Chapter Twenty Five: Death Eaters.

Just because each House had been spoken to about his and Snape's relationship, didn't mean the sneers and whispers, name-calling and horrible rumours hadn't continued. Harry had still been getting tossed horrid innuendos all week, and he was positive Snape had been, too. Nothing was more embarrassing than Professor McGonagall having to explain why their relationship was valid and telling them all that they would now be having a mandatory sex-education lesson again, though.

Harry was more than happy when the weekend hit, and he could lazily stay in bed for the morning. He didn't want to step outside the Gryffindor common room at all, but he knew he couldn't stay inside all day. It was nice out there, and the sun was shining, despite it being so cold now.

In the courtyard, he and Hermione were discussing going down to Hogsmeade for the day. Considering it was the weekend, they could easily catch the train and head to the little village and go to Honeydukes. Well, that was until Harry saw Professor Snape. It was the weekend! He should have asked Snape if he wanted to spend some time with him now that they actually could!

The rest of the week's Potions classes had been horrible. Not just because of the whispers (which Snape soon made clear he wouldn't tolerate), but because their magic was dreadfully strong when they saw one another. Trying to concentrate was hard as it was with his professor striding around the room in those dark robes of his, but topped off with their magic and Harry's desire for Snape? Well… it had granted him a horrible problem downstairs. He ended up asking if he could go to the bathroom just to breathe! He had a feeling Snape knew it was an excuse, too.

Professor Snape hadn't had much of a better time, either. He was good at controlling his actions, but at least once Harry had noticed him looking at him, as if in a daze. He'd lost concentration only once, but it was enough to know that Snape's mind was being toyed with just as much as his from their magic. Luckily, no one else really seemed to care—except Hermione, who had asked how Harry was feeling.

They hadn't had much time to talk at all, let alone being able to be physical—not that he got the feeling Snape wanted to be. But most of all, Harry just wanted to sit down and talk with him. Okay, so his sex drive was booming after his first time (as most people's), but he really did just want to talk to Snape. Just to get to know one another on a more personal level.

"Hey, do you think you could maybe go with Ron?" he asked Hermione, the girl looking up from her book.

Seeing Snape, Hermione got the idea. "You want to spend time with him?"

"Yeah, I… I actually kinda do," Harry said, giving a light smile. He never really thought he'd be saying that—that he wanted to spend time with Professor Snape.

"Be careful, Harry, he's in a bad mood."

When wasn't Snape in a bad mood? "How do you know this?"

"His hands are clenched," the girl stated. "I noticed it's in his behaviour. He might not express much on his face, but his body language says enough. Plus, he's walking pretty fast."

"Well, maybe he hasn't read the good news yet," said Harry, the Daily Prophet in his hand. Thirteen more Death Eaters on the run had been captured. Surely that was enough for Snape to feel a bit more relieved.

Saying goodbye to Hermione, he headed off with a fast pace to catch Snape. "Professor!" he called out, Snape turning his head but continuing to walk. He did slow down a bit for Harry to catch up, though. "Are you alright? You seem a bit tense?"

Snape just continued walking, even though he felt much calmer as Potter moved alongside him. "Nothing that concerns you, Potter. Do you need something?"

Was it so hard for Snape to just have a normal and relaxing conversation? He wanted to see what Dumbledore and the other teachers here had seen. Snape being an actual human being instead of his stern self all the time. He really needed to laugh or smile more often.

"I was just wondering what you were doing this weekend? You can't be working, right? I mean, I know there's still rounds you professors have to do as Hogwarts is a boarding school, but surely you're not working all day."

Snape stopped, looking down at Harry as he was dressed in his Muggle clothes. "Are you asking if I would like to spend the day with you?" he asked, raising a questioning brow. Sure, the thought had occurred, but Potter had his friends, and he didn't particularly like to feed the fire of the students who would be seeing them together. He'd had enough all week from them.

The Gryffindor shrugged. "If you'd like to?" Being around Snape so much had made many of Harry's nerves disappear. He still got nervous around the man, but most of the time it was just because he didn't know how Snape would react. He was unpredictable a lot of the time.

Severus turned his body to Harry to give him his full attention. "And what, Potter, would you recommend us do? Go to Hogsmeade where the students can see and give them what they want, Hogs Head where the other professors can torment us? Honestly, Potter, you're going to cause more trouble than worth."

That wasn't true. Snape was worth it. He knew the man didn't enjoy the talk from the students, but it would blow over soon enough. The two of them just had to ignore it the best they could. He was used to it by now, and Snape surely knew what it was like to be picked on—so he'd made clear numerous amounts of times through comments of James and Sirius.

"Actually, I was just hoping to spend the day inside with you. Maybe in your office or something. Somewhere quiet and comfortable… I don't have to go out of Hogwarts, and I'd rather the Prophet didn't see us yet."

Severus just looked at the boy, a little surprised that he would ask something like that. Harry was still a young Gryffindor (even though his request seemed rather Slytherin), he figured he would have wanted out on the weekend as soon as possible. He had to stop assuming with Potter… It was a bad habit, and one that wasn't dying easily.

He only had little work to do today, and that was something he figured was actually quite simple—quiz questions. Nothing hard. He supposed he could have lunch with Potter, that didn't seem like such a bad idea.

"If you are doing nothing at midday, you are welcome to swing by my office. We could have lunch. Nothing fancy, just something simple," he suggested, feeling rather awkward doing so. 'Damnit, get a grip, Severus, it's just lunch! It's not like you're going to let it get out of hand again. Besides, you need to talk more often. He is… after all… your… boyfriend?'

Snape looked away for a moment, his hands going behind his back. To his surprise, Potter agreed.

"That sounds great. I'll bring something this time… I feel I kind of owe you considering everything that's been going on. Your arm, getting into trouble by McGonagall, and… everyone saying horrible things behind our backs."

That again? Potter needed to stop blaming himself. "I am just as responsible for what happened that night, Potter. You have to stop taking the blame, unless you feel that's also a heroic Gryffindor duty of yours?" he drawled, rolling his eyes.

"I don't see you not taking the blame. That's not very Slytherin of you, Professor," Harry smirked.

Snape's brow furrowed. "I'll have you know, Potter, that not everything about being a Slytherin is lying and blaming other people for your wrong doings," he said sharply. "Slytherins are loyal to those we see fit to deserve it."

"No, you are a bit of a mother-hen, aren't you?"

Snape could have hit the Gryffindor, but he didn't. Sometimes Potter really did remind him of Lily's taunting behaviour when they had been children. He'd be lying if he said part of him didn't actually enjoy it.

"Midday, then." He looked down to Harry's hands, the Prophet sitting in it. He hadn't had a chance to read anything yet. "Don't tell me Skeeter's written more abominations of us in there…"

Looking down, Harry brought up the paper. "Nothing out of the ordinary, considering Professor McGonagall has banished her from Hogwarts," he laughed. "I thought you'd like to read it, though. Thirteen more Death Eaters have been captured and sent to Azkaban."

Taking the paper, Snape read down it. So they had. He thought that part of him would be happy about this, but he wasn't. Yes, it meant less people on his tail, trying to capture him, but at the same time, it meant the remaining Death Eaters would advance. It also meant he could potentially be putting Harry in very close danger. That got him thinking…

He thought Hogwarts would be safe, but he was starting to reconsider that thought. He'd seen enough bad things happen here when Dumbledore had said it was 'safe' here. But he supposed it was safer here than in Spinner's End where he was quite open to attack. He did wish he could return home for Christmas. He didn't think risking it was worth it, though. He'd become accustomed to living again. But Hogwarts was surely to hold celebrations and he really wasn't keen on that.

He handed the paper back to Harry without saying anything about it. As much as it was satisfying to know that more Death Eaters were being caught and captured, and ratting one another out, he was not one to get his hopes up. Especially knowing about the danger at hand now. He couldn't risk Harry getting hurt…

Harry took the paper back. "Can I ask why you were so grumpy before?" He'd also noticed that Snape was less snappy now, and he knew it was because of him being here. Snape may not admit it, but his actions said it all.

Swallowing gently at the change of conversation, Severus just looked down at Harry. "Apparently we were seen in a broom cupboard this morning without our robes…" he muttered rather awkwardly, trying to subdue the blood that was slowly and successfully making its way into his cheeks.

Harry turned red immediately at the rumour. Of course it wasn't true! They hadn't slept together since, and they certainly wouldn't do it in a dingy old broom cupboard.

"O-oh… well, that's a new one," he said, looking away rather embarrassedly. He'd heard his fair share as well, but this was certainly the most promiscuous of them.

"That's not the worst of it, Potter." Harry's green eyes looked back at him, as if trying to brace himself, making him feel even worse. "The new rumour is that we're both rather… endowed…"

Oh, God. Harry had to look away. He couldn't even say if Snape was big or not, he hadn't actually seen his naked body when they'd had sex. He didn't even know if Snape had seen him, either! The whole night was such a blur—even though they knew what happened and remembered every feeling of it. He had no recollection of even seeing Snape naked, besides in the morning when he'd seen his backside beneath the shirt he'd slept in.

"Well, I suppose that's not such a bad thing, right?" he asked, looking back at Snape. For the first time, Snape was looking at him with an expression he'd never seen before on the man. He was… shy? Embarrassed?

Harry couldn't help but laugh, covering his mouth with his hand. "I'm sorry, Professor… I just… I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be too worried about it. I mean, we have… you know—done it."

Severus just looked away. "That's all well for you, Potter, you're the Gryffindor Hero, but I'm a professor here. Do you have any idea how many people are going to be looking at me differently now?" He gave a rather aggravated noise. "I've already had students giving me odd looks in the corridors. This isn't going to get work done, and it's going to completely ruin my reputation."

"You mean the reputation of you being all dark and gloomy? Yeah, I'm sure the girls are gunna love hearing you have a big-,"


Harry shut his mouth, keeping his lips closed so he wouldn't laugh. It was somewhat adorable that Snape was uncomfortable about this. Of course, Harry was just as embarrassed about the whole thing, but he was a teenager and he'd had his fair share of rumours about him already—being The Chosen One, et cetera. It was sort of normal for people to assume things of him. Snape, however? That was completely different. The man had been a virgin for thirty-eight years, so he was sure things like this were new to him.

"Sorry," he mumbled, turning as a group of Hufflepuff girls walked past them. All eyes turned to them before they quickly walked away and started giggling. Harry watched as Professor Snape ran his hand over his forehead in irritation.

"Do you think we could make that lunch into a brunch?" he asked. "If you're not busy, that is?" Clearly Snape needed a break from things, and he was more than welcome to keep his magic around to calm him.

Severus eyed the younger man, venting a gentle sigh. He could honestly do with the calming of Harry's magic. He could easily take a potion, but why bother when Potter's magic had almost the same effect? Besides, he didn't see an issue in it. His work could wait until after. Plus… with the news of the Death Eaters, he really should explain to Harry that it wasn't exactly anything to celebrate.

"Potter, would you prefer to sit in my office or somewhere where you can get some sunlight?" He figured he'd ask. Yes, he was more than comfortable in his own lounge, but that didn't mean Harry was, and it was the weekend. He was sure the Gryffindor didn't wish to be trapped inside all weekend.

"People will see us if we're outside."

"Not necessarily," Snape stated. "Hagrid's cabin is quite efficient enough of an area. Of course, that's if you don't mind him peering out his window to watch us, or sitting with us." The half-giant had been pestering him in the staff room before, trying to ask questions about his and Potter's relationship. Plus, he figured Harry and Hagrid were very close and he hadn't been able to spend much time with his this year with all the work and homework (not to mention the dramas). It would be best if Harry could turn to someone if things got nasty.

Harry wasn't certain if Snape was avoiding being alone with him or not, but seeing Hagrid would be nice, and being in the sunlight for a while considering it was getting rather cold in the later months of the year.

"You're okay with having lunch with Hagrid?" he asked. How close was Hagrid and Snape? How close was anyone with Snape when it came to the staff of Hogwarts? He knew Filch got along with him, but Snape merely tolerated the man. He wouldn't consider them friends. Then again, Snape hadn't really had many nice people as friends—besides his mother.

"I don't see why not. He is your friend, is he not?"

Now Harry was certain Snape was avoiding being alone with him. But why? Because he was worried what people might say if they were alone together? Or was he worried about them being alone in the same room together and that something physical might happen?

"Yes, of course he is, but why am I getting the feeling that you don't want to be seen alone with me?" he blatantly asked.

"Whatever gave you that impression?" stated the Slytherin. "We're alone right now, Potter, if you hadn't noticed." He flicked his hair from his face, Harry looking around. There were still students walking around, but a lot of them were out in the villages for the weekend.

Harry turned back, realising that Snape was quite right. Alright, maybe he was being paranoid? But he was still getting the feeling that Snape didn't wish to be alone with him. For now, he'd let it slip, but he'd get answers sooner or later.

"Alright, then, Professor, let's go. But please don't make me eat any of Hagrid's food… it's awful," he muttered, though sympathetic for his friend. Hagrid really couldn't cook worth squat.

Snape kept back a chuckle. Yes, he was quite familiar with Hagrid's cooking. He often brought things to the staff room which hardly anyone touched. In his case, it was fine, he rarely took things from others, but the others weren't as honest, and he gathered they didn't wish to hurt Hagrid's feelings. Their own fault, really. They should just be honest and tell Hagrid that normal witches and wizards couldn't stomach… literal rock cakes.

"I'm not promising anything," he muttered. Although Hagrid did make a nice cup of tea. The both of them set their way towards Hagrid's cabin, which rather surprised the half-giant as he was sitting outside by the fire, Fang beside him.

Immediately, Fang jumped up with a loud bark, running towards the both of them. Snape just dodged the dog before he came hurtling towards Harry, licking his hand. Harry cringed at the slobber that was now covering him.

"Augh, Fang!" he groaned, flicking his hand. Snape kept walking, but he did notice an amused look on the man's face. Damn bastard was enjoying this. Harry continued walking, pushing the large boarhound from him until he met Hagrid.

"Hullo Harry," Hagrid smiled, standing up from the step. He nodded to Snape. "What brings the two of yer down 'ere today?" Fang returned by his side.

"We wanted to know if you'd like to join us for lunch," said Harry with a smile on his face. Hagrid gave the both of them a rather curious look. Mostly Snape, not him. "We thought it might be quiet here, you know… with all the stuff that's going on around the castle. I don't really want to go outside of Hogwarts."

Hagrid gave a gruff nod, though trying to hide his blush. "Well, come on 'round back, I got plenty o' space back 'ere where no one will see yers."

"We're not afraid of being seen," Snape muttered, his eyes going flat. "We just don't wish to be provocative."

Right. Hagrid kept back a laugh, but he led them around the back. "I'll go inside an' make yer some tea. Got some cakes, too."

Harry just nodded, trying not to hurt Hagrid's feelings. There was a bench out the back in the sunlight, and he and Snape took a seat on opposite sides of one another. He had to admit, it felt awkward and strange for them to be doing this, and he knew Snape was feeling the same way as well. But he couldn't help there was some other reason why Snape mentioned Hagrid's hut…

Sitting, Severus put his arms down, his hands into his lap. The wooden table was filthy with outside grime. He should have just stayed in his office, but he supposed a little sunlight wouldn't kill him. It wasn't like he'd completely evaporate or burn like a vampire.

Looking awkwardly around, Harry couldn't understand how they liked each other and yet had absolutely nothing to talk about. When he was alone and thinking of Snape, his whole mind was full of curious questions, but as soon as he was alone with him—despite Hagrid—everything just disappeared. Plus, he didn't want to get into an awkward argument over something like his mother.

"Are you always this quiet?" he asked, Snape's dark eyes piercing his own ones as he said so. The look in his eyes was saying he wasn't impressed, but it was just a simple question.

"Sorry, Potter, I just have my mind on other things," said Snape. He put his hands onto the table, despite it being dusty. "What are you doing over Christmas?" he asked casually, his hands linking together.

Harry shrugged. "I dunno yet. I think Ron and the Weasley's are going over to Romania again. And I think Hermione is going to Australia to…" He stopped, not knowing if Snape actually knew of the events they'd gone through to keep their families safe. "Well, she's going to meet with her parents again."

"You needn't lie to me, Potter," said Severus, unamused. Had the boy forgotten he was gifted with Occlumency already?

The Gryffindor felt his cheeks blush a little. "Sorry, sir, I just didn't want Hermione to get into trouble for what she did."

"I'm well aware what others had to do to keep themselves and their families protected whilst the Dark Lord was in power."

Harry looked down. "Professor?"


Why was he being so snappy? He'd taken the damn offer to have lunch with him, so why was he acting like such an arsehole at the moment? Harry couldn't help but grow very angry. Snape wasn't even looking at him now.

"Okay, I might not be able to read minds like you can, but what the hell is wrong with you? It doesn't take a genius or a Slytherin to know that you're being more snippy than usual."

Severus shot the boy a glare, but it soon faded. "Potter, I'm putting you in grave danger," he said. There was no point in keeping it inside, not with the Death Eaters on the move. And there was no point in sugar coating it, either. "We should not see each other anymore."

What!? This horseshit again!? "What do you mean?" Harry asked. Surely this wasn't more bullshit crap that wasn't even an issue. He was getting rather annoyed with this. Snape clearly liked him back, but it seemed like it was all so hard on him for some mysterious reason.

"Why do you keep doing this?" he asked, this time his voice getting louder. He was tired of Snape's secrecy. Their magic was so strong together, and he could feel the other man's against his. He protected him, he liked him back, hell, he may even love him back, but… Why now? Again?

Severus turned away, looking at the things growing in Hagrid's 'yard'. "Potter, it is no secret that I clearly do have some form of emotion for you, but my main goal is to protect you. Being romantically involved with you simply does the opposite in what I am striving to achieve. By having this relationship, I am putting you in potential danger, and I cannot have that."

"So… so you came down here to have lunch with me to breakup with me!?" Harry asked, shocked and hurt. They couldn't just 'breakup', their magic was bonded! If they didn't date, then they'd both get horribly frustrated and even potentially lose their minds from the desire and not giving in!

Snape grabbed the paper that Harry had put on the table. "These Death Eaters will seek revenge on not only me, but you, too! Stop looking at the smaller picture and look at the greater one! They will take what I hold dear to me. That means you, Potter! You defeated their master, and even though some Death Eaters are cowards, I was the worst betrayer of them all. To them, my death is a prize to be won."

"I can look after myself!" Harry protested, standing up and putting his hands onto the table. "I'm not weak, Professor, and I'm not going anywhere. As long as I'm here at Hogwarts, I'm safe! And so are you!"

"Don't be so stupid, Hogwarts is nothing without Albus Dumbledore. Look at your Godfather, he managed to slip past Dementors, Animagus or not! Hogwarts is not as safe as you think it is! The trees in this Forest speak! Such a safe place: a home to giant spiders, snakes, centaurs and werewolves," Snape said sarcastically, resting a hand against his forehead. He didn't want this any more than Harry did, but he was used to life being unfair. He could take it, just like he did when Lily left him for James.

"I made a promise years ago, Harry," he said, standing from his seat. "I made a promise that I would protect you. If I gave into my own selfish needs, it would only cause the loss of you. I would rather see you live a long and healthy life far away from me than a short one filled with fear from being hunted like a boar."

Harry shook his head. He wouldn't let Snape do this! They'd been through enough! He grabbed the man's arm, pulling him over the table roughly, much to Snape's detest. "Don't do this! Please, Severus! We're at Hogwarts! I don't care what you say! I don't care if you don't talk much! I don't care if you're snarky and sarcastic, a Slytherin! I don't care about any of that! I like you for all of those things! I promise we'll be safe here! Just don't leave me!" Everyone else he loved had gone. He couldn't stand another one being lost!

Tugging his arm back, Severus hated hearing the hurt in Harry's voice. He was a teenager. He was too young for him anyway. Even if the wizarding world had different morals and customs, what would happen when they went back home? Hogwarts was more a home than Spinner's End and Privet Drive, but they still had to live as Muggles after school ended.

"Potter, you must realise that Death Eaters are very cruel, simple-minded people. They will risk their own lives in getting revenge or serving the Dark Lord, even after death. I am not trying to hurt you on purpose, I am trying to keep you safe. Now that more have been captured, they will wish to fulfil their mission as soon as possible."

"You're trying to protect me by breaking my heart!?" Harry asked, sitting down with a thump. Now he knew what Ginny felt like when he'd broken up with her. But his and Severus' relationship was real! He just felt so lost and… angry!

"Fine… go. I don't want to see you ever again!" he yelled sharply, though his voice full of emotion.

Snape knew Harry was just emotional at the moment, and it decayed his insides to know that he was the cause of such a reaction. "Harry, please understand I am doing this for us. For you. Not for Lily Evans, Albus Dumbledore or myself… but for you."

"Fine then, whatever. Just go!" Harry yelled, green eyes fierce and watery as they pierced the dark brown ones. Snape didn't look at him harshly, in fact, his expression was rather dull. He obviously wasn't putting up any fight to not show his emotions now.

He could see Hagrid out of the corner of his eye, but he didn't take his eyes from the Slytherin. He wouldn't allow him to win. To let him know how hurt he truly was by this.

He got that Snape was trying to protect him, but they were at Hogwarts! He didn't need protecting! Well, that's what he thought before a harsh splatter of red slapped him across the face.

Harry's eyes went wide, his glasses covered in blood as he saw Professor Snape look down at himself, an arrow having pierced his chest.

Feeling blood ooze from his lips, Severus looked down at the arrow head that stuck out of him, his hands coming up in shock and confusion, going to touch it. The pain came rushing through his nerves, and he slumped to his knees in the grass, unable to do anything else.

"Professor!" Harry yelled. He saw Hagrid rush somewhere behind him, a shadow from the Forbidden Forest fleeing. He didn't see who it was, but angry and scared, he ran after them, bolting down after them. He could see Hagrid's booming figure rushing after them, yelling for him to go back to Snape.

Stopping, his heart pounded into his ears, seeing Snape slump to the floor on all fours before falling down onto his side. Immediately, he ran back to the professor, grabbing him into his arms and pulling him into his lap.

"Professor—Severus… Please don't let go! Please! Not again! I won't lose you again!" he yelled, feeling tears starting to well in his eyes. Snape was panting, and Harry was careful not to touch the arrow in his chest or back. It looked horrible. Blood was against his coat, and Harry smudged his glasses 'clean' so he could see the man.

"Someone help!" he yelled, grabbing his wand and sending out red sparks so someone could come and see.

Shaking, Severus could taste the blood in his throat, looking up. It all felt too familiar, like in the Boathouse when Nagini had attacked him. But this time it was so much harder. He'd been so ready to let go then. But not this time. He had something worth fighting for. Harry and he had come to have feelings for one another. It wasn't just him trying to protect Harry anymore, but he'd come to care for him so much more. Curse his stupid magic! Life really wasn't fair! He finally had someone, and now he was being torn away from them—even if he was breaking up with him mere seconds ago.

Lifting a hand, he cupped Harry's cheek into his own, getting blood on it. "Harry Potter…" he whispered, groaning from the pain and choking on his own blood that was making its way up his throat and into his mouth, "I… I'm sorry I treated you so horribly."

"Shh, don't. Please don't," Harry whispered, touching Snape's pale face, seeing McGonagall running her way down with a few of the other professors. "You'll be okay! I promise. Please… please don't die on me." He would not have him saying any last words to him. Not now! "They're coming. You're not alone, I swear."

Hearing large footsteps come out of the Forest from behind him, Hagrid came close, the other teachers (and students spectating) arriving and rushing in to see what had happened. Some of the students were gasping in horror to the scene. Hagrid dropped something, and the other professor's ran up close to whatever it was. Harry suspected the Death Eater.

Minerva went pale in shock. "Hagrid, get Severus to the hospital wing immediately!" she said, the half-giant slipping Snape easily into his large arms. "All students, return to the castle immediately! It's not safe out here!"

"Augh…!" the Potions master writhed in pain as he was moved, his hand slipping from Harry's face. His vision was getting blurry and spotted now, and he felt cold, besides the open wound that was going from back to front. That was throbbing, hot and raw.

Within seconds, he could feel he was shaking violently and losing blood—again. Damnit, why did he have to be the one to suffer all the time? He just wanted it gone. He didn't like pain. He hated it! He'd tolerated so much of it, but Merlin, how he hated suffering.

"Sorry, Professor, I'll have yer in the comfort of Madam Pomfrey in a bit," the half-giant said, worry on his face as he looked to McGonagall who ushered him to hurry.

Harry stood, running to be with Hagrid and Snape. It all happened so fast, he didn't even know if Hagrid had caught the Death Eater in the Forest, he just suspected. He didn't care right now. He just cared for Severus, and he followed them hurriedly to the hospital wing.

"P-Potter…?" Snape said with a pained gurgle as he was nestled into the Gamekeeper's arms. This also felt horribly familiar. It wasn't the first time Snape had been in Hagrid's arms here at Hogwarts.

After being picked on from James and Sirius, it was Hagrid who had comforted him when he'd lost Lily. Snape may have been snappy about it back in the day, but he had been more than grateful for Hagrid being there for him—even if he was friends with James Potter. Hagrid had always been nice to him. Annoying. Acted like a child sometimes. Was terrible at keeping secrets, but the giant oaf was a good man. A good friend.

"It's al'ight, Professor, I got yer. Harry's right here with yer," said Hagrid, walking as hurriedly as possible to the hospital wing.

"I never… thanked you…" Severus whispered, but the pain was too much, and he felt his eyes flutter shut and everything went dark once more.

Harry's heart sank, worry heavy in his chest. He had no idea what Snape was talking about when thanking Hagrid, but he didn't question. He just kept alongside the Gamekeeper as he headed into the hospital wing.

Immediately, Madam Pomfrey came rushing out. She grabbed a few bottles, unable to lay Severus in the bed with an arrow sticking out of his back. She scanned his body with her wand, checking what the situation was.

"Oh, dear, it's gone right through his heart and lung…" she informed, both Harry and Hagrid sharing a horribly worried glance. "It's been dosed in venom as well." Luckily, Severus had given her some of the anti-venoms he'd been collecting.

Hagrid felt Harry lean into him, sniffing quietly. He placed a large hand on Harry's shoulder and took him. "It's gunna be okay, Harry… Madam Pomfrey's gunna make 'im all better." He got a worried look from the medi-witch, but he had full faith in her healing abilities.

Soon enough, McGonagall came rushing in, asking what had happened. Hagrid sputtered to tell her (probably worried), but Harry told her firmly what had happened, wiping the tears from his eyes as Snape was now being undressed in privacy for Madam Pomfrey to remove the arrow from the crossbow that had struck him.

"You got him, right? The Death Eater! He's going to go to Azkaban, right!?" he said, desperate to hear that the person who did this had been caught. First Nagina, then the Dark Mark being torn from him, and now Death Eaters were after him? No wonder Snape didn't go outside! Everything out there wanted a piece of him!

"Rest assured, Potter, he's been captured. Hagrid, you did a great job on knocking him unconscious and bringing him back. Thank you."

"It wasn' me, professor, thank the Centaurs fer trippin' him with those ropes o' theirs."

"I shall. The Ministry of Magic has been sent an owl, and they will be here as soon as possible. Right now, he's being held in my office by the other members of staff."

Harry felt a hot sensation of pleasure hit his gut at knowing the bastard who did this would be suffering in Azkaban for the rest of his life. Good for nothing Death Eater. He hoped he rotted in Hell for what he'd done!

When the curtain was drawn, all three of them looked up, Snape bandaged around the chest. Madam Pomfrey had reduced the arrow with her wand before pulling it out so it wouldn't cause further haemorrhaging and given the man a few different potions, topped with the anti-venom. Snape had been smart and correct with his actions. Harry couldn't help but think this was all his fault.

If Voldemort hadn't of known about Snape… the Death Eaters wouldn't have either. They wouldn't have known Snape's loyalties, the good in him. But in a moment of thinking Snape would die from Nagini's bite, he wanted his soul to be cleared. He deserved the truth to be set free. He couldn't stand the thought of an innocent man spending the rest of his life in Azkaban. And a life in hiding wasn't really a life at all.

"Can I stay with him?" he asked Madam Pomfrey, walking over to the side of the bed and leaving Hagrid's hand that had been on his shoulder.

"Severus is going to need lots of rest, Potter," informed the witch, "You may stay with him for a while, but he will not wake. His heart is weak, and the potions need time to work."

"He'll survive, though… won't he?" Harry's voice was soft, but it was desperate. He would not have Severus dying on him. Not after all they'd been through.

Madam Pomfrey was uncertain. Even with potions, the heart was very sensitive, even in the wizarding world. "I'm afraid only time will tell, Potter. But he's stable, and that's a good sign," she said, patting him gently on the shoulder. "I cannot give him more potions in fear of an overdose. The rest is up to his body."

Harry sat down on the chair provided, his eyes glistening as he gently took Snape's uncovered arm, linking their fingers as he looked to the topless man in the hospital bed. He could feel his magic strong against Snape, but Snape's was faint, as if hardly even present. It worried him, making him grip the hand tighter, the Dark Mark present and pale up his naked arm.

Minerva patted Hagrid on the arm when she heard a thick sob come from him. "Go sit down, Hagrid. I will check in later." She had business to tend to with the Death Eater they'd captured and sweeping the grounds.

Hagrid wiped his eyes down, unable to stop his emotions. If anything, he was overly sensitive and he was worried for Harry, but that didn't mean he didn't like Severus either. He'd trusted him as long as Dumbledore had, and he'd looked out for him when he was a kid here at Hogwarts. He was bitter, sharp tongued, and sometimes cruel, but that didn't mean Hagrid didn't trust him or understand why he'd turned so cold.

"Why did he thank you, Hagrid?" asked Harry, fighting back his tears as he moved closer to the bed to take Snape's arm—as if the magic would make him get better quicker. He knew Snape hadn't been thanking Hagrid for carrying him here, it was something else. Something both of them hadn't told him about.

Hagrid wiped his eyes down on his thick sleeve. Snape obviously hadn't told Harry much about his childhood, but he supposed he couldn't blame him. Sure, Hagrid didn't like when Snape turned on the Potter's and became a Death Eater, but he'd tried to protect them and came back in the end. He couldn't really blame Snape for acting out as a kid. Not when he was such an easy target for the popular kids here at Hogwarts.

"When yer father an' Professor Snape were at school, yer know—" He cleared his throat awkwardly. "I think maybe that's best fer when Professor Snape's woken up," he said. Usually he'd be more than willing to come out accidently about something—and he almost had—but this was Snape's life. He didn't want to make Severus hate Harry just because he accidently told him something of his past.

Harry guessed it, though. "You looked out for him, didn't you, Hagrid? Maybe not openly, I can't imagine Snape, even as young, coming to you, but… I know what you're like, and I know how much you care. You helped him."

Hagrid felt more tears welling up in his eyes behind his bushy hair. "He was so small an' thin an'… I couldn' jus' let yer father pick on 'im. As much as I loved yer mum an' dad, o'course. Bu'…"

"I know," Harry said, giving a gentle smile and looking down at the sleeping adult Snape, his hair stuck to his face as Madam Pomfrey hadn't cleaned all the blood from him. "He's worth it."