Chapter 42
I'd learned that Mr. Weasley had been attacked by a snake! Thanks to Harry, he survived. However, Harry didn't seem to be getting the hang of Occlumence. Then again, I also should have known that my father wouldn't have much patience for him. Then there came the day that Umbridge found out. Draco had run ahead to warn me and also to keep me from warning the others.
"If she catches you she could find out you're a weasel! I won't let you get arrested." He said.
I'd struggled but he was a lot stronger than me. He forced me to hide when Umbridge and the others took my brother and friends away.
"How did she find us?"
"Cho Chang. She used truth potion."
I sighed and closed my eyes.
"There's nothing you can do now. I'm sorry Lily. I need to get you out of here."
I didn't give me a chance to protest. He dragged me away and there was nothing I could do.
Harry's POV
Cho told her everything! My own girlfriend. Umbridge brought us straight to Dumbledore's office after Fudge arrived.
"We've been watching them for weeks! And see! 'Dumbledore's Army' proof of what I've been telling you from the beginning Cornelius." She said.
I hoped to god that Lily wasn't hiding on one of us.
"All your fear mongering about you-know-who never fooled us for a minute! We saw your lies for what they were: a smokescreen for your bid to seize control of the ministry!" Fudge shouted.
"Naturally." Said Dumbledore.
I frowned.
"No, professor. He had nothing to do with it, it was me." I said.
"Most noble of you Harry, to shield me. But as it has been pointed out, the parchment clearly says 'Dumbledore's Army' not 'Potter's'. I instructed Harry to form this organization. And I and I alone are responsible for it's activities." Dumbledore said.
I sighed and shook my head. This wasn't supposed to happen. The only good thing that came from it, was that no one would ever know about Lily. I'd refused to let her put her name down. I knew that if she was caught there would be a chance they would discover she was an Animagus. I wouldn't allow my sister to be put into Azkaban. Just as I knew that Dumbledore had no intention of going to Azkaban.
"Now I thought we might hit this little snag. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that I'm going to, what was the phrase? Come quietly?"
I smiled a bit.
"Well, I have no intention of going to Akaban."
Fawkes flew forward and Dumbledore clapped his hands. He disappeared in a flash of fire and Fudge fell to the ground with Umbridge. I kept myself from laughing and I was definitely going to tell Lily about it all later. Cho had tears in her eyes.
"You may not like it Minister, but you can't deny… Dumbledore's got style." Said Kingsly.
I smirked.
Lily's POV
I had to make sure Harry knew what happened with Cho. She made him happy and I didn't want Umbridge to ruin that. He seemed relieved when I told him. He hugged me tightly and thanked me.
"I love you, Lily."
I smiled.
"I love you too. Now get going."
He kissed my cheek before leaving.