Chapter 9
A Question
Lily's POV
I couldn't deny it anyone. Harry Potter was my twin brother. We'd learned that last year in the Chamber of Secrets.
"I haven't seen the two of you together since you infants. The Potter twins."
Harry and I looked at each other confused.
"She's not my sister."
"Oh yes she is. You were separated after I killed your filthy mudblood mother. After you took away most of my power."
Harry and I looked at each other.
"I gave her a chance. She wouldn't stand aside." He said.
I hadn't wanted to believe it. After that I'd asked my dad. He told me the truth. I was angry at first, but he'd only done it to protect me. And he did take me to go see Harry over the summer.
Dad apparated us to a muggle neighborhood. I knocked on the door and a fat man answered it.
I held out my hand.
"I'm Lily Snape. I'm your niece. And this is my father, Severus Snape." I said.
His little eyes went wide.
"How did you find us!?"
I rolled my eyes.
"That's really the first thing you say to me? Harry was right about you. I'm here to see him."
"Get down here boy!"
I narrowed my eyes.
"You can't talk to him like that. How about I give your son some ears to go with tail of his?"
I smirked and shook my head. That had really scared him.
I was sitting up in my room with Gypsy on my trunk. The entire wizarding world was on edge. Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban. Dad knocked on my door and I looked up.
"Are you all ready to go?" he asked.
I nodded and he sighed.
"I truly am sorry that I lied to you all these years. But you must know I loved your mother more than anything and I always will. Just as I will always love you."
I smiled a bit and stood up. I hugged him tightly.
"I know. I'll always be your daughter. No matter who I was born to you are my father. Nothing will ever change that, I promise."
He stepped back with a smile on his face.
"Lily please don't do anything foolish this year."
I sighed.
"Dad that wasn't exactly my choice. I had to help Harry, he's my brother."
"He's not my concern, Lillian! You are. Please, promise me that you won't go getting into trouble this year."
I nodded.
"Good. Now get some sleep. We leave for Hogwarts tomorrow."
"Night dad."
"Good night Lily."
He left the room and closed the door. I looked at Gypsy and she came over to me. She sat on my lap and I stroked her fur, making her pur.
"I'll try and stay out of trouble." I whispered.
Gypsy yawned and we both went to bed.
Draco's POV
I found Lily on the train and she smiled at me.
I hugged her tightly and we sat down. I pulled a long, slender box from my bag.
"Happy birthday, Lily."
She smiled.
"Oh Draco, you didn't have to get me anything."
"I wanted to. Open it."
I'd found a pendant with a fiery red stone in the middle of a gold chain.
"It matched your fiery personality."
She smiled more and I put it around her neck.
"It's so beautiful. I'm never taking it off."
I laughed and she kissed my cheek. I took a deep breath and took her hands.
"Lily, you know I think you're the most beautiful girl in the world. And that you're so sweet and strong. Would you consider being my girlfriend?"
She smiled and threw her arms around me.
"Yes! I would love to be your girlfriend." She said.
I smiled and she sat back.
"So, how are you?"
She shrugged.
"I'm still a little confused. What with everything that happened last year."
She'd told me about Potter being her twin brother.
"What are you confused about?"
"Well, I wouldn't say confused. I don't really know what to feel. I love my father more than anything. Now I find that I have a twin brother and a real father. It feels like I'm betraying my dad or something like that."
"Snape is your real father. I'm not saying that you should disregard the fact that you had another father. But Snape is the one who raised you and gave you everything you could. He gave you the best childhood that he could. He raised you on his own and look how you turned out. Beautiful, intelligent, kind, strong and brave."
She smiled at me.
"Thank you, Draco. You're right. He is my real father and no one could ever take his place."
I smiled and nodded. I took her hand and then the train just stopped. Gypsy jumped out of her basket and into Lily's arms. The lights went out and the temperature dropped rapidly. I looked at Lily, but she didn't look scared. She took my hand and squeezed tightly.
Lily's POV
I saw a skeletal hand outside the door. The door opened and in came a Dementor! Gypsy started to hiss and the Dementor looked around. It looked at me and came closer.
"Get out! Black isn't here!" Draco shouted.
I heard a woman screaming, then a man calling my name. I saw a bright light and then the Dementor was gone.