Chapter 48

Secrets & Lies

My father took the job, despite my protests. I knew that arguing with him further wouldn't get me anywhere. We went to Diagon Alley and I saw that Fred and George had opened their shop. Dad wasn't thrilled about it, he said he'd wait for me outside. I found my brother inside.


I smiled and ran to hug him.

"Hello Lily."

I looked at the twins.


I saw Hermione and Ginny looking at love potions. I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"Hello ladies."

"Love potions eh?"

"Yeah, they really do work. Even though Lily laughs at it."

I chuckled and shook my head.

"You can't help it if your father is the potions master."

"True enough."

"I think we have a few things you'll enjoy Lily."

I smiled and they led me away.

Harry's POV

Ron, Hermione and I walked outside. Snape was just hanging around.

"Oh, Potter."

I rolled my eyes and we walked away. The entire alley was practically dead.

"Oh no."

I turned to see what Hermione was looking at.

"Everyone got their wands from Ollivanders." She said.

It was sad. I remembered when I first stepped in that shop. He'd greeted me with a warm smile.

"Harry? Is it just me or do Draco and mummy look like two people who don't wanna be followed?" Ron said

I saw Draco and his mother walk down Nocturne Alley. I looked at Ron and Hermione. They nodded and we followed them. They went into Borgen and Burke's and we were forced to find another way to see them. We climbed up onto a roof, and what we saw was going to break my sister's heart. It was no secret I wanted her to break up with Malfoy… but this wasn't how I wanted it to happen.

Lily's POV

Dad dropped me off at King's Cross and I got on the train. I tried to find Draco, but when I did, I didn't like what I saw. All I could see was that he was sitting with Blaise… and Pansy. And he was talking to her almost like he wanted to. I was hurt and confused. I shook my head and walked away. I found my brother and sat down next to him. I looked out the window and stayed silent. I was trying to convince myself that what I'd seen was nothing, but there was still a stupid tiny voice in the back of my head. I could feel the tears in my eyes and then Harry said he needed some air. I refused to cry, I would never let a guy make me cry. I decided to take action instead. I got up and Ron looked at me.


I stormed out of the compartment and waited for Pansy to come out. I clocked her in the face and she glared at me.

"Stay away from my boyfriend!" I hissed.

"What's wrong Snape? Jealous?"

My eyes widened with rage and I kicked her in the chest and then hit her again.

"That's the last time I'll tell you. Stay away from my boyfriend!" I snarled.

There was blood in the corner of her mouth as I walked away. I found an empty compartment and sat down with my cat. A little while later, Ron knocked on the door.

"You okay Lil?"

I didn't say anything and she sat down across from me.

"Heard you got Pansy right in the face. About someone got her."

I smiled a bit.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I hit Pansy for a reason." I told him.

"Yeah, I figured that."

Tears once more came to my eyes.

"He was talking to Pansy! Like he wanted to!"

He moved next to me and put his arm around my shoulders.

"I can't believe I'm about to say this, but he wouldn't do that to you. Even I have to admit that he loves you."

"Thanks Ron." I said.

"No problem."

Draco's POV

When Pansy came crying to me and told me Lily had hit her, she asked what I was going to do about it. Honestly, all I could do was laugh ad shake my head.

"I warned you. You shouldn't have sat anywhere near me." I said.

She left crying and I smirked. I warned her. I searched the train for Lily. When I found her, she was sitting alone with Gypsy. I opened the door and she looked at me. I could tell she'd been crying.

"Lily? What's wrong?" I asked.

I sat down next her and she frowned.

"You were with Pansy. Talking to her like you wanted to."

I sighed and shook my head.

"I talking to her ad telling her that she needed to leave me alone. Because if you found out she'd be in trouble. And I was right."

She laughed softly and nodded.

"I know you'd never do anything to hurt me. I don't know what I was thinking."

I smiled.

"Apology accepted."

She narrowed her eyes in a playful way.

"I never said I-"

I kissed her before she could say any more. She shrugged and the put her arms around me. I would never betray her. I loved her too much… and her father would literally kill me. I heard something move and then looked up briefly. Potter was there on the rack, in his invisibility cloak. I kissed Lily hard. I knew he wouldn't do anything, so I was going to enjoy this more than usual. She moaned softly and I pulled her onto my lap and grabbed her thigh. She kissed down my jaw and to my neck. I tangled my fingers in her hair and opened my eye. I looked up to where he was hiding for a minute before closing my eye again. I wasn't planning to do anything more than kiss her, but I was going to make it a damn good kiss.

When the train stopped, I asked Lily to go ahead. I closed the door and then turned.

"Didn't mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop? To spy?"

I turned and waved my wand. I heard a thud and reached around for the invisibility cloak. I pulled it off and glared at him.

"Still can't accept that your sister loves me?"

Lily's POV

Draco was late, and so was Harry. This was what really concerned me. I was about to get up and look for them when Draco came in. He wouldn't look at me and he seemed guilty. So when Harry came in with a bloody nose I sighed.

"He's covered in blood again. Why is it he's always covered in blood?" Ginny asked.

"Looks like it's his own this time." Ron said.

I shook my head. Harry sat down next to Ginny. I knew Draco had hurt him, I just didn't know why. They announced that my father was now the defense against the dark arts teacher. The Slytherins all clapped. I wanted to join them, but I couldn't. I slid under the table and turned into a weasel. I went down to the dungeons and to my father's secret potions room. It was empty. I growled in frustration and broke into the potions classroom. I started mixing potions until the door opened. I quickly hid myself and Slughorn came in.

"What's this?"

He walked over to the potions. I'd labeled them.

"Veritaserum antidote... must be Severus. That boy always did know his potions."

I smiled a bit and then turned into a weasel. I went up to my father's office. I let myself in and found him at his desk. He looked at me and sighed.

"Your fear is misplaced, Lily."

"No it's not. I know something's coming. I know the dark lord has a snake. You have no idea how scared I am... you don't seem to care."

He stood up angrily.

"That's enough, and you watch your tongue. I'm your father."

"It's because you're my father that I'm speaking to you this way. You don't seem to hear me any other way. Maybe I should just stop trying to talk to you. Maybe I should just take action instead." I said.

"I do listen to you, Lillian. But you don't need to concern yourself with my wellbeing. Dreams are only dreams, I'm not going anywhere."

I sighed and shook my head.

"I'm sixteen, I'm not a child and I know there's something going on. I know you won't tell me, so I'll find out on my own."

I turned away and left.