Rex Benedictus and Lola Bunny

Solomon and Meifeng were on the road, but it wasn't a pleasant ride as Qetsiyah nagged him about sending Meifeng after Elena. By no means did she like Elena, but Elena had yet to serve her purpose, and Qestsiyah didn't want her dying before then.

After Qetsiyah finished, Solomon got a call from Bonnie, and she nagged him or until he arrived at the airport. As the coupled got in line to purchase their ticket, Meifeng said, " You look unphased."

"I am. Who is Elena Gilbert? I don't care if she dies. And how I manage my women is my business. She chose to get in my bed. It's her fault that she was too weak to keep her spot." Solomon spoke in his usual monotone.

The people around him were flabbergasted, and Meifeng giggled. Still, Solomon didn't care for any of their reactions as he made his way to the agent that booked two tickets on the next non-stop flight to New York, New York.

With an hour to get to their flight, Meifeng and Solomon zoomed through the airport just in time to make boarding. They took their seats in first class and took a quick nap. When they awoke, they were already on the ground again.

"Babe, we should go to the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, a nice date at Central Park."

"Wow! we didn't come for all of that. First things first, we get a hotel, and then we go buy a shit load of copy paper." Solomon spoke, and Meifeng was beyond confused. Though she said nothing as she knew Solomon had his Doc Brown moments.

Sometime later, a Taxi dropped the couple off at the Baccarat Hotel. With a bit of Glamour magic, Solomon got himself the Baccarat Suite --a most indulgent, luminous, and elaborate, this suite conjures the alchemy of modern-day Paris through a Baccarat lens. Luxe artistry giving way to beauty beyond measure.

"Mr. and Mrs. Benedictus is there anything we can get for you to make your stay more comfortable." the sweet agent asked with a pearly white smile.

"Ah, yes, I would like twenty-five, twenty-pound boxes of copy paper sent to my room. I would also like your finest suits and dresses sent to our room, my wife and I have an important engagement tomorrow. Finally, have an SUV ready for us at six in the morning. Not six o' one, or six-ten. Six on the dot." said Solomon, and the woman internally sighed as she was just about to get off work, though now she would be doing overtime.

"Would like a driver?" she asked.

"You," Solomon replied with a blank face. "And I want my request fulfilled in the hour."

Solomon then took his key card and walked away with Meifeng.

"Have you done this before?" she asked.

Solomon chuckled, "I was taught by a Queen and my caretaker, Madam LaRue, is a woman of the highest pedigree in New Orleans."

An hour later, Solomon and Meifeng walked around in Satin pajamas provided by the hotel. A knock then came from the door. Solomon called out, and the door opened as the female agent wheeled in a cart of boxes filled with copy paper. The two racks of clothing followed her in.

That night, Solomon used his magic to cut the paper to the size of dollar bills. Then drew sigils on each and every one of them. When he was finished, he called his Swedish bank and informed them that he would be arriving at their New York Branch at 10 AM to make a deposit.

When 6 AM rolled around, Solomon had six large silver briefcases carried to his SUV. He and Meifeng then went around town purchasing diamonds and gold with copy paper glamoured to look like real money.

After three hours of appointments and purchase, Meifeng finally asked in Chinese, "Why are buy so many diamonds and gold? Why can't you just push all of the glamoured money into the bank? Once it's in the system, it's real as diamonds."

"Wrong. If you think the banks do not employ witches, you are mistaken. Most banks are actually warded up the ass to prevent magic from being used in and against the building. Bigger banks even have wards that dispel glamours. And when you get caught, you don't go to witch jail. They just put a bullet-in you." Solomon explained.

"But I thought the supernatural was like a super-secret," said Meifeng.

"Mutation Atavism. Millions of mutations happen during conception. Most are harmless, while others lead to birth defects. In the X-men, people received superpowers. Now an Atavism is basically reverting to the similar state of your ancestors."

"So you're saying that some people with dormant witch blood become witches because the random mutation happens in just the right way?"

"Yupp. And vice versa. Some people belong to families that once had witches until they just trickled out. The supernatural is the worst kept secret of all time. Myths, legends, stories, movies. Everyone knows everything and nothing about the supernatural."

"I never thought of it that way," said Meifeng.

"Hey!" Solomon spoke in English to the driver. "Marina, right? Play something different. Like the blues."

Solomon then continued in Chinese. "So the fake money is turned into real money by purchasing gold and diamonds. Then that is put into the bank. Banks offer conversion, so essentially, in less than 24 hours, I turned a few hundred dollars worth of copy paper into millions."

"Won't the glamour end?" Meifeng was curious.

"For the targets, no. But if they try to hand it off, yes. But worry not, I used different information for each meeting."

When Solomon arrived at his bank, he made his deposit. The Gold and diamonds were converted to euros. He then pulled out some spending money and went on his way. From then on, Solomon did everything Meifeng wanted to do until it was time to return to the motel.

Once dressed in the finest that Baccarat Hotel had to offer, Solomon grabbed a special outfit with some accessories and then left with Meifeng.

"What are those for?" Meifeng asked.

"Our driver. We have to be prepared for the auction," he said with a savage smirk.

When the couple reached their SUV, Marina was waiting for them. After Meifeng got in, Solomon looked at Marina and handed her 2500 dollars. She was shocked and stuttered nonsense.

"If you want more, go inside, tell them that I no longer need a driver, and then quit," Solomon spoke with a demanding tone. Marina wasn't sure if he was offering her a job or commanding her employment. However, she had been with him all day and seen exactly what kind of money Solomon had.

Without much more thought, Marina left and returned unemployed.

"You work for me now. You'll be my assistant and manage all my mundane affairs as well as filling in wherever you're needed." Solomon tossed another 2500 dollars at her along with a bag, " You have five minutes to change. If you don't come back, ill find you. If you aren't wearing your uniform, I'll fire you."

Solomon then got in the SUV and waited for the young woman to return.

"Are you really going to make her wear that?" Meifeng asked.

"I need a slave for my character. She will play the part." Solomon answered. " Headmaster and Mrs. Rex Benedictus and their slave, Lola Bunny." Solomon chuckled.

Meifeng giggled, "You are so perverted. But can we really keep her? Why are you called Headmaster?"

"Isn't it obvious? The money, Grams pulling resources and stepping up her career, Purchasing all the land around the Witch House, along with a plethora of Grimoires even though I have direct access to every dead witch over centuries." Solomon all but spelled out his plan.

"You want to build a school. A school for witches!" Meifeng squeaked with a big smile.

"Exactly." he replied, "Oh, here she comes. And yes, we're going to keep her."

Meifeng and Solomon looked out the window as Marina walked out of the prestigious hotel in black high heels and lace lingerie bodysuit. The lace only covered her mound and breasts. Lace stips wrapped around her body, leaving her smooth tight skin for all to see. Around her neck was a slave collar with a leash attached to it. Marina's hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and a lace mask covered her upper face with two large bunny ears erected from her head.

Everyone gawked at the sexy display of the young beauty. However, some were appalled, while many men were slapped by their wives and girlfriends.

Marina thoroughly broke everyone's mind when it was revealed that her thong left her ass out, and in between her cheeks was a sparkling silver buttplug.

When Marina got into the SUV, the moment her ass pressed against the seat, she let out a soft moan.

"I expected you to be longer, but it seems you're no stranger to having things up your ass." Solomon teased with a mischievous smirk.

"Mmm, Mr.Benedictus?" she moaned, "Where would you like to go?"

"Down memory lane," he replied, and Marina looks into the rearview mirror to meet his deep cold eyes that sent chills up her spine.

"W-what would you like to know?" she asked.

"Are you in school, or were you content being a 19-year-old Hotel employee?" Solomon asked.

"I-I was... I was working to be a broadway actress," she replied honestly as Solomon had mentally cast the same incantation he used on Elena.

"I take it you aren't any good and worked at the hotel to feed yourself."

"I managed to play the role of the billionaire's whore slave pretty well." she quipped with a smile.

"Yes, you did. " Solomon chuckled.

"Girl, from now on, put childish thoughts of grandeur aside. You work for us, and you'll live a life better than any broadway actress. Do as you're told, when you're told, and don't make mistakes, and you'll be just fine." Meifeng added.

"Yes, ma'am," Marina replied in a submissive tone.

"Tonight, you will play the perfect slave, and no one's life matters more than mine and my wives. Not even yours. " Solomon spoke as he handed the address to Marina.

After a forty-five-minute drive, they arrived at a city mansion. Solomon held Marina's leash as she walked on his right, and Meifeng walked on his left with her arms around his. Meifeng and Solomon immediately sense vampires and witches all around them. Som with slaves of their own, but none could hold a candle to the sexy slave, Lola Bunny.

Marina internally enjoyed every minute of what was happening as she had never been so excited in her life. Her buttplug that moved with every stride only increased her excitement along with the burning gazes of the spectators. Things got worse when her lace failed to hide the evidence of her arousal and allowed it to trickle down her thighs.

Lola Bunny served her purpose when Solomon felt that much of the room had eyes on him. And many men had approving smiles. One man simply stepped in Solomon's path and called him a man of culture. Solomon had no idea what it meant, but everyone sounded off in agreement.

Solomon introduced himself to the greeter, and many people listened out to find out exactly who Solomon was.

"Headmaster Rex Benedictus, Mrs. Benedictus, and we weren't informed that you would be bringing a slave." the Greeter spoke.

"This is.." Solomon paused as he sensed people hanging on his every word, "Lola Bunny."

The room just clapped. They applauded Headmaster Benedictus for blowing their minds and delivering such an exquisite display of Lola Bunny.

"Very well. Please enter or mingle in the foyer. The auction will begin in thirty minutes." said the Greeter.

"Catalog," said Solomon.

The Greeter twisted his hand, and a pamphlet appeared from thin air. Solomon took the pamphlet and walked into the showroom to find his seat. The room had preset tables and a band playing soft jazz. Once Meifeng and Solom took their seat; naturally, Marina sat on the floor in between them.

Solomon then pulled out a bundle of sage and cast a privacy spell around his table.

"Big and haughty," he said, "You like it, you bid. We're here to give the supernatural world a taste of the Bennett Emperor."

Meifeng mouthed his words and then looked at Solomon with enlightenment. "Rex Benedictus. The Latin origin of Bennett, Benedictus. and Rex, meaning Reigning King."

Solomon smirked and leaned over to give Meifeng a deep, passion-filled kiss. He then sucked her small tongue before breaking the kiss, and Meifeng looked at him utterly beguiled.

"You didn't solve it fast enough. So enjoy the auction because tonight you'll be punished. My woman has to be the smartest in the room. " Solomon then dived into the auction catalog as Meifeng dawned a heavy blush and recounted the stories Bree told her about Solomon fucking Elena to a bumbling cock drunk mess.