Chapter 49
The Dark Arts Princess
I went to Potions early, forgetting that my father was no longer the teacher.
"Dad I—"
I looked up at Slughorn.
"Sorry. I'm used to Professor Snape always being here."
"Not to worry my dear. You must be Lily Potter-"
"Snape. Lily Snape."
He smiled a bit.
"You were in here last night weren't you?"
I nodded.
"Your father taught you well."
I smiled. Draco came in and I smiled at him.
"You're always early. Your dad doesn't teach potions anymore." He said.
I sighed.
"Please don't remind me." I whispered.
He set his books down and then rubbed my arm.
I nodded and Slughorn looked at us.
"I heard rumors. Most interesting." He said.
I leaned into Draco and then the other students filed in.
Draco's POV
Potter and Weasley showed up about five minutes after the class started. I groaned and Lily elbowed me. I smirked and she winked. I saw them fight over something in the cupboard, Weasley being the winner. Slughorn started talking about Amortentia.
"Now, I need two couples… Miss Snape please come forward."
Lily walked forward.
"Now, can you tell us what you smell?"
She closed her eyes.
"Fresh parchment, dried herbs…peppermint."
I smiled a bit. My toothpaste was peppermint.
"And now Mr. Malfoy if you would be so kind."
I walked over.
"Roses... strawberries and I can't exactly describe the last one. It's sweet."
"Very interesting. Now, how about Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley."
Lily and I looked at each other. There was a sly smile on her face. I remembered the bet we'd made fourth year.
"Uh… vanilla, breakfast smells… and… and a perfume."
Slughorn didn't ask which perfume, but I wish he had.
"Freshly mown grass, old library books, fresh parchment and spearmint toothpaste."
Lily took my hand and I smirked. I still didn't think it could happen. We were tasked with making a draught of living death. As always, Finnigan blew his up in his face. Lily wasn't having any problems, which wasn't unusual. However, Potter also seemed to be breezing through it. Even Granger was having a difficult time. Lily seemed suspicious of this. Hers came out perfectly as did Potter's. She told Slughorn to give the prize to her brother. Our next class was defense against the dark arts. We were learning how to cast spells without speaking.
"Lillian, will you come here please."
She stood up and walked forward.
"I don't need to tell you what to do."
There was something strange about the look in her eyes. It was a look I knew well. I'd seen it many times when she was defending me. She was angry. She waved her wand and Snape fell back. Neither of them showed any sort of emotion. He nodded in approval.
She waved her wand again. This time, he actually flew back into a desk. Lily would never try and intentionally hurt her father… not unless he messed up beyond reason. He stood up.
"Fifty-five points to Gryffindor."
Lily turned away and came back to me. Snape was a damn good teacher. He knew his dark arts. Lily immediately left after class. I slowly looked at Snape. He seemed sad, something I wasn't used to seeing with him. He went to his office and shut the door. Potter seemed to have seen this too. He left first and I took a deep breath. I'd never seen Lily act that way towards her father. They had the strongest bond I'd ever seen. One of them was scared or angry, and the other was keeping secrets. That was usually the way things were with them. I went after Lily and pulled her aside.
"What was that about?"
She sighed.
"I begged him not to take that job. It's cursed!"
So that's what it was about.
"Lily you can't act like that."
She arched her brow.
"He's your father. He needs you right now."
I saw the suspicion in her eyes.
"Why do I sense there's a hidden meaning to your words?"
I cleared my throat.
"With all that's happening, the dark lord and him being an ex-death eater. He needs you."
She sighed and laid her head against my chest. I closed my eyes and held onto her.
"Just talk to him. Don't fight with your father, love."
She sighed and then looked into my eyes.
"Have I told you I love you today?"
"Hm, no I don't believe you have."
She chuckled.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
She kissed me hard and I closed my eyes. I heard her bag drop to the floor and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I backed her into a wall and kissed her harder. I knew it was very likely I would lose her this year. I wanted to make every moment count.
Snape's POV (Short moment)
When I saw Draco kissing my little girl, I went to stop him. However, he stepped away before I could say anything.
"Talk to your father. Children always need their parents, daughters always need their fathers. Now your father needs you."
I hid myself and listened.
"I don't want anything to happen to him."
"I don't think anything will. He's got you. You're the princess of the dark arts. He's the bloody king! I'm terrified of him!"
She chuckled and I smiled a bit.
"Are you afraid of me, darling?"
"Only when you're angry with me. Every time you get angry, it's like Snape's there. The entire school knows not to mess with you."
That made me rather proud.
"I don't want anyone to be afraid of me… except Pansy."
Draco laughed.
"Don't worry, she is."
She laughed.
"I love you Draco."
"And I love you."
I closed my eyes. She loved him so much. It made me think of how much I would always love her mother. I couldn't let Draco go through with the dark lord's plan. Not just for his sake, but for my daughter's.