Chapter Twenty Eight: Phoenix Persuasion

Within a fortnight, Snape was up and walking around his quarters. Harry could tell he was beginning to get restless now, wanting to get out and be productive at work. Snape may be private and like his solitude, but he could tell by now he really wanted to get back to work.

Things between them had gotten much better, and it had become much easier for them to talk to one another. Mainly on Harry's half, as he'd been pressing things with him. Unfortunately, there was one person who was constantly on his nerves: Professor Desiree.

She was driving him nuts. Every time after class she was in here. Snape was professional as ever with her, but he couldn't shake off his jealousy that she was flirting with him. He wasn't insane! She was fucking flirting with him, and it was pissing him off! Even more so, Snape wasn't saying anything about it!

Harry didn't find a reason to bring it up again since the first time, and he didn't want his jealousy to cause a fight. The last thing he needed was his stupid emotions getting in the way and screwing things up. He hated being jealous, but he hated the fact that Snape wasn't pushing her away and telling her to downright fuck off either. He wasn't exactly giving into her, but he wasn't telling her to go away. And that bothered him more than anything.

Now that Severus was up on his feet (though still unable to teach and suffer too much stress), Harry would have figured he'd just kick her out from coming in here. This was his personal quarters after all. Yes, the office was attached, but this room was Snape's room. No one should come back here but Snape… and… well, him as well.

It was the weekend, so at least they had that. Harry had spent the morning with his Gryffindor friends, but he knew Severus would be lonely down here in the dungeons. He had said it was fine and he could go for as long as he wanted, but Harry knew the Slytherin had gotten used to his presence in the room—which made him grin.

"Sev?" he asked. He had been doing homework in the lounge while Severus was doing who-knew-what. All he knew was that the wizard was making noise and moving things around. Most likely trying to keep himself occupied and working considering he couldn't do much else.

"Yes?" Severus stopped, putting the bottle down in his hands.

"Do you think you'll be able to go outside?"

"Am I irritating you?" asked Snape, raising a brow. Hell, this was his quarters!

Harry laughed a little. "No, no. I mean, I thought we could go for a walk. You're well enough. I don't mean flying on brooms or anything, but just to get some fresh air. I can tell you're getting agitated. I'm sure Madam Pomfrey won't mind. After all, it's been a week or so, and some fresh air would do you good."

Snape put his arms down to his side. He was a man who enjoyed his privacy, the silence of him simply reading a book, but he did have his limits. He was no Gryffindor, but he still enjoyed being able to step outside every now and again. Even if he regretted it the instant he stepped out.

But he nodded. "When you've finished your homework," he said in a rather fatherly tone that surprised the both of them. He turned back around, sorting out the flagons. "I will be in my laboratory if you need me."

Harry watched as Severus removed himself from the lounge, walking into what Harry had guessed was a private lab for him to study and brew potions in.

Looking down at his book, he really didn't need to do this right now, but he had a feeling Snape would order him to do it either way. He mentally snickered to himself. Sometimes Snape was a bit like Hermione in that sense. Hermione was, after all, smart enough to be a professor here.

Quickly finishing what he was doing, he closed his book and set it to the side on the table before standing up. The door to the lab was open. Inside, it wasn't very big, but it was enough. There were a few cauldrons set up, but nothing brewing yet.

"All of your homework, Potter?" Severus asked sceptically as he raised a brow. He knew very well that it hadn't all been done that quickly.

"I've got all day and tomorrow. I promise I'll get it done. And if I don't, then you can kick me out or take House points," Harry smiled, extending his hand. "Before you start, come on, I'd really like for us to get out in the open."

Severus hadn't been out and about since the accident, and although Harry had said that most of the students had stopped making rumours fly, he had a feeling the sight of them together would start them up again. On the other side, it was the weekend, and most of them would be elsewhere.

He stopped what he was doing and approached Harry. "I will take you up on that, Potter. Don't think I won't just because I have feelings for you. You're still a Gryffindor, after all."

Harry grinned. "It's cold out there, you should probably grab a jacket."

"Apparently I am not the only 'mother-hen' around here," Snape muttered. Considering it had been a few days, Snape was allowed to wear his usual clothes. However, he just grabbed his winter robes and slipped them on over his dress-shirt.

Harry smirked, feeling a little sheepish. He didn't need Snape getting any more sick, though.

Fawkes gave an excited screech and flapped his wings graciously, landing on Severus' arm. "I suppose I could let you out… Although considering you've been such a prat, I should leave you here to rot," he mumbled.

He walked over and grabbed his boots before sitting down to put them on, Fawkes making himself comfortable on his shoulder, even though the phoenix was much too large to sit comfortably. He kept slipping from the movement, much to Snape's pleasure. Just a small payback for making him suffer the previous week and a half.

When he was ready, he headed to the door, inclining his head. "Potter. Are you coming?" he drawled, Harry having just been standing there.

Admittedly, Harry had lost concentration when he had been watching Severus. He enjoyed seeing just how human the man was. He was just like everyone else, and he enjoyed seeing those glimpses.

Grabbing his own Muggle jacket, he slipped it on over his shoulders. Spells was asleep, so he didn't bother offering for her to join them, and the both of them headed out of the dungeons and into the cold day. Thankfully, the sun was shining.

The corridors had been quiet, only a small group of students out and about. Severus was more than happy for that. And as soon as they hit the sunlight, Fawkes flew from his arm and began circling in the sky to get some exercise.

"You do know he's been doing this on purpose, don't you?" Harry asked, continuing to walk. It was nice to be out in the sunlight. It was cold, but it was at least good in the sun. They continued through the courtyard, and Harry was pleased to see that most mouths were shut when some of the other students saw them. However, it didn't mean their eyes didn't follow.

Putting his hands into his winter robe's pockets, Snape scoffed. "Yes, because just like everyone else at Hogwarts, he enjoys watching me suffer, too."

Harry stopped, putting his hand onto Snape's arm and stopping him. "No, because he knew it would get us closer," he said, watching the dark brown eyes narrow ever-so-slightly.

Snape continued walking, falling silent in thought as they walked across the grounds. Fawkes followed above them and finally landed in one of the large trees, calling loudly. Sometimes Severus really hated that sound. It sent chills down his spine. A phoenix could have a very powerful call. To a pure heart, it was beautiful. To a dark heart, it was like murder. Snape didn't know what he heard when Fawkes sang.

He hadn't even realised, but they'd reached the Quidditch pitch in utter silence. There were a few students flying on their broomsticks, but other than that, it was rather isolated, and sunny for Potter.

"Do you miss Quidditch?" he asked, turning to Harry as he rested a hand onto one of the stands. Walking here had made him fairly tired from having days off from doing anything, but he would make it through.

"Yeah…" Harry answered, looking down.

Snape moved into the pitch, walking up the stairs. Stairs… argh, they were a killer right now. "Well, why don't you get your broomstick? It's the weekend. I'm positive the other students would allow you to join. You are, after all, the famous Harry Potter."

Harry's eyes opened in surprise. What? He thought Snape hated that about him. "B-but… I thought you wanted to just… be together," he asked. Snape took a seat in the stands, and he followed, sitting beside him. Fawkes perched on the bench in front of them, fluffing up.

"Potter, I'm no fool. You've been keeping me company the last week and a half and neglecting your own Gryffindor needs. If you wish to go flying, then by all means, while you can, do so." Soon enough it would be too cold.

Harry felt a pang of guilt hit his chest. He didn't want to leave Severus, though. "But… you'll be here alone."

"I have Fawkes." He was used to bitterness of loneliness.

"You won't kill him?" Harry asked, raising a brow. Fawkes squawked, stretching his wings up.

Snape rolled his eyes. "Wouldn't dream of it…" he muttered sarcastically.

"You know, if you weren't sick, you could come, too!"

Snape almost laughed, arching a brow. "Potter, I prefer my feet on the ground. Not my head in the air."

This time it was the Gryffindor who rolled his eyes. "You don't even need a broom, Sev," he pointed out. "Which, by the way, can anyone fly like that? Can it be taught?"

"Not to gloat, Potter, but not many wizards can fly without a vehicle," said Snape. He was not the kind of person to gloat about how he could do something that others couldn't. Sure, he had his inner pride, but he was a well reserved Slytherin. Unlike James Potter… Truth be told, he was never that great of a flier. Part of him hated James because of that. He only wished he honed those kind of skills on a broom. Harry was much like his father in that way. Lucky prat.

Harry moved to sit on the bench in front of Snape, putting his hand on Fawke's back to stroke him. "But can it be taught? I mean… I'd like to fly with you. I love flying." It was a passion of his, and it was actually something that he was good at.

Fly? With him…? Was Potter trying to be romantic or something? Snape felt himself move uneasily for a moment, brushing the hair from his face. "With the right power, it can be, but… I must admit, Potter, even with the Dark Lord having taught me, flying is not my strong point, if you hadn't noticed." He hadn't exactly learnt how to fly in a straight line or smoothly. He was a little bit all over the place, really. Wow, he just admitted something to Harry… He felt a sudden urge of gross vulnerability devour him.

"I'd still like to fly with you," Harry said, a light smile creasing his lips.

"Perhaps when I am feeling more up to it," said Severus. He wasn't too keen on it himself. "Before the sun goes down, go and summon your broom. I will wait."

Harry didn't push any more, and he summoned his broom, quickly jumping onto it and joining the game that was going on throughout the pitch. The others were more than happy to have another player. Harry had a feeling it was because of who he was, but it was great to be on a broom again. He'd really missed this. The wind against him. The free feeling it gave him. He loved it.

On the stand, Severus allowed Fawkes to sit on his thigh, absently patting him as he watched the brooms go by. He didn't mind being out in the sun as it was quite cool in the breeze, plus, it allowed him to stretch his legs. He'd been in his quarters much too long. At least when he was teaching, he was doing rounds, eating in the Great Hall and in classes.

Relaxing a little, he watched as Harry enjoyed the game of Quidditch. Of course, there were no Bludgers out, that was too dangerous. But there was a Snitch and the Quaffle. As much as it reminded him of James Potter, he'd been watching Harry play Quidditch ever since the young boy had come to Hogwarts. All the teachers had through Quidditch season. It was, after all, a school event.

He frowned, rubbing his chin at the thought. No, he didn't like James Potter, and he never would. In fact, he still hated the man. It made him question how the hell he and Harry had ever developed feelings for one another.

'Because Harry is nothing like James…' he told himself. Potter may resemble much of his father, with his messy hair, glasses and being popular, but in reality, with getting to know Harry, he was nothing like James Potter. Maybe it was because he was brought up with so little from the Dusrleys that he learnt how to appreciate his friendship, or maybe it was because he was Lily's son. He didn't know. But he was more than thankful that he had gotten to see the true Harry Potter, and not the James he had always seen in him.

"Severus, what are you doing here?"

Snape's thoughts were stolen from him as he turned his head to see the witch who was taking his classes. Why was he here? What the hell else would he be doing here but watching the students play Quidditch? That was so out of character for him… In the sun… Damn Potter.

"I thought I'd work on my tan," he muttered sarcastically. He didn't bother asking how she was, he had no interest in hearing it, personally. He honestly had no interest in her as a person, either. The only information he needed out of her was about his class and students.

Desiree smirked a little, walking over and taking the seat in front of Severus. She looked at the phoenix on his knee and looked over his gorgeous fiery feathers. "My, what a lovely creature you have. Where did you get him from?"

Severus frowned, looking at Fawkes. "Fawkes belonged to Albus Dumbledore. When he… passed, the bird figured I was next in line to put up with him," he said in a rather disinterested tone.

The witch looked up, her cleanly preened eyebrows arching in apology. "Oh, I'm very sorry, Severus. I've heard all about that… It must have been difficult. My condolences, of course." She put her hand out reassuringly, touching the man's knee.

Snape just looked at the hand that was on him, sitting back up. Bold of anyone to touch him. "Are you here for the students, or is there something you require of me?"

Taking her hand back, Darlene Desiree fluttered her eyelashes. "Well, it's a lovely day out. I thought I'd come and see the students playing. It's quite nice getting to see them. Young Mister Potter is quite the flier, I must admit," she said, looking over her shoulder to watch Harry on his broom for a moment.

Snape eyed her carefully. What the hell did she care about Potter?

Turning back to Severus, she smiled gently. "How are you feeling today? I'm guessing Pomfrey knows you're out and about?"

"I am more than capable of spending the day out," stated the Potions master. "I don't need orders from Poppy Pomfrey." Although he had a feeling she'd probably smack him over the head with a book for not telling her that he was out and about. It wasn't like he was on a broomstick out on the pitch! He was just sitting here! Still, he knew how feisty the med-witch could be.

"Well, you certainly sound like you can take care of yourself," the witch mused. "I must ask; why did you become a professor here at Hogwarts?"

Snape just looked at the woman, not a single blink. He wasn't about to tell her his whole life story. He didn't even know or particularly like the woman. Did she honestly think he was going to be 'friends' with her because she was taking over his classes?

"Clearly, I have a fascination in Potions, and I am gifted in the arts," he said flatly. "It would be a waste if I did not put that to use, would it not?" he said, lifting a brow and shrugging his shoulders once.

"Well, I've certainly heard that you are gifted in the Dark Arts. What is your favourite Potion?"

Why the hell did she want to know!? By now, the witch was starting to piss him off. He didn't like 'smalltalk'. It was either shut up or say what you came here to say. None of this in between bullshit that he didn't care for.

He literally thought of the most disgusting thing he could think of right now, even if it was no way near his favourite. "Flesh Eating Potion," he stated bluntly, never once twitching. Well, this could be more fun than he thought if he tried to test her.

Desiree didn't flinch, she just smirked. "Very dangerous stuff, Severus. And quite hard to get the ingredients for. I hear you need snake fangs for that."

Severus went stiff at the thought, subconsciously lifting a hand to his neck.

A light chuckle came from the witch. "Don't tell me a Slytherin is afraid of snakes, Severus."

Well, if she had a snake the size of Nagini almost kill her, he was certain she wouldn't be looking for snakes unless she ultimately had to. Besides, he wasn't scared of them!

"What do you want?" His voice had turned hostile now, putting his hand back down and onto Fawkes, who sat watching the other professor.

The witch shrugged. "Like I said, I just wanted to spend the day out in the sun while it's not snowing yet," she said absently, looking over the pitch. "Tell me, what exactly is it about Potter that you've come to like, Severus?"

Snape's hand left Fawkes, the bird's back feathers pushing forward as he watched the witch. "I don't really think that is any of your concern," he said slowly, his brow twitching.

Crossing a leg over the other, Desiree smirked, giving a gentle laugh. "Severus, we're adults. Slytherins, as well," she said, her eyes gleaming. "You're clearly a man who is drawn to power. Dumbledore, then You-Know-Who. And now the Potter boy? I suppose I can't blame you, but, tsk, do you have any idea how powerful Slytherin witches can be? Have men always been your thing?"

What the bloody hell was she talking about? Severus suddenly found himself very uncomfortable. More uncomfortable than before, that was. He wasn't a person to think anyone was coming onto him, but Merlin's beard!

This had to have been because of Potter, right? Because he was a powerful wizard? Because being with Potter probably made him more of a sexual target simply because Harry liked him. If Harry liked him, then everyone else could, right? Fuck that! He liked it better when everyone hated him! At least it didn't make him feel uncomfortable! He knew where he stood! Or maybe he was just thinking too much into it. It could simply be her Veela half.

Suddenly, he realised that he really should have stayed inside today. His heart was starting to hurt now that he was getting stressed out over this. He just stayed silent.

Desiree cocked her head to the side, as if trying to read the wizard's very blank expression. "I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?"

"Do I appear uncomfortable?"

The woman made a short laugh. "No, I can't say you do, but then again, I've been told you're quite good at hiding your emotions."

Severus lifted his brows a little in triumph.

"I must admit, I do enjoy a challenge, Severus. I think I may have met my match," she whispered in a delightful hiss, grinning to show her pearly whites. "Maybe you and I could get to know each other a bit better later on. I'd love to check out your private lab, maybe brew something with you. See how Hogwarts' Potions master works on a personal level. Your bird certainly seems fond of me."

Looking at Fawkes, who had been staring at her curiously the whole time she'd been here, she extended her hand to touch him, but the bird fluffed up and screeched loudly over the arena, making her instantly take her hand back. She cringed at the sound.

On his broom, Harry turned immediately at the sound of Fawkes. His heart clenched at the sight before him. He couldn't see much as he was so far away, but he knew exactly who the other professor was.

He swooped down hurriedly, his hair flicking past his eyes as it was getting lengthy. Landing in the stands, he put his broom to his hand and looked between the two, Fawkes' feathers still raised, crest up. Clearly he shared the same feelings as Harry.

"Professor, is everything okay?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you, Mister Potter," said Professor Desiree.

"I wasn't talking to you," Harry said forcefully, turning to Snape and completely ignoring the witch despite her being a professor. "Are you okay, Severus?"

"Fine, Potter."

"What's wrong with Fawkes? His call pretty much echoed through the entire grounds," Harry said, sounding worried as he stepped in between the two professors' and gave Fawkes a scratch. He seemed to calm down at the sight of him.

Severus mentally smirked at the fact that Potter had pretty much blocked Desiree from his sight. Harry crouched down before him so he was level with Fawkes, showing great care for the phoenix that nibbled him for affection.

"Yes, that was rather unexpected of him. I don't think he's very fond of Professor Desiree," he said, looking back to the witch who seemed angry at that. Well, he was being honest.

Harry looked to the woman. "Did you want something, Professor?" he asked bluntly.

Seeming offended, Professor Desiree put a hand to her chest. "Excuse me, Potter, but I can very well take points from your House for such a negative tone towards a superior of yours. I could also give you detention, even if it is the weekend."

"I didn't do anything wrong," Harry protested, "I just asked you a question. Besides, you shouldn't even be here."

"And why not?" asked the witch, standing up from her seat. Harry stood up to face her, even though he was shorter than her.

"Because you're just trying to get to Professor Snape. I know what you're doing," he growled, eyes fierce on her.

"Potter!" Snape hissed. He didn't need the bloody Gryffindor fighting his battles for him. Besides, he was being childish. He stood up, putting a hand on Harry's shoulder to keep him back. "I think you should go back inside."

"What?" Harry asked, shocked. No way! There was no way he was leaving these two out here alone. He was tired of Professor Desiree flaunting herself in front of them. Nobody ever showed an interest in Severus before he started liking him, and why would they? Snape came off as bitter and cruel to everyone. Harry didn't even know how he'd started liking him. Only when he'd seen his memories had he started to see Snape for who he was beneath that cold Professor performance.

"I'm not going anywhere! It's the weekend, and I can do what I like. Make her go! She's the one that's flirting with another professor. Isn't that… illegal or something!?"

"Potter, shut your mouth and get inside," ordered Snape. "You're embarrassing yourself and making a fuss out of nothing."

This only pissed Harry off even more.

"My, my, Severus, you have got a feisty one on your hands."

By now, Snape was quite tired of all of this. Fine, if the both of them weren't going to leave, he would. He grabbed Fawkes and turned away, walking out of the stand. He didn't need this stress on his heart.

"Professor! Severus!" Harry called. "Now look what you've done," he hissed to the other professor. He marched after Snape, catching up with him.

"Potter, you're an insufferable idiot sometimes," snapped Snape, walking much too fast for what he should be.

"She was bothering you!" Harry pointed out. "You weren't putting up much of a fight, either." Harry's voice went rather cold and accusing.

Stopping, Snape eyed the Gryffindor who was still holding his broom. "What are you insinuating, Potter? That I enjoyed that? That I need you to battle for me? You're just like your mother. I don't need you looking out for me every two seconds. I am a grown wizard, Potter, not a child! And to think that I even would like her? I have more respect for myself than you bloody Gryffindor's do."

As Snape started to walk again, Harry chased after him and stood in front of him so he couldn't move any further. "Severus, I like you, of course I'm going to stand up for you when I know you're uncomfortable, and I'm jealous. Would you rather me just sit aside and laugh about it!? Or even worse, not care at all!?"

Rolling his eyes, Severus went to walk in the other direction, but Potter was soon there, leaning on his broom. He growled. "Get out of my way."

"No." Harry's voice was firm.

Snape stopped, huffing and lifting a brow impatiently. "What do you want me to say?"

"That it's okay for me to stick up for you. That it's okay for you to stick up for me. It's what people do when they care about each other," Harry said, his voice softening. "Why didn't you just tell her to go away? Talk to Professor McGonagall about it or something? She's sexually harassing you."

Oh, she was not! That was going way too far. Snape's shoulder lowered a little, breathing gently as he could feel his heart hurting lightly. "I don't need anyone fighting my battles for me, Potter. I am quite capable-,"

"Stop with that rubbish, would you? I don't care if you don't want me standing up for you, it doesn't make you any weaker! I'm going to do it because I love-," Harry put his hand over his mouth, "I mean, I like you."

Snape felt himself stiffen as he looked at Harry, brows arching. Did he just say what he thought he did?

Landing his feet back on the ground, Harry ran his hand against the back of his neck. He was pretty sweaty from his game of Quidditch, even though it was cold. It was still a work out, and now he could feel the blood flushing into his cheeks as he'd accidently let that slip.

Feeling a hand go onto his chin, his eyes were lifted to see Snape's looking at him. He felt embarrassed for letting that slip because he didn't even know if it was true. Yes, he liked Snape, and he'd come to like him a lot. Sometimes it was all he could think about, but… love? That was such a strong word. But feeling the man's skin on him, he felt his heart throb behind his ribcage.

How anyone could ever love him, he had no idea. Severus wasn't sure if Harry had meant to say that or not, or if the term had just slipped from his tongue, but he was stunned nonetheless. For years on end he had loved Lily. For years on end he had accepted that he would never love or be loved again. But… hearing Harry say such a thing, it somehow made Severus' life lighter.

Harry bit his lip as he looked to those dark brown eyes of the Potions master. Without the strength of Severus' magic, or even his own, he pushed himself up onto his toes and kissed Professor Snape, claiming his soft lips as he pulled him down against him. Fawkes flapped his wings to keep a hold on Severus' cloak.

Surprised, Severus almost stumbled forward and backward at the same time, but held his ground. Harry's hand was soon against his cheek, and his own hands hesitated to slip down to the Gryffindor's waist—even if to just steady himself.

Hearing a whistle from the distance, Harry instantly broke the kiss, looking embarrassed as he saw Ron and Hermione heading their way. "I-I'm sorry… I just…"

Snape stood up straight, trying not to look as awkward as he felt considering Harry's friends had just witnessed that. Fawkes rubbed his head against his forehead, making him swat at him. "I… should return to my quarters."

Harry nodded, wiping his mouth down and scratching the back of his head. He watched Snape turn and walk away, heading back to the castle in his winter robes.

"Granger, Weasley," Snape muttered awkwardly as he passed them, Fawkes making a chirp that sounded much too like the whistle Weasley had just made. He grimaced at him.

Ron and Hermione shared a smirk with one another before they reached Harry. "You know, you two really shouldn't be snogging when people can so easily see you," said Ron, folding his arms.

Harry just pushed Ron on the shoulder. "Shut up, it… just sort of happened. Sorry you had to see it. I know you're not really friends with Professor Snape."

"Are you kidding me?" Ron laughed. "With that on our side, I don't think Snape'll ever be game enough to put us through a detention or take points from Gryffindor again. He looked more awkward than I've ever seen him before. Who knew Harry kissing him could put a bit of blood in his face."

Harry chuckled embarrassedly. "I dunno about that. Snape's still a Slytherin."

"How is he, anyway?" asked Hermione. Considering Harry had shared what he knew of Snape's childhood with them, she had a feeling that Snape was no way as bitter and cruel as he made himself out to be. Snape's life had not been the best, and he'd been bitter and jealous of James since the moment they'd met (and he had reason to hate him from the way he treated him), but from what she'd got, James was everything Snape wished he was. Popular. Good looking. Played Quidditch. Now that Harry, of all people, liked him, Snape was probably feeling strange over the whole thing. Not to mention boyishly embarrassed.

"Well, he can't be too bad if Harry's snogging him!" Ron exclaimed. "Don't give him a heart-attack, mate."

Harry grinned, even if he was feeling embarrassed. "He's doing better. Although I'm sure he'd be doing better if that stupid new Potions professor would leave him alone," he muttered.

"Professor Desiree?" Hermione asked, "What's she doing?" Besides the fact she was part Veela.

What wasn't she doing!? "Flirting with Snape, getting in the way." Harry gave an aggravated sigh. "Of course, it's not like Snape thinks that's true."

"Well, why would he?" Ron asked, raising a brow. "Can't imagine he thinks highly of himself with everyone calling him names…" He looked down guiltily for a moment. He'd been one of those people.

"She's really flirting with him? Blimey, I thought she was just doing that with the students. She is part Veela, mate…"

Hermione looked disgusted at the idea. "Personally, I'll be glad when she's gone." Both Harry and Ron looked at her. "Why do you look so surprised? You two aren't the only ones who have picked up on her behaviour, you know? Plus, it's rather unprofessional. Not to mention she knows you and Snape are in a relationship." Hermione was the last person to ever think someone wasn't qualified to work at Hogwarts because of their blood, but McGonagall really should have chosen someone else. She supposed with the short of staff from the war, she didn't have many choices. It all happened so fast as well, and Slughorn didn't wish to return ever again.

"I don't think she cares about that," Harry stated.

"Well, I don't think you have anything to worry about, Harry. It's not like Professor Snape's really… well, you know," Hermione shrugged.

"Yeah, I gotta admit, it was weird seeing you two kiss. Never thought I'd see Snape do something like that. Hell, me and Hermione don't even do that in public, well… unless it's a goodbye or something." He felt his ears burn.

Harry felt another wave of embarrassment flow over him, and he noticed Hermione was rather pink in the cheeks, too. "It's still annoying," he muttered. "What are you two doing out here anyway?"

"Quidditch, of course!" Ron grinned, taking Harry's broom from him. "Thought we'd catch a game or two before it started to get dark. It's a nice day out here, after all! Plus, gotta do something to get away from all the homework they're giving us."

Harry agreed to that. At least they still had tomorrow off as well. The three of them set off back to the Quidditch pitch. Harry was thankful to see no more Professor Desiree when he returned. However, he couldn't help but feel an uneasiness settle in his stomach at the thought of her having tailed after Snape…