Chapter Twenty Four: Brotherhood

Early in the morning, McGonagall headed down to the hospital wing to check on Severus and if he was up to teaching today. When she arrived, she saw that Poppy's office was open, but it didn't seem like she had been out to check on Severus yet—the curtain to his bed drawn.

Walking over, she pulled the curtain aside to see the sight before her. As heart-warming as it was, she was furious that Potter had disobeyed her orders and had come down here again.

On the bed, Severus was on the edge, his injured arm tucked beneath his chin with Harry against his back, an arm over his stomach. She couldn't see the Invisibility Cloak as it had fallen off the bed during the night. Potter was just on the covers.

Clearing her voice, she got the attention of Severus, his eyes gently opening in the morning light of the hospital wing. "By this rate, Gryffindor is certainly going to lose the House Cup," she muttered.

Hearing the voice of the Headmistress, Severus immediately turned over his shoulder to see Harry, removing his hand from him as if it were a sin to touch him. The events of last night seemed to slap him in the face. Oh Merlin, what the hell had he been babbling while high on potions?

"He came down this morning, Headmistress. I assure you, he was not here all night," he lied, pushing the hair from his face. He moved away from Harry as far as he could on the bed. What an awkward sight to walk in on, and to wake up to… Not that he didn't enjoy the feel of Potter against him, but he wasn't used to sharing a bed with anyone.

McGonagall shook her head. She had seen Potter go to bed, so she could only take Severus' word for it, but she had a sneaking suspicion he was lying. He was just very good at it. Then again, Severus was not new to protecting Harry from trouble.

"Potter, wake up," she said loudly, the boy immediately stirring and looking up. He seemed to look around for something before Snape turned to him.

"Get back to your common room, Potter," said the Slytherin. "I'm positive I will see you in class now that my arm is no longer suffering." He didn't mention anything about what he spoke about last night. Certainly not while McGonagall was here. How utterly embarrassing…

Harry didn't have much time to say goodbye or even comfort Snape in the morning hours, he just grabbed his Cloak and headed back to the Gryffindor common room before anyone else woke up.

"Severus, you need to stop encouraging the boy," said Minerva.

Sitting up, Snape raised a brow. "And when has Potter ever listened to me? I assure you, if he were a Slytherin, such as myself, he would not be roaming around at ungodly hours," he made clear.

Rolling her eyes, McGonagall sighed. "How is your arm this morning?" she said, Poppy peeking out of her office at the noise. The witch came over at once and took the bandaged arm into her hand.

"Much better," said Snape. Somewhere in his sleep the pain must have gone and the skin must have healed from the elixir he was given last night.

Unwrapping the tourniquet, Madam Pomfrey took a look at the healed skin, pressing the Dark Mark gently. "It seems to have healed perfectly well overnight, Severus. You should be able to get your things and be back in the dungeons as soon as possible." She removed the stained bandage completely.

Snape rolled his arm sleeve down over the tattoo. "The students will be thrilled," he drawled sarcastically before pushing himself out of bed. His robes were already waiting by the side-table when he'd come in after being attacked. They were clean of bloodstains.

"The student has been expelled from Hogwarts and is packing now. He shall be on the train home as soon as possible. The others have all been informed of the consequences of such behaviour last night at dinner. You should not have anyone attempt to attack you again as long as I am running the school," said McGonagall, pleased to see the Slytherin up and moving about normally again. "I will allow you to get changed."

When Minerva drew the curtain, Severus was glad to hear the little shit that attacked him was expelled. He may not have been able to hex him back as a student, but he sure as hell didn't have to protect him if he weren't a student at Hogwarts anymore.

He removed his pyjamas and got changed into his teaching robes before pulling the curtain back and stepping out, tucking his wand up his sleeve.

"Severus, with the circumstances, I am afraid that I will have to announce your relationship with Potter," said Minerva, having been waiting. "Students will be asking about it, and it would be best if the events were to be apparent."

"You're not suggesting that you inform them of Potter and I having… slept together," Severus said, feeling rather awkward. He understood that the students needed to know simply because they would be asking questions why other students and teachers weren't allowed to date, but they didn't need to know that fact!

"No, of course not," McGonagall said, waving a hand. "You will have the time to address your House. I will not make it a public event, but I must insist that before breakfast you speak to your House members, as the rest of us will be."

The thought of that was horrid. Severus was not a bad Head of House, in fact, contrary to what the other Houses thought of him, he made a habit of checking in on his House members occasionally before he shooed them off to bed.

He may not be fond of children, but he had known what it was like in his own Hogwarts days to be ignored by professors and Head of House members. He had told himself that he would not allow his students to feel neglected the way he had. The Slytherins were actually very tight with one another. They were a brotherhood, despite what others thought of them. They stood up for their own.

"I will address them this morning," he promised, giving a gentle nod. "They will be waking up soon, I suppose I should make myself presentable." He needed to shave and take a shower considering he hadn't been able to last night.

"Yes, of course. I will walk you out," Minerva said with a tight lipped smile as they headed out of the hospital wing.


Although in his pyjamas, Harry didn't mind as he was pretty much the only one up right now. Classes didn't start until a while, and breakfast was yet to be served. He would have hid underneath the Cloak, but there honestly didn't seem much point.

When he was walking the corridors, he heard the sound of turning wheels, and he looked up the thin corridor, seeing someone dressed in Slytherin robes. It was Harley Wadlow, the younger Slytherin boy who had hit him a while back outside Snape's class.

Why did he have his trunk with him, though? As if he was leaving…

"It was you!" Harry said, brows furrowing as the round boy turned around. "You attacked Snape. And now you're getting expelled over it!"

Harley's dark eyes narrowed towards Potter. "It was worth every bit of it. Just a shame I didn't rip it from his arm."

Harry would have thought a person like Wadlow would have enjoyed the fact that Snape had been a Death Eater and a follower of Voldemort. Why would he try and remove the Dark Mark from Snape's body? Why would a Slytherin attack another Slytherin!?

His fingers twitched eagerly to grab his wand that was sitting in his pants pocket along with the map from last night. The Cloak was in his hand, but he wanted to drop it just so he could attack the kid. He knew it wasn't right to fight him, but he'd hurt Snape! He'd caused him to ache all night. If it weren't for Harry staying there through the night, he doubted Snape would have gotten much sleep at all! Or even healed! When their magic was connected, it was powerful beyond belief.

"Why do you care if Snape has a Mark or not? You're a Slytherin. He's your Head of House! Why attack him!?"

"Because he doesn't deserve to be marked with something as powerful as the Dark Mark! He's a traitor!" Harley snapped angrily. "He's a filthy liar! And then he goes and screws you!? Harry Potter! The enemy of the Dark Lord! How disgusting! I couldn't bear being in the same common room as him! A Slytherin? He's no more a Slytherin than Dumbledore was a great wizard!"

Harry's jaw went tight in fury. How dare he insult Snape and Dumbledore in the same sentence!? Both of them were great wizards, and Snape was very much a Slytherin!

"So you attacked him!?" he asked, angry and horrified. He knew the news of them sleeping together wasn't going to get many positive remarks, but attacking and trying to remove the Dark Mark from Snape's arm? Snape had done a damn good job in being by Voldemort's side, even if he was a spy. He had earned his place in the Inner Circle—as strange as that sounded.

"It's not his fault our magic connected! It's not my fault, either. It's Ancient Magic, and it doesn't mean you have to go and attack someone just because they like someone you don't! Leave him alone. If it's me you hate then come and attack me! Clearly you're a sick Voldemort follower. I'm the one that killed him, so take it out on me and leave Severus alone!" Harry sounded rather teenage-like when he yelled all of this.

A twisted and vile sneer spread across Harley's face. "Well, if that's an open invitation, I will!" the round boy yelled, gripping his wand and pointing it to Harry. Instantly, the Gryffindor was thrown back into the corridor wall, his back hitting against the stone with a very satisfying crack.


The Slytherin looked in horror as the Head of House and McGonagall came running down the corridor. Within a flash, Severus Snape had him by the collar of his shirt and had pushed him against the wall, his wand stabbing him underneath the chin.

Harley went pale as the dark eyes were on him, furious and clearly protective of Potter. He winced as the pointed end of Snape's wand stabbed into the soft flesh of his chin, ready to curse him. He knew very well what Professor Snape could do—including the Killing Curse.

"You wouldn't hurt a student, P-Professor…" he whimpered feebly. He could feel sweat actually starting to bead his forehead from fear.

"To my knowledge, you are no longer a student here, Wadlow," Snape sneered, a twisted smirk going across his lips. However, when he heard McGonagall hiss his name, he lowered his wand and dropped the boy, Harley scrambling to his feet and McGonagall grabbing his shoulder so he wouldn't get away.

"Mister Wadlow, this is the second time you have attacked a resident here. You will be reported to the Ministry this time!" reported McGonagall furiously. Harry winced as he was on the ground.

"What are they gunna do!? You both deserve it!" the boy yelled.

"Severus, take Potter to the hospital wing and get him checked out, I will deal with this pompous child," said Minerva, dragging Harley away.

"Potter, are you alright?" Severus asked, leaning down as Harry pushed himself up. Harry had been pushed back quite harshly with the attack from Wadlow.

"I'm alright," Harry muttered, feeling a little embarrassed as Snape put his hand on his shoulder. "I don't need to go to the hospital wing, it's nothing."

"Don't be so stupid," Snape said briskly. "You were just tossed at least six metres." He looked at the wall, seeing some of the stone chipped. Harry must have hit hard. He gave the boy a painful look.

"I'm fine," Harry protested, rubbing his back gently and covering up the pain. "I'm alright, I swear."

Snape didn't believe it for a second, especially when Harry winced when he'd touched his back. Through the shirt, he could see a small dabble of red. "Harry, please come to the hospital wing," he said, looking down. "If not for you, then so I know you are alright. You're bleeding."

Harry tried to look at his back, but it was horribly painful to turn. He groaned a little at the pain.

Considering the throw had been very solid, Snape examined the boy. "Can you walk? Do you need a lift?"

"A lift?" Harry asked, a brow rising.

"Potter, I'm not weak, I can very well carry you," Snape barked. "Can you walk or not?" If Harry's spine had been hit against the wall, there was no telling what Wadlow could have done to him by throwing him so far and hard.

"I told you, I'm fine, Professor." Like Snape, Harry was stubborn when he was hurting.

"Are you deaf? I said you are bleeding. Now get here," Snape said rather forcefully. "I will levitate you if you disobey."

Harry rolled his eyes and knew that Severus was quite serious. "Alright, alright," he muttered, moving towards the hospital wing. He winced with the steps, his back starting to ache now. He'd hit a lot harder than he thought. Maybe going to the hospital wing wasn't such a bad idea after all. He kind of liked the idea that Snape cared and was trying to help him as well. It felt nice. And the show of affection felt even nicer.

Following Harry, Snape allowed the boy to take his wrist when he needed the support of a walking frame. The boy looked like he was in pain, and Severus picked up the Invisibility Cloak that he had brought down last night to stay with him. He wasn't even going to discuss what they had talked about last night when he was out of his mind on healing potions and he was more than happy that Potter didn't mention it either.

"Why didn't you tell me it was him?" Harry asked, trying not to show that the pain was actually starting to grow all through his back and limbs now.

Snape continued forward, only giving Harry a side-glance. "Because I knew you would go looking for him. You're a Gryffindor, Potter… it's in your nature to go looking for trouble and stick up for the people you care for."

Harry felt a little embarrassed that Snape admitted to him caring for him. "I wouldn't have done anything," he said, his voice promising. He wouldn't ever attack anyone unless provoked.

"Potter, our magic has bonded, and it means the two of us will be very protective and irrational when it comes to either one of us being in danger," he said, which explained why he had jumped and threatened Wadlow mere seconds ago. Naturally, he wouldn't usually do something like that—especially to a Slytherin (even if former). "Unfortunately, you may not have been able to stop yourself."

He hadn't known that, but it made sense to why he wanted to stay with Snape so much last night. He was in pain and he wanted to take that way. But that wasn't just his magic speaking; he didn't want Snape to suffer either. The thought of Snape in pain wasn't very satisfying at all. But what the professor was saying made sense. He had noticed he was more protective of Snape that he normally would be. Even Ginny when they'd been together. Not that he could compare what he and Snape had to what he and Ginny had.

He didn't argue the case, and instead continued walking slowly to the hospital wing. When they arrived, Snape ordered him to sit on the bed as he went and got Madam Pomfrey from her office. He didn't really want to be here, but he was getting relatively sore now, and he rather liked the idea of Snape taking care of him.

A moment passed before both Snape and Madam Pomfrey came out, and the witch ordered him to take off his shirt. Hesitantly, he did so, revealing his back.

"Ohh, yes… you will certainly need some medicine to get that fixed up. I'll just go fetch it," said the medi-witch before leaving once more to go to her stock cupboard.

Severus found himself staring at Harry's back. But he wasn't staring at the red wound that was on it now, but other previous wounds. Scars. How had he not seen these before when they had shared the bed?

"Potter, what are these?" he asked bluntly, his hand gently touching one of the scars against the pale back. It wasn't large, but it was big enough to have left a groove in the Gryffindor's back. Much like a belt buckle…

Looking at the ground, Harry placed his hands onto the edge of the bed. "Scars…" he said, as if it were nothing. He was actually very self-conscious about his body, and he didn't really feel good knowing that Snape was looking at him. Didn't Snape see them the other night?

"W-why? I… I thought you would have already known they were there," he mumbled softly, shooting a quick glance behind his shoulder before he felt Snape's hand leave him. The black robes were soon in front of him.

"Admittedly, I can't recall most of the other night. Our magic was rather intoxicating," Snape murmured. "Who did this to you?" The thought of someone putting these on Harry's body angered something deep within him. Maybe from his own childhood, he didn't know. Maybe just because he was protective of Potter. Whatever it was, it was making him want to destroy whoever did this.

Looking up, Harry faintly remembered the feeling of scars on Snape's body that night as well. Again, he didn't see much, like Snape, but he had felt them. They hadn't really even seen each other nude. They had sex, and yet… they hardly knew what one another looked like beneath the clothes. It was actually fairly odd and shameful in Harry's opinion.

"I got into a lot of trouble when I was little," Harry said, shrugging and trying to ignore the pain. Madam Pomfrey was taking a lot longer than he thought.

Potter getting into this kind of trouble? That was a lie. Harry didn't go looking for fights. Attention and bravery, maybe, but he did not go looking for fights.

Kneeling down, Severus looked up to the boy, brushing some of his hair away from those green eyes. Harry's hair was getting rather long, much like in his fourth year (Severus mentally rolled his eyes that he remembered that). "Harry, you do not strike me as the person to go looking for fights with larger people. I mean no offense to your stature, but these scars are not from you looking for trouble. Somebody has put these on you. Your uncle? Your cousin? Who did this?"

Harry felt uneasy, his shoulders pulling in a little. "Primary school bullies," he admitted. "I was a pretty easy target in school, Professor. I'm small, I was a freak… Dudley did nothing to help that, and Uncle Vernon made sure to put me to work around the house. Mostly things that weren't really physically possible. When I did something wrong, like accidental magic… he didn't hit me, he was too afraid of that, but that didn't stop him from putting me to work. And Dudley's school friends certainly didn't think I was powerful."

Severus found himself looking rather angrily at the boy. Not at Harry, but at the thought of a grown man abusing Harry, not to mention allowing his son and his son's friends to continue beating Harry. That punch was coming nearer and nearer.

"How long did this go on for?" he asked, seeing Poppy standing in the threshold to her office. She hadn't moved and had a small bottle in her hands. It was clear she was letting them talk at the sight of Harry's back.

"Until I came to Hogwarts…" Harry admitted. "It's nothing, Professor… They took me in, I probably deserved it. Once I got a wand, it pretty much stopped anyway…"

"No," Snape said harshly. "You did not deserve this." Something in Snape felt horrible for finding this information out, and it made him remember his own neglectful and abusive childhood. His mother hadn't abused him, but she had allowed it to go on before she had ended up killing herself when he was in school. His father had died from alcohol poisoning a few years later, leaving the house in Spinner's End to him. Not that he really saw it as a home.

But to know that all these years, Harry had been abused by the Dursleys and by his peers? He felt awful knowing that he had been so cruel to Harry in his years. He had always thought Harry had had a splendid life leading up to Hogwarts. Never did he think that Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived would have a life as miserable as his was at home. Petunia was not a nice person, but he never thought she'd let abuse go on under he nose. He felt an odd sensation of guilt go through his bones. Not to mention anger at Dumbledore! He'd known about this, for sure!

"It's nothing, Professor. Don't worry about it," Harry said, seeing something change in Severus' expression. He didn't know what the man was thinking, but he knew it was nothing good. Plus, it hadn't been that bad, really… Sure, the Dursleys were horrible, but… they did take him in. Even though they hated him. It taught him how to appreciate the small things in life.

Snape stood back up, knowing that Harry didn't wish to talk about it. Madam Pomfrey instantly came in as they fell silent and tended to Harry's back.

"There, that should stop the swelling, and the bruising should go down in a minute or two. You can put your shirt back on, Mister Potter," said the witch. "You're lucky, a hit further down and you may have cracked your spine."

At hearing that, Harry was glad that wasn't the case. He was sure Madam Pomfrey could heal a cracked spine, but it still sounded dreadfully painful. He put his shirt back on immediately to cover himself up before standing and feeling much better than he had mere seconds ago.

"I guess I should head back to Gryffindor Tower," he said gently. He felt awkward that Severus now knew about his past at Privet Drive. He felt like the man was pitying him or something, and he didn't want that. The last thing he needed from Snape was pity when the man had spent most of his years here detesting him and making his life miserable.

That brought Snape's attention back to his discussion with the Headmistress. "Before you go," he started, Harry beginning to walk, "I should inform you that our relationship is going to be announced to each House this morning, as per the Headmistress' orders."

Stopping, Harry felt himself go stiff, his cheeks burning lightly. Well, they already all pretty much knew about it as it was, but… the thought of McGonagall having to talk about it to all the Gryffindor students while he was there was haunting. How the hell was Snape going to explain it to his Slytherins as well? Somehow he was thinking that wasn't going to be very easy.

"Well, I suppose at least it's not in the Great Hall or something," he muttered, continuing to walk. "I guess she has her reasons. I can only imagine how many people think that it's totally okay to go dating anyone they wish."

"Indeed," noted Severus before the both of them fell silent. Severus was going over his options in how to explain this to his House. He could only imagine the sneers he was going to get from this. He'd had enough trouble with students yesterday, let alone getting attacked. Minerva McGonagall had made an announcement, though, and he was sure no more students would outright physically hurt him. This time he'd be prepared.

"Professor?" asked Harry, his voice soft.


"This is my fault…"

Severus stopped, giving the young man a curious look. "And why would you say that, Potter?"

Harry looked down, having the Invisibility Cloak in his hands once more from when he left the hospital wing. "You got attacked because of me. Because you like me. Because we slept together… If it weren't for me, the person who defeated Voldemort… then you wouldn't be getting picked on. I mean, no offence, but your House is kinda the House full of Death Eaters…"

Yes, well that wasn't exactly a secret. Slytherins did enjoy power. "Potter, it is not your doing that our magic bonded. That is something beyond either of our control," he said as gently as possible. "Honestly, I'm positive no one is thrilled that you are dating me, of all people. I am sure you are getting just as much grief as I."

Merlin, who Snape dated probably wasn't even important. But this was Harry Potter. Of all people in the world. And everyone had to know who Potter was involved with, because nothing could be a secret with him. He had no idea how their damn magic bonded, but he didn't question it because there was no simple answer. It was something they just couldn't stop. The both of them just had to roll with it.

"Yeah, but I can take it," Harry said.

Snape raised a brow. "You assume I cannot? Potter, after my own years at Hogwarts, I assure you I am quite capable of holding my own."

"I don't mean that," the Gryffindor said, shaking his head. "I mean… I'm used to people talking about me. I'm used to people looking at me and judging me, just waiting for my next screw up or something brave coming from me. I know you got picked on in school, and I know a lot of that was because of my father, and… I don't want to be the cause of that happening all over again." Harry's voice sounded guilty now. He'd hated seeing what his father and Sirius had done to Snape in his memories. The last thing he ever wanted to do was put Snape in the spotlight like that again.

Stopping Harry to where they would have to separate, Snape looked down at the shorter wizard and put his hand onto his shoulder. "Potter, as much as I detest your father, you are nothing like him. At one point, I may have argued that, but things are different now. James Potter did nothing but make my life miserable. He took the girl I had loved, he tormented me endlessly, and then he died. But the man brought you into this world, and as much as it pains me to admit this… I thank him for doing so."

It sounded strange, and maybe even a bit wrong, but Harry understood that Snape was trying to make it a compliment. He smiled gently. "You will tell me how it goes, won't you? The Slytherins?"

"Technically, Potter, you and I are still not meant to be seen in any kind of unprofessional manner, but I will try my best to catch you in the corridors. I'm positive it won't be hard. After all, you do draw quite a crowd," he sighed unenthusiastically.

Harry's smile turned into a grin. "I'm not going to enjoy hearing Professor McGonagall talk about… relationships," he groaned.

"You didn't almost have to suffer 'the talk' with her, Potter, you hardly have anything to groan about."

Harry's eyes went wide. "You're not serious. She what!?"

"Common room, now, Potter," Snape ordered, the boy giving a whine as if he wanted to hear all about it. Snape just walked in the other direction towards the dungeons. It was time to talk to his Slytherins.


Going through his options, Severus kept his ever-reserved expression as he headed towards the Slytherin common room down in the dungeons. It was simple, really. Just say the facts. There was no reason to lie about it—plus he wasn't allowed to. McGonagall had made it clear that these events had to come out so the students knew that it was simply because of their magic that they were allowed to 'date'.

Date? Pff. Severus could have rolled his eyes. It hadn't been a date, even if Potter had said it was. He simply invited the Gryffindor over so they could talk, because, let's face it, they clearly knew nothing about one another.

How had he managed to miss seeing the small collection of beatings on Potter's back? He had been staring right at it when he'd been… Okay, best not think of that. That was just going to get his magic started, and he didn't need that right now.

Ever since they'd consummated their relationship, the thought of being with Potter again had been very hard to ignore. Especially last night when the young man had been laying against him. He knew Potter was feeling the same urges as well. To be fair, it had been a wonderful feeling. He was only human after all. But he would control himself. It wouldn't happen again. They needed to know one another before that ever happened again, and Severus was still coming to terms with his feelings.

Telling his students, though? He could just imagine the questions. No, they didn't need to know anything about that. Goddamnit, life had been so much fucking easier when the two of them had hated one another! He never thought something like this would happen!

Why him!? Why him and Potter? Potter could have chosen anyone else, and he simply had no romantic interests in anyone, and then just… poof? All of a sudden their magic is connected. He had no idea how it had happened. Maybe because Potter had saved his life?

Oh, Merlin, what if that was really the reason why? Because Potter, although still thinking he was nothing but a traitor, had saved him from death? Could that possibly be the reason why? But he disliked Potter back then, even waking up to see him instead of Lily. The fucking boy had stolen him from staying with her! Of course he hated him the moment he woke up!

Severus mentally growled to himself. It didn't matter, did it? It had happened, and through that bond, the both of them had actually started to like one another. And then they acted on it, and now he had to tell the students why…

Well, not the fact that he and Potter had slept together. He could keep that to himself. No one needed to know of his private life, and his students certainly didn't need that image in their heads. Not that they hadn't already been thinking it when stupid Rita Skeeter blabbed it out.


As he finally reached the common room, he said the password and entered the underground quarters that were located under the Black Lake. Inside, most of the students were awake, their eyes looking up. He saw Draco Malfoy, who was a Prefect now, give him a strange look. He merely returned it; nonetheless, the room went instantly quiet.

"Is it true? What the papers say?" said Malfoy. This was the first time any of them (unless they shared a class with Snape) had seen him since yesterday morning's events—and him being rushed to the hospital wing.

"I want you to return to your set rooms. I will come speak to both boys and girls privately, is that clear?" The thought of all of them together he knew wasn't a good one. It was best if they were told separately. The girls didn't need to hear the things the boys wanted to say and vice versa.

Immediately, the Slytherins started dispersing and heading into their separate quarters. Right… girls would be much easier to talk to first, yes? The smart thing would be to probably leave the easier thing to last, but if the boys made him snappy, he didn't wish to take it out on the poor girls.

When the room was completely empty, he moved up towards the girls' dormitory, the girls all sitting in the one room on their green and silver four-poster beds. It smelled like love potions in here, which made him wince a little. Clearly his Slytherites were up to something bad. He wasn't here to talk about that, though. He wasn't here to take points from his own House. There was even a small bit of pride in him that his Slytherins were good Potioneers.

"Skeeter was telling the truth, wasn't she?" said one of the girls. "You and the Potter boy?" The girl shook her head. "I thought you were one of us."

"Being a Slytherin is not about being a pure-blood, a dark wizard, a Death Eater or a supporter of the Dark Lord," Snape said simply. "Being a Slytherin is about being cunning, having determination, thought process. Not jumping to conclusions so swiftly."

"But you're… like… all of those things."

Snape rolled his eyes, pulling a seat over and sitting down. "First, I am a half-blood, Miss Morgan, and second, I would have thought my loyalties were quite clear at the end of the last school year." He wasn't about to explain to this bunch of teenagers why he'd become a Death Eater and then followed Dumbledore. No one needed to know the details.

The dark haired girl frowned, looking as Snape sat down on the chair backwards, his arms going across the back of the seat.

"Now, before there are any more assumptions, let me make things clear for you," he said, standing back up. "It is forbidden for any student and teacher to have any sort of romantic relationship, however, the events of Potter and myself are not that of the average means. Potter's magic and my own, which is a form of uncontrollable Ancient Magic, has seemed to bond to one another-,"

"Because he saved you?" questioned one of the girls rather dreamily.

"Possibly, I am not certain," Severus muttered, his hands intertwining in front of him. "This particular magic is very powerful, and it does create a rather impossible separation without possibly losing one's mind." Not to mention the strong desires and horrible erotic dreams.

"Oh… so that's it?" Alicia Morgan said. "It's just your magic. So for you to keep sane, you and Potter have to be close to one another? Well, you sure had us going, Professor Snape. We all thought you actually liked the Gryffindor Golden Boy."

Morgan was the only one that seemed to laugh at this, and Severus realised most of the girls were giving her an odd look. Why the hell did he think that the girls would be easier to talk to? Nice going, Severus.

"What my feelings are towards Potter is none of your concern," he said briskly to all of them, "The fact of the matter is that you will be seeing the both of us together in some cases. I will not make a habit to make any public display of affection, I hardly think that is necessary in school, but it could still be a possibility in the future." Not that he was affectionate.

Alicia looked up, giving a rather curious look. "So… you do like him?"

"Miss Morgan, I will refrain from taking points from my own House as much as possible, but you are beginning to get on my nerves," Snape said flatly. The girl went a rather bright shade of pink in the dim green lights of the room.

"What concerns you is that the rules still apply to each and every resident here at Hogwarts. The only reason Potter and I are allowed to be seen together is because this magic outlaws the Ministry, and thus the rules of Hogwarts.

"Do not make me regret this, but as a Head of House, and as I do care for my Slytherins, do you have any questions? Not about Potter or the events of yesterday. Or anything that has to do with that moronic Rita Skeeter woman."

The room was silent for a moment, and Severus gave a curt nod. "Very well. Breakfast will start soon. You may make your way down to the Great Hall whilst I talk to the boys."

Severus let himself out, heading down the stairs and up to the boy's dormitory. Inside, he could hear the ruckus, but it soon went quiet as he entered. Now, to repeat himself—which he loathed doing. He should have just spoken to them all at once, would have probably been better, but still. Boys could be nasty with their words, and much more open to sexual innuendos. The girls didn't need to hear that kind of rubbish. At least they kept their thoughts to themselves most of the time.

Malfoy stood up from his bed, looking at the Head of House. "I know you, sir, you helped me out of killing Dumbledore," he whispered, walking over to the Potions master. "You can't possibly have feelings for Potter after all this time…"

Despite the boy's tone, Severus could see something in his eyes was deceiving him, as if Draco Malfoy wouldn't actually care if he did have feelings for Potter. He was probably just shocked and surprised by it.

"Mister Malfoy, sit back down," he stated. He explained the exact same thing as he had to the girls before. The boys were much rowdier and more apparent with their snide remarks, but a small change of tone in his voice and they soon knew to shut up or he would start taking points—which he didn't really wish to do. Slytherin was already in the lead no thanks to Potter at the beginning of the year (and how other Houses had been acting about the recent events), but that didn't mean they couldn't lose the House Cup later down the track. The bigger the lead, the better.

Once more, when he had finished, he asked, "Are there any other questions regarding the rules and not myself and Potter?"

"You're not going to start favouring Gryffindor now, are you?" asked one of the boys. He was a second year here, small for his age, and had blonde hair.

"Pff, yeah right, this is Snape. Even if he was screwing Potter," said one of the others, thin, dark red hair and black glasses.

Severus could have laughed, but he didn't. He kept his expression very unimpressed with the seventh year. "Mister Johnson, it's Professor Snape, and if you insinuate that I am doing that with Potter again, you'll have detention with Filch."

Johnson fell silent at the mention of that, folding his arms and looking away.

"No, I will not be favouring Gryffindor. I am still your Head of House, and I am still the Professor you knew before Skeeter filled your heads with abominations. Now, you may head to the Great Hall for breakfast, and keep your comments to yourself. I may not take points from you, but the other professors will, I assure you of that. Now go."

As the boys all filed out of the room, Severus mentally groaned, going to follow them back down. That was before he heard a soft voice say his name. He turned to see who it was, and a young first year was still inside the room looking rather nervous.

"Yes, Mister Malcolm? Is there something else you wish to speak of?" he asked. The boy seemed horribly nervous. He'd been a bit skittish since he'd been here. Severus figured it would wear off soon. Just first-year nerves. Everyone got them at one point. But the boy seemed to be shy still. Not all Slytherin's were cunning and sharp with their tongues.

"I-it's my first year here, and… I-I was wondering, when are we going to learn about… that kind of stuff?"

Snape mentally groaned. He was not good at this! Sex was the worst subject to talk about with him! Alas, he was the Head of Slytherin, and he always told his students that they could come to him about anything. Even that. He didn't check them every night before he went to bed, but he did make himself noticed if they did every now and again.

"Andy, correct?" he asked, the boy nodding. He placed a hand onto the boy's shoulder. "Muggle Studies covers sex education in your second-year. Considering you are only eleven, you do not need to be worrying yourself about something like that."

"B-but I… did something-," The boy's pale cheeks went very red.

"Yes?" Severus prodded. The boy's eyes flashed to his bed, pointing to it. Snape stood, approaching it and pulling the sheets back. "I see." Clearly the boy had had an exciting dream.

"I'm sorry!" Andy put his hands over his face as if he were about to be horribly scolded for his accident. "I-I didn't know who else to tell! I thought the others would tease me about it and laugh at me."

Not the waterworks. Snape mentally sighed. "What you have done is nothing different from any of the other boys in your House, or your year, or Hogwarts," he said, Andy's eyes peeking through his fingers. "You're just… maturing into a man." He paused for a moment as Andy seemed confused. "Your body is maturing, and this will happen rather frequently at such an age," he stated simply. "You are no different from any other boy or man here at Hogwarts. You have nothing to fear from your fellow House members. And if you have any trouble with them, then come directly to me and I will sort them out."

"S-so… even… professors have accidents?"

Snape went stiff for a moment. He wasn't going there. "Take out your wand." Andy did so. "Now, if this happens again, you take your wand out, point it to your… mess, and say 'Scourgify'. You have to mean it when you say it."

Andy took out his wand, his face scrunching a little. But he didn't hesitate. "Scourgify!" he yelled, watching as the mess disappeared before his eyes, bubbles popping out the end of his wand. He turned to the professor and looked amazed that he'd done it the first go.

"Impressive," Snape murmured approvingly, though his expression still uniform. "It seems you have a talent for Charms, Mister Malcolm. Why don't you have a talk to Professor Flitwick later today? He may be able to give you some extra charms to learn."

Andy gave a gleaming look. "Thanks, Professor, you're the best!"

"Quite," said Snape flatly. "Get to the Great Hall before you are late for breakfast." Andy did so, and Severus felt a massive weight lift off his shoulders, rubbing his forehead. That was before he heard a very mimicked, "Thanks, Professor, you're the best," come from behind him.

Immediately, Snape turned, his wand hand twitching, only to see Harry Potter standing behind him, his Invisibility Cloak only showing the top half of his body as it was draped down his back and arms.

"Potter! What the hell are you doing here!? How did you even get in here!?" he questioned, grabbing the door and closing it just in case one of the other Slytherins decided they wanted something from out of here.

"I followed you," Harry shrugged. "I wanted to see what you were like to your Slytherins. I have to say, you're much nicer to them than I thought…"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Snape spat. No, he didn't even want to know. "The Headmistress is going to notice your absence, Potter, and breakfast is going to start soon. You best get back to your common room before I'm suspected of keeping you." That was the last thing they needed right now.

Harry grinned a little, enjoying teasing the man. It had been unusual to see Snape so calm and nice to students. He gathered he favoured his Slytherins all the time, but still. It was quite nice. Not to mention a little annoying considering how easily he tossed everyone else aside. He never would have thought Snape would be such a mother-hen to his Slytherins.

"Well, I don't think I'd mind that," he said, smiling as Snape gave him an odd look. He moved a little closer to Snape, feeling their magic touch, and his fingers took the professor's belt buckle.

"Potter, get out," Snape muttered in annoyance, grabbing the Cloak and pulling it back over the Gryffindor's head. "Come on." He ignored their magic the best he could, feeling his skin prickle.

Opening the door, Snape pushed Potter out and headed down the stairs and back out of the common room, making sure Harry was following him.

Underneath his Cloak, Harry watched the man as he walked down the corridor, taking those long strides of his. "You know, I thought it was kind of sweet… telling that boy how to clean up. At his age, it would have been nice to have someone covering your back."

Snape was about to hiss at the boy and tell him to shut up considering he didn't wish to be seen talking to air. Instead, he just made a grunt. He was afraid if he spoke he might let something sentimental out. He wasn't sentimental; he just figured it would stop the boy from worrying about something that was completely normal to adolescent wizards.

"Go, Potter," he said once they'd reached the fork that lead to Gryffindor Tower. "I will speak to you later."

Harry pulled the Cloak down and nodded. "I'll see you later, Professor," he smiled, heading down the other corridor, still dressed in his pyjamas.