No turning back


"Jennie, you're insane! No one can change what's written on the prophecy!"

"Lisa can." Dad said, which makes all of us to turned at him, he walked toward me and wrapped his arm on my shoulder before he twist my body to face mom. "The day when Lisa faced her mom, she was supposed to kill her mother but she didn't, as her feelings towards Ruby Jane dominated that time and she listened to her."

"That's not true! You're just telling that, so I could accept her!"

"Mom, wether you believe it or not, Lisa can change the future and she already did." I said and I glanced at Lisa who's still on her knees but looking at me in confused.

"I did?" She asked and I nodded. "But how sure you are that I can change the future? What if you were wrong? What if–."

"That's what I'm thinking! What if you were wrong? Would that stupid woman can still back your life?!" Mom asked and Lisa snapped her head at her.

"Hey cut it out! You've been insulting me since the moment I woke up!" Lisa whines as she pushes herself to stand up. "I don't know if it's true and just like you, I still doubt it but if you won't mind? Stop insulting me!"

"Did you heard that?! Is that what you want to be your daughter in law?!" Mom asked to Dad while pointing at Lisa but the guy beside me just shrugged his shoulders.

"If you didn't called her stupid, she wouldn't retaliates." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Can we stop now? I just want our wedding to get over for fuck sake!"

"Ruby Jane, I'm telling you, that woman–."

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say mom." I cut her off and removed my Dad's arm on my shoulder before I ran to Lisa and throw my body onto her, she immediately catches me with her long limbs and engulfed me.

There's really nothing is better than Lisa's hug, the way her arms wrapped on my petite body and the safeness that I can feel whenever I'm between her arms. I'm starting to get used to being clingy on her.

"Are you ok?" Lisa asked before kissing the top of my head and I nodded my head before snuggling in furthermore to her not so flat chest.

"I'm sorry for–." I paused when I felt a hands on Lisa's back and when I peeked in, I saw Sana smiling at me awkwardly but her hands were pressing on Lisa's back, then I remember the wound that my mom's caused and I can't help but to frown.

"Ruby Jane, I'm telling you, marrying that woman won't do you any good!"

"Mom, please. Stop it, I'm already tired of this. Just be thankful that Lisa stopped me from killing you because if not, you might probably end up headless." I said weakly and tip back to look up to Lisa. "Let's go."

"How about your mom?"

"Just forget about her, unless you still want her to kill you and we'll go killing each other over and over again." I said and rest my forehead on her chest.

"This family is weird." Lisa mumbled before taking my hand and pulled me away from them.

"Ruby Jane! Where are you going?!" Mom shouted but I ignored her and curt a nod to my Dad, telling him that he should stop mom or I will.

"Yah, Charmaine. Just let your daughter to decide whatever she wants, she's not the baby you used to know, she's a grown up woman now." Daddy said and he was going to touch mom but the latter swat his hand. "Oh c'mon, you think I would let her marry Lisa if I know that she's going to die?"

"You wouldn't know what will happen!"

"Of course I know, I'm the King!"

"That has nothing to do with the future, you dumbass!" Mom shouted back before smacking Dad's head.

"Now I know where did Jennie gets her brutal side." Sydney said behind us while watching my parents.

"Yeah right." Naian chuckled and she clung onto Sydney's arm but the latter pushed her face away from her.

"I'm not fucking Jory! Stop clinging to me!" Sydney yelled but Naian just rolled her eyes and clings even more.

"But Jen, are you sure that Lisa can change the future depends on how she will gonna handle her emotions?" Jisoo asked curiously while we're all walking outside the dungeon.

"I'm sure." I replied and squeezed Lisa's hand. "Dad was sure too, so you don't have to wor–."

"But the kiss that happens between Jisoo and Lisa, even if I tried to stop it, even if Lisa changed it, it still happened."

When I heard Chaeyoung, I halted my steps and turned to Lisa when I felt her froze and she also stopped. She became idled and her mouth slightly open while staring in front of her with bewildered eyes.

"Chaeng, Lisa can change the future, I know she will." I said calmly even though inside me, I am really scared.

"Chaeyoung has a point." Lisa said, her head slowly turned to me and I furrowed my forehead when I saw the fear behind her eyes. "Jen, what if the prophecy is true?"

"Lisa, I know what you're capable of, please, stop doubting yourself."

"I don't know Jen, what if that happened between me and my mom is just a luck? What if you were really going to die if you–."

"Lisa, relax, that's not going to happen. You're not going to let me die, right?" I asked while smiling at her.

But to be honest, Chaeyoung was right and I felt a little scared back there, but as much as possible, I don't want to think about that as of now.

I know that my life depends on Lisa, if our wedding continues, the King will going to pass the throne at me and it will trigger the enemies because they believe that a woman is not worthy to reign in the kingdom of vampires, and that's when the war will begins.

Lisa needs to be strong, she was the one who will lead the war along with Jisoo, the commander of vampire soldiers, of course the whole gang will help her and that's all written on the prophecy. My death was also written at the end, but we never talked about it, Dad only mentioned it once and that's when he asked me to look for the person that said on the prophecy.

My death was really inevitable, just like meeting Lisa, the wedding, the passing of the throne, all the things that's written on the prophecy are inevitable, but with Lisa's help, there's a chance she can change what's bound to happen. She already did it and Lisa is my Dad's only choice to save my life that's why he's insisting this marriage between me and Lisa, because he believes that Lisa can truly change the future.

"Of course, I'm not going to let that happen." Lisa said and even though she smiled back, I'm not really convinced that she's not doubting herself now because of how her smile didn't reached her eyes.

When Lisa and I arrived at our room, she walked straight to the bathroom without looking back nor sparing me a glance.

She begun acting weird when we got departed from the others, she became silent and even if she doesn't want to tell me or should I say she doesn't let me read her mind, I know that Chaeyoung's concerned is the thing that's running inside her mind.

I can't blame her, even myself is really afraid of the possibility that I might die, but as much as possible, I need to be more optimistic and even if I die, at least I get to feel what they are calling love, happiness, fear and that thing they said about the butterflies inside your stomach rummaging because of one sensation that Lisa let me feel whenever she's hugging me or kissing me.

That was already enough for me and I can face my death willingly if it's really bound to happen, but if Lisa can save me, then that's much better.

I sighed before sitting at the end of the bed and wait for Lisa to step out from the bathroom. My mind wander back to the first day I met Lisa up to this day and I admit, all that's happen to us are like a cliché, especially when I started feeling strange feelings toward Lisa, I can't help but to smile upon reminiscing all of that and I noticed that it's been one hour and Lisa still hasn't went out.

I rose up from the bed and pad to bathroom, I was about to knock but the door open itself and Lisa got startled when she saw me standing in front of her.

"What took you so long?" I asked, narrowing my eyebrows into one line when I noticed her eyes.

"Sorry." Lisa said with hoarse voice. She was about to walked away but I grabbed her arm to stopped her, I grabs her chin and lift it to see her eyes and I was right, the puffiness was really visible, indication that she cried.

"Lisa, what's wrong?" I asked solemnly.

"Nothing." She replied shortly and tried to hide her face by looking down on her feet.

"Tell me." I demands but she didn't response as she kept her head lowered and her mouth shut. "Lisa.." I called with warning but she still refused to talk.

I released a sigh of defeat and let go of her, as soon I let go of her arm, she continued her way to our bed and lie down her body. She tucked herself under the blanket and with her back facing me, I can see freely her torn shirt from where she was wounded by my mom.

The wound are already healed and with Lisa's vampire ability, where she can heal herself, it's not really surprising that she can still move even if mom almost seize her heart from behind. But that's still makes me uncomfortable that she got almost die in my mother's hand and if ever that that happens, then we all better to die than to continue the life.

Gosh I'm so selfish!

I released another deep breath before approaching her and sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the blanket that's covering her face. At first, she doesn't want to let go, we looks like having tug of war and with my persistency, she finally let go.

"Just fucking tell me what's wrong, Lisa." I started with a little harsh tone voice but for the third time, she didn't response and just turn her back against me abruptly. "Don't you throw me that attitude, Lisa." I said, fisting the blanket tightly to hold back myself from snapping but she still stayed with her back facing me.

I took one last deep breath and sighed exasperatedly before grabbing her shoulder and pulled her to face me.


"What the hell is wrong with you Lisa?!" I snapped and she got startled and sat abruptly, pulling the blanket to cover her body and shes stared at me, as if she was battling to herself wether she'll speak or not.

I clenched my eyes pressed the side on my head to calm myself, and as I open my eyes, she's still staring at me.

"It is not my job to make you speak up for yourself, when I don't even know there are things you want to speak." I said and was about to stand up but she immediately grabs my arm and pulled me. Her arms wrapped on my waist and her face buried on my shoulder and with my back pressing in front of her.

"I'm scared Jen, I'm scared." She finally speak up and tightens the hug. "I don't know if I can change your future, what if not? Then I would loose you?" Lisa's voice traced with fear causing my anger that's starting rose up inside me to suddenly dissipated. "I can't let that happen."

"Then don't." I said and reach for her head to pat it. "Don't let me die, change my future Lisa, save me."

"I will, Jen. I will." She mumbled softly and I can feel her body started to shake behind me. I slowly removed her arms on my waist and I turn around to face her before crawling above her lap.

I cupped her face and slowly lean my face closer while staring directly to her dark chocolate brown eyes, she held my gaze and her breath hitches when I gently stroke her lower lip before closing the gap between our lips.

"Save me, Lisa." I muttered against our lips.

"I will, babe." Lisa said before grabbing my nape and pull me closer.

I started to move my lips instinctively, twisting my head sideways and Lisa did the same. We kissed in slow, gently brushing our lips together and with light pressure, as if we're just savoring and tasting each other lips.

We're both inexperienced to this, but the way how Lisa dominate the kiss between us, shows that she got some knowledge from Jisoo or Naian or Sydney. Those three were always teasing Lisa about our honeymoon, so it's not really surprising that Lisa knows how to lead this kissing battle between us.

I felt her hand slides down to my waist and squeezed my sides to pull me closer to her, my hands wrapped to her neck to deepen the kiss and I moans softly when Lisa licked my lower lip and bit it lightly.

"Hmm.." I moaned and my fingers dug on her locks to deepen our kiss. It gets sloppy wet kisses and Lisa's hand slid under my shirt and started to stroke my waist making my whole body to react on the the friction of her hot palms and I moaned loudly.

My eyes widened when I felt Lisa's tongue tries to enter inside my mouth. I don't know what will I do, but of course, I didn't have to think twice, I opened my mouth to give her access and I bit the tip of her tongue when she entered it.

"Fuck Jen!" She hissed after she broke the kiss.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked while glaring at her.

"Jisoo said–!"

"I knew it!" I exclaimed and I crawled out from her lap but she immediately wrapped her arms on my waist to stop me and pulled me back. "Lisa!" I squealed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She said chuckling and buries her face on my back. "You ruined the moment Jen."

"You just fucking tried to shoved your tongue inside my mouth!"

"Jisoo and Naian told me that it's normal!" She retaliates and her chuckles turned into cute giggles.

"I swear to God, Lisa! Stop hanging out with those two!" I said as I slapped her arm but she just laugh and kissed my nape, I flinched and pinched her arm lightly. "Stop kissing me there, it's ticklish – Lisa!" I squealed again when Lisa kissed me repeatedly on my nape even if I already told her not to kiss it. "My God! Stop it!" I said between my giggles while writhing my head to avoid her lips but Lisa is so persistent and she did it over and over again.

"I didn't know you had ticklish part here." Lisa said as she continues giving me kisses on my nape.

"Now you know, stop kissi–."

"Nah.. This is my revenge for ruining the moment awhile ago."

"Lisa!" I shouted and removed her arms from my waist but she doesn't want to let go. "Lisa, I'm warning you, if you didn't – shit." My words were cut off when Lisa stopped from tickling me with kisses and her lips stopped but still touching my skin and I started to feel a little pain and pleasure when Lisa sucked my skin. "Lis.." I moaned her name and she hums before pulling away.

"Oohh it works." She said.

"What did you do?"

"I left a marks on what's mine." She said proudly, the sounds of her stretching lips was enough for me to know that she was smiling widely.

"Nerd." I snort a laugh before rolling my eyes even if she couldn't see me. "I'm yours, no one will–."

"I love you, Jennie."

My heart skipped a beat, it stopped for one second and started beating again, but three times faster than its usual beat, it echoes behind my ears, my throat became dry and I don't know for how long I've been holding my breath.

"I'm sorry if I admit it late, but I do. I really do and–."

I didn't let Lisa finished her words as I twists my body to face her and grabs her nape to crashed our lips together. I could tell Lisa was shocked to my sudden movements but she immediately catches as she started to dance her lips with mine, our breaths mingle together, lips dancing on its own rhythm.

Lisa's hands, once again, squeezed my sides but this time, she fisted the hem of my shirt and pulled them up, which cause our lips to break the kiss but immediately attached them together again after she took it off and throw it on our side.

"Lisa..." I moaned her name and my fingers dig to her locks. She starts trailing my jaw up to my ear, nibbling and biting it lightly, then she she went down to my neck and I tilt my head sideways to give her full access as I was moaning her name repeatedly. "Lisa.."

She trails every part of my neck and leaves wet kisses to my skin, she's moving like a pro and it's not really a bad idea that Jisoo and Nayeon taught her how to do everything regards to this matter.

"Jen, there's no turning back and if you didn't stop me now–."

"Then don't stop, Lisa." I cut off and cupped her face to claimed her lips and we shared a long and passionate kiss.

Lisa shuffles and we both pulled away from the kiss for a much needed air and she slowly guides me to lie down before she hover above me.

"You're not allowed to retreat now, Jen." Lisa said with her deep and hoarse voice which adds to the heat that creeped on my body and another pain on my abdomen.

I held Lisa's intense gaze before releasing a lungful sigh to calm my heart from beating frantically inside my chest and nodded.

"Take me." I said.

Lisa smiled before leaning for another passionate kiss, at first it was passionate and gentle, until I felt Lisa's trembling hands trailing my sides and going up, the kiss became aggressive and for the second time, she licks my lower lips asking for an opening and I did, Lisa shoved her tongue inside me, teasing my tongue to dance with her.

I wrapped my arms on her neck to pull her closer and as we were having tongue battle, Lisa continues to move her trembling hand but she stopped under my clothed breast and she's hesitating, I could tell, because her kisses slowed down.

"Relax, babe." I muttered against her lips and Lisa hums. "Just touch it, you'll be fine and you already touched it before, there's no difference." I assured and I reached for her trembling hand to guide her and Lisa swallowed hard before humming.

"Ok, I will just touch it, right?"

"Yeah and sque–."

"Ruby Jane!"

We got startled when the door abruptly swung open and mom stepped in inside with raging face, Lisa fell on the side of the bed and I immediately pulled the blanket to cover my body.

"Mom! What the fuck?!" I yelled in frustration.

"Just what the hell are you doing?!" She asked back with the same high pitch voice just like mine.

"I'm sorry, baby, I did everything to stopped her for barging in, I'm really–!"

"Shut up, dickhead!" Mommy smacked his head to cut him off and dad pouts while rubbing his head.

"Oh my God! I can't believe that until now you're still pursuing your villain agendas!" I hissed and picks up my shirt and steal a glance to Lisa who's still lying on the floor without moving. I chuckled and shakes my head three times before facing back my parents. "Mom, if you're here to kill Lisa, I think you better stop doing that–."

"I'm not here for that! I'm here because I heard the commotion to Jisoo and Chaeyoung's room! They were talking about something that's about to happen and all of your stupid friends are squealing like some bunch of teenagers!"

I clenched my eyes upon hearing what my mom had said and pursed my lips into thin line before releasing a lungful sigh.

"So that's the reason why you barged in." I said stating the obvious.

"Yes!" She replied, throwing her arms in the air. "Do you fucking loose your mind? You're not yet married and you're giving your–."

"Wait." I held up my hand in front of her to stopped her from scolding me and tilt my head sideways. "Are you telling me that you're not against on it if we're married?!"

"Of course! As a mom–!"

"As a mom, what a word." I snort and rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, Ruby Jane! I'm your mom wether you like it or not! And I will only let you do it after your wedding!"

I quickly snapped my head at her from what she said and my eyes slowly widens. "You're accepting Lisa?!"

"Yes, sweetheart. I explained everyth– fuck!" Daddy cussed when mom elbowed her on her side. "You seriously need to stop hitting me, Charmaine!"

Mom and I were really alike and Lisa was about to face the same fate just like my dad or not, I don't know, it depends on how she will annoys me.

"Don't interfere, your daughter and I are holding a conversation here so now, shut your goddamn mouth if you don't want to get hurt!"

"Aish! Fine!" Dad hissed before turning his back and crossed his arms abruptly. I chuckled softly for my Dad's childish act as I can really see Lisa on him, they are both childish.

"And one more thing Ruby Jane, why on earth you were sharing one room with that stupid girl?"

I steal a glance on my Dad and bit my lower lip to suppress my laughter to break out but I failed miserably when Dad looks back and he widens his eyes at me to warn me not to tell my mom who allowed it, but he was caught when mom snapped her head on Dad.


"I'm sorry, okay?! I just want them to get along together!" Dad defensed himself while stepping back slowly to distant himself to mom.

"You are really stupid!" Mom shouted before charging towards Dad who quickly ran away, I shakes my head while giggling and was about to call the woman on the floor but mom came back. "That girl will use other room from now on and you're not allowed to stay with her until the wedding is done!"


"I'm not going to repeat myself!" She said firmly before running outside to kill my Dad, for sure.

I groans and ruffles my hair before sighing frustratedly. "You can move now, Lisa."

"That was close." Lisa said and pushed herself to sat down, she rest her chin on the corner of the bed her gaze darts up to me. "So we're not going to continue?"

"You heard mom."

"Tch! It hurts you know?" She said while frowning.

"I'm sorry about that, but I think I will need to punish the squad first." I said as I rolled out of the bed and throw my shirt on the laundry basket before grabbing a new shirt on my closet and get dressed. "Those girls are really getting on my nerves."

"You looked good on my shirt." I halted my steps and looked down on my shirt. "You're so sexy."

"I know." I said cockily as I checked out myself from the whole body mirror and smirk at myself. "Your shirts are really made for me." I said before looking over my shoulder and wink at her. "Prepare your things from moving to another room, babe." I said before I went out of our room. "And oh, one more thing." I said before continuing my steps.

I walked toward her and bend over to give a quick peck on her lips, she didn't had the chance to kiss me back as I immediately pulled away and tapped her face.

"See you on our wedding day, I'm gonna miss you." I said and smiled at her, showing my gummy smiles.

"What? I'm just going to move to another room, it's not like I'm not allowed to see you!" Lisa complained and was about to grab my hand but I quickly ran away.

"Na-uh, I want you to miss me and show me how much you missed me on our honeymoon." I teased and my smile grew even wider before I stepped out of the room.

"Then be it, Ruby Jane!" Lisa shouted. "I will fuck the hell out of you!"

"Damn it, Lisa! You're too bold, but I'll wait!" I shouted back before I burst out into loud obnoxious laugh when I heard her growled.
