Auction by The Strix Society

Solomon was petting his little Lola Bunny as the showroom began to fill with people. Solomon immediately noticed that the witches stuck to one side while the vampires stuck to the other side.

Solomon found himself conveniently in the middle. Soon a gingered-haired Vampire walked onto the stage in a well-crafted suit.

"First things first, we have few new faces, and I would like to say welcome to an Auction by The Strix Society."

The room clapped lightly.

"Now, I, Marcus Clip, will be your auctioneer for the night. We always start our auctions with the slave trade. Virgins for the witches, blood slaves for the vampires, and finally, people with dormant and expressed werewolf genes. The werewolf section will have two lots. Then there will be a general pool displayed for labor." Marcus explained, and Marina watched, utterly horrified.

'Real slaves?!' she thought, 'No, that's not what I should be worried about. Werewolves, Vampires, Witches? What kind of place is this? What did you get yourself into, Marina?'

Solomon sensed her anxiety and reached out to pet her gently. Marina stilled her mind and put her arms around Solomon's leg, partially resting in his lap.

A moment later, naked male and female virgins were pulled onto the stage in chains.

"Do virgins really make a difference in sacrificial magic and rituals?" Meifeng asked.

"It depends. Imitative magic or Symbolic magic is based on correspondences. The movement of the stars, day of the month, phase of the moon, and the color of candles. All of it has its own meanings. For the most part, everything is centralized except for virgins. Some take virgins as never having their blood used in magic, while others take it as never having had sex. Each has its own value to a witch. That's why you have to be careful when a ritual requires a virgin or material from a virgin." Solomon explained as the bidding on the first of the virgin slaves started.

"So these are sexual virgins?" Meifeng asked.

"Yes, blood virgins are rare because you never know who was fed on by a vampire and compelled to forget. After all, a vampire feeding is a ritual of life transference."

Meifeng had learned something new yet again as she smiled at Solomon. She liked when he spoke of things as if they were common knowledge amongst people. The auctions of virgins went buy quickly. Dark Witches made up the majority of the witch guest. Some of them nearly consumed by their magic.

The Vampires then had their chance to purchase blood slaves. After a brief moment, Triggered Werewolves were brought onto the stage by bare chest men in loincloths. Solomon looked them over and was thoroughly unimpressed by the entire lot.

"Buy her." Qetsiyah appeared with a woman who had deep, ebony skin. The woman has a small stature and a slim build. She wore a reddish-brown dress and a necklace with medium-sized beads. She had brown eyes and black hair that looked similar to dreads neatly pulled into pigtails.

"Buy who?" he asked in a low voice. The people around him couldn't hear him, but he still kept his lip movement discreet.

"The girl with the brownstone set in her necklace." the woman spoke.

"Tess, who is this?" Solomon whispered.

"Ayana. She needs your help. In exchange, she will tell you where to find her grimoire and those of her coven's in Mystic Falls and England. It was Ayana who brought the Bennett line to America." Qetsiyah explained.

Solomon knew it was a sweet deal. "Tell me about here," he said.

Ayana looked worried as the man in front of the girl she wished to save had already been sold. "Her people betrayed her for following the old ways. They then cast her out."

"But that doesn't make her special. Tell me something good, Ayana." Solomon replied.

"4,000 Euros!" one woman shouted.

"She's immortal!" Ayan blurted out, "A contingency in case Niklaus Mikaelson ever broke his curse and became a Hybrid. She's his half-sister. I made her immortal after my friend was killed. Now buy her! Without her, the story is meaningless."

"6,000 Euros!" A man shouted.

Solomon sighed and took a long look at the naked woman with disheveled, dirty platinum blonde hair with hazel green eyes. She had an alluring body with a round ass and perfect globe breasts. She has a subtle tent to her skin.

"12,000 Euros! This Headmaster wants himself a Mashiro Mito!" Solomon shouted.

The crowd sounded with o's and ah's

"Who wants to challenge my fantasy?" Solomon asked with a battle-ready heart.

"What the hell is a Mashiro Mito?" Ayana asked.

"Sexy wolf girl goddess." Meifeng and Qetsiyah replied at the same time.

Ayana just nodded as she didn't want to dig any deeper. Solomon went unchallenged as everyone assumes this headmaster was there specifically for a wolf girl. Solomon received his lot number, and the auction went on. And Solomon shocked the crowd as he wanted to hide his purchase of the Immortal werewolf.

When the dormant wolves came out, Solomon said, "Whole lot for 100,000 Euros."

Marcus looked for approval and gave Solomon the okay. He then opened the floor for bid. One man, Lucien Castle, bid against him, but Solomon was adamant, and Lucien eventually gave in.

When General Labor slaves were brought out, he purchased that lot as well for a hefty price, and people finally began to worry about the newcomer, Headmaster Rex Benedictus. They even began to under what school he was Headmaster of.

During the brief change over from Slaves to Herbs and Material, one witch spoke out.

"Rex Benedictus," she said, "What academy do you preside over?"

"The Benedictus and Maledicti School of Arcana Doctrina," he replied with ease, and Qetsiyah started laughing.

"We are not naming or school that," said Qetsiyah.

Solomon discreetly sneered. The room began to whisper.

"A school of magic?" Lucien asked.

"Yes. Invitation only. Think of it as the Uagadou School of Magic in the real world." said Solomon.

Everyone who understood laughed.

"Let me get this straight." said Lucien, " In Harry Potter, wandless magic is the epitome of wizardry. The Uagadou School of Magic only teaches wandless magic, making them the most prestigious school in that world...rightfully assumed based on lore. You want us to believe that you are the Headmaster of the greatest magic school on earth?"

Solomon tugged on Marina's collar, and he sent her a telepathic message. Marina stood up and refilled his cup. She then began to massage his shoulder.

"Many people believe witches and vampires are a myth. Yet that doesn't change the fact." Solomon replied before sipping from his glass of wine.

No one could laugh as they could all tell that Solomon was serious.

"Then I must tour this institution," said Lucien. He was obviously feeling salty about losing his werewolves.

"What part of invitation-only don't you understand." said Meifeng, "And like you said, we are the greatest school on earth, and as such, we only invite greatness."

The room began to whisper again as it seemed that Solomon and Meifeng had no Idea who Lucien Castle was. Nor did they care to learn.

The Ginger-haired vampire then returned with a bundle of vervain. Solomon bought it at a stupid price. Followed by wolfsbane, again purchased at a stupid price. Then a jar of vampire blood, which Solomon purchased, and everyone began to think that Solomon might actually be a Headmaster of secret magic school as his pockets seemed enchanted to be bottomless.

The Strix Society was meticulous. Everyone submitted routing numbers, and every purchase was paid for on the spot at the winning of a bid. So every purchase that Solomon made without being dragged away was evidence of his ridiculous wealth. All the while, Lucien Castle was seething.

Herbs of ancient breeds, stones, crystals, metals, Solomon took them all.

"What the hell did you do?" Qestiyah finally asked.

The privacy spell was still on Solomon's table, and he could only be heard if he wants to. Though, appearing to talk to himself would give him a bad look. So, he whispered, "I conned a lot of gold and diamonds and turned it into money. The economy is still intact, but the diamond and gold business will soon see an influx in prices. When that happens, I'll sell my remain stash."

Meifeng heard his whispering and spoke to be heard by Qetsiyah, "He used an illusion spell on copy paper to make people believe he had millions. I didn't enter the bank with him, but I'm sure he has stupid money."

Qetsiyah just shook her head. Not a witch in the modern era had ever thought to do what Solomon did. Many tried to rob banks, but no one conned their way into a fortune with copy paper.

"10,000 Euros!" Meifeng sang as she purchased a rare Lingzhi.

"What is that?" Solomon asked.

"Jade quenched Lingzhi. It helps in mental spells, but if it is used right. It can help some on like me learn an element."

"The Dragon Emperor?" Solomon asked.

"Exactly. He had Mystics to teach him. But according to the oracle bones, this Lingzhi is what helped the original mystics gain elemental control." Meifeng explained.

"Buy whatever you need. " Said Solomon as Meifeng's progress was an interest of his. While Bonnie and Bree repeatedly forgot that Meifeng is a Mystic and not a Witch, Solomon knew her progress would be different, and he wanted to observe it all for research purposes.

Soon everyone allowed Solomon and Meifeng to have their way as the couple seemed intent on spending every penny they had. Then a reddish pink, white, and yellow-tipped Lily appeared on stage.

"YahYah..." said Solomon, "That's...I'll buy it for you" Solomon and Qetsiyah gasped.

"Solomon, don't!" Qetsiyah order, but not even she believed her words.

Lucien noticed the change in Solomon's expression. Not only Lucien but many people notice.

And like that, the bidding war raged on as everyone wanted to take something from Solomon. It was also a gauge of how much he was willing to pay for a single item that he really wanted.

"500,000 Euros and death for the next bidder!" Solomon roared, and Meifeng stared at him with jaw-dropping shock.

Meifeng had never seen him so expressive or want something as much as he wanted the Heart Connecting Lily.

"500,000 and death going once, twice, Sold! To Headmaster Benedictus!"

Solomon relaxed and looked at Qetisyah, who was speechless. Without a word, Qetsiyah broke the gaze that she and Solomon held, then vanished.

Solomon regained his composure and felt no shame or regret for what he did regardless of Qetsiyah's reaction. She put that very flower before the world 2000 years ago, and it wilted because her fiance betrayed her. Something inside Solomon wanted to give her the same flower and watch it beam with vitality until the end of time.

But alas, such emotions were too tiresome and complex for Solomon, so he settled for feeling satisfied in his action.

The categories shifted to artifacts, and everyone assumed that Solomon would be low on money. Besides Meifeng, Solomon's table didn't really bid. Artifacts could be created, but Rare herbs couldn't be conjured from thin air.

But towards the end, Solomon found an opportunity to fuck with Lucien Castle.

"The Hunter's Sword. Fabled to be one of the original swords of the ancient Brotherhood of the Five. The only order to ever best the Orginal Family." Said the Ginger-haired auctioneer.

The bidding started, and it carried on until Solomon dropped two million. The next category was slice of life things like land deeds, private jets, yachts, cars, guns, drugs, and very old alcohol. Naturally, Solomon purchased a jet, yacht and took an entire lot of ancient alcohol.

Then shit got real when the Grimoire section appeared.

"2 Euros!" Solomon shouted.

The room was aghast.

"T-two Euros?" Marcus asked.

"It's just an old book. What do you expect?" Solomon spoke nonchalantly and the witches about fell over.

"Boy, that book is your family history!" a man, Dr. Martin, spoke out.

"Then how much will you pay?"

"1,000 Euros!" Dr.Martin replied.

"2,000 Euros!" said Solomon, "Now give me the book."

Solomon kept on lowballing grimoires and doubling bids to toy with the witches until the final Grimoire came out, and Solomon's phone buzzed, alerting him that his bank account fell below one million Euros.

"Shit." he cursed, then watched as a woman from Germany bought Merlin's book of transmutation.

"Tess," said Solomon.

Qetsiyah appeared but avoided eye contact.

"Follow that woman. I want to know her every move."


Needless to say, Solomon spent all night at the docks. While Marina was loading everything that Solomon purchased onto a freighter to be taken down to Virginia. Solomon and Meifeng were busy constructing a special array just for the vampires and a second array specifically for the witches.

"Master Benedictus..." Marina sang. "All the paperwork has been handle. I'm sorry it took me so long. That was my first time handling paperwork like that."

Meifeng snickered, "Don't worry about it. Also, Rule number one, never disrupt him or anyone but the enemy while they're performing magic."

"Got it," said Marina.

"How about the slaves? Are they doing alright? Meifeng asked.

"They're just fine. I think they're used to it," said Marina.

"You're probably right. Rule number two, Everything your master does is right. You'll quickly notice that he's different. It's not your job or place to judge. When he says jump.."

"I say how high?"

"No, you jump, and if it's not high enough, you slap yourself, and then you jump again and repeat the process until he tells you that you're jumping high enough. And you do it with a smile." Meifeng was intense.

And Marina's eyes seemed a bit distant.

"Thinking about running?" Meifeng asked.

Marina sighed and said, "I wouldn't get very far."

"That's right. My man is a bit possessive when he wants to be. And the way he was petting Lola Bunny tonight, there's no way in hell he's letting you go. Now, take this list and get it down before Solomon finds you."

"Solomon?" Marina asked.

"You have a lot to learn. Solomon is Rex. Solomon Rex Benedictus," said Meifeng, " You will have to learn and Chinese as well. If not, you'll certainly fail at this. Go away."

Marina scurried off and began to complete her list of tasks. Solomon had just finished his last movement, completing his array.

"What was that hand thing you did?" Meifeng was interested.

"Gesture magic, dangerous. But I seem to have a mind for it. It's like rocket science on steroids." Solomon explained as he shook out his hands. The couple went to the freighter to gear up. Solomon wore a thigh holster and a Glock 32. In his arms was an HK433. Meifeng held a Vector .45 Tarkov.

When the sun rose and Solomon was ready to go to bed, they attacked. First, it was the vampires. Which made sense because they were night creatures, except for the rare few that had daylight rings. So it was considered a surprise attack, except that the moment they crossed into Meifeng's array, their daylight rings stopped work, and they were torched.

Some vampires tried to flee, but the array was two-pronged and acted as a barrier. Naturally, Solomon attached it to the cycle of the sun. Solomon and Meifeng used the vampires as target practice. Putting them down, and the sun did the rest.

In the distance, Lucien Castle watched in horror as he witnessed a boundary spell he had never seen before. He then clutched his daylight ring and remembered that a witch gave him the power to walk in the sun so a witch can take it back. At that moment, Lucien Castle regained a respectable level of caution when dealing with witches.

Solomon and Meifeng high-fived each other and went to kick the corpses of crisp vampires, seemingly letting their guard down. The witches took the opportunity to cast spells but were killed by their own magic. Once their spells hit Solomon's barrier, they were amplified, then sent back to the caster.

Solomon laughed some more as one witch standing atop of a building imploded when her spell backfired. That scene was all Lucien needed to send him away. He knew he couldn't get a werewolf or the sword back. The best he could do was hunt Rex Benedictus down another day.

However, the witches were a lot peskier as they figured the only way to face Solomon was to step into his array. What sense did that make?

"Xiao Meifeng, this is what it looks like when Dark Magic is so strong that Witches lose their sense of reason. This state is a step below what is known as a Niffin. The Dark Magic will not relinquish control unless it extracted or beat into submission by the witch and then contained by a disciplined mind." Solomon explained like a professor giving a lecture based on a live presentation.

"What's a Niffin?" Meifeng asks nonchalantly as she felt no fear when the witches crossed the boundary.

Solomon watched the Witches as the dark magic that consumed them was suppressed along with their innate gifts.

Many of the witches woke up while others cried for the power to be returned. Like the vampires, the witches tried to escape but found themselves trapped with nothing but their mortal strength.

" Niffins are powerful beings made of pure magical energy, created when witches fail to maintain a clear mind while controlling a spell and becomes consumed by it. Witches can also become Niffins if they cast a spell that calls for more magic than the Witch can control. The spells become unstable and the magic burns away everything leaving an entity of wild magical force. But this only happens when a witch is completely corrupted by dark nature to the point their soul erodes and transmutes or if a witch is a practitioner of Gesture Magic."

Solomon then dropped his rifle and stepped forth to kill the witches personally in the most gruesome manner. He took the magazine from his pistol, cleared the round from the chamber, then used the Glock as a blunt weapon.

Meifeng watched in amazement as she had no idea that Solomon was trained in hand-to-hand combat. He bashed in skulls, broke jaws, ribs, legs, and arm. She watched as he clutched an elderly witch by her throat and ripped out her esophagus.

The nose of his pistol punctured bellies and Solomon ripped out organs until he finally found a victim and ripped out his heart. Solomon's had reached the epitome of battle lust and his cock was hard as titanium as he was drenched in the blood of his enemies. He moaned in pleasure as the heart in his hand beat for the last time. The entire experience was orgasmic.

Solomon sighed and the heart hit the blacktop with a squishy plop. He looked at those he had yet to kill. They sat trembling against the barrier, hoping to be forgotten. But alas, Solomon made his way to them. Solomon then let them leave to spread the stories of the Headmaster of the Benedictus and Maledicti School of Arcana Doctrina.

In the distance, Dr.Jonas Martin, his Daughter Greta, and his son Luka watched everything from beginning to end. Solomon had purchased a few grimoires that the Martins wanted, but they in no way lacked magical text. So instead of trying to take what they wanted, Jonas decided to watch.

"Dad, he's at your level," said Luka

"Haa!!" Greta laughed, "Dad isn't going toe to toe with him without magic. If he found a large power source, dad could beat him, but based on the complexity of the arrays he put down. Dad might need to watch out."

"Rex Benedictus. I've never heard of that family before." Jonas spoke in a soft tone as he watched the blood-soaked Solomon walk to Meifeng and pull her into a ravenous kiss.

Greta giggled. "Yes, you have. You even taught us about his family."

Luca and Jonas both looked at her with furrowed brows.

"It's the modern age, but when has a witch ever changed the meaning of words. Unlike humans who have slang and Colloquialism, Witches say what they mean and mean what they say." Greta explained.

"Rex Benedictus... King of the Blessed..." said Jonas.

"Dad, Benedictus is the origin name of Bennett," Luka spoke as he remembered his father's lesson on one of the most important and influential witch families in the world.

"King of the Bennetts." Said Greta, "His real name is probably James, Richard, David, Philip, Solomon, Gilgamesh, who the fuck knows. But he chooses Rex for one of two reasons: He's uniting the family again with himself as the head, or Rex Benedictus was chosen because his name is associated with an archaic King, hence the use of Latin."

Jonas looked at his daughter and sighed, "Are you sure you don't want to go to graduate school? You will be one hell of a psychologist."

"I'm sure, dad. This world is so much more than four walls and a reclining sofa." Gerta then turned away as Solomon and Meifeng disappeared into the freighter.

On the freighter, Solomon checked on Marina and found her sleep at a desk, slobbering on a keyboard.

Solomon pulled up a chair and grabbed her by her ponytail. He then pulled back her head by her ponytail, and Marina jerked awake. She tried to turn her head, but Solomon held her firm, and all she could do was face the ceiling.

"Are you awake?" he asked.

Marina nodded her head.

"Good, you sleep after I sleep. When I don't sleep, you don't sleep. Got it?"

"Y-yes, Master," she whined.

Solomon looked around the room and found her lace mask on the bed next to the silver buttplug. Solomon casually pulled her over to the bed, bent her over, and inserted the buttplug back in her ass, then gave her a hard slap, leaving his large handprint on her little cheeky ass.

"Don't take it out until I tell you, and put the mask back on. You're Lola Bunny until I decide to put you on my plate. Just be glad you didn't take your collar off. Now show me how much of that list you finished."

Marina then showed Solomon everything she found and explained her findings in great depth. When She was finished, she slapped herself with a heavy hand four-times as she only completed half of her task sheet.

Solomon put a stack of cash on the desk and told her to settle her debts before leaving her room. Solomon then found himself completing the last four tasks on the sheet meant for Marina.

To be spiteful means to care. He had taken a liking to Marina and found slaves to be interesting and fun. But that would never change the fact that he would rather do it himself than wait for a slave when something had to get done. Right now, he had the time and didn't want to waste it as New York was becoming hostile territory.

Sometime later, Solomon left the Freighter and with an assault rifle. Later, he found himself standing at the Federal Reserve. However, he didn't go in. He just started shooting people. He didn't kill anyone, but they did cry and bleed. They had bullets in their limbs, and some got hit in the shoulders.

Solomon went through two magazines before using a telekinesis spell to send a few out-of-control vehicles into the federal reserve's front door. When he heard the sirens in the distance, he cast a mildly strong spell towards the building, causing the cars to explode as they were his actual targets.

Solomon then ran down an alley, through a build, and then down a maintenance hole. When Solomon arrived at the docks, he boarded the freighter and told Meifeng to get ready. He then went to check on Marina and found that she was finished with her affairs and already sent the money she had off, whipping the slate clean on her life in New York.

Solomon then had the dormant werewolves kill labor slaves through witch's compulsion to trigger their werewolf genes. When the curse was triggered, he bound them and then dragged them away.

By noon, Solomon, Meifeng, Marina, and six werewolves were standing in the crowd watching the police and all the commotion in front of the federal reserve. When Solomon inspected the building, he smirked to himself as the wards were taking down to allow the bank investigators to investigate the use of magic against the bank and how it connected with the mass shooting.

"Join hands," said Solomon.

The moment everyone was linked, Solomon pulled out the gold medallion of time and activated it. Time stopped, and Solomon walked his crew straight into the bank and down to the subterranean vault that housed all of the gold.

He then took some time with Meifeng to recreate the same method used on the Reliquary at the Freemason Temple with a few alterations.

Solomon and Meifeng then created a boundary and resumed time. Meifeng then cast binding spells on the wolves before sacrificing them for power.

"Money well spent," said Solomon as he took out Qetsiyah's talisman.

Solomon began the incantation. This time, Meifeng mirrored his hand movements as she chanted along with him.

As long as Meifeng kept calm and mirrored him exactly, all would be fine. The witches upstairs soon detected the magic and rushed towards the subterranean vault holding all of the gold. They banged on the boundary and even splattered their blood across it, but Solomon always tied his boundaries to the sun. So unless they could get their witch blood to the sun, nothing was disputing the ingredients that held the barrier together.

After 15 minutes of banging on the barrier and casting magic to get in, the witches of the bank felt a large burst of magic and then nothing. Suddenly the barrier was going, and everyone rushed in to find the subterranean level flooding with water, the entire room of gold gone, and no one to kill.

By this time, Solomon, Meifeng, and Marina were already on the road to the docks. When they got there, the freighter set sail, and they started their voyage to the Richmond Port of Virginia.

The Voyage didn't take long as they arrived at Richmond's port a little after eight o'clock in the morning. Solomon put his remaining slaves and Immortal werewolf to work unloading the cargo, then loading everything onto the yacht. The Private jet was left in New York to be charted for an extra source of income. Though, it really didn't matter now, seeing as Solomon had robbed the federal reserve.

Taking the Yacht up the river, Solomon arrived in Mystic falls around by noon. The Yacht was unloaded, and everything was taken to Witch House. Needless to say, Solomon and Meifeng fell face-first into Solomon's bed then fell asleep as the spirits watched the slaves and kept the subterranean vault cloaked from accidental eyes and locator spells.


Meanwhile, in Mystic Falls, Elena's aunt Jenna, Pearl Zhu, and Bree were having drinks, and Pearl brought the idea of purchasing the doctor's office of Jenna's late brother-in-law.

Across town, Bonnie and Stefan were arguing about the morals of compelling Elena to forget any feelings besides those of a platonic nature for Solomon. Sheila Bennett and her Research Assistant, Vanessa Monroe, discussed the hypotheticals of a school solely focused on the Supernatural and the Occult. Vanessa had been introduced to the supernatural world weeks ago was now attached to Sheila's hip with an insatiable hunger for knowledge.

Caroline Forbes and Matt Donavon were head over hills for each other, And Caroline was properly protected from Vampires. The Lockwoods were preparing for the coming full moon as Qetsiyah performer a small haunting to reveal the journal of a werewolf that belonged to the first Lockwood family that settled in Mystic Falls. With the journal, they got all the information that they needed.

Finally, Damon Salvatore was wallowing in the losses he received since he arrived in Mystic Falls. The trauma of near-death experiences and finally the shattering of his world when he discovered the woman he had been hoping to free after a centuries worth of work was already free and didn't care about him in the slightest.

Damon drowned his sorrows in Bourbon and the blood of pretty co-eds. When blue arcs of lightning began to crackle from his fingertips. Damon smiled as he acquired his first energy ability. Though his ability to transform into a crow was useful, it had no real combat applications.

Through his window, a Large White Owl sat perch on a branch. It cooed a few times before flying away, landing again across from the Gilbert House just in time to see and hear Stefan compel away Elena's feelings and memories. The owl tilted its head then flew off to observe the Zhus before taking to the sky to leave Mystic Falls.