I'll be the judge


"Goddamn it, Ruby Jane! Stop beating your wife to death!" Sana scolds after picking up Lisa from the floor and tugged her on my bed. I called her via telepathy when Lisa lost her consciousness and she immediately rushed in here. "You're lucky Jisoo is wasted, perhaps she have probably smack your head!" She added.

"I panicked okay?! She tried to kiss me!"

"She what?" Sana looked at me and Lisa, back and forth with full of amusement before chuckling. "My girl–."

"Your girl?"

"I mean, my friend, jeez Jennie! You need to stop being possessive, but when Lisa is awake, you act like you hate her!" She hissed before rubbing Lisa's neck and the red marks that I've caused slowly fading out. "Anyway, what was I'm trying to say is Lisa getting braver lately, don't you think?"

"She was just drunk and she hates me so I'm returning the favor." I snort.

"Favor? By beating her constantly?" She asked incredulously.

"Have you ever fall in love, Sana?" I asked back.

"Yes, remember my girl crush Daisy? I fell in love with that girl but I'm not saying I am gay."

"I can't believe I am hearing these words from you, Sana." I said and stared at her in incredulity.

Sana snickered but she quickly covered her mouth to avoid waking up Lisa who's already sleeping now due to her drunkenness after Sana surviving her, for the fourth times this week.

"Actually, I'm gay, for real, but after Daisy breaking my heart and left me because of my sister, I starts denying my sex preference." She said. She wiped Lisa's sweat with her hand before she rose up from the bed. "But I just saw my friend earlier, Chewy. And Gosh! She's still so tall and sexy and hot and–."

"Ok ok! I get it, you're gay. Now leave us alone and thank you for healing this nerd." I said to cut her off from her admiration to one of the equerry's daughter. "I'm sorry about hurting your friend."

"No worries, Jen. I understand your gay panicking but can you like, be more gentle to my friend? I know Lisa will be strong as fuck, but as long as she's not strong enough, at least be gentle. I won't be with her forever, you know? I have my own life too."

Sana's right, but I still couldn't be gentle to Lisa, she needs to be strong as quickly as possible. And fuck! How can I be gentle if Lisa keep doing silliness and Sana is right again about my g-gay panicking? Gay panicking? Am I gay? Is it possible for me to call myself gay because I have feelings for Lisa?

"I don't think–."

"Jen, you're gay. Just admit it, everyone's gay. Even Jonny is gay."

"Jonny is gay?" I asked after I heard what she had said about Jonny, she actually snapped me out from my deep thoughts.

"Presumably." She giggles. "He talks a lot and he was spouting harsh words towards Lisa, isn't that too gay for a man?"

"Yah.. you're the one spouting nonsensical words against Jonny."

"Whatever." She dismissed and tapped my shoulder. "I'm going home to meet my Dad, but I'm not going to stay there because tomorrow will be Lisa's first day of training and she will need me, more than anyone else in this place, more than you." She said sarcastically and smile at me teasingly before running towards the door. "Don't beat her while she's sleeping!" She added before shutting the door.

I sigh loudly before staring at Lisa for a few seconds. Tomorrow will be her first day of training and I don't know if how would I handle her, it will be the first time that I'll train an inexperience vampire, it's way too different from my training with Jisoo and Chaeyoung.

They are not that strong as I am, but they are also not weak, to be honest, Chaeyoung can defeat Jonny, the commander of vampire soldiers, meanwhile Jisoo is almost powerful as my Dad when it comes to combat. And about Sana, we didn't train her to fight but she can fight because she's still a vampire with a common strength for a vampire, but she's more focus on healing than fighting.

I released another sigh before walking towards the closet to grab pajamas for Lisa. She reeked of alcohol and I don't want her sleep to get disturbed just because she gets suffocate on her own smell.

After grabbing pair of black pajamas, I pad back on the bed and stared at Lisa for the second time. I crawled into bed and sat beside her, my trembling hand reach for the hem of her shirt and pushed it up until her head. My heart beats frantically after taking off of her shirt and saw her toned stomach.

My left brow automatically raised when I saw her tone abs and admire it for a few seconds. It's not really surprising to see these packs on her, after all, she's a dancer, a really really good dancer, and it's normal for her to have these.

But if you didn't know that Lisa can dance, you'll get surprised if you see her toned abs. She wears thick eyeglasses, she always on her hoodie and you can always find her in library. Who would have thought that this nerd was a good dancer behind her nerd appearance?

Probably not me.

After putting the top, my gaze went down to her bottom and my eyes went wide when I remember what's behind that jeans, and there's no way in hell I would touch her bottom. I shook my head furiously and tossed the pajama on the floor before rolling out of the bed and pad towards the shelf and grabbed my favorite book.

Vampires actually don't sleep, but in this generation, we do. But tonight, I don't feel like sleeping, especially knowing that Lisa is drunk and she might wake up and throw up.

I need to take care of her, I want to take care of her. I already said these things to my friends and I'm not taking back anything just because Lisa hates me because of her mom.

Hours already passed by and it's already 3 in the morning when I heard Lisa shuffling around, she seems uncomfortable and uneasy while clutching her stomach.

She's about to throw up! I quickly run on the bathroom to get a bucket and ran back to Lisa and the moment I put down the bucket on the floor, Lisa sat up and vomits.

I gathered her scattered hair and hold it behind her as she vomited. My other hand rubbing her back trying to help her release all the alcohol inside her. After she's done taking out all of the alcohol she consumed, I grabbed for tissues and wiped her mouth.

"W-water." Lisa said groggily. Her voice was deep and hoarse, it's as if her throat is really dry. I helped her to lay down on her back and reached for the glass of water on the bed side table and lift her head to helped her to drink the water. "T-thank you." She said after emptying the glass.

"Just go back to sleep, Lisa." I said as I put back the empty glass on the table and climbed off of the bed to clean her mess.

After cleaning Lisa's mess, I released a lungful and wiped the drops of sweat on my forehead. "We are not married yet but I'm already taking care of her." I mumbled but there's a smile creeping up on my lips.

I feel proud of myself for taking care of this nerd and I'm not going to complain even if I had to clean all her mess for the rest of our lives. I really liked this nerd and no one can change my mind for liking this stupid nerd.

When the rays of the sun directly hit the blinds and they seeped through to my window blinds. I shut the book and went back inside my room to check on Lisa. She was already awake and staring into nothing while fisting her top.

"You're awake." I said and Lisa got startled. "You need to get ready, today's your first day of training." I said and walked towards the bathroom to do my morning ritual even if I didn't sleep at all.

"What happen last night?" She asked causing me to halted my steps and look at her. "How did I end up here? And why am I wearing different clothes?"

"You transformed into a rat and you sneaked inside my room while I'm sleeping and you–."

"Why rat?" She asked in her idiotic eyes. "Isn't it supposed to be a bat? Why rat? And what do you mean I sneak in here? Don't tell me–." Lisa's eyes widened, she immediately covered her body with my blanket and her squint eyes looked at me suspiciously. "You raped me?!"

I sneered mockingly while staring at her in too much disbelief. "How dare you to accused me of raping you?! My God, Lisa! Even in your wildest dream it will never happen!"

"I'm just making sure, after all. I don't want to experience my first sex while I'm drunk and out of myself." She said boldly before rolling out of the bed and pad towards me.

"How can you say such vulgar words early in the morning?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe because you were picking on me for telling me lies that I transformed into a fucking Rat!" She growled at me and push me sideways then she rushed inside the bathroom.

"Just what the hell do you think–."

"Jennie! No!" She tried to stopped me from turning my body but it was too late when I saw her doing her business in front of the bowl.

"You fucking pervert!" I yelled before I stepped out of the bathroom. I am still grateful that she has turned her back on me and I didn't see any unwanted sight this morning.

"I'm sorry okay?! I couldn't held back anymore!" She yelled inside.

"You should tell me sooner that you want to pee! Goddamn it Lisa! We aren't married yet!" I shouted back while covering my face with my slim and white chalk fingers. I felt my face heating up and I was sure it was more red than ripe tomatoes.

"Why, Jen? just in case we are married is it okay for you to see this?" She asked with a loud and obnoxious laugh.

I froze and I hitched my breath upon hearing her. Sana is right for the third time, Lisa is getting braver lately. I don't know if she's really like that or her werewolf and vampire's blood has something to do with her vulgarity.

I cleared my throat to recompose myself after hearing the zip of her pants and her footsteps. Lisa stepped out of the bathroom with a grin on her lips. Oh God! I really want to wipe the annoying smile on her lips!

"You still haven't forgotten that I'm your trainer, right?" I asked meaningfully after I have regained back my courage to make my retaliation.

"I don't, actually, I am so ready for you." Lisa said with full of confidence. She even showed me her non existing bicep's muscles.

"Ok then, show me your best later." I challenged her and I smiled widely before going inside the bathroom.

"F-fuck!" Lisa winced in pain while rubbing her wounded and broken arm. "C-can we take a break?! You've been beating the fuck out of me for two hours straight!" She complained and tried to stood up but it seems that she was too exhausted causing her to stumbled on the mud.

"Fine! I'll give you ten minutes." I said and throw the bottle of water at her that I've been holding since the start of her training, she easily catches it and immediately chugged on it.

"Jennie, aren't you being too hard? She's just starting." Jisoo scolds and nods at Sana who's standing five feet away from Lisa, in case that Lisa will need help.

"I was being too hard? Chu, I'm not even moving on my spot, she's just too weak."

"I hate to admit it, but you're right." She scowled before jumping off of the tree and tapped my shoulder. "Let me teach her some of my tactics in fighting so you wouldn't get bored at her."

"I will never get bored to her, Chu." I said meaningfully and giggled.

"Eew, you're so in love!" Jisoo mocked but it's contradictory of her smile, she looks like a proud older sister seeing me constantly smiling since I met Lisa.

I may be cruel to Lisa every time she's around, but Jisoo knows how things have changed since I admitted my feelings towards that nerd.

It's really unusual for me to smile every morning and get excited to attend classes, it's so not me, and every changes on me are all because of Lisa.

I'm not complaining tho, it was good changes anyway.

"You bitch, stop with that look on your face, you're being too obvious." I whipped my head on my side when I heard Chaeyoung. She was smiling all eared but her gaze was not on me.

"Am I?" I asked innocently and bit my bottom lip to suppress another smile to break out.

"Just what exactly did happen last night and you seemed in a very good mood, Ruby Jane?" She tear her gaze away from the two girls and shifted on me, there's a glint of teasing on her eyes and I can't help but to rolled my eyes at her playfully.

"Nothing really happened except that I choked her to death."

"Yah! Jennie Zee!" Chaeyoung exclaimed and slapped my arm but instead of getting mad, I laughed. "You seriously need to stop hurting her!"

"It's her fault!"

"It's not, kissing you is not a crime–."

"Why did you still asked me if you already know what happened last night, Chaeng?" I mocked to cut her off.

If there's anyone knows what is going to happen or what happened, Chaeyoung will be the first to know before us. Girlie can see the glint of the future.

So I already guessed that she knows what happened last night when I noticed the glint of teasing on her eyes.

"Honestly, I didn't see it clearly, it's kinda blurry so I don't know if you guys really kissed." She said while giggling.

"We don't, actually I was planning to give her my first kiss on our wedding day and that will be three weeks from now."

"I can't wait for that wedding to happen." There's an excitement on her voice while clapping her hands.

"Me too, Chaeng. Me too." I said while staring at Lisa.

Jisoo finally tapped her shoulder, sign that Lisa is ready for another training hour and she curt a nod at me with smirk tugging on her lips.

Lisa heaved a deep breath and exhales before walking back in front of me. Chaeyoung excused herself and sat back to her seat earlier, beside Sady and Happy.

Sydney still asleep because she was also wasted last night and I think she's still dealing with her hangover.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah." Lisa said cooly and positioned herself, fist curving into tight balls and her gaze are burning. "I will bring you down this time." She said with determination.

"Ok then, I'll wait." I said smiling at her mockingly.

The corner of her lips curved upward and she immediately charged directly to me, she thrown a jab but I dodged her attempt of hitting my face, I grab hers arm and turned my body to swing her around.

"F-fuck!" Lisa groans when she felt the ground on her back.

"I thought you'll bring me–." I stopped my words when Lisa smiled and she immediately switched our arms, I was taken aback by her sweet smile and I lost my balance, she grabs my hand tightly and pulled me down. "Lisa!" I exclaimed when I fell down on top of her.

"See? I brought you down with me." She said proudly.

"You're a quick learner, Lisa!" Jisoo yelled while clapping her hands enthusiastically. "Oh my God! I'm so proud of you!"

"This is so unfair!" I said before pushing myself up from Lisa's body.

"It's not! She used her strength to bring you down!" Jisoo complains.

"She smiled!" I blurted out and they were became idled with what I said.

If there's one mistake I always do, it's that I always say what's inside my mind, so blurting out about Lisa's smile and saying it's unfair because she smiled was so damn awkward. It's as if I admit that her smile is my weakness and the reason why Lisa brought me down easily.

"Ok? What's wrong with my smile?" Lisa asked confusedly as she was pushing herself up from the muddy ground.

"It's s-so annoying!" I lied.

"Annoying?" Lisa asked again, her head tilted on the side adorably. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"

"You didn't hurt her, but your smiles melt her heart–."

"Jisoo Singh!" I shouted her name so I could cut her off and throw her some warning gaze.

"I mean, yeah. You hurt her a little bit but don't worry, it hurts in a good way." Jisoo mocked and stuck her tongue out on me before running behind her girlfriend.

"Don't mind her, let's just continue your training." I said dismissively and she nods at me before positioning herself for the second time.

Lisa got lucky earlier because of her smile, but this time. I'll make sure that she won't make me fall again. I released a soft sigh to steady my heart that's beating frantically. Seriously, her smiles is really bothering me and it's not good.

I need to be more cautious about her next moves, it's only been two hours since we starts her training but I already noticed that her movements were changing rapidly. She became more faster and her attempts to beat me are surprising me.

"Let's start." I announced and I alert myself from her attack. She stormed off and I swear to God, I didn't see her for a second but my senses are really sensitive, I felt her presence behind me. I readied myself for her attempt of grabbing my shoulder but the next thing she did makes my heart to stopped from its beating and my body stiffened.

Lisa's arms wrapped on my waist gently, she didn't make a move and just standing behind me and so do I.

"Sorry." Lisa whispered before I felt her arms that wraps on me, tightened. My feet rose from the ground and Lisa bends her body backward, but before she could the german suplex, I snapped out from my dazed and my legs immediately clung on her knees  and Lisa fell down on her back, with me, sitting on her stomach. "Aah!" Lisa groans.

"Nice try, Mcklein." I said cockily while looking down at her over my shoulder.

"Aish! That hurts, but have you seen how fast I am?!" The excessive happiness are traced on Lisa's face, she was so happy that there's already development on her ability on the first day of her training.

I stood up and offered my hand at her, she didn't think twice and reached for my hand and she also stood up. Her smiles still dancing on her lips, she looks so happy and I feel so proud that I am the one training her.

"Focus, Lisa. We need to continue our training." I said and tapped her shoulder.

"Understood!" Lisa exclaimed and we both positioned ourselves for another session of combat, but this time. I step my feet backward and leave one in front and fists clenched. "Wait– you'll fight back?" Lisa asked, her smiles fades away and it's my turn to smile at her.

"You almost got me twice and I won't let you do it thrice." I said before charging at her. Lisa's eyes widens and she panicked, she ran to dodge my first attack and hides behind Sydney who just got arrived with Irene. "What the hell?!" I exclaimed.

"It's just the first day, Jennie. I'm not ready to wrestle with you yet!"

"Oh c'mon Lisa, I'm not going to be so violent. I'll just teach you how to really fight without deceiving the enemy."

"This possessive bitch really thought that we would believe her?" Jisoo scoffed.

"She'll teach Lisa because she doesn't want her girl to do that hugging technique." Chaeyoung said.

"Please, Jennie is so possessive and if in case, Lisa is in danger, no hugging the enemies." Sana adds, making me to pursed my lips and released a breathy sigh through my nose and stood straight.

"Are y'all done making fun of me?" I asked my three subordinates and that's when they all laughed. Leaving the other girls in confused along with Lisa and it shows that she haven't still mastered her telepathic ability.

"What's going on?" Lisa asked confusedly.

"It's not our fault that you haven't mastered your ability as a vampire." I hissed and mentally rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry okay? But it's seems that I can hear your thought but not theirs."

My jaw literally dropped on the floor and I exchanged glances at my friends. Then they burst out laughing.

"What kind of sorcery is that?" I asked stupefyingly. "Why am I the only one you can hear?!"

"I don't know." Lisa shrugs.

"Goddamn it!" I blurted out and stormed out the training ground. "Jisoo! Continue beating that nerd, I need to talk to my Dad!" I ordered thru telepathy. I don't care if Lisa can hear that, I'm beyond pissed off right now and I need to ask my Dad about this matter because I couldn't accept that Lisa could read and hear what was on my mind.

"Oops! There's someone's secret to be revealed." Jisoo's teasing adds anger on me but I ignore her and ran faster back to the castle to look for my Dad.

"Hey, Jen–."

"Later Jonny, I'm busy." I said to cut him off and walked passed him and I heads straight to Dad's library. And there I saw him, standing in the middle with a teasing smile plastering on his lips. "What was that?!" I asked raggedy before sitting abruptly on the couch and crossed my arms.

Even though I didn't had to address him the topic, I know that he already knew it, because Dad can sees everything that is happening throughout his kingdom.

"It's Lisa's ability." He shrugs and sat beside me. "What do you want me to do?"

"Do something about it, Dad. There were things I wasn't ready to admit to her!"

"Like your feelings towards her?"

"Yes– wait, what? No! Not like that!" I denied while furiously shaking my head.

Dad chuckled softly and patted my head. "You can't do nothing about Lisa hearing your thoughts."


"But your mom, she can do something about your problem, only if she wants to help you."

"M-mom? You mean–." Without even finishing my words, Dad already nodded his head as an answer to my question that I have never asked. "But she was angry at the idea of ​​marrying the person in the prophecy."

"I know, because your mom likes Jonny and that's the reason we had a fight."

"Oh." All I could say and chuckled dryly before standing up. "I love mom, I really do, but if she ever lay her finger on Lisa. I might forget how much I loved her." I said and makes my way out of his library.

I know how much my mom hates the idea about me getting married to the person in the prophecy, and I knew she was pushing me towards Jon, but Jonny was only a friend and I never felt anything for him like the way how I felt for Lisa. He's a good boy, but I never see him as a man.

"Jen, are you okay?" Jonny asked, snapping me out of my idleness. He's literally outside the door, as if he's waiting for me on purpose.

"Yeah." I shortly replied.

"So uhm, I was just wondering if you're free this evening."

"There will be a banquet, of course I'm not." I said, stating the obvious.

"I know about that, but uhm.. you know? I need a date–."

I held my hand in front of him to stop him from talking and he did. He looked at me in surprised and confused.

"The King will hold a banquet to address to his entire kingdom about my wedding with Lisa, and you're here because you need a date? Really Jon?" I asked in disbelief.

"Oh, uhm.. of c-course. I also k-know that." He said while laughing nervously. "I was just kidding about the date. I really came here because I have a proposal for you and for Lisa's training."

"What is it?" I asked and motion him to follow me.

"So, I was gonna ask for your permission to train Lisa myself, I'm a commander and that's my job." He said while we're both heading out of the castle.

"Lisa is not a normal vampire, she's going to be my wife."

"I know Jen, I know. Fuck, I know." He hissed.

"Why do you sound so upset?" I mocked with a light chuckle.

"It's not like that, please don't get me wrong." He said and reached for my hand, I stopped from walking and my gaze shifted to his hand that's holding mine and look up to him after. "Just let me train her on my own and I promise that she will be strong."

"Jonny.." I called and he looked at me sternly. "Lisa is going to be my wife–."

"You don't have to rub it on my face." He snort.

"Listen, Jon. All I was trying to say is, if you overdo her training and she died, even if you're my childhood friend. I would not gon' hesitate to kill you." I firmly warned and took back my hand in subtlety. "I will be the judge and death will always be my judgment if it comes to Lisa's safety." I adds before continuing my way out.

"So you're allowing me to train her?" He asked after blinking away the shocked on his face.

"As a commander, that's your job but I will always be there to watch you."

"Don't worry Jen, I promise that Lisa won't die but I can't promise you that she will not gonna suffer."

I halted my step and snapped my head at him. He was wearing his devilish smirk that I rarely see at him. I felt a sudden regret for allowing him to train Lisa, but on the other hand. I want my girl to show her true ability to Jon.

"Do as you please, but don't cry if Lisa kick your ass in front of eight women." I shrugs and was a bout to turn around but I stopped when Jon laughed while looking behind me.

When I turn to see what's he's laughing about, I saw Lisa was carried by Sydney on her shoulder. I faced-palmed myself and shook my head in disappointment.

"She fell asleep in too much exhaustion." Sydney said while looking back and forth to me and Jonny.

"Ok, I'll take it from here." I said smiling and Sydney nodded before carefully giving me the nerd, I carried her between my arms and I know it's really ridiculous to see me carrying this damn nerd in a bridal style way. But what can I do? I don't want anyone to carry this nerd up to my room and she seems uncomfortable lying on Sydney's shoulder. So I had no choice but to get her from her best friend.

"Is that the one you say can kick my ass?" There's a mockery on Jonny's voice while pointing at Lisa.

"Yeah and she's Lisa. My soon to be wife." I said and offered him a sarcastic smile before leaving him boiling in anger.

"Lisa has nothing against me, she will never win."

I stopped on my track and chuckled lightly before looking over my shoulder. "She already won." I said meaningfully and lift Lisa a little, as if I was showing him how Lisa already won the fight, because she's in my arms and Jonny was standing 10 feet away from me.

"Then let's see if your mom return." Jonny mumbles before vanishing in hazy, mist like form.
