Chapter 52


I knew if I asked him directly he wouldn't tell me anything. I had no other choice but to follow him to see what he was up to.

It wasn't until I went to Hogsmade with my brother, Ron and Hermione that I knew something was definitely wrong. We went to the Three Broomsticks and I saw Draco come out of the bathroom. He quickly left and I ran after him.

"Draco Malfoy stop right there or I'll petrify you!"

He immediately stopped and I caught up to him. I got in front of him and crossed my arms.

"What's going on? And don't you dare lie to me, I know when you're lying."

He just stared at me. Before I could say anything else, I heard a scream. Draco grabbed my wrist and pulled me away.

"Draco what the hell is going on?!"

He took me all the way back to Hogwarts. He looked scared and even sick.

"Draco tell me what's going on. Let me help you, please." I begged.

He looked out the door, breathing hard. He looked down and put his hand on the wall.

"I can't. I can't do that to you."

I frowned and took his hands.

"Draco calm down! Calm down, look at me. Look at me!"

He looked into my eyes and I moved one hand to his cheek.

"What can't you do? You can tell me anything."

He shook his head and pulled me into his arms. I closed my eyes and held him close to me.

"Shhh, it's alright. I'm here, I'll always be here. Please tell me what's wrong?"

"I want to, but I can't put you in danger. I love you too much. I'm sorry."

I looked into his eyes and shook my head.

"After all I've seen and been through, I can handle anything. I think you know that."

"I can't! Please Lily, don't make me."

"Okay, I won't. But Draco, you look sick and you've been acting very strange. I'm worried about you."

He shook his head and then kissed me hard. He left afterwards and I was left alone. He wouldn't be able to hide from me forever. I ran into my father on my way to the library.

"Lillian, come with me."

"Um… okay?"

I followed him to McGonagall's office. Harry, Ron and Hermione were there. I saw a pretty looking necklace on the table and walked over.

"Don't touch it!"

My father and Harry had spoken in unison. Dad walked forward and levitated it off the table.

"Where did you get this?"

"Katie Bell. She had it when she left the Three Broomsticks. She touched it and… it threw her around, lifted her off the ground and then let her fall from maybe six feet in the air."

I went closer but didn't dare touch it.

"Well where did Katie get it?" I asked.

"It was Malfoy." Said Harry.

I froze, while my dad and McGonagall turned to him.

"That is a very serious accusation." She said.

"Indeed. Your evidence?" Dad said.

"I just know."

"You just know? Oh well that should be enough. How nice it must be, to be the chosen one."

I frowned and looked at my father.

"You don't have to say things like that."

"And he shouldn't let you date Malfoy."

I sighed in frustration.

"She is old enough to choose who she sees."

"Oh you mean a death eater like you?" Harry asked.

My eyes widened and I smacked him.

"My father was wrong to say that to you, but you have NO right to talk to my father like that! He's not a death eater anymore and Draco isn't one either! I don't know why you can't learn to accept the fact that this is my father, and Draco is my boyfriend. This is just another little plot to get me away from Draco, isn't!?"

"Calm down, miss Snape." Said McGonagall.

I looked at her and then back at my brother.

"You're my brother, but you're not my only family. Learn to accept that. You can come and find me when you do." I said.

As I walked past my father, he tried to take my arm.


I pulled away and walked past him.


I held up my hand and kept going.

Draco's POV

I'd heard everything. She stood up for me as she always did. She didn't know what they said was true. I knew she was strong and could handle almost anything. But I didn't want her to get hurt trying to protect me. I'd never forgive myself if she was hurt because of me.

Things only got worse as the weeks went by. I knew there was a good chance Lily was following me around as a weasel. I was being extra careful. Weasley found himself a girlfriend. Lavender Brown. I couldn't stand her! Every time I saw her, her face was attached to Weasley's. It was utterly horrible. Lily and I only kissed like that when we were alone.

The Gryffindor versus Slytherin match was coming. It was going to suck, playing against my girlfriend.

Lily's POV

I couldn't sleep one night, so I decided to wander the castle. As a weasel of course. I wandered down to the dungeons and saw Harry helping Ron down the hall. I was curious so I followed them. Something seemed to be wrong with Ron. He knocked on Slughorn's door.

"Oh Harry, now's not really a good time."

"It's not about that. See, my friend Ron has accidentally taken a very strong love potion."

"Is he hiding her?"

If I could laugh in this form then I would.

"Better bring him in."

I ran and got through the door before it closed.

"I must say Harry, I'm surprised you couldn't do this yourself with your talent."

"Well I thought this required a more practiced hand."

I saw Ron hug Slughorn.

"Hello darling."

"Perhaps your right. And what of your sister? She was raised by a fine potions master."

"She's not speaking to me right now."

"I see."

I watched Slughorn prepare the potion. He gave it to Ron, who looked very confused after he drank it.

"Harry? What're we doing here?"

"You were under the influence of a love potion."

"A bloody strong one at that." Said Slughorn.

Slughorn brought out a bottle and I turned to leave. I heard glasses clink and then a loud thud. I turned and saw Ron on the floor, foaming at the mouth. Poison! I ran over to the cabinets.

Harry's POV

I saw Lily. She was clawing at a cabinet. I ran over and opened it, she grabbed a Bezor and rolled it to me. I remembered Snape once saying it cured most poisons. I shoved it down Ron's throat and he stopped twitching. I looked at Lily.

"Thanks." I whispered.

Slughorn was already calling for help.