Chapter Twenty Nine: Heart-Rate.
WARNING: Contains nudity, graphic sex scene.
When Harry was done with Quidditch, he was damp with sweat and needed a change of clothes. All of his clothes were in Snape's quarters as he'd been staying there the last week and a half, so he headed down to the dungeons. He really needed a bath, too.
He had to admit, it was great being able to play Quidditch again, and getting to hang out with Ron and Hermione on their days off school. Soon enough, it would be too cold (despite the school still playing), and Christmas holidays would be starting. He still needed to figure out what he was doing.
Ron and Hermione weren't going to be in the country. He doubted he could go back to the Dursleys. Maybe staying at Hogwarts was his only option. He didn't mind that, it was just going to be lonely.
With his broom in his hand, he knocked on the door so he could come in; opening it when he heard Snape say it was okay to come in. The Potions master was sitting at his desk in his office, parchment and quill in front of him. School work, he figured. He was just happy professor Desiree was nowhere to be seen. Thank God.
Looking up as Harry came in, Snape noticed just how disgustingly sweaty the Gryffindor was. Even being cold, Quidditch still proved to be a work out. Severus couldn't say he was attracted to sweat, but Harry looked good messy—just as much as he looked good finely preened.
"You best not be dragging mud into my quarters, Potter," he said bluntly, eyes on the green ones. He was serious, despite his tone which came off rather lighter than he was used to.
Harry looked down at his shoes and quickly kicked them off. "Sorry, Professor," he said, shrugging his shoulders. He stepped into the office. "I would have gotten changed in Gryffindor common room, but all my stuff is pretty much here."
Watching as Harry came in, Snape put his quill down, his hands going together beneath his chin. "As I informed previously, you are welcome to use the facilities provided."
Harry felt a little uneasy thinking about showering in Snape's bathroom. Okay, so he'd seen Snape bathe, and he'd even washed his hair for him—but Snape was ill and weak, and couldn't do it on his own. Harry could.
It was just another step, though. And Snape was offering! Which was a very polite show of affection for the man. The thought of having a shower in Severus' bathroom made him think bad things, though. Good, but bad. Would Snape want to join? Would Snape be thinking about him whilst he was showering? Harry felt a shiver flow down his spine.
"Why don't you… join me?" he asked nervously, feeling his cheeks flush. Snape just looked at him, a brow arching. He felt silly after saying it, but this was something that people in relationships did. They shared showers, baths, food, beds… Why couldn't they? He knew Snape's heart was still a bit weak, but it had been days now, and he was sure a simple shower or bath would be okay.
"Erm… no," Snape said awkwardly, looking back down and continuing to scribble on the parchment.
"Why not?" said Harry, putting his hands onto the desk as he walked over.
"Because I don't wish to?" Severus said, as if that was a good enough reason why. He didn't need a reason to not want to bathe with Potter…
Harry felt disappointed. "Okay… sorry I asked," he mumbled. "Well, I'm going to take a bath…"
When Harry walked away into the next room, Severus looked back up. What an odd question to ask. He literally had no idea what the hell brought that on… Sure, Harry was in need of a bath after playing Quidditch, but to ask such a personal question?
Severus put his quill back down, feeling rather uneasy and guilty about the fact that he'd so bluntly rejected him. He knew Potter was clearly more of an affectionate seeking being, but things were still difficult for him to accept—let alone having to deal with seeing Potter naked and sharing a bath with him.
The thought made Severus rather embarrassed, and he felt his blood run cold at the thought. Of course it was a fantasy he enjoyed, but the reality was completely different. He could do anything in his fantasies without feeling embarrassed or awkward over things. Reality was so much different. There was no saying what could happen, there was no telling what Potter was thinking about him and his actions. He could do horrible things in his fantasies—things that he could never do in real life. Hell, that was the whole damn point of fantasies! They weren't real! And most of all, they were private.
Moving uneasily in his seat, he looked up as Fawkes flew over to him onto the table, his claws slipping and the bird stumbling around, his tail hitting up against the ink bottle that was on the table. The black liquid splashed all over the place, Snape immediately trying to step back from the splatter. It was to no avail.
"You idiot!" he hissed, Fawkes squawking as he fluffed himself up and flew up to him, turning on his shoulder and smearing the ink against his cheek. "Fawkes! Get off!" He shook his shoulder and the bird flew back to his perch, seeming more than satisfied with himself.
Immediately, he heard footsteps running through the other room and Harry was there.
"Professor, is everything-," Harry looked at the state of Snape, ink smeared across his face and looking furiously at Fawkes. Instantly, he knew exactly what Fawkes was trying to do, the phoenix shaking his tail feathers proudly.
Harry couldn't hold his laughter in.
"This isn't funny, Potter!" Snape spat, looking down at himself. The dress-shirt he was wearing was completely ruined now unless Harry could clean it with his magic. "I hate that bloody bird."
Harry just chuckled. He hadn't made it into the tub yet; he'd just managed to get his jacket off, grab some fresh clothes and take his socks off.
He made his way over to the Potions master. "Looks like you'll be needing that bath after all."
"Nonsense. Just use a spell," Snape muttered angrily, looking down to Harry. The look in the Gryffindor's eyes did not settle well with him.
Walking behind the desk, Harry took Snape's hands into his own, looking up at him. "Just please have a bath with me. I've already helped you have a bath before… Plus, if we have separate ones… who knows how much hot water I'll leave. Don't want you having a cold shower and getting sick."
Snape gave an aggravated look, eyes halving. He could easily do it the old way with a kettle. That was so tedious, though. "Potter, you are impossible," he muttered, looking down at himself. He wished he could just use magic, that way he could clean everything up. He liked this shirt, too…
"Get in the bath… I'll be there in a minute," he stated. He needed to gather his thoughts for a moment.
Harry grinned and almost jumped like a gleeful child. "Excellent," he smiled, turning and heading back for the bathroom.
Severus frowned, running a hand against his forehead as he glared to Fawkes. "I know what you are doing… I'm not stupid, bird," he muttered, Fawkes giving a happy chirp. He rolled his eyes. It would only be a bath. Nothing more, anyway. Not with his heart. No, just a bath would be fine. Plus… he and Potter were in a relationship… This was what normal couples did. They shared things.
He mentally whined to himself, his skin crawling at the thought. He didn't mind having a bath with Potter, but… Potter seeing him naked. It just made him cringe. One, he didn't want the sympathy, and two, he hated himself. Loathed, more like it. Potter could have anyone with his fame, and instead, he was stuck with him because of their magic… Fucking magic!
Severus scowled as he undid his cravat and walked into the bedroom, grabbing a set of new clothes to wear. He hesitated when he looked at the closed door. The water had stopped running, so it clearly meant that the bath was ready. This was so awkward… Merlin, why couldn't Nagini or that Death Eater have bloody killed him?
No, he could do this… He couldn't just disappoint Harry now. He'd agreed to it, and the more this ink was on his skin, the harder it would be for it to get out. It was simple. Get in, wash himself, get out. No biggy, right? It wasn't like Potter could be any more comfortable about this. It was just a fucking bath! They'd had sex before! It was probably about time he gave into the Gryffindor and showed more of himself.
Taking a breath, he opened the door, closing it behind him and putting his clothes down onto the counter. He turned back around to see Harry sitting in the tub, the bubbles covering up to his chest. Well… that made things easier… But Potter was already in, and he still had to get undressed. At least when Harry had helped bathe him previously, he had given him privacy so he hadn't really seen anything but his chest and up.
"It shouldn't be too hot," said Harry, smiling gently as he extended an arm. "Come on, the more that stuff is on you, the worse it'll stain. Trust me, I once let a pen explode in my pocket back at the Dursleys. Of course, I had to scrub it all day the traditional way. Aunt Petunia wouldn't put it in with Dudley's stuff."
Snape's brow furrowed. It didn't make him feel any more comfortable about himself, but Harry was right. Of course, this would all be so much easier if he were allowed to use magic or Harry just did it for him. Damn Gryffindor antics.
Turning around so he didn't have to face Harry, he started undoing the buttons on his shirt, looking down at himself. It was just a bloody bath… nothing more. It wasn't like Harry didn't have the same equipment he did…
Slipping his shirt off, he put it into the hamper that was in the room—House Elves did the laundry for students as well as teachers. Of course, spells could clean things, but a thorough wash was always for the best. Plus… Snape wasn't even sure if Harry's wand would be able to get the ink all the way out. Scourgify charms only did so much.
As Snape's shirt was slipped off, Harry watched as the man stood with his back to him, shirtless. It wasn't the first time he'd seen Snape's back nude now, but it was the first time he'd seen all the way down to his hips, where his belt sat, the line of his back smooth and deep.
Harry bit his lip, feeling his cheeks flush, his blood travelling to other places of his body as well. Months ago, never would he have thought Snape could be attractive. Somehow over time, Harry's eyes had opened and Snape's appearance had certainly grown to be attractive to him in every way possible.
Okay. Shirt was off… Now pants. Oh Merlin. Turning, he saw Potter was watching him. "Do you mind?" he asked, his hands awkwardly sitting by his side.
"Not really, no…" Harry admitted, now glad there were bubbles in the bath. He was flushed, but he wanted Snape in the tub with him. He extended his hand once more, his glasses getting a little foggy. He'd take them off once Snape was finally in.
"Potter, please turn around." There was a sudden urgency in Snape's voice now.
Alright… but only because he really wanted Snape in here, and he was respectful. He took his glasses off and handed them to Snape. "Just put them on the sink, please."
Taking the glasses, Severus did so before turning back around. Harry kept his face turned, and he quickly slipped his pants off, underwear with them. Awkwardly, he stepped into the other side of the tub and tried to relax, looking at the ink that was now on his skin from the stained shirt.
When the water went level again, Harry turned. His vision was blurry, but the tub wasn't exactly huge. "That's not so bad, is it?" he asked. He did wish he was closer, though, so he could really see Snape clearly. He hated being short-sighted.
Snape leant back a bit, the bandage on his chest still covering him. By now, it was just a patch, though. Soon, he hoped, it would be taken off. He stiffened when Harry moved, coming closer to him.
"Severus…?" Harry asked, moving a little bit closer.
Harry looked down for a moment, his cheeks still warm. "Can I wash you?"
What? Snape nervously eyed the Gryffindor. Why did he have to be so anxious about this? Because deep down he was paranoid what Potter would think of him. Why? It wasn't like he cared what anyone else thought. He'd been called names since he came to Hogwarts. He'd had just about every name thrown at him, not to mention James Potter stealing his clothes when he'd gone for a shower late one night (as the students were all communal). When he was here at Hogwarts, he usually showered when it was late, so no one else was in there with him. He'd always been insecure about his body. When he was little, he was thin and scarred. Now he was older, he had more scars, and didn't exactly look as well toned as Harry did. Not to mention his skin was horribly pasty.
Looking over at the young man, he could see just how toned Harry's shoulders were, down to his chest. Harry wasn't exactly built, he'd always be thin and small for his age (most likely because of the neglect from his aunt and uncle), but he was still toned well. And of course, he had a small patch of hair down his chest. Not much, but it was still there.
"Why…?" he asked. Why would Potter want to wash him? Or even touch him or… have a bloody bath with him? Okay, he got that Harry liked him, but Merlin! It was still hard for him to believe any of that was true! What if this was all just some phase and then he'd get rejected again? His heart torn out and tossed on the floor once more?
Harry didn't really know why, he just wanted to. He wanted to feel Severus. He wanted to be against him. It felt like a life time ago when they had shared the bed. They were together for crying out loud! It was completely normal to want and desire one another…
"Because I-I want to explore you," he said. His voice was nervous, but he wanted to. He wanted to feel all of Severus against him. He moved forward even more, and he was careful to move through the bubbles as he couldn't see where anything was below them. He really didn't want to knee something sensitive.
As the sponge went against his chest, Snape looked down, Harry's hand on the other side of it as he'd put soap onto it. He swallowed hard, putting his hand over Harry's and taking the sponge from it. "I am more than capable."
"Do you hate me touching you or something?" asked the Gryffindor.
Severus just wasn't used to human contact. He'd been neglected as a child, his only friend had been Lily—and even that had been awkward when they'd ever hugged and touched in a friendly matter. Plus, he had feelings for her, so it was even more embarrassing for him. Now he had feelings for Harry and… it had been so many years since anyone had ever cared for him. It was just strange.
He knew he had feelings for Potter, he knew that this was normal. He knew that they should be doing more than just bathing together. They should be comfortable around one another like this, just like most people. But it was difficult. He couldn't just throw all of those years behind him. It wasn't that simple. He may be a powerful wizard, but he was still as human as anyone else when it came to his emotions.
He also knew that this was probably getting old on Potter and frustrating, but he was not about to change who he was with a click of his fingers. It would take time and constant communication between the two of them. He didn't want to lose Harry, he didn't want to disappoint him either. If anything, he wished he could be more supportive and affectionate, but it wasn't just a switch he could turn on and off.
"I do not hate you touching me, Harry, I am just not used to constant affection," he said quietly. He wasn't a submissive person, he could easily stand his ground, but this was not something he was experienced in. He knew it wasn't for Potter, either, but Harry was much more affectionate than he was and ever would be.
Harry nodded gently, moving back a little, though his hand still on Snape's chest. "I know it's awkward feeling… I feel awkward myself, but I want this. I want to be able to feel comfortable around you."
"And you assume I do not?"
"No," Harry stated. "I know you're not as affectionate as me, and that's fine. I can respect that. But I'd like if we could at least try."
Snape scoffed. "Do you think I just let any old wizard into my personal quarters to inhabit it? Not to mention sharing a bath with them?"
Harry let out a gentle breath. "I know… and I appreciate that. It's great progress, and I like it. I like being with you. But… I do wish things could be more involved."
"Because sitting in a tub naked with you isn't involved enough?" Severus muttered uncomfortably. Merlin, the things he was doing for Harry, and he sounded like a nagging child over it not being enough! He felt like getting out.
"I know… I'm sorry," Harry said, moving back to the other side of the bath. "It's stupid, I should be thankful for what you're doing, and I am… I'm sorry," he repeated, feeling guilty about the whole thing. He just really wanted Snape to show he cared and that this wasn't just because their magic had bonded, but because they had as well.
Looking across the room, Severus mentally sighed. Goddamn fucking Gryffindors! He moved a little closer. "Harry, I don't hate you. I like you… quite a lot. And after you… After what you said this evening out by the Quidditch pitch… I may have been thinking on it whilst you were out."
Harry felt embarrassed. "I'm sorry… I don't… I don't know why it slipped. I mean, I like you, and I like you a lot, but… I've never felt this way before. Even with Ginny. Even with Cho."
Yes, Snape didn't need to hear all the other females he'd been with. A sharp pang of jealousy actually struck him in the chest.
"I don't know what it is. If it's our magic, if it's not. But… I just want to be connected with you. More than just sitting in the same room. I want to feel you."
"Believe it or not, Potter, but I do understand," confessed the Slytherin. He'd been feeling the same things, even if he had been trying to subdue it and push it all away.
Harry looked up, Severus blurry from being at the other side. Harry's vision was quite poor without his glasses on, and he could only see a few centimetres away from his eyes clearly. "With…-,"
"You," Snape stated bluntly. Yes, he felt it with Lily, too, but that was not who they were talking about. There would always be a part of him that loved Lily—always—but Harry was just as important, and somewhat even more now. Snape may not show it very well, or at all, but he did care for Harry. His feelings for the Gryffindor were stronger than he let on, and much stronger than he showed Harry.
Hearing that made Harry feel much better, and he could feel his heart thumping in his chest. He instantly remembered that Snape was still unfit. "How is your heart? I mean, talking about this isn't stressing you out or anything, is it?" he asked, instantly moving closer and putting his hand to the bandage on Snape's chest.
Although the conversation was awkward, his heart was actually well paced. He was good at controlling his emotions and subduing them—although Harry was quite good at screwing that up for him.
Realising how close the young man was to him, he felt his body stiffen a little. Without his glasses on, and in the candlelight of the bathroom, Harry's eyes were rather gorgeous. They always were, but the light flickered wonderfully on them.
"Yes, Potter?"
Harry swallowed gently as Severus was quite clear in his view now as they were close. He was in between the man's legs, and beneath the water, he could feel the skin against him. Around him, the aroma of Severus' magic became stronger, and he was unable to hold himself back, moving in to kiss the man on the lips.
This time, Snape wasn't surprised, having felt Harry come so close to him. His hand moved to the back of Harry's neck, deepening the kiss. It was strange how it happened so quickly. Thinking about it all seemed so terrifying and strange, and yet when it happened, it was the most amazing feeling he'd ever surrendered to.
Harry's lips were warm and tender, soft against his own. He gently bit the younger man's lower lip, pulling on his bottom lip and tasting his sweet skin. Harry gave a very satisfying gasp, and Severus found his hands smoothing down the Gryffindor's sides at the hairless skin. He could also feel the Gryffindor's erection against his lower stomach, informing him that Harry was just as excited as he was.
Feeling the gentle nip, Harry just leant into the Slytherin, his hand going into Snape's hair, the other slipping down beneath the water to go on Snape's thigh.
God, it was like nothing he'd ever felt before. And this time, it wasn't a huge blur like their first time, when they had been high on their own magic. But it still felt like a drug, just one that didn't make everything such a haze.
Unwillingly, his pelvis grinded gently against the skin below him. "You taste so good," he whispered breathlessly as his hand dipped in between Severus' thighs to explore his body. Through the bubbles, he couldn't see anything, but his hand soon made perfect images, feeling the patch of hair before the thick member became apparent to his fingertips. Snape was uncut. Nice.
Snape's breath caught in his throat at the hot sensation. His member was already throbbing hard, wanting attention. But his heart! He grabbed Harry's hand with his own beneath the water. "Harry, I can't… it will get my heart-rate too high."
"Control it, you'll be fine," Harry urged, running his palm up the length and getting a very satisfying groan from the Slytherin beneath him. He straddled him inside the bath, putting both of his hands to his chest. "I can keep it painless… It should be enough. Just… please. I really want you."
Bossy bastard. Harry's lips were plump and red from their kiss, and as the Gryffindor straddled him, Severus' arousal only grew harder, almost painful. Soon it was sitting against the warm and inviting crease of Harry's behind, and the soft, almost hairless chest was in front of him.
Leaning forward, he kissed the pectoral, feeling one of Harry's hands (the other still on his chest) go around the back of his neck, tangling into his hair. Merlin, it felt wonderful. He could feel Harry's thick erection against his stomach now, his own prodding gently into the opening.
Harry whimpered as he felt his nipple harden beneath the warm tongue that tantalised it. For someone who hadn't had any sexual experience before, Snape was actually quite good at exciting him—then again, it wasn't like he'd had anyone to compare to either. And he didn't want to.
He grinded his backside against the erection beneath him, feeling just how warm it was. And leaning up a little, he readied himself, feeling the head of Snape's shaft prod at his tight orifice. He winced, gripping Severus' hair tighter into his hand. He bit his lip, clenching his eyes shut.
With his hands, Severus let them slip down to Harry's toned cheeks, spreading them gently so he could access it better. He could do no magic to ease the pain, but the oils inside the bath were enough to make the opening slicker than usual, making for a somewhat comfortable penetration.
Harry tensed gently, gasping as he felt the thickened member slip inside him. He leant back down and kissed Severus' lips once more, Snape's hands going to his hips. And gingerly, he pushed himself up, moving against the Slytherin to get an easy pace between the two of them.
"Nnn… oh, God," he moaned between the kisses. He grabbed his own erection and began to palm it while still moving, his hand on Snape's chest. His cheeks burned all the time. "Are… are you alright?" he quickly checked, feeling Snape's muscles tense as he moved.
"Fine," Snape breathed, the head of his phallus sinking into Harry's behind once more, feeling the walls swallow his erection whole before lifting once more. Oh, Merlin, it was so fucking good. Severus found himself unable to control the movements of his hips, his breathing becoming quite rapid.
Harry felt sweat beginning to bead against his body as he moved his hips in and out to grind against the Slytherin. His body twitched from the tension and pleasure riding through it. His hand soon became rather clenched against Snape's chest, unable to keep back the moans to his movement.
"Nn… oh, Sev… oh, God… I think-" Harry's body tensed hard as he came against Severus' stomach beneath the water, panting hard against his shoulder as he leaned over him. He shuddered, moaning gently into the soft skin.
Severus didn't know if it was because of their magic being bonded or not, or because it was utterly arousing to see Harry release himself, but he came right after, feeling his load release into Harry's backside, milking him as the Gryffindor's body had tensed through orgasm.
He breathed gently, his hands still firm on Harry's hips. Oh Merlin… His body shuddered from the afterglow, and he relaxed against the back of the bath, his hands loosening their grip.
Harry lifted a hand and ran it though his hair, his muscles tense. "Blimey…" he murmured, feeling Snape's erection become flaccid and slipping out of him.
Severus was silent. He didn't know what to say. It all happened so fast, but it had been wonderful. It had been the most pleasurable thing he'd ever felt. Harry's hand having stayed on his chest was a good thing, because his heart was pounding inside his chest… Oh shit!
Hearing movement from outside, Harry instantly pulled out from being against him. "It subdues the pain, not the rate," he said, looking down and hearing Poppy call out his name. He put a finger to his lips in warning for Harry to stay quiet.
From the other room, Poppy Pomfrey knocked on the closed bathroom door. "Severus? Are you in there? I got notified that your heart rate when terribly high! Are you alright?"
Harry gave a worried look, but Snape's expression just went blank. "I'm quite fine, Poppy. It just got hot in here for a moment, that's all. I've made sure the bath temperature is more tolerable," he stated quite bluntly.
"Are you sure you're alright in there?" Came Madam Pomfrey's voice. She didn't sound convinced.
Snape rolled his eyes. "Poppy, if you come in here whilst I'm in the bath, no magic or not, I will make you regret it. I said I am fine, it means I am fine. If I need you, I will get someone to collect you."
There was a moment of silence, and Harry grew nervous, leaning down in the bath as if he were about to dive under if Madam Pomfrey decided to come in. However, finally the witch seemed to take Snape's story and give him the all clear, her footsteps retreating.
Harry finally exhaled, looking at Snape. "You're a good liar…" he said, his body relaxing.
Snape turned back to Harry. "I didn't lie, Potter. I said I was fine, and I am. And things did get rather heated in here…" he said, the corner of his lips curling. "However, Poppy is rather fussy on her patients, so I suggest we remove ourselves and look presentable."
Clever. Harry nodded, though. He quickly washed his body down before reaching for the towel that he'd put on the floor. He grabbed it before standing up and wrapping it around himself, hopping out of the tub.
"Do you need a towel?" he asked, Severus washing himself down. He seemed more comfortable at the thought of that, and Harry grabbed one of the spare towels in the bathroom, padding his way over.
Leaning up, Snape took the towel and stood up, wrapping it around his waist before stepping out. Harry was wrapped up in the large towel, as if it were a cloak. For a Gryffindor, he seemed rather modest about his body. Was it the scars? He'd been meaning to ask about that.
As Harry was searching through his clothes, he watched him from the corner of his eyes. "Harry…" he started, the young wizard holding the towel around him as he put on his clothed, hiding himself. Bloody hell, they'd just been intimate and it wasn't like his body was better. Harry was very attractive, his skin was smooth, a fine colour and nicely toned. How could he ever think he was ugly? Especially when standing next to him. There was no comparison.
Harry turned when Snape's hand went to his shoulder, having pulled his pair or red undies on. "Yeah?"
Snape looked away when the other wizard's eyes went on him. "I… will give you something to subdue the pain if I harmed you in any way," he muttered before turning back around.
Harry's brows arched a little as Severus turned away. "How did you get so many scars?" he said softly, taking in the man's back. His hand tightened around the towel he was holding, quickly grabbing his shirt and slipping it over his torso.
Snape didn't turn around, he just slipped his pants on beneath the towel before removing it and wiping his upper half down. He then grabbed his fresh shirt and slipped it over his shoulders.
"Many battles…" he finally said, turning around to face Harry.
"I don't think any less of you because of them."
"And you think I do for your own?" Snape asked.
Harry looked down. "No…" he mumbled. "I just… I suppose so many people expect me to be perfect, when… I'm not."
"Scars do not make you imperfect, it simply makes the people who put them there imperfect," said the Slytherin, doing up his buttons carefully.
"Did your… family do it?" asked Harry, drying his hair a little with the towel before putting it on the rack.
Severus pulled his arm sleeves down and patted himself down. "My father was fond of alcohol, Potter. He was not… physically abusive as much as he was mentally, but he did tend to take his anger out of my mother and myself occasionally," he confessed.
Snape pointed to his neck that had no cravat covering it. "Of course, that is from Nagini. Some are from the Dark Lord." To be honest, he wasn't horribly marred or anything, but there were a few scars down his chest and back. "Your Godfather broke my nose at least once."
Harry swallowed awkwardly, feeling guilty. "I like your nose," he said, as if it would salvage the issue.
"And I like your back. You are an attractive young wizard, Harry," said Snape, approaching him, even though feeling an awkward flush on his face. He lifted a hand to Harry's cheek and looked down at him, his glasses now covering his eyes.
"You are not responsible for your aunt and uncle's disgusting behaviour, as I am not for my father's." Severus had come to terms with that long ago. He would not sit there like a helpless victim. He had made that clear when he'd stood up for himself from James and his friends.
Harry felt his lips crease into a gentle smile, Snape's hand leaving him.
"I must go check in with Madam Pomfrey. I assume you can take care of yourself for fifteen minutes?" the Potions master drawled as he made himself presentable once more.
Despite having had sex for the second time now, it hadn't seemed like that big of a deal this time. Yes, they'd had sex, but after it happened, it didn't feel as embarrassing as he thought it would. It was kind of quick. He figured it being in the bath and with Madam Pomfrey coming in it sort of ruined the afterglow, but he was sure Snape wasn't the kind of man to want cuddles afterwards.
"I think I can manage that," he grinned, Severus giving him that signature glare. "I'll be fine, I promise." When Snape seemed satisfied by the answer, he bit his lip and put his hand out, tugging on Snape's arm.
Snape turned. "Is there something I missed?"
"I… I know we've had our ups and downs, and I know we've done mean things to each other, but… I like us," Harry said, feeling himself flush. "I like being able to do things with you. I think there's more to you that you don't let others see, and I'm okay with that. I know you're just protecting yourself. I don't blame you… but… I like that you can be open with me."
Severus' expression went blank. He could not say he was completely open and honest with Potter. He still had many things he had not told Harry. About his past, of course. Nothing really new now, but there were still things Harry didn't know about him.
He nodded gently. For lack of better words, he simply repeated Harry, "I like us, too, Potter." It seemed to suffice as Harry's rich lips turned into a light smile. "I will come back after I have checked in with Poppy."
Letting go of Snape's arm, Harry nodded. He had homework to do anyway, so he figured that could keep him busy. He'd like to go and see Ron and Hermione as well, but he'd see them at dinner. Right now, he wanted to relish in the fact that he and Snape had just, for the second time, been intimate.