Chapter 43
The Truth About James
Umbridge was made headmistress. Hogwarts had become a cold place. My brother and the others were punished with the same enchanted quills. I could heal their hands, but that was it. With Dumbledore gone, Trewalney and Hagrid were forced to leave. No one knew where Dumbledore had gone, but Umbridge was convinced that Harry did. There was only so much I could do to protect him.
I wasn't exactly sure if I was dreaming or not. I was by the lake but I didn't recognize anyone. I saw a teenaged boy, a Slytherin, reading by a tree. I heard laughter and turned to see a group of four Gryffindor boys coming down.
"Alright there, Snivellus?"
My eyes widened. The Slytherin boy was my father.
Dad's wand flew from his hand. This had to be James Potter, he looked just like Harry.
Dad was thrown back and he hit the ground hard. I was appalled by what I was seeing. Other students were now gathering around and laughing.
"Stop it! Stop it!" I screamed.
No one even acknowledged me. Dad was trying to get up but the jinx was still holding him down. Tears came to my eyes.
"You – wait," he panted.
He was looking at James with so much hate in his eyes.
"Wait for what? What're you gonna do Snivelly, wipe your nose on us?"
This had to be Sirius. Dad started to shout out curses, but he didn't have his wand.
"Wash out your mouth," James said. "Scourgify!"
Dad's mouth filled with soap bubbles. He started to choke and gag.
"Leave him ALONE!"
Finally someone had stepped forward. I turned and saw a girl come running. I knew who she was immediately.
She was my mother.
She yelled at James.
"What's he done to you!?"
"Well, it's more the fact that he exists if you know what I mean."
People laughed and tears rolled down my cheeks. I hated James! I hated him more than anything.
"You think you're so funny. But you're just an arrogant, bullying toerag, Potter. Leave him alone." Mum said.
"I will if you go out with me Evans."
I was completely disgusted. I could see the jinx wearing off dad. He started moving towards his wand.
"I wouldn't go out with you if it was a choice between you and the giant squid." Mum said.
I smirked.
"Go mum." I whispered.
"Bad luck Prongs…. OY!"
Dad had his wand directed at James and when he turned, there was a flash of light. A large gash appeared on the side of James' face. I smirked and nodded. James whirled around and then had dad dangling in the air upside down. Then he pantsed him. My hand flew to my mouth.
"I said leave him ALONE!"
Now mum had her wand aimed at James.
"Ah Evans, don't make me curse you now."
"Let him down!" she snapped.
James did as she said and dad hit the ground.
"You're lucky she was here Sinvellus."
The next part was what made my heart break.
"I don't need help from a filthy little Mudblood like her!"
My jaw dropped and I shook my head. James immediately shouted at him to apologize. I fell to the ground and after more arguing, mum left. James just turned around and continued to torment my father.
"STOP! PLEASE STOP IT!" I screamed.
When I opened my eyes, I was back at Hogwarts. I was standing on the Astronomy tower alone. I couldn't believe what I'd just seen. I turned weasel and ran down to the dungeons. I saw Harry running away. I turned back and grabbed him.
"What happened?"
He looked at me and I knew. I knew he'd seen it too.
"I'm sorry Lily! I didn't mean to look!"
He took off and I kept walking down the stairs to my dad's little potion room. I heard a smash and I stopped. There was more smashing and I turned back into a weasel before going forward. I looked inside and saw my dad leaning against the wall. There were tears in his eyes. I stepped back and turned back into myself. I slowly opened the door.
"I told you to GET OUT!"
He stood up, but he stopped when he saw me.
Tears came to my eyes again.
"I saw it. I saw everything." I whispered.
I ran and hugged him.
"Why did they do that to you!? Why!?" I cried.
He held me tightly.
"I don't know." He said.
I looked up.
"Why did you say that to her?"
The pain in his eyes made more tears come.
"I don't know. And I regret it every day, Lily. Truly I do. I loved her more than anything. And I love you."
I nodded and hugged him again.
"I hate that man! I hate him for what he did to you." I cried.
"Shhh! That happened a long time ago." He said.
I couldn't stop crying. Not after what I'd seen.
"Why did I see that? Why!?"
"I don't know. I never wanted you to see or even know about that day. I'm sorry Lily."
I shook my head and cried.
"How could you ever love me, daddy? After what James did to you."
He looked at me seriously.
"You listen to me, Lillian Rose. You are MY daughter and I love you more than anything in this world and the next. You're the only thing in my life that matters. Everything I've ever done, everything I ever will do is for you. So that you can be safe and happy. I always want you to be smiling. I want you to have the best life I can give you. The only way someone can hurt me, is by hurting you. I will never let anything happen to you. I swear on my life, that I will always do what I think is right to keep you safe."
I smiled and hid my face in his cloak.
"I love you, daddy."
I don't know what I would do without my father. Everything I am was because of him. He held me as I cried and never said a word.
Harry's POV
I felt terrible. Almost everything Snape ever said about my father was true. He'd tormented Snape with no mercy and for no reason. Now Lily had seen it. She loved Snape so much, now she saw her biological father torment the man who'd raised her. I actually felt a bit sick.
"What're you doing out of bed, Potter?"
I didn't even have it in me to fight with Malfoy.
"Oi! I'm talking to you!"
I shook my head and walked away.
Draco's POV
I didn't really know how to process what just happened. He didn't even try to fight me. On my way back to the common room I heard crying. A girl was crying. Lily! I ran through the halls and down several flights of stairs.
She was in a smaller room with Snape. She was crying and he was holding her.
Snape looked at me. I looked at Lily but she hadn't even noticed me.
"Is she alright?" I asked.
"She will be. Lily, look at me."
She looked at him.
"I want you to go back to Gryffindor tower and try to get some sleep."
She started to shake her head.
"We will talk more about this tomorrow if you want. For now you need to rest. He'll take you back."
She slowly nodded and I went forward. I put my hands on her arms and rubbed a bit.
"Come on, Lil." I said gently.
She hugged Snape tightly before leaving with me. I didn't ask what happened, I would wait for her to tell me. Took her back to Gryffindor tower.
"Here we are."
"He was a bully." She whispered.
I looked at her.
"My biological father was nothing more than an arrogant bully. He tormented my dad without mercy. For no reason!"
"Okay…" I put my arms around her. "Okay…shhh. It's alright." I said softly.
She didn't cry, but I knew she was upset.
"Everything's going to be fine." I whispered.
She held onto me and refused to let go.