Chapter Twenty Six: The Muggle Way.

It had been two days, and Snape hadn't woken up yet. He was still stable, and was now dressed in a pair of more comfortable hospital pyjamas. Fawkes was sitting on the bedside table, but like before when Snape was injured, the bird didn't cry.

Harry was rather annoyed at this. Snape's wounds were healing slowly because of the venom and the severity, but the worst part was his heart. It was terribly weak, and Madam Pomfrey had told him that even when he did wake up, he wouldn't be able to do much of anything until his heart was stronger. With the limits of potions to a body, she had done pretty much all she could.

The Death Eater had been interrogated and was being put on trial for his actions. Harry had been invited to go and watch, but he wanted to stay here with Snape in case he woke up. So far, there was nothing, but he had hope.

Ron and Hermione had come down yesterday to check with him. He filled them in on everything that had happened, and Ron was starting to let go of his detest towards Snape now. Hermione was horrified about the whole thing, and of course saying that Harry was lucky he was alive as well, as well as himself. She lectured him heavily about the danger he was in as well.

McGonagall was furious that someone had come onto the grounds, and they were regularly being patrolled by Aurors and the professors now, as well as other security measures.

Giving Fawkes a gentle pat, he sighed gently as he watched Severus sleep. "Why can't you give him your tears, Fawkes? It would make things so much easier. And quicker…" he said, Fawkes nibbling gently at his fingers as if to apologise.

Turning back to Snape, he took the man's hand into his own, as if trying to urge his magic to make the man wake up. He was breathing gently, but there was no sign of movement. He wondered if Severus even knew he was here.

His attention was soon drawn from the man when Madam Pomfrey entered.

The witch walked over to her patient and took her wand out, taking a scan of Severus' body. "He's still stable, Potter. No change, though. The phoenix still isn't doing anything?"

"I'm afraid not," Harry murmured, giving Fawkes an agitated look. "How long do you think he's going to have to stay when he wakes up?"

"Well, if the phoenix is being stubborn, then he's going to have to heal the old fashioned way, Potter. I can't give him any more potions as is could potentially damage his heart or give him an overdose. Even in the wizarding world, things like that can be very dangerous to use on such a vital organ. I'm afraid Severus is going to be in here until his body starts cooperating with him in the Muggle fashion. I would have preferred he been sent to St. Mungos, but moving him there just isn't an option. It's too far, and any use of his magic can cause further damage."

Snape was going to hate this, Harry knew it. He wasn't fond of people looking after him and keeping him places he didn't wish to be. He knew the man was going to be forcing himself up and around, like he was perfectly fine when he wasn't. The man was stubborn and didn't like to show any sign of weakness. It actually reminded him of himself a little.

"I'm sure the Headmistress is finding a replacement professor for his classes. Stress will have to be reduced as much as possible when he wakes. Movement will be limited for a while, too. He will have to have someone taking care of him if he wishes to return to his quarters."

"I'll do it," Harry said almost too quickly.

"Potter, you are no way near qualified to do something such as that. Severus is a handful when he's displeased. You also have classes."

"I don't care," said the Gryffindor, watching her, "I want to. I can take my homework there, keep him company. I can get his class reports and bring them to him. I can look after him…"

Madam Pomfrey shook her head. "It is not my decision, Potter. The Headmistress will have to agree to it. You know very well I would prefer him to stay here without the option of St. Mungo's."

At that moment, McGonagall had just entered the room. She couldn't help but give a raise of the brow at Harry attempting to look after Severus. "Potter, I don't know if that is such a good idea," she worried.

"My magic can help him. It did before with his arm," he said almost desperately. Both of the witches looked at him. "It'll only be when he's moved. I won't get in your way, Madam Pomfrey, I promise."

McGonagall looked at the medi-witch before turning her attention back to Harry. "If Potter thinks he is up to taking care of Severus, then he can, by all means, try to. Considering that the school has gone rather hush on your relationship, I can't see it being too much of a problem. But if I see your grades are starting to be effected, I will be pulling you out immediately, Potter. Is that clear?"

Harry nodded. "Yes, Professor," he said. He shouldn't exactly be happy about the situation, but he was more than happy to look after Snape. Besides, he owed him with all the protection Snape had given him over the years.

"Is there any change, Poppy?" asked McGonagall, the med-witch shaking her head.

"I'm afraid not." She walked over to the side of the bed. "Sorry, Potter, you will have to leave while I change his dressing and give him a quick wash," informed the medi-witch.

Frowning, Harry looked at Snape all clothed up under the warm winter sheets. They'd been intimate, and yet… he had no idea what Severus looked like underneath that buttoned-up shirt. He'd seen when the bandage was on, but that was it. He'd seen scars here and there, from Nagini, and from other things he didn't know about.

He wanted to know so much more about the man. He wanted to know all about his childhood. Even if it was tough to get through. He wanted to be there for Snape. He wanted to be able to hold him, to touch him, to wake him, to sleep next to him and wake up next to him in the mornings.

He hadn't realised how much he truly did care for Snape until a few days ago. Until now, really, when he thought he could lose him. With Nagini, Snape was still just a professor. A traitor to Dumbledore. But someone he couldn't just leave for the dead. And then after finding out about the truth, there was so many things he wanted to know. So many things he wanted answered.

But now? Watching as Snape lay asleep, he just wanted to be with him. Let him know that it was all going to be okay. That he'd make it out of here alive. That he… loved him. How a crush on the man a few months ago had turned into such strong devotion, he had no idea. He hadn't even felt this with Ginny—not that he expected to with being influenced by a potion. This was so much more, though. This was real.

"I can help," he offered, eyes turning to the two witches. "I mean… it's not like he's got anything I haven't seen before," he said, his face burning. It was a lie, considering he actually hadn't seen anything, but they didn't know that.

"I'd rather… you didn't… Potter."

Harry turned, green eyes wide as Snape's eyes were part way open, weakly looking at him. "Sev…" he whispered hopefully. He was about to throw himself onto the man before realising how bad that might actually be.

Snape swallowed dryly and painfully. His chest was horribly sore, and he felt like all the magic and blood had been drained from him once more. There was something very soothing about waking up to those gentle green eyes, though.

Immediately, Poppy Pomfrey was by his side, scanning him and asking how he felt. He didn't wish to talk as it hurt so much, and he was horribly tired. Even though being asleep for two days, he still felt like he could sleep forever.

"He's going to need rest, Potter. And dinner is going to be ready soon," said the Headmistress. "You best head off, take a bath and get yourself looking presentable to your peers. You still have homework to do, too."

Harry didn't want to leave, but he felt much better knowing that Snape had at least woken up. "Can I come back after tea?"

"I'll think on it, Potter. Now, off you go."

Looking down, Harry smiled gently, those dark eyes meeting his once more. "I'll be back soon, I promise."

And Snape actually believed him. He felt Harry's hand squeeze gently onto his own before it was gone. Snape didn't know what he felt right now, but it was good—despite feeling like utter shit. He could see Minerva giving him a smirk, but he didn't have the strength to tell her off about it. He just closed his eyes so he didn't have to suffer that look on her face.

Taking a step to the bed, Minerva gave a gentle sigh. "Severus, you're a damsel in distress for the Gryffindor, I hope you know that."

Feeling pain tighten around his heart, Severus just groaned, looking away. "Bloody… Gryffindors…" he breathed, eyes opening again. Luckily he was gifted with keeping back his emotions, and he subdued a laugh—knowing it would hurt too greatly to do so.

"The Death Eater…? Is he…"

"Severus, don't strain yourself," Minerva said gently, patting him on the hand. "He's being trialled. When you are better, and only then, will I talk about something so stressful to your heart, alright? For now, you rest, or Poppy will have my head if I get you riled up."

Snape just closed his eyes once more in agreement. Yes, he really felt like he could sleep for an eternity. He smiled, though, remembering the dreams he had had when he had fallen unconscious. This time, it had not been Lily he had seen at Deaths' door, but her son, Harry Potter.


"How is he, Harry?"

To Harry's surprise, it was not Hermione who had asked, but Ron instead. He'd made his way up to the common room after taking a quick bath. He was clean now, tossed on some new clothes and then had gone to eat dinner in the Great Hall where he sat with his friends.

To be honest, he didn't know how Snape was. He looked like he was in terrible pain. But he was awake, and that was better than nothing.

"He's awake, but I don't really know what his condition is," he stated, "Madam Pomfrey said that he's going to have to take things slow for a while. I don't think he'll be up and about for a while yet… not with his heart and lung being punctured like that." At least a rib hadn't been damaged as well.

The images of blood against Harry's face instantly came back. He'd said such horrible things to him just before it had happened. Saying that he never wanted to see him again. He'd been upset, though. He never meant a word of it! He just… he just wanted Severus and him to be able to be together without Snape always feeling like they couldn't be.

"Harry, you're lucky you got out of there alive," said Hermione, looking worriedly at her friend. Harry gave her a tired look, like he didn't wish to be lectured again.

"Besides, Snape's a bitter bastard, he'll make it out alive. They always do," Ron said. This time Harry looked annoyed, but he just patted him on the shoulder. "I'm just joking, mate. But you gotta admit, it's true."

Yeah, he knew Snape could be cruel and bitter, it wasn't a secret. He knew this was just Ron's way of trying to be supportive. He wasn't expecting his friend to just roll over and say that he liked Snape. He knew Ron had a difficult time coming to terms with everything, but at least now he was starting to accept it more and get over his detest for the Potions professor.

"How long do you think he's going to be out?"

Harry looked back to Hermione. "I dunno… classes will be too stressful for him, Madam Pomfrey said. I offered to get things for him while he's recovering, Professor McGonagall said it was alright, as long as my grades don't slip," he added in quickly as Hermione gave him a worried look. She went quiet, though.

"So, this means we're gunna have a new Potions professor, right?" asked Ron, looking up to the High Table. "Wonder who it's gunna be…"

"I heard it's a woman," Hermione stated. Both Ron and Harry looked at her. "Is that a bad thing?"

"No, I suppose not, it's… just going to be different," Harry mumbled, feeling a bit strange about that. Even more so the fact that this woman would be going to Snape a lot to make sure classes were on schedule. That was unsettling.

Ron shrugged a little. "Maybe she'll make things better? Surely she can't make it as miserable as Snape, no offence, Harry," he added. He just couldn't stand Potions class.

Harry disregarded of the comment. "She could be worse," he said, both Ron and Hermione turning to him. "Look at Umbridge. She was a woman…"

"That you know of," Ron mumbled. For a moment, Harry and Ron just looked at each other before being unable to control their laughter.

Hermione shook her head, expelling an exasperated sigh. "I don't think it matters what sex or even species they'll be, you two. I'm sure it'll be fine. And since Professor Snape's unfit to teach, then we'll have to all stick through it. Let's just hope she makes it enjoyable and not worse."

The girl was right, and both Harry and Ron returned to their dinners. After they ate, Hermione had been correct, it was a woman, and she was introduced by McGonagall to the school as a substitute whilst Snape was revering his wounds.

Harry had noticed that there were less people whispering and snickering behind his back now. Suddenly things had become quite serious to others, and since Snape was in the hospital wing, it clearly made them realise that their snickering and teasing wasn't any good on the situation. Especially if Snape wasn't meant to get stressed out. Lord knew the man was always pissed off about something.

It was soothing in a way, but it did anger Harry in another. It took Snape getting attacked by a Death Eater for rumours and whispers to stop. Then again, what else could he really expect from a bunch of teenagers?

He was just happy that it was much quieter—despite the reasons why. He felt better knowing that at least the students seemed to care. No one really liked Snape (except the Slytherin House), but it was nice to know that they knew how serious things were now. And it was great not having to hear 'wand' or 'nose' jokes getting tossed around.

After dinner, Harry made his way back down to the hospital wing. He figured Snape wouldn't be moved right away. Probably when he was strong enough to walk there himself. But when he walked in, he was surprised to see McGonagall, the new professor, Darlene Desiree, and Madam Pomfrey all together—Severus propped up in the bed.

Why was she here? Oh, right, they were probably filling her in. He made his way over.

"Welcome back, Potter," said McGonagall. "You might as well greet your new Potions professor, Professor Desiree."

"Temporary!" Severus hissed from the bed, dark eyes narrowing towards the group. His hand massaged his chest gently as it was still killing him. Somehow, though, the stress of a temporary professor seemed to disappear when Harry came into the room.

"Yes, temporary," corrected the Headmistress. "Don't worry, Severus, your position is not in danger. Professor Desiree knows quite well this is only until you are well enough to teach once more."

The woman was thin, tall, and had dark black, wavy hair that went down to her lower back in a curly ponytail. Her lips were pouty, and she had gorgeous, gleaming blue eyes, a pastel complexion.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mister Harry Potter," the woman said, her plump lips going into a very sweet and friendly smile. She took Harry's hand and shook it. "Don't worry, I won't be threatening your boyfriend's position."

Harry went red instantly, averting his eyes. He took a look at Snape who looked like he felt just as awkward with that word being used.

"Please use the term 'Professor' whilst at Hogwarts," said Minerva, "We don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, or feed the headlines."

"And how do you know… she's not an imposter?" Severus breathed, scepticism clear in his eyes as he looked at the woman. He didn't like someone else moving in on his position. He knew he'd have a position here when he got better, but that didn't mean he felt comfortable about this.

"Oh, Severus, stop being so threatened," McGonagall scoffed, "I never thought you'd be so worried about your students."

"No matter, I find that very sweet in a wizard," said Desiree, flashing a smirk to the Potions master who was still in the bed. He just turned away from her, and she looked back to McGonagall, returning to their conversation beforehand.

Harry gently moved past the two, approaching the bed and sitting down. He could have rolled his eyes at what this new professor was saying. God, she didn't even know Snape and she was already flirting with him when he looked like utter crap and needed a shower.

"You flatter me so…"

Harry looked up in surprise, Snape's eyes on his own. Damn… he hadn't put any kind of wall up, and he forgot Snape could read minds when he wanted to. "Sorry… you still look good when you look like crap. Does that make things better?"

Severus just rolled his eyes tiredly. It had hurt to do that, but it was out of his control. He was too weak right now to stop it from happening, and he'd been curious. Apparently he lost control over his curiosity in his weakened state.

"How are you feeling?" Harry could see on the table that there was a half empty plate and a goblet. Obviously Madam Pomfrey had made him eat something. He hadn't touched much, but a little bit of food was better than nothing.

"Like I look, Potter."

"Oh, come on, don't hold that against me," Harry mumbled. "I'd really appreciate if you didn't read my thoughts without asking first."

"I'd appreciate if you didn't say I looked like shit."

"Crap," corrected the Gryffindor.

"Shut up."

Harry smiled, and he saw Snape look back at him, his features loosening. "I'm glad you're feeling a bit better." He wanted to brush the hair from Snape's face, touch him, kiss him, hold him, but he knew he shouldn't do any of those things. And to be honest, with McGonagall and Desiree here in the room, he didn't want to fuel the fire.

"Can I get you anything? You haven't eaten much… Maybe some water?"

Snape's frown quickly reappeared. "I'd prefer to be in my quarters…" he noted. He hated having to stay in the hospital wing. It was a downright pain in the arse. It was cold, uncomfortable, and had way too many horrible memories of his childhood.

Fawkes, who was keeping him company (by the bird's own choice), didn't make anything better, either. He was downright pissed off that the bird wouldn't help him. He looked all innocent and soft, his plumage fluffed up. Damn bastard bird! One single tear and he could be healed! Why the fuck wouldn't he cry for him!? Cry for Potter, fine. When it comes to him? Twice! Nothing. He was about ready to strangle him—if wouldn't hurt so much to move. Just breathing hurt!

As Madam Pomfrey came over to check on Severus, Harry turned over his shoulder to see McGonagall and Desiree talking. The new professor had a knack for flirting it seemed, and it was even making McGonagall awkward, a blush going across her face. Dear lord, he wanted her nowhere near Snape! He's heard whispers of her being part Veela, which just made everything worse.

"Madam Pomfrey?" he asked, the witch looking at him, "Do you think Professor Snape could return to his quarters tonight? You said that his heart shouldn't be stressed. I think he'd prefer to be in his own bed tonight."

"Potter, Severus needs a lot of rest. Moving him may cause strain to his heart," said Poppy, looking down at the Slytherin. In his weakened state, it was clearly hard for him to hide the emotions he'd usually cover with ease. She saw disappointment flicker across his face.

Sighing, she stood up straight, folding her arms. "If you would be less stressed in your quarters, Severus… then I will grant you this wish. But you must have Potter there with you. I'm afraid that without my constant supervision, the boy's magic will be safest to have around, just in case. It should have a soothing effect on you. You will also have to agree to a heart rate monitor."

A heart rate monitor? Harry's brow furrowed in confusion. He didn't think Hogwarts had things like that. "Like a device?"

"It's not exactly a device, more a spell," said the witch. "It will alert me if Severus' heart beats irregularly, and I will be on my way to the dungeons immediately."

Poppy Pomfrey looked back down to her patient. She didn't want to do this, but she swore an oath to protect her patients, and if this was what would make Severus less stressed, then it would be the best for him. There was no way he'd get transported to St. Mungo's with ease, and she had a feeling they could do nothing more than anyone else. Harry was really the only option.

"Do you agree?"

"Anything to get me… away from here," Snape said, swallowing dryly.

Poppy sighed once more. "Potter, go and get that wheelchair," she ordered, pointing to the chair that was across the room.

Immediately, Harry stood and went to the wheelchair, rolling it over. It was old looking, incredibly old looking. He honestly didn't think it would even support someone. It looked like one of those old hospital ones you'd see in a 50's movie. He was actually surprised Hogwarts even had wheelchairs.

"Using spells on you will be limited. Levitation or any kind of charms or spell to your body may cause more stress to your heart with what I've already done for you, so you're going to have to do this the Muggle way," said Poppy. "Potter, help him up."

"Poppy, I can handle-,"

"I said that Potter will help you, unless you wish to stay here and not move at all?" snapped the medi-witch.

"Better do what she says, Sev," Harry smirked, Snape's eyes narrowing in his direction. By now, Minerva and Darlene had stopped chitchatting and were by the bedside, ready to help if needed. Although Harry didn't really like the idea of the new professor helping at all.

Severus, who was attempting to look stronger than he was, went to push himself up, but winced as pain throbbed hard in his chest, tightening. He bit back a cry of pain, his hands clenching tightly as he tried to push himself through it.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Madam Pomfrey ordered. "This isn't going to work, you're in too much pain. I cannot risk it causing further damage, and I cannot give you any more potions."

"Cock-and-bull," Severus groaned, trying to control his breathing. "Potter, get over here." He was not spending his time getting better here again. He'd been stuck here for too long the last few months.

"Fawkes, if you're not going to cry, can you at least help us carry him?" Harry asked the phoenix, knowing that he wasn't strong enough to lift Snape by himself. Snape wasn't exactly a burly man, but he was still taller than Harry. The bird gave a curt nod of the head before flapping over and landing on Severus' stomach.

"Bloody bird," Snape hissed in detest. If it wasn't humiliating enough having an old witch and a young boy helping him up? Now a friggen bird?

For a large bird that could carry immense loads, Fawkes was actually as light as a feather, and he painlessly made his way up to Severus' shoulder.

Harry took one of Snape's arms while Madam Pomfrey got the other, slipping themselves underneath his arms so they could hold him up. Fawkes easily took most of the weight, his wings flapping gently as the professor was lifted to his feet.

Snape's jaw clenched tight as he was picked up, breathing heavily (and painfully) as his chest tightened. The warmth of Harry against him was soothing, though, and he was more than happy to be seated in the wheelchair—even if uncomfortable.

He hated being seen like this. He felt weak and humiliated. He'd put those days behind him, of being a little boy, crying from the torment and pain. He was stronger than that, damnit! But this made him feel awful about himself, like he were that child again. He didn't want or need others looking after him or giving him sympathy!

"Are you alright, Severus?" Poppy asked, gently feeling his chest.

"Fine," the man breathed, looking away. "Just get me to the dungeons." Fawkes flapped his wings and landed on Harry's shoulder.

"Do I need anything?" Harry asked.

"Just make sure he eats and that he drinks plenty of water. He will need as much rest as possible. No walking around. If you need to use the bathroom, Potter will have to assist you. And no shower. A bath only, if anything. You cannot be on your feet for at least a few more days. If you're going to toss some clothes on, then something light. None of that heavy wool. I will be monitoring you, and I will come for daily check-ups three times a day. No magic, and no potions. The bandage has already been made waterproof."

Just bloody great. He'd hold it in if he needed to. He wasn't having Potter help him do anything in the lavatory. He most certainly wasn't helping him take a bath! That was just… no. In a relationship or not, the two of them hadn't even bloody seen one another fully nude. He was very self-conscious about himself as well. Hell, the only reason he'd given in so willingly was because of their damn magic influencing them. Of course he wanted it, but… he was much more reserved and in control than that!

"I will also be putting a magic restrictor on you," she stated, pulling her wand out. "This means no accidental magic, or magic at all until you are well enough." She flicked her wand once, and a light glow went over Severus before fading away. That was the final thing she could do for him.

"Potter, good luck," said Minerva, smiling gently before turning to Severus. "The more you rest, the sooner you will recover. No straining. I am only allowing this because of your magic. The Muggle way or not, at least it's something."

Getting her wand out, she pointed it to the chair. "This will get it up and down the stairs," she said, muttering a spell towards the chair before returning her wand to her pocket. "Have a good night."

Gathering everything, Harry finally took the handles of the wheelchair and turned it around. It was the first time he'd ever steered one of these things, so it was a little tricky at first, but it soon became relatively simple.

Severus was quiet, which worried Harry, but he was awake. He was taking it easy on some of the bumps in case it hurt, and when he arrived at the stairs, he was stuck for how the charm McGonagall had put on it would work.

"Just move it toward the step," muttered Snape.

Harry did so, and when the front wheels touched the stone step, it instantly levitated. He kept a hold of the handles and stepped slowly down towards the dungeons as carefully as he could before the chair went back down onto the level ground.

Eventually, they made it into Snape's office and into the next room. "Do you want anything from out of here before you go to bed?" he asked.


A frown soon made its way across the Gryffindor's face. He knew Snape wasn't happy he was confined to bed-rest, but without being able to take potions, he had to do this the Muggle way. Actually, he was lucky he wasn't taken elsewhere to a larger hospital. Harry was amazed sometimes how magic and potions could work on witches and wizards. If this were the Muggle world, Snape would be stuck inside a bed with tubes attached to him and a monitor.

Wheeling him into the bedroom, he sat the chair next to the bed. "Well, we're here. I can help you up."

"That won't be necessary," said Snape, his voice weaker than he thought. He didn't need Potter treating him like a child, as if he couldn't do anything himself. He was the Head of Slytherin. Former Death Eater. He could stand on his feet to get to bed.

Putting his hands onto the arms of the chair, he went to push himself up, stopping immediately when pain rippled through his chest and down his arms. He breathed gently, knowing Poppy would be down the second his heart-rate picked up.

"It's okay to ask for help," Harry said softly, not wanting to rile the man up. He knew he was feeling bad about this, but it couldn't he helped. Harry would rather have Snape still here than die from pushing himself too hard just because he felt humiliated. He'd survived an arrow to his heart! If anything, he should be proud of himself! He gathered that was the Gryffindor way to see it, though.

Leaning down, he placed a hand onto Snape's chest. "It worked for the Dark Mark, so maybe it'll work this time as well."

Severus looked down to the gentle hand that was on him. Immediately, he felt a sudden release flow through his body as the pain seemed to dwindle to a dull ache rather than a tight and sharp one.

"Can you stand now?"

It was smart of Potter to think of this, and Severus made a note to thank him later when he wasn't feeling so shitty about himself. For now, he wasn't going to say anything. He was stubborn and hated this.

Nonetheless, he gently and slowly pushed himself from the wheelchair. Harry moved awkwardly and slowly with his hand on his chest, but eventually he made it into the bed and relaxed against the pillows.

"I can stay here… in case you need my magic. I'm not leaving you alone tonight. I'll sleep on the floor if I have to," Harry stated as-a-matter-of-factly. There was no way he was letting Snape sleep here by himself tonight. He needed someone here in case something happened—even if Madam Pomfrey was keeping an eye on his heartbeat through magic.

Knowing that the young wizard wouldn't listen to him if he said no, Severus just grunted. He wasn't having Harry sleep in his bed. Not when he was injured. Not to mention the thought was still alien to him.

Fawkes gently landed into his lap, and he weakly rested his hand onto the bird's back. For a moment, he was hopeful that Fawkes was going to cry against his chest as he moved up against him, but the pain in his heart soon told him that wasn't the case.

Snape was really starting to detest the bird. "Don't patronize me," he weakly snapped, nudging the bird from his lap. Fawkes gave a hurt cry before flying to Harry.

Looking sadly at the phoenix, Harry didn't know why Fawkes wouldn't help Severus. He'd helped him continuously. Was it because he was a Gryffindor and Snape was a Slytherin? He didn't know, but he hated that Snape was suffering. Fawkes was loyal to him, so why not cry?

"I'm sure there's a reason why he's not crying," he tried to say knowingly, despite the fact that he had no idea why the phoenix was being like this. Fawkes just purred gently as he scratched him on the soft chest plumage.

"Yes, to make me suffer," Severus mumbled, leaning back painfully. He winced. He needed a shower. He wanted to use the bathroom. He was not making Potter help him with something that a bloody five year old could do! No, he could sleep and do it tomorrow when he was feeling stronger.

"If you insist on staying… transfigure the lounge into a bed," he said. He was getting tired again from the small amount of activity he had done. With rest, though, he hoped he would be feeling much better in the morning. "There are sheets in the dresser."

Putting Snape's robes and wand onto the side-table, Harry left to drag in the lounge from the other room. He did a quick spell that he'd learnt in Transfiguration class and it became a single bed. Snape's quarters weren't luxuriously massive, but it was big enough for the bed to fit at the end of Snape's.

He walked over to the only large dresser in the room and opened the large door. There were more drawers inside, but Harry figured they were for other items of clothing. He took out the Slytherin coloured sheets and put them onto his bed. He got used to cleaning up after himself and being tidy in the Dusrleys. He was made to look after himself.

"Do you need anything? Any water? Madam Pomfrey said to make sure you drink enough. I could get you some extra blankets if you need-,"

"Potter," interrupted the Potions master, eyes weakly on the Gryffindor, "if I need anything… I will ask." That wasn't exactly true. He had no intention of making Potter run around for him. Once he was feeling better tomorrow, he could start doing his own thing. He was just weak tonight. Yes, that was all.

"Fawkes makes a habit of sleeping in here… you can get his perch, and then I don't want to hear a breath from you." He was being snippy, but he just wanted to rest and for Potter to be quiet. The boy didn't need to fuss over him.

Not wanting to stress Snape out anymore, Harry went to fetch Fawkes' perch and brought it in, the phoenix instantly claiming it for sleep. He blew out some of the candles that were in the room and checked that the fire was going to keep it warm in here.

Before he went to his own bed, he walked back up to the professor. "Severus?" he murmured gently, the dark eyes slowly opening to look at him. "I'm here if you need me."

Harry's green eyes were soothing, even if Snape didn't want to admit that he was happy Harry was here with him. They hadn't really shared time alone together for what seemed like a long time. With everything that had been going on, how could they?

He was too weak to hide his emotions, and so he lifted his hand and touched Harry's cheek. "Potter, what I said before I was attacked… I only wished to keep you safe." It's all he ever wanted—even if it had started out being for Lily.

Lifting his own hand to overlap the larger one, Harry nodded gently, feeling his chest flutter lightly as Snape showed affection. "I know. I'm sorry I acted so childish. I didn't mean what I said…"

"When don't you act childish?" Severus said, smirking, though regretting it as the movement hurt his chest as he kept back a chuckle.

Seeing the strain, Harry wished he could ease the pain. "Are you sure you don't want me to help? I can't do much, but at least my magic can."

"No, you have class tomorrow. You needn't worry about me," Snape said. "Get to sleep." He lowered his hand and let it fall back to the sheets. When Harry went to his own transfigured bed, he finally let himself sleep.