I never would have thought I'd ever see you like this, but I like it."
Snape looked away instantly. As cold hearted as he was and appeared to others, sex wasn't exactly Severus' strong point, and he did become rather embarrassed by the whole concept.
"Potter, I don't need an elf to give you protection, I'm a Potions master."
"Y-you can brew things for that?" Harry asked, brows lifting in surprise. "Wait… I thought you said you'd never… Why would you be making things like that?"
"They're not for me!" Snape hissed. "They're for others… Students, in case something happens, or… I'll have you know, some of the teachers here can be frisky. I simply make the stuff, I don't ever use it. I have no reason to!"
Harry smirked, though his cheeks burning. "Well, you do now, so go and find it."
Were they really going to do this? Have… sex? Hell, it wasn't like they really had a choice anyway. The whole day had been hectic, and watching those damn vultures pick at Harry had made him hostile and angry. His magic had been going haywire all day, and now it seemed impossible to not answer its needy call.
He quickly pushed past Harry and headed to the shelves, pushing some of the flagons aside until he grabbed what he was looking for. When he turned back around, Harry was standing shirtless, his soft, toned skin glowing from the candlelight.
"Merlin…" he murmured, quickly taking out the stopper and drinking some of the liquid. He dropped the bottle onto the table before claiming those swollen, red lips for his own, ignoring Fawkes as he fluffed up and turned away on his perch.
Harry's hands went up to his chest once more, undoing the buttons and taking off the coat which fell easily to the floor with a thud, and they moved through the office over to the study and into the bedroom.
Severus instantly commanded the fire to start up with a wave of his hand before returning it to Harry's body, the boy's knees hitting the bed and causing him to fall onto his back—not once losing a connection between their lips as he followed, not on top of the shirtless Gryffindor.
"Nnn, Professor… " Harry moaned, feeling his cheeks flush as his erection was pulsing heavily now. He was harder now than ever before. He ignored his shyness, his heart pounding in his chest as he could finally feel the excitement and rush of such a wonderful feeling.
Every hot, sweaty wet dream that he'd had about the man was absolutely nothing to this, and he felt like he was going to explode already. His fingers ripped down the white shirt, and his own magic made it come easily undone without ripping any of the buttons off.
Feeling the warm flesh of Snape's chest, Harry felt his fingers tangle into the small patch of hair that was on him. He could feel small bumps every now again, but he didn't have the time to look, feeling the uneven skin. They felt all too familiar, though. Like the lightning bolt that was on his forehead. He instantly knew they were scars.
He could feel his blood boiling down to its desired place, and he rolled over onto his stomach, feeling Severus' lips on his shoulder, his chest against his back. 'Oh, God, yes…!' he moaned mentally, breathing hard, his skin prickling in the night.
"You understand what we are about to do…?" Severus asked, his voice shaken from the magic going between them. Harry had managed to unbuckle his belt and his trousers had slipped half way down to reveal his very Muggle grey trunks, supporting a heavy lump inside.
Although nervous, and knowing this was going to hurt, Harry was more than prepared for this. He'd wanted it for months now, and everything about it felt utterly right. He wanted their relationship to be consummated.
He'd seen the way Severus had been watching and looking after him all while those interviews had gone on. He knew how much he truly meant to Snape. He wanted to give the man his all. He wanted to show him that he wanted him. All of him. That he liked him. That he…
Feeling hot cotton press up against his backside, Harry shuddered in lust at feeling the man's body against his, his hands clutching the sheets. "Ohh… I want it more than anything," he said, biting his lip once more as he felt Snape's lips move against the back of his neck and over his shoulder.
Fingers soon went against his hips, drawing down his pyjama pants and briefs, exposing his heated erection and pale backside. They left him for a moment, and Harry soon realised why. Snape no longer felt like cotton against him, but silky, hot skin.
Harry was gorgeous like this, and Severus wasn't able to control himself. Whether it be from the magic that was forcing them, making them give into their desires, or whether it was because this was what he truly wanted, he didn't know, but he soon felt the head of his throbbing member prod gently into Harry's backside (after a moment of figuring out where everything was), the boy tensing horribly.
He didn't wish to hurt him, and with his pants still halfway down his legs, he slipped his wand out, applying a thick coat of lubrication between the two. There were many reasons why he knew such a spell. Potion ingredients didn't always come out at ease.
His wand soon left his hand as he slipped gently into the Gryffindor's backside, Harry groaning, his hands clutching the sheets of the bed before saying he wanted more, for him to continue. Snape simply obliged until the friction between them was smooth and well-paced.
Panting, Harry arched his neck back, fingers clawing at the sheets as his insides burned from pain and pleasure. He knew it was going to hurt, but it felt so good at the same time, and he was reassured by the smooth and soft hands of Severus Snape as they went against his chest and stomach, Harry leaning up onto his knees and sitting in the man's lap, awkwardly moving his hips in motion to make it easier. This was the first time for both of them, so neither of them expected it to be perfect.
"Uhh… ohh, Snape…" he groaned, his eyes clenching hard as he felt a hand go against his thickened erection. He gasped, his hands going back against the other man's thighs beneath him. For his first time, it wasn't anything that he imagined it to be—it was ten times better!
Maybe it was the magic numbing the pain, making the both of them unaware what was really happening, but he didn't care. Any rational thought left him, and all he could feel was his magically bonded Potions professor inside his body, making him come heavily onto the green Slytherin quilt of the bed, the both of them hot and sweaty.
The rest of the night disappeared completely in a high of their magic.