Chapter 8


Lily's POV

Christmas was here! The castle was decorated and most everyone was heading home. Harry and Ron were staying here. I met up with Draco before he left.

"Have a happy Christmas." He said.

I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

"You too. I'll see you when you get back."

He hugged me one more time before leaving. I walked towards the library, thinking of reading something new. Harry found me and I smiled.

"Hey Harry."

"You and your dad aren't going home?"

I shook my head.

"No, we're staying here."

"I'd much rather be here than at the Dursley's. And Hermione wants us to look for more information on Flamel. In the restricted section."

I smirked.

"You'll never get in there. Not without me."

"What do you mean?"

"I know every way in and out of that library. And I know a way into the restricted section."

He slowly smiled.

"You know there's something really familiar about you." He said.

"Yeah, you too. I've seen you before, or at least your eyes. I just don't know where."

It was a mystery. I had no idea where I could have seen Harry before that day in Diagon Alley.

On Christmas morning, I went down to my dad's office. He smiled and hugged me.

"Merry Christmas dad."

"Merry Christmas Lily." I smiled and he handed me a present. I opened it and inside was a silver phoenix bracelet.

"It's beautiful! I love it."

"I'm glad."

He helped me put it on and I smiled again.

"Thank you daddy."

"You're most welcome. Now, you need to get some breakfast. Come along now."

I nodded and he took me to the great hall. I found Harry and sat with him and Ron. Both of them had hand knitted sweaters with their first initial on it.

"Oi, Lily! My mum made this for you." Ron said.

He handed me a deep green sweater with a golden 'L' on the front. I smiled and put it on immediately. It was warm and really soft.

"Tell your mum I love it."

He smiled and nodded.

"That's a really nice bracelet." Harry said.

I smiled proudly.

"Dad gave it to me. It's a phoenix."


"Harry got an invisibility cloak!" Ron said.

My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped.

"No way! Who gave it to you?"

"That's just it, we don't know." Ron said.

"It just said 'use it well'." Harry added.

I smiled a bit.

"Maybe you won't need my help in the library after all." I said.

He smiled and the three of us finished our breakfast.