Hard Choices


I've been laughing for one hour now and as much as I want to stop, I can't, as I can see the frowns on my friends's face while we're sitting in a round table.

"Would you fucking stop from laughing?!" Sydney hissed and hit my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it." I said between my laughter and wiped the tears that formed on the corner of my eyes from too much laughing. "You girls should've seen y'all faces while Jennie chastising all of you."

"Shut up!" Jisoo yelled and she crawled above the round table to get through me but Jory and Naian pulled her back and Sydney covered me. "You bitch!"

"The fuck is wrong with you, Jisoo?" Sydney asked raggedly and slapped her arm.

"Lisa's laugh is so annoying!" She hissed and rolled her eyes before crossing her arms on her chest and sat back abruptly.

"Now now, I'm sorry but how's your back?" I asked and when Jisoo shoot me a dagger look, I burst out from laughing again.

"They're fine Lisa! After receiving one hundred whipped? It's fine!" Jisoo shouted and uncrossed her arms, I flinched when I thought that she's going to throw me the beer bottle and covered my face but she didn't and it's their turn to laugh at me. "Too much caffeine, Lisa." Jisoo said before chugging on her beer.

"Bitch, I thought you're going to hit me." I scoffed before sitting straight.

"I shouldn't have went to Jisoo's room if I know that this would happen." Naian hisses as she was trying to stretch her back.

"Well yeah, it's not my fault if you squealed like a sea fucking lion." Jisoo scoffed and I burst out laughing again but I immediately stopped when I got choked because of the peanut I was feasting after I saw Chaeyoung Pristine walking toward us, cripplingly. Jisoo immediately stood up to approach her girlfriend and guide her to sit on her spot earlier.

"You got it harder than us, Chaeng." Sydney said sympathetically. "Jennie is not kidding anymore, damn!"

"Jennie needs to stop this goddamn punishment!" Jisoo scowled and shoot a dagger look at me.

"I'm fine babe, it's our fault anyway." Chaeyoung said dismissively and steal a glance at me before giggling. "The pain that Lisa felt was even worse than a hundred whipped on our back." She said and they all laugh loudly.

"Yah!" I yelled and I hit them one by one with the peanut.

"Just what the fuck are you doing anyway? You take everything too slow, Lisa!" Jory exclaimed and she stood up from her seat and pad behind me. "I think you need to need to learn from the expert."

All of us got curious when Jory fishes out her phone from her pocket and Sydney and I exchanged glances before looking back at her.

"Sana gave it too me and she teach us how to use this, we're not dumb, Lisa." Jory said to defend herself even if I haven't said anything yet.

"Too defensive." Naian mocked and her wife just make a face at her before bending her body beside me.

"Now now, I think you need to watch this, it will help you." Jory said as she started typing on her phone. We all got curious on what she was talking about and wait for her to finish tapping her phone, Jisoo also stood up and stand behind me and leaned her front on my head to peek at the phone. Sydney and Chaeyoung also did peered, even Naian got curious and she stood beside her wife.

We were all waiting and anticipated for Jory to play the video on her phone that we didn't notice all of the squad are already finished receiving their punishment from Jennie and they are also peeking on the phone.

"Are you ready, Lisa?" Jory asks and I nodded vigorously. "Here." She said and her finger tapped the play and we all prepared ourselves, especially me.

"What the fuck Yoo Jory?!" We all exclaimed in unison after she tapped her phone and a porn played on it.

Chaeyoung grabs the phone and smashed it on the table making all of us to get startled and Jisoo quickly grabbed Jory and they distant themselves to Chaeyoung.

"What the hell, Chaeng?! That was my only phone!" Jory gasped while looking horrifically at her smashed phone.

"Really Jory? A porn?" Chaeyoung asked in disbelief.

"Then what do you want me to do? Let her watch a raw scene between Naian and me?"

"I don't mind tho." Naian shrugged her shoulders before sitting back to her seat. We all looked at her slacked-jaw and dumbfounded. "What? Lisa will learn something from us."

"No, no and no!" Chaeyoung said frustratingly as she she shakes her head furiously. "This will be the last time and I don't want to spoil anything from now on, I will keep it to my–."

"That's not a very good idea, Chaeyoung Pristine." Jisoo cut off and pad back to the table. "You'll be the only one who'll have fun."

"Actually no, I'm going to do that because that's their privacy and is it not enough that all of us received hundreds of whip just because the queen caught us–."

"It's queen's fault, she's the cockblocker not us." Naian chimes in and scoffed.

"Wasn't it because of you and Jisoo's loud laughter why we were caught?" Mara asked and they all nod their heads in agreement.

"Girls, why are we really talking about this? It's not really a big deal." I chimes in and stood up from my seat but Sydney tugged me down.

"Lisa, you don't understand, you are both virgins and I will not let Jennie tease you just because you don't know how to fu–."

"Sydney!" Irene shouted with a loud smack on her head, making all of us to laugh. "Leave the kid alone!"

"Are you talking about me?" Cubby asked while pointing at herself.

"Bold of you to assume that you're the youngest, smallest maybe." Chewy scoffed at her.

"Ok, now now. Shall we stop from talking nonsensical stuff? This matter regarding to Jennie and Lisa's private moment, will stop now. I'm not going to tell you anything and that's final." Chaeyoung said to dismiss the topic.

"Ok fine, if that's what you want and let's just continue this drink." Jisoo said before she moved to the seat next to me bringing her bottle of beer with her. "After this, I still need to train Lisa, so babe, you may go to our room first."

"Ok, but don't be too hard on her or Jennie will beat your ass, okay?"

"Yes ma'am, see you later, love you!" Jisoo said to dismissed her girlfriend and blow a kiss before waving her hand. Chaeyoung smiled at her before turning her heels and the others also excused themselves, leaving Naian, Jory, Sydney and Jisoo on the table.

When we made sure that everyone was already away from our earshot, Jisoo immediately fishes out her phone and lean closer to me.

"Actually, Lisa I have this site where you can watch an actual sex and you might learn something from it." She said while tapping rapidly on her phone screen. "Here." She said and I immediately took the phone from her grip and pushed my thick eyeglass onto the bridge of my nose before concentrating at the video.

"Wow Lisa, you can win an Oscar award for your acting." Naian said while shaking her head in disbelief. "Jennie–."

"Relax, she's still busy hitting Happy and Saddy." Jisoo said and waved her hand dismissively to Naian as her eyes focused on the screen.

"No, I mean, Jennie is–."

"Sshh, you should've come with the other girls if you would've been noisy here, Naian." Jorry said to shushed her wife.

"Just be the look out for us if you don't want to watch." Sydney said and she leaned her head closer to me. "Whoa the girl was thick."

"Yeah, the body tho, it's a perfect glass." Jisoo said as she's intensely watching and leaned her head closer even more.

"So does Jennie's body but the difference is their boobs, this girl was really thick, damn." I said, scrunching up my nose and shakes my head two times.

"Y'all are bunch of stupid perverts, Jennie was standing behind you." Naian hissed.

We all froze upon hearing Naian and I dropped the phone that I've been holding tightly awhile ago. I blink my eyes rapidly and gulped thickly, my lips started to quiver as well as my hands because of fear. No one dared to move, no one dared to talk and we stayed the way we are forming.

"So... thick, huh?" Jennie's voice is calm, but they said, there's calmness before storms, so I better not to assume that I'm already safe.

"She's asking you, Lisa." Naian said while laughing mockingly.

"Tell me Jisoo, why are y'all watching that kind of videos?" Jennie asked and we side glanced Jisoo but she looks like a frozen statue on her spot and she keeps gulping while blinking her eyes rapidly. "Ok, you're not going to talk, I'll ask Seulgi then." We all turned to Sydney but her eyes was closed, as if she was silently praying for her dear life. "Jory, why are you watching that kind of videos in front of your wife?" Jennie turns to Jory this time, but the latter, just like Seulgi praying for her safety. "So no one is going to answer my questions, why? Cat got your tongue?"

I heard Jennie's footsteps were going in front of us and we all prepared ourselves but when she struck the table, we all flinched and within a swift move we ran quickly.

Jisoo, the fastest among us, vanished immediately, leaving the three of us. We ran fast for our lives, I think the fastest ran I've ever done in my entire life, just to get away from Jennie and to my baddest luck, I stumble over a rock and my body rolled on the ground three times.

"Shit!" I mumbled and winced in pain as my elbow got a bruise. "Syd! Help!" I screamed for help and Sydney stopped from running, she cussed loudly and she was about to ran back to help me but when her gaze went behind me, her eyes widened and she looks like was about to pee on her pants.

"She's c-coming! Oh my God Lisa! Stand up!" She shouted while stretching her arm, when I looked back to Jennie, I saw her walking in her normal slow walk toward me but her face isn't normal, she's mad as hell! "Lisa, c'mon!" I looked back to Sydney when I heard her shouts.

"I can't move my knees! Eighty percent of my fear is concentrated in them!" I shouted back while spreading out my hand. "Syd, please help me!" I begged and I am near to cry because of fear.

"Shit shit shit!" Sydney cussed while shaking her hands to shoo away her fear and she clenched her eyes before she ran back to me.

When Sydney was about to get near me, Jennie appeared in front of me and my eyes widened that they almost bawl out from its sockets and Sydney stumble on the floor in shocked when she saw Jennie.

"Where do you think you're going, Lisa?" She asked.


Jennie bend over to approach me but just before she could touch me, Jisoo came back and grabs my collar and dragged me away. When we ran to Sydney, I quickly grabbed her arm and now Jisoo was dragging the two of us. She was running too fast that my feet and my butt didn't even felt the ground even once and I feel like I'm a paper and floating in the air.

"This is the dumbest idea that we've done!" Jisoo said when she stopped from running and we all hide behind a large rock.

I don't know how far we ran just to hide from Jennie, and even if I didn't run, I'm still catching my breath while clutching my chest.

"That was some scary shit! I lost my–my shoe!" Jory said and rest her back on the rock and close her eyes.

"I fucking lost my heart!" I exclaimed and Jory chuckled.

"Guys, do you think Jennie can still follow us here?" Sydney asked as she peered behind the stone, Jisoo looked up at her before pulling down her sleeves.

"We've ran too far and I think–."

"You think what, Chu?" We all looked up to see the woman who spoke above the stone and there was Jennie, sitting on the top while checking her nail and when she shifted her gaze at us.

We started screaming like mad ladies and we all crawled to our knees trying to ran away again but Jennie jumped in front of us and she grabbed my collar.

"H-help! Oh my God! Help me Syd! Please!" I cried for help but Sydney seemed to froze on her spot and Jisoo crawled back and with Jennie grabbing my collar, she walked to Jisoo and grabbed her foot, causing Jisoo to plops her face on the mud.

"You will not get away in this Jisoo." Jennie said and she throw me to Jisoo.

"F-fuck!" I groaned when I fell to Jisoo's body, causing her face to even digs on the mad.

"Goddamn it, Mcklein!" Jisoo exclaimed as she spits the mud from her mouth and wiped her face using my shirt. "It's nasty!"

"Why did you eat the mud, stupid!" I scowled at her before I sat down on the floor and removed her hands on my shirt.

Jennie walks to Sydney and Jory and she grabs their collar as well before dragging them toward us and I cough hardly, as if I ws getting choke when Jennie pulled me and Jisoo on our collar.

The four of us, who were pulled on our shirt by Jennie, as if we're corpses, exchanged glances and the panic are all visible on our eyes.

"Good thing I decided to see you, Mcklein. Because if not, I wouldn't have known that you were jerking off with some woman."

"It's not what you think, Jennie! I'm just–."

"You're just watching porn with these three." She cut me off to state the already obvious, she just caught us and I'm not going to deny that she has the right to get mad.

But jerking off? With another woman while watching them with those scripted emotions? Isn't it too harsh for Jennie to think that I can get easily arouse with random girls with bigger boobs than hers? I don't think so.

"Jen, we're really sorry. We just want Lisa to learn something from that videos, we don't intent to fantasize the girl just because she has sexy body and–." I elbowed her Jisoo to cut her off for complimenting the woman but Jennie heard it.

She stopped from walking and she swung her arms, making the for of us to float in the air before we dropped on the ground after Jennie threw us away.

"S-shit." I groans as I pushed myself to sat down and looked up to Jennie. "What the hell, babe?!"

"Don't you babe me, Lisa!" Jennie said and with her mental power, she widened her eyes and my body lifted on the ground. "I can't believe you did that to me!"

"No, Jen! It's not really what you think! I'm sorry, I won't do it again! Please, just put me down!"

"Relax, Lisa. We got yo– oh oh oh! Jennie, put us down!" Seulgi said in a panic while looking for something to hold on when Jennie lifted the three of them as well.

"To be honest, I don't really know what else to do with all of you. Y'all are really a pain in the ass, I'm tired of punishing and beating the hell out of you for doing mistakes every time you had the chance." Jennie said while shaking her head in disappointment. "Lisa and I are getting married by the end of the week and as much as I want to kill that nerd, I can't. But guys, please. I'm begging you, just stop doing stupid things until we get married."

Jennie's frowning face is telling us that she was so done with everything, she's not having it anymore and it makes the guilt inside me to slap the hell out of me. She's putting up too much for our silliness and stupidity.

"I'm sorry, Jen." We uttered guiltily and simultaneously.

"I let you get away about the kiss, where I shouldn't have done that but I guess, letting you get away for the second time wouldn't hurt me.." We were about to celebrate that Jennie will let us go but we paused when she held her hand up. "..but if ever that Jisoo will ever done another stupid moves, all of you will get the never ending punishment every fucking day."

"W-what? Why me?" Jisoo asked but Jennie just raised her left eyebrow before swinging her arm and the four of us dropped. "Damn it!" Jisoo hissed and she immediately stood up. "Wait Jen! You haven't answered my question! Why me–."

"You and Naian." Jennie replied before vanishing in front of us in form like mist.

"What the hell?!" Jisoo exclaimed and turned to us. "Can someone please tell me, why it has to be me?!"

"Because you're the dumbest." Jory said while shrugging the dirt off in her arm.

"Because you're an asshole." Sydney adds.

"Those two are given, but I still dont understand."

"Because you kissed me." I said with a shrug. "Or because aside from me, you annoys her too much."

"Am I?"

"Yes, Chu, yes." Sydney said while chuckling. "You were like a living nauseating machine."

"So does that mean that I don't get to tease Jennie anymore?" We all nod at Jisoo as an answer to her question and she huffed a breath as she crossed her arms on her chest.

"If you make Jennie angry, you're not the only one will get the punishment, we all are." Jory tells her and the corner of Jisoo's lips slowly curving uplift to form a devilish smirk.

"Oh c'mon Jisoo, whatever's running inside your mind please, don't ever try it." I warned her but her smirk grew even deeper while staring us. "Jisoo! Stop it, you're creeping me out!" I scowled but Jisoo suddenly burst out into demonic laugh.

"Relax, I'm not really that evil to put everyone in danger." She said but the sarcasm on her voice telling us that she's really into something stupid again.

I shakes my head before clinging onto Sydney and asked them to go back as we still need to continue my training. When all of us was about to walk away, we heard the sound of a branch as if it had been trampled by whoever behind the tree.

We all whipped our head onto it and get prepared for an ambush or enemy attack, but instead of seeing rebellious vampires, we saw a tall woman came out behind the tree and my eyes widened when I get to know the tall woman.

"Aira?" I asked.

"Hi, Lisa?" She greets giddily while waving her hand shyly.

"Enemy!" Jisoo shouted as soon as she saw Aira and she charged toward her but I immediately pulled her arm to stop her and blocked Sydney and Jory's way. "What now, Lisa?!"

"That's my sister, not an enemy." I said.

"But she's an ally of Leehun!"

"I know, but she's still my sister." I insist and hold both of Jisoo's shoulder. "Just let me talk to her and ask her what does she wants, okay?" I said and Jisoo stared at me then to Aira, before looking back to and she sighed in defeat.

"Ok, but we're not going to leave you here."

"Thank you." I said sincerely before turning my heels to face my sister. "What brought you here, Aira?" I asked.

She smiled softly at me before shifting her gaze at Jisoo and the other two behind me. "Can we..talk in private?"

"No, you're an enemy and we're not going to let Lisa go near you." Jory said sternly.

"Please, Lisa? I really need to talk to you, just the two of us." Aira pleaded and I can see behind her eyes the fear, but why? And to whom she was afraid of? "I don't have enough time before mom will look for me, so please."

"Lisa, no–." I cut off Sydney by raising my hand in the air.

"Let me talk to my sister." I said with my firm voice. "And don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I said to assure them and starts walking toward Aira. "If I didn't get back after five minutes, please follow me."

"Aish, Jennie will kill us if you get hurt, please Lisa. Take care." Jisoo said worriedly and I looked over my shoulder and smiled at her before nodding softly.

Aira and I stopped from walking when we made sure that we're already away from my friends's range to hear what we're going to talk about, but I maintain a five feet distance from her in case that she was just fooling me.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

Aira released a lungful sigh before she turn her heels to faced me. There's still fear behind her bewildered eyes.

"I heard the princess and my sister are getting married." She started, there's no trace of happiness on her voice knowing that her big sister will about to marry the princess.

"That's true, we're getting married–."

"Don't." She cut me off and I raised my left eyebrow at her. It seemed that she was also got shock to what she had said and her eyes grew even wider and she started fidgeting on her spot. "Jennie will die, all of you will going to die."

"That's not gonna happen, because I won't let that happen."

"No, Lis. That's what's written on the prophecy, right? That Jennie will die and–."

"Tell me, why would you care so much if Jennie died?  You consider her as an enemy, right?" I asked annoyedly.

"Because if you marry her, you'll die too!" She started to raised her voice as she gets frustrated. "And I don't want it to happen because you're my sister!"

"If I don't marry her, she will still die! What's the difference?!"

"There will be a difference, Lisa." I narrowed my eyebrows upon hearing her but I didn't utter any word as I wait for her to proceed. "There's a way to save her, and that way is you will need to surrender yourself to our mom."

I chuckled dryly after I heard what way she was talking about and shakes my head in disbelief. I'm so stupid for thinking that this conversation between us will do me any good but it turns out that Aira is trying to manipulate me so I will ditch the wedding.

"This conversation is over–."

"I heard them, Lisa. I heard mom and dad talking about you and Jennie, that if ever you surrendered yourself, they will spare Jennie's life even if she still continues to reign the entire kingdom! The war won't gonna happen and there will be no one have to die!"

"So are you saying that my death is in exchange of peace, that I have to die in order to not start the war?!" I snapped. My anger immediately rose within me because of what I had heard, my chest rapidly rise and fall because of my ragged and shalow breathing. "And I thought you don't want me to die?"

"It's true, that's why I'm here and I disobey the rules not to get near to this Kingdom, because I want to save you Lisa!"

"How?! Goddamn it, tell me how?!" We're now screaming to each other and the veins on our necks starting to get visible. "If I surrender myself, they're going to kill me! Now tell me, how will you save me for telling all of this bullshit?!"

"Mom.." Aira trailed off and her voice became weak as she lower her head and stared on her feet. "Mom doesn't have plans on killing you, you're still her daughter and she was planning to keep you."

"Shut the fuck up! She's not my mom! There's no mom who will use her daughter to do a crime!"

"But it's true!" Aira shouted back and her tears started to stream down from her eyes and I froze on my spot, wide eyed, while staring at her in stunned surprised as she started to cry. "Please Lisa, if you don't want Jennie die, surrender yourself to our mom and both of you will lived!"

My mind becomes fuzzy as I stares at her and my vision starts getting blurry and the next thing I know, my own tears already soaking my tainted face.

I don't know if I will believe everything she says or I should still stand by Jillion and Jennie's belief that I can change the future. I love Jennie and leaving her is the last thing I want to do, but on the other hand, if I leave her, there will be no more war, she will be save and I will stay alive but... I need to leave Jennie for the sake of everyone's peace. That thought alone are already enough to make my heart shattered.

And I feel like the more I think about it, the more it adds to my dizziness and I feel like my surroundings are swirling. I looked for something to hold on because I can feel that I'm going to faint in any moment now.

When I clenched my eyes, I heard lots of footsteps rushing towards us, they were coming from different directions, but I'm sure that the three of them are my friends.

"You have to go now, they're coming." I said but Aira didn't response and so I had to open my eyes and she was just staring at me with concern on her eyes. "I said go!"

"Lisa, please think about it." She said hopefully before pulling me to engulfed me into a hug and when I heard that the rushed footsteps are getting nearer, I pushed her away.

"Go now, Aira." I said weakly, and as soon as she vanished in front of me, the footsteps stopped on my side and before I shut my eyes closed, I saw a man and a woman standing beside me and the man catches me before I fell on the ground.

"Lisa.." The familiar voice called my name.
