Chapter Thirty: Glow.

When Snape left, Harry ended up leaving as well. Just in case Severus came back before him, he wrote a note and sat it on the bed, telling him that he was going to see Ron and Hermione. Now that he was clean and in fresh clothes, he wanted to see his friends before dinner.

He'd gone to the common room, but they weren't there. Neville, instead, was sitting inside. "Hey Neville," he said. Neville was reading a book on various magical plants and fungi—like usual.

"Hey, Harry. Where have you been?" asked the other Gryffindor.

Considering Neville was terrified of Professor Snape (still), Harry hadn't really talked to him about the whole thing. Neville didn't seem comfortable about the subject—which he saw coming. But he still wanted Neville to get over his fear. Snape wasn't even that bad anymore! You just had to make him know he couldn't always win. He could be a real arse, but underneath all that was actually a pretty reasonable (?) person.

"I… was with Snape," he said, seeing Neville look back to the page he'd been reading. "I know it's not comfortable for you, Neville, but you have to really get over this fear you have. He's not even that bad anymore…"

Neville was always horrible at Potions, so he was more than grateful that he wasn't taking it this year. He hadn't had to deal with Snape at all, and it had been wonderful. But finding out Harry and he were in a relationship? Neville found it hard to even look at Harry because it made him nervous and turned his ears red.

"Look, Neville… you took on a snake… a Horcrux, even, and you're still afraid of Snape?" asked Harry, brows arched and eyes wide.

Neville stopped reading. "I know… but he's still scary." He wasn't as nearly as scared of him as he once was within his first few years. Lupin helped him with the Boggart in their third year.

Harry couldn't help but laugh. Okay, Snape could still be scary, he knew that. "Yeah, okay, but c'mon… All this time, he turned out to be one of the good guys. One of us. I know I hated him before I knew the truth… but I'm glad I know it, because it means I know he's not as evil as we all thought he was. He just played his part bloody-well brilliantly."

The other boy still felt uneasy. "I'm not saying I'm against your relationship, Harry. I think you and Snape have good magic, and it's probably a strong bond (God, was it ever), but he still makes me nervous," admitted Neville. "And he was still a Death Eater at one point in time."

Yeah, Harry knew that. Snape wasn't exactly the nicest of people, especially when he was younger. He was very bitter, but also very confused and wanted to belong. Didn't everyone want to belong somewhere? Well, that's how Harry saw it, anyway. It didn't justify his actions, no, but he had certainly made up for them in his eyes.

Looking back at Harry, Neville put his book down. "You've been with him, haven't you?"

Harry looked at the other boy in confusion. Of course he'd been with Snape, he just said that before. "Yeah… I already told you I was just with him."

"No, I mean…" Neville stopped, feeling his cheeks go pink. "I might not be good at Potions, but I do know bits and pieces about Ancient Magic, and… I can smell yours. It's actually quite potent. And excitement does that, or anger, or anything that uses lots of energy. I have a feeling you'd be more angry if you and Professor Snape had a fight…"

What!? People could… tell if they'd had sex!? Harry felt his own cheeks go red in horror at that. Did Snape know this? He'd just gone to the bloody hospital-wing. Thank God not everyone knew about this Ancient Magic, otherwise students everywhere would know… He felt highly embarrassed now.

"N-no… well, I mean, yeah, we were together, but… not like that," he tried to cover up. Neville just gave him an odd look. "You could have told me this before, you know?"

"I don't care, Harry. Like I said, your magic is strong. Why not bond to someone like Snape? He's powerful." He personally never would have thought about that, as Snape terrified him, but Harry was a strong wizard. "Not a lot is known about this specific magic still, even if it's old… I thought Snape might have known…"

If he did, he certainly didn't tell him! Harry felt almost guilty. He knew Snape was more than a dick to Neville in class. Hell, he was a dick to him as well. Sometimes Harry really did wonder how the hell they had both come to like each other. But something in Snape had changed when he was bitten. Knowing the truth did change everything, and it changed the way he looked at Snape.

He knew Snape was still a prick sometimes. It wasn't something he could just switch off, but he had toned down at least a little bit. Potions classes weren't nearly as bad as they once were now that Voldemort was gone. Things had changed. Snape may still be bitter about his past, but that didn't mean he was still that cruel.

"Neville… do you remember that time with Umbridge? When she caught us about to sneak out?" Neville looked up, nodding. "You remember how Snape told Crabbe to loosen his grip on you?"

"Yeah… so?" asked Neville.

"Don't you realise that if Snape really did hate you, that he would have been more than happy to see you being strangled by one of his Slytherins?" Harry's voice was calm, but formal. He'd seen Snape do many things, things that sometimes came off as bad, but were in fact good.

"I doubt Professor Snape would have cared if I got strangled. He probably only did it so he wouldn't get into trouble from Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore had no power, it was all Umbridge. She even put him on probation, don't you remember?" Harry tried not to laugh at the mental image of Snape bowing sarcastically to her. "Umbridge could have sacked him right then and there for not being helpful and then downright disobeying an order by telling Crabbe to let go of you. We all know she enjoyed it." The bitch.

"Look, I know it might not seem it… but Snape does care about the students here at Hogwarts. Yeah, he favours Slytherin like no tomorrow, and he's done some mean things to me over the time as well, but… a lot of it was because he was trying to help me. He just couldn't do it nicely because it would have given him away. I'm not saying he wasn't a jerk—he was! But… a lot has changed since Voldemort, including Snape." Not to mention Harry had been a constant reminder of James, and Lily never being his.

Neville was quiet for a moment, taking everything in. He was thankful that Professor Snape had told Crabbe to let go of him, but even so. He still scared him and treated him poorly when he'd taken Potions.

"He's still scary… Still scarier than Nagini anyway," he said.

Harry shook his head. "Well, you don't have Potions with him anymore anyway, so you don't have to worry about him… I thought you wanted to be an Auror… Isn't Potions a must?"

"It is, yeah, but… I was thinking of moving into something more to do with plants. Maybe even becoming a professor here," Neville said, a little enthusiasm finally showing on his face.

"Well… you'd be good at it… But if you want to be an Auror… I could put in a good word for you. It doesn't have to be Snape, I could help you. Hermione could."

"I… I wouldn't want to be any trouble, Harry. A-and I don't think Professor Snape would let me. He even refused you and Ron because your marks weren't Outstanding. I can't see why he'd let me back in, and I don't know if I can survive another year of Potions."

Harry mentally rolled his eyes. "It's not that bad," he reassured. "I'll talk to McGonagall. We've still got heaps of the school year left, and missing out on an opportunity like that would be a mistake." Plus, if he talked to McGonagall about it, Snape couldn't refuse. He pretty much bended over backwards for her and Dumbledore. Snape was loyal.

"Y-you'd really talk to her about it?" Something in Neville didn't want to go back to Potions. He wanted to be an Auror with Harry and Ron, of course. But… Potions… "You won't ask Professor Snape, will you?"

"He'll soon know about it, Neville. I'd rather tell him to lay off you than to be cruel to you your first day back."

Neville looked down. "I-I don't know, Harry."

"Come on, it's worth a try, Neville. And if not, then you'd be a great professor."

Neville nodded, looking back down to his book. He felt guilty that he was still scared around Snape. "I still support you, Harry… You're still my friend," he made clear.

The other Gryffindor nodded. "Thanks, Neville," he said, standing back up. Neville informed him that Ron and Hermione had gone to the library (on the weekend, Ron was whipped), so he soon headed down there.

Paranoid that everyone could sense his magic, he tried to take as many back routs as possible. When walking down one of the back corridors, he ran into Severus, making him stop.

"What are you doing taking the back ally?" he asked.

Severus raised a brow. "I could ask you the same thing, Potter. Then again, it's nothing new for you to be roaming out of bounds."

Harry shrank into his shoulders, feeling awkward. It wasn't that he was ashamed of Snape, but people knowing they'd just had sex? That was embarrassing! No one needed to know that!

"People can tell…" he said softly, though looking at Snape. "They can tell we've-,"

"Yes, I just had a very uncomfortable conversation with Madam Pomfrey I would have preferred not to have," Severus muttered awkwardly.

Harry felt his cheeks go a bit warm. "Will it always be like this?"

Severus didn't know the full extent of this particular magic. He was actually headed to the library right now so he could research on it, because if that were the case, then it would be very embarrassing. What he and Harry did in their private time was for them to know, and them to know only.

"I am unsure of that. I thought I might research in the library if they had anything." It would only been in something in the restricted section, so better he do it than Harry.

Something Snape didn't know? Somehow that didn't make Harry feel good right now. "I was just headed there myself… To find Ron and Hermione, that is," he added on the end as they'd met at the corridor they'd both need to go down.

"Are you allowed to use magic yet?" he asked, starting to move down the corridor.

"Yes, I am," stated Severus. Thank Merlin. He was very tired of not being able to use his magic. "Of course, nothing too powerful. Madam Pomfrey said it would be wise to abstain from using it for a few more days, but as long as it's simple magic, it should not weaken me."

When was magic ever simple? "So what can you do? I'm guessing no Patronus."

Of course not. "Every witch and wizard is different, Potter. I'm not about to summon something silly just for the sake of showing off," he muttered, looking down at Harry as they were still walking.

Harry chuckled. "Yeah, I suppose." And then it struck him. This meant that he wouldn't be able to stay with Severus anymore. After all, why? Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall had only allowed him to because of his magic, and to lower Snape's stress levels. Now that he was able to be by himself… he'd have to return to Gryffindor Tower.

"Does this mean… I can't stay with you anymore?" he asked, looking back up to Snape as they continued walking. The man gave him a quick glance before looking back ahead.

"The Headmistress was not in the hospital wing at the time (thank Merlin), but she did send an owl which I intercepted on the way, saying it would be best if you returned to your common room when I am clear with Poppy, if only to subdue the students," explained Snape.

"Figures," Harry mumbled. "I don't want to have to go, though. I like staying with you." He stopped, which made Severus stop, turning and looking at him. "Besides… it's not like she was there to see your check up."

"Potter, when have you ever obeyed school rules?" Severus mused, raising a brow.

The Cloak! "Well…" he murmured cheekily, Snape continuing to walk. Very Slytherin of Severus, Harry thought.

He bit his lip in thought. Should he ask about Neville? Neville wanted to be an Auror. The worst thing Snape could say was a no. And if that was his answer, then he'd go to McGonagall. She was always willing to help students better themselves.

"Professor, I just had a talk with Neville, and he wants to be an Auror-,"

"I can see where this is going," Snape muttered. "Neville Longbottom's scores were lower than yours, Potter, and I barely allowed you back into my class." Hell, he didn't even! He was forced to do it!

"He's only bad because you make him so nervous!" Harry said. He knew it sounded stupid, especially considering how many things Neville had stood up to, but it wasn't like Snape made it easy for him.

Snape raised an amused brow. "Potter, if you're going to insist I take him into my classes, then he is going to have to prove to me that he is capable. You, yourself, had extra lessons with me, simply because the Headmistress forced it upon us."

"I won't make you have lessons with him," Harry promised, after all, he doubted that would make things better on any of them. "Hermione's always up to teaching more. And I can help. You've taught me loads of things."

Severus gave an impressed facial. "Either way, I know what you're going to do if I say no. You'll run straight up to the Headmitress and beg her, and Professor McGonagall would be more than willing to throw another student at me. I have a feeling I have little of a choice…" he drawled.

Harry gave an innocent grin. "I'll make it up to you, I promise," he smiled. Snape just gave him an unsatisfied expression. "Just don't be so hard on him…"

"I would have thought being a member of Dumbledore's Army would have made Longbottom less frightened of me." There was a light sense of amusement in Severus' voice now.

"Yeah…" Harry rubbed the back of his neck, "I thought so, too. But… turns out you're just a big, scary professor."

Severus could have snorted.

"So… you will think about it, right?" asked the Gryffindor, looking up through his glasses.

Snape gave a scoff. "I promise you nothing, Potter, but I may think about it," he mumbled. He already knew he had no damn choice, but he acted as if he had the upper hand here. He wasn't going to let Harry think he had no power whatsoever over the situation.

Harry grinned. As cruel as Snape could be, it just took the right tone of words to get him working the way you wanted him to. Although he had a feeling Snape wouldn't give in so easily if he hated him still…

The rest of the walk was fairly quiet, and once they reached the library they parted ways. Snape told him that if he found anything he would share it with him back in his office. Harry spotted Ron and Hermione and moved over to them, taking a seat.

"Harry you're… you look… different," said Ron, arching a brow. He didn't know as much about this Ancient Magic as Hermione had. In fact, he knew little about it at all. Everything he knew about it had been told by Harry or Hermione.

"Um… thanks?" Harry said, shrinking into his shoulders as he tried not to let this 'glow' affect him too much. Hermione, however, looked down at her book, hiding a smirk. He kicked her under the table, making her flinch and whisper an apology.

"No, really… It's weird. It's like… you're glowing or something. Like Mum when she was pregnant with Ginny… And you… smell good, too…" Now Ron gave his friend a very curious and odd look.

"I had a bath…" Harry said, as if it were nothing. "Very nice of you to notice, Ron," he grinned, trying to hide the fact that it was from Snape.

Ron gave an embarrassed look. "Well, the soap we use never smells that good. I say we're getting ripped off…"

"Well, don't worry, I'll be in the regular bathrooms again soon. Now that Professor Snape is well enough to look after himself, I have to return to Gryffindor Tower."

"Oh," Hermione said, frowning. "Well, I suppose McGonagall has her reasons. Although, with the rumours having died down, I would have thought that it'd be okay to stay."

"I didn't talk to her personally, so I'm not exactly sure what she said." And he hadn't asked for the letter off Snape.

"How do you know Snape's not lying? Wouldn't be the first time…" Ron mumbled.

Harry rolled his eyes. "I don't, but I don't really think he'd lie about something like that." What was his problem, anyway? He thought Ron was getting over the fact that he and Snape were dating now.

"Yeah… I suppose. You two are pretty close these days. Anyway, dinner is going to be ready soon and I'm hungry, so I'll meet you guys there," said Ron, standing up and packing his books up before walking away.

"What was all that about?" Harry asked, looking to the girl who remained.

Hermione looked down at her open books, her shoulders moving a little uneasily. "Harry… it's not your fault, it's just… ever since you and Snape have been… you know? Well… I think Ron's… jealous."

"Jealous? He hates Snape!"

"Not jealous of that," Hermione said, "You know what I mean, Harry. Jealous that we haven't had… sex… while you have." Her voice was quiet when she spoke, and highly embarrassed.

"Oh…" Harry didn't know what to say. He figured Ron would have said something about this to him before… He was never sure how involved Ron and Hermione had been with one another. They always seemed a bit odd about showing public forms of affection.

"But… it's… not like that," he tried to say. "I mean… we haven't even done much. Snape's not exactly the most out there kinda guy," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"That's not the way Ron sees him," Hermione sighed. "And Harry… you have got to be more careful! Ron may not know about your magic, but I do, and you're glowing. If he knew, he would have been even more troublesome…"

Harry felt guilty. He shouldn't feel guilty at all! What he and Severus did was their own personal business. But why was Ron being like this? He got the fact that he wanted to be intimate with his girlfriend, after all, he wanted the same thing with Snape. He was still getting used to the fact that he liked men! It may not be anything new in the wizarding world, but to him it was still very confusing and challenging. Here at Hogwarts it wasn't so bad, but when he stepped outside? He didn't know what to expect from the general public seeing him and Severus walking around together.

"Yeah… neither of us knew that…" he said awkwardly, putting his elbows onto the table. "Snape's gone searching for information about it, so hopefully we'll both know more about the whole thing by tonight—er… I mean, just theory-wise," he added embarrassedly. "I-I didn't lie to Ron, I really did have a bath."

"I believe you," Hermione nodded. "But be more careful. If you two want to stay together, then you're going to have to be more discreet during school."

Yeah, he got it. He also understood why Snape wasn't as open and showy as well. He understood that their relationship might not be flying around as much as it was before, but it could still cause a disturbance, and McGonagall could still get them into severe trouble. Thank God this was his final year, and then he and Severus could truly be together.

"I'm sorry Ron's acting out. He shouldn't be… It's… not all as it's cracked up to be, you know?" he said. Okay, that was a lie, he was just being modest. Being with Severus was amazing, and one of the most amazing things he'd ever felt. But that could have been simply because of their magic. It eased the pain he knew was there. It helped the pleasure increase. He doubted it would have been that intense if their magic hadn't bonded.

Hermione shook her head. "Harry, you don't need to make me feel better. I know what you and Snape share is… not as regular as every other witch or wizard."

Looking down, Harry felt embarrassed. But he didn't want to make Hermione feel bad. It was nothing to brag about, and he wouldn't anyway. What he and Snape did, no one else needed to know what it felt like.

"Why haven't you? If you don't mind me asking," he said curiously. He didn't want Hermione to be uncomfortable, but the both of them had common respect for one another.

Hermione just shrugged. She was a girl with respect. She didn't just drop everything for any guy. She loved Ron, yes, but they were still in school. Her studies were important to her, and to be honest, it was a little bit frightening. She always thought she would be married before anything like that would happen.

"I suppose the thought… scares me a little," she admitted. "I mean, of course I love Ron, and… I'm attracted to him, but I guess the thought worries me. I'm worried it could change things. I'm worried it could make things worse. I know I might sound silly, considering all we've been through, but look how long it actually took us to admit our feelings to one another. Besides, we're at school now, and that's just wrong! I'd never be that disrespectful."

"Disrespectful?" Harry asked. Did that make him and Snape disrespectful because they had shared something passionate with one another? It wasn't just sex to him, if that's what Hermione was thinking. He didn't think it was with Snape, either… But… he'd never asked. It just sort of happened both times.

"Well, in the sense that we're both students, and we sleep in dorms. It's hardly appropriate to sneak out and do something like that in such a filthy place. I want it to be something special," said Hermione.

"I don't mean anything against you or Snape. What you have is different. One, your magic is bonded, so it was bound to happen sooner or later," she said with a wave of her hand, "And two, Professor Snape has his own quarters. At least it's private. Plus, he's not a student."

No, he was a professor, which would be ten times worse if they were doing this without their magic having been bonded. He doubted anything would have gone this smoothly. Well… as smooth as it had been, anyway. He wouldn't exactly call the last few months 'smooth'.

"Well, I'm no expert, Hermione… and I'm not gunna pretend to be one. Things are awkward, but… they get better. And I hear over time it hurts less, if you're worried about that. Although, to be fair… you wouldn't exactly do things the way we do."

Hermione tried to keep an embarrassed laugh back. "Well, I'm happy at least one of us is exploring."

Harry smirked. "Yeah… well… I wouldn't say by much. Snape's not exactly the kind of guy who goes around looking for that kinda stuff. I dunno how Ron thinks that… From all the years he called him names and a virgin…"

A sad smile crossed Hermione's face. "He's just being bitter about the whole thing," she tried to reassure him. "It's not been easy on him. His best friend starting to like someone older than him, then being sexually active. Plus… you know Ron's thoughts on Snape. He's just thinking the worst things possible. That you're either his toy or he's abusing you."

What!? Is that seriously how Ron saw Snape!? Okay, so he knew he didn't like him, and he didn't like them dating, but seriously!? Snape had spent his whole life here at Hogwarts protecting him! Sure, he could have been nicer about it, but that was beside the point! Severus was nothing like that!

So Severus may not be submissive, he was clearly the more dominant one in the relationship, but that didn't mean he was abusive. If anything, it was Harry who pushed needily when it came to them having sex twice. God… what if he'd pushed Severus when he didn't really want it?

"Just what has he been saying?" he asked, Hermione hushing him as a reminder that they were in the library. His voice had raised a little and he didn't realise. He apologised and looked around once more before repeating the question.

She shouldn't really be repeating any of this. It wasn't like Ron had told her not to, but did he really have to by now? But Harry was her best friend as well. He did have the right to know.

"Silly things, Harry, and nothing that's true, I know," she tried to reassure the other. When Harry didn't seem satisfied with that answer, she sighed. "Alright, but don't go make a big deal out of it, okay?"

"Just tell me, Hermione." By now, Harry was losing his patience.

"Just that… I can't really remember it off by heart, but just stupid things, like Snape hurting you. Making you do things that you don't want to do. He thinks… He thinks Snape is manipulating your mind…"

"What!?" Harry winced as he realised he'd been loud again, getting the attention of a few other students. They gradually turned away soon enough. "Why would he think something like that? If that's really how he feels, then why isn't he coming up to me and telling me this!? Why is he just saying it all behind my back?"

"I told you, because he knows it's not true. He's just being bitter…" Hermione shook her head tiredly. "He refuses to see anything good in Professor Snape. And now being jealous of the whole sex thing, it's just… It's getting to him. He probably doesn't want to tell you because he's embarrassed about it all. Because, let's face it, we all know that's not happening."

Damn right it wasn't happening! Snape had tried and tried to fight his feelings only to finally 'try' and deal with them. They had sex because he gave into Harry both times. He could have said no both times. He could have even made move after move if he wanted to. Snape was strong and much taller than he was. He could easily overpower him if he wanted to.

Harry shook his head. He didn't want Hermione to get into trouble, but he didn't want Ron getting away with what he was saying either. He wouldn't do that to Hermione, but he didn't know if he could just push it all aside at the same time.

"I'm sorry, Harry…" said the girl, looking down. "I'll try and talk some sense into Ron tonight. Dinner's going to be ready soon, and you should be fine walking around now anyway. Your glow is starting to wear off."

Harry looked down at himself, as if he could see it (though he couldn't). He nodded silently, and the both of them headed to the Great Hall for dinner.


Harry had to pretend that the conversation about Snape and him didn't happen in the library while he sat next to Ron during dinner. He was thankful that he still had to go back to Snape's quarters as he needed to collect his things.

He wasn't looking forward to leaving. Sleeping in the Gryffindor common room seemed like a strange thought now considering he'd been down with Snape for two weeks now. It sounded silly, he knew, but he was going to miss it a lot. Severus, obviously, but also Fawkes as well. Spells would have to come back up with him, too.

He walked as quickly as possible down to the dungeons, avoiding the Slytherins on the way. The faster he got there, the more time he could at least spend with Snape before he had to return to his own dormitory for the night.

When he reached Snape's office, he was about to knock, but stopped when he heard that someone else was inside. He didn't want to just barge in uncomfortably, so instead, he lowered his hand. It was Draco Malfoy. There was no mistaking his voice.

"Father's been asking questions, Professor," said the blonde haired Slytherin. "Personally, I don't care what you do with Potter, but… I want to know the truth."

"If you don't care, then why ask?" said Snape, sitting behind his desk, with his hands linked on the table.

"Because you…!" Malfoy sighed. "You know what you did for me on the Astronomy Tower… I thought by now we would have been more than just student and professor…"

Friends? Snape kept a blank expression. "Draco, your father and I have our pasts, but I make no illusion to his loyalties."

"I know…" said Malfoy. "Nor do I. In fact, my mother has been meaning to thank you."

"Yes, I received her letter a while back. I have not had the time to write back, as I was bedridden and spending most of my time making sure my classes aren't a complete mess when I return," Snape explained.

Harry listened from the door. Letters? He got letters from the Malfoys? Harry realised he knew little about what Snape actually did with other people. The last few weeks he'd been so hung up on their relationship that he'd never even bothered to ask and get to know what Severus did in his real spare time. Not school time, but outside of school. Something in his gut didn't settle well. Snape had been friends with Death Eaters…

"I assume you've seen the evening addition of the paper?" asked Draco. "They've captured the ring leaders of the Death Eaters. I suppose this means most of the others will be turned in. You're lucky that the one that tried to kill you ended up spilling so many names. I tried to visit you, but… Potter was there."

"That does not surprise me," Snape mused. "Death Eaters never really were loyal to one another once captured. They'd sell their own mother if it meant an escape from Azkaban." He made no comment about Harry.

"Yes, but it makes things easier for you and I. You're not the only one they've been after, Severus. We should be able to come out of hiding now."

Severus? Draco called him by his first name? Harry's brow furrowed.

"I'm well aware, Draco. I have been keeping an eye on you. I made a vow to protect you. Although the Dark Lord is gone, and that no longer stands, I still do not wish for your life to be in danger."

"Yes, but with Potter…"

"What of him?" This time, Snape's voice was sharp.

There was a pause before Draco spoke once more. "Did you… always have feelings for him? You certainly fooled everyone if so."

Everyone said that, and it was rather annoying. "What my feelings are towards Harry Potter is not really any of your concern, Mister Malfoy. I owed a debt to the Potter family, and I fulfilled it in protecting Potter whilst he attended school here. Anything beyond that, you needn't worry about."

Needn't worry about? Harry felt his insides clench a little. Why couldn't Severus just say it? He liked him, didn't he? It would be nice to hear Snape saying something good about him to people every once in a while…

He heard movement, knowing Malfoy was going to come out. While he was thinking, he hadn't heard the last of the conversation. He moved back a bit, as if he had just arrived, the door swinging open.

Malfoy looked at Harry. They weren't enemies any longer, so there wasn't any reason to be cruel. Plus, Draco had matured a lot, understanding who he was now compared to when he was under orders from Voldemort.

"Potter…" he noted. He gave a small nod of his head and held the door open, the Gryffindor giving him an odd look. "If you and Professor Snape, a family friend of the Malfoy's, really are together… then I will show you my respects."

Harry didn't know what to say. Draco Malfoy? Holding the door open for him? Harry shook his head. "There's no need for that, but thanks," he said, nodding politely as he headed inside. He closed the door behind him, looking at Snape.

"What the hell was that about?"

Severus gave a shrug. "I am no stranger to the Malfoy family," he said calmly. By the look on Harry's face, he'd been standing there for quite some time. "You do realise there's no need to wait outside if you wish to come in here. I'd rather you not eves drop."

A frown covered Harry's face. "Sorry," he said, rubbing his arm. "I didn't realise you and Draco were close. I mean, I knew you were looking out for him and what you did for Dumbledore."

"Lucius and I do go back since our time here at Hogwarts, Harry," said Snape, leaning back into his chair. "Before his cowardice, he was quite a stunning wizard. He is attempting to redeem himself. But I make no mistake in knowing who he is. And before you get any ideas, I don't make a habit of discussing my personal life with others that needn't know if it."

Harry felt a little guilty, but he saw the evening addition of the Prophet on the desk. "I heard the good news, though. The Death Eaters, most of them being captured. That means you can return home through the holidays, right?"

Not that Spinner's End was really a home to him, but Snape nodded. "It does."

Harry wanted to pluck up the courage to ask if he could stay with him, or visit him, but instead, he went silent for a moment. "Well, that's good… I just came to get my stuff…" he murmured disappointedly.

Severus noted the tone in Harry's voice. He stood up from his desk and grabbed the letter that McGonagall had given him. "Unless there is a specified date on this letter, I don't see why you have to leave tonight," he said, holding it up.

Adjusting his glasses, Harry quickly read through it. "But… you don't need me taking care of you anymore…" he said, Snape putting his hand back down.

"I don't think my heart is ready to let you go just yet, Potter," Severus said, a small smirk creasing his lips. "Besides, I recall you promising that you would have all of your homework done before Monday. It's Sunday, Potter, and still not finished. You best hurry." His arm lifted in the direction of the bedroom where Harry's books still were.

He was serious? Harry's stomach was suddenly flipping with joy. "You think you could help me?" he asked.

Severus scoffed. "And potentially give Gryffindor House points?"

Harry just shook his head before heading into the other room.