Chapter 9 (Rewriten ending of chapter)

More than 2 years have passed since me becoming a sequence 7 Detective, my digestion of the potion has barely reached half waypoint. And it is all because I did not dare to act under Zoukens watch. For the same reason even though Bast has digested her potion more than a year ago I have concocted her sequence 8 Telepathist potion just 2 months ago.

With a new higher Sequence, all of her previous abilities improved and on top of that she obtained the power to read superficial thoughts of others, unfortunately, this ability does not work on Zouken. The old worm has some type of mental shielding. And now, I too have one, thanks to in-depth analysis of Zouken's mental defenses made by Bast, who spent a whole month to do it in such a way that Zouken did not suspect anything, or he did but did not give much importance to it. Anyway, I was able to create my version of mental shielding thanks to it. Other than that, I have significantly improved almost in any other form of magicraft, my perfect memory, my high intelligence boosted by potions and teacher that is several hundred years old all of those factors contributed to the fast speed of learning that I enjoyed.

Yeah, the teacher, never would have thought that Zuken would be the first person with whom I would bond in this new life. But even though there are some warm feelings between us both of us will get rid of the other one the moment it becomes beneficial. Other then Zouken only another person whom I even call a friend is idiot hero Shirou. From the day when we met, I was always dinning in his house. Even though he is still a child his cooking skills are already first-class, if he and Sakura ever develop feeling to each other I will make sure to make him move into Matou residence so I could always eat his cooking.

Heh, Sakura all my attempts to fix our relationship as siblings have failed. The girl is really scared of me. On the first day when she moved to our house, I lied to her saying I will take care of her, and then I just left her to Zouken and everything he would do to her. Furthermore, my "quite good" relations with the old worm led her to believe that I am just another Zouken. Other than those three I did not meet any major characters of the 5th Holy grail war, Kirirtsuga even though was still alive when I first met Shirou he was in such sorry state that he did not even pay any attention to me, and then he died just 3 months after it.

I also have met Taiga Fujimura while visiting Shirou's place she is just graduated from high school and she is 18 years old, however, her personality is close to the one that was shown in anime. At the start, she disliked me thinking that I am one of the many who uses Shirou and his kindness, but then she understood that I was trying to make Shirou snap at me and learn to say no and after that, she even started to help me in my hard endeavor to make Shirou pissed. Unfortunately, I will have to stop it before reaching any results.


Shinji: Grandfather it is me.

Zouken: Ah, Shinji come in. What did bring you to me today? Our lessens ended a week ago, and I don't have anything to teach you, everything that is left is the knowledge that I will pass done to Sakura as an heir.

Shinji: "Sure, as if Geis scroll could have stopped you. You just don't want to share any more of your knowledge old worm." Yeah, that is the reason why I came. Grandfather I would like to attend a Clock Tower in order to further my studies in Thaumarugy.

Zouken: So, you have come to ask more of my money?

Shinji: Yes, I would like to borrow some of your money order to pay for tuition I will pay back to you when within the next 2 years when my investments will payback.

Zouken: Ah yeah, your investment, how the company that you invested is called doodle, bubble? Please remind me.

Shinji: Google.

Zouken: Yes, google the tech company, whose main job is to search for things in the internet. I don't think that you will ever see your money back.

Shinji: Than how about, that. If I will not be able to pay you back, I will give you the Bast.

Zouken: Ho, your pet. Well, she is quite an interesting specimen so fine, you will get your money. Pack your things while I am still in a good mood or I may change my mind.

Shinji: Thank you, grandfather.

And with those words I left, Zouken's workplace in order to prepare to move back to the UK.

---On the plane---

Shinji: Heh, finally we don't need to be so careful.

Bast: Yes but I am still unhappy with you using me as a bargaining chip.

Shinji: Don't worry Bast I will not sell you to anyone. Google is going to be a great success, and even if not when I reach sequence 6 Polymath there will not be any reason to fear Zouken. If the situation goes to the worst, we will just get rid of the old worm.

Bast: Yeah you are right, or at least you are fully confident that you are right. One of the main advantages of the Spectator pathway is that I always know what others are thinking. And that is why I am following you; you will not betray me. Well, as long as you have a choice.

Shinji: "Hm it is strange that old worm let me leave so easily in a year or two Sakura will start to need to regularly have sex in order to get some additional magical power. All because of parasite that Zouken placed in her body. And now when I am gone, his only option is to kidnap some unlucky guy and force him to regularly do it with Sakura through mind control or another way. Hm, I am really more and more like the old worm. Just as hypocritical. I am running away in order to not be pedophile, but the little girl will not suffer any less because of that and still will be raped regularly. And on top of that one more person will suffer. Am I really fine with that outcome? Am I really going to let this happen? It took me two years to digest half of my potion. However I did not act, so I should be able to digest it within next year. The next sequence 6 Polymath is where my pathway really starts to shine. And I finally will have enough power to challenge Zouken. Furthermore, 1 year is enough time to create my own connections in the world of the magus, and I will not rely only on Zouken's connection to protect myself. So, be it Old worm you have the only a year left then I will come for your head!"

And on this note, our plane took off.