Chapter 53

The Wrath of Severus Snape

I went with Harry to the Hospital. Ron was going to be alright, but I wanted to know how he was poisoned. I had a terrible feeling in my heart. I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't. Dumbledore, McGonagall, Slughorn and my dad came to the hospital.

"Quick thinking on your part Harry, using the Bezor. You must be very proud of your student Horace."

"Actually sir, it was Lily."

My dad immediately looked at me.

"I remembered her telling me about it a long time ago. She uh, weaseled her way into my brain."

My dad arched his brow and I smiled a bit.

"You've raised and taught a fine young lady, Severus. You must be very proud."

Dad nodded.

"Every day."

I smiled brightly. I heard someone running down the hall and rolled my eyes when Lavender came in.

"Where is my Won-won?!"

She saw Hermione and a look of anger came to her face.

"What's she doing here?"

Hermione stood up angrily.

"Might I ask you the same question?!"

"I happen to be his girlfriend."

"I happen to be his… friend."

I closed my eyes and shook my head. Ron started to mumble.

"There, see? He senses my presence. Don't worry Won-won. I'm here."

At first, we couldn't make out what he was saying. And then…


Lavender ran off crying and I smirked, knowing I won the bet.

"Oh to be young. To feel love's keen sting. Come now everyone. Mr. Weasley is in good hands."

I smiled as Hermione took Ron's hand. Dad walked over to me and I looked at him.

"Might I ask, what you were doing wandering around in the dungeons?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"I see. And what drew you to Potter and Weasley?"

I smiled a bit.

"Ron was under a love potion and it was really funny. I wanted to see how it would end. I was leaving when he fell to the ground."

He slowly nodded.

"For once, I'm glad you were out at night. You saved a fellow student."

"No daddy, that was Harry. I only showed him what he needed. He remembered and did the rest."

"You diminish your role, but you've always been humble. I really did raise you well."

I smiled at him and he gave me a small smile in return.

"Harry, don't you have something to say to my dad? After all, he told you about the Bezor. First year."

His eyes went wide a bit.

"I remember. Well… thank you, sir."

Dad only nodded, but then, I hadn't expected much else.

"Lillian I expect you to be careful playing in this quidditch game. If you get hurt, I won't let you play again. I mean it."

"But daddy-"

"Don't 'daddy' me. I'm your father, it breaks my heart to see you in pain. Please don't argue with me."

I sighed but nodded. He left the room and I looked at Harry.

"With Ron in here, who's going to take his place as keeper?"

He sighed.

"You're going to hate me."

"Harry you're my brother. I would never hate you."


My eyes went wide.

"You're right, I hate you."

"Lily I don't have another choice."

I growled.

"If he puts one foot out of line, I swear to god…"

"I know, I know!"

I heard hurried footsteps and Draco threw open the door.

"Alright, I'm leaving."

Harry left with a dirty glance at Draco. He walked forward and looked at Ron.

"What happened to Weasley?"

"Poison. He'll be fine. Oh and I win the bet."

"What? How?"

"Ron called Hermione's name in his sleep."

Draco growled.

"Alright, what do you want?"

I slowly smiled.

"I'll tell you later."

He smirked and kissed my cheek.

"I'll find you later then?"


"Go on Lily. It's alright."

I smiled at Hermione and Draco put his arm around me.



I smiled a bit, glad they could at least be civil.

"Looking forward to the game?"

"Not really." I said.

He stopped and looked at me.

"Since when?"

"Since McGlaggen is the only one who can take Ron's place."

He growled in frustration.

"I hate that guy. So full of himself."


He smirked and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Make sure you put him in his place."

I laughed as we walked down the corridor.

Draco's POV

As always, the captain gave me a five minutes speech about my girlfriend being on the other team. By now I'd already memorized it. We few out and I could already tell that Lily was annoyed. McGlaggen was looking quite proud of himself. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and the game began.

Lily's POV

Everything was fine in the beginning. Then I saw McGlaggen take the other beater's bat. My eyes widened and Harry started shouting at him. Then I saw a bludger going for McGlaggen. I gasped and flew forward. He hit the bludger straight towards Harry. I tried to hit it, but it hit my shoulder first. I held back my scream and flew straight to McGlaggen.

"Get back to your damn post before I knock you off your goddamn broom!" I snarled.

He glared at me but did ad I said. The beater took his bat back and nodded.

Harry's POV

I saw Lily get hit with the bludger. She continued to play as if nothing had happened. I was going to get McGlaggen for this! Malfoy looked murderous! I was so distracted, Malfoy caught the snitch. Lily all but crashed to the ground. Ginny landed next to her and knelt down. Malfoy and I were next. I looked for McGlaggen but Malfoy got him first. He tackled him into the sand and dropped down by Lily.

"Can I kill him now?"

"I'll hold him down."


Snape came running and I rolled my eyes.

Lily's POV

My dad was never going to let me play again. He looked at my shoulder and then… he looked at McGlaggen. He stood up and walked right over to him. He grabbed him by the front and picked him up off the ground.

"You could have killed her!"

"I was only demonstrating the proper…"


He let go of McGlaggen and then came back to me.

Draco's POV

As McGlaggen passed me, I grabbed his arm.

"This isn't over. I'm not done with you yet." I hissed.

I let him go and watched Snape take Lily to the hospital. If Snape and Potter didn't get to him first I was going to kill him. I went to see Lily that night. She was fast asleep, but McGlaggen was there. I ran forward and grabbed him.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here!?"

He didn't say anything and I shook him.

"Come to take another shot at my girlfriend?!"

"I've been banned from Quidditch and now have to serve detention every night for the rest of the year. Because she couldn't handle the fact that I know the proper technique for a beater."

I hit him, knocking him to the ground.

"If you ever come near her again, you won't have to worry about her father. I'll kill you myself. Got it?" I snarled.

He glared and hit me hard in the stomach. He was strong, I'd give him that. I coughed a bit and he tackled me. He raised his fist to hit me, but someone yanked him off. It was the one person I least expected to help me. Potter.

"I'm the only one allowed to kill Malfoy. Stay away from my sister!"

McGlaggen left and Potter glared at me.

"What're you doing here Malfoy?"

I scowled.

"Making sure Lily's alright. I found him here alone while she was sleeping. I love her, get over it Potter!"

He looked over at Lily.

"Eventually, she'll see you for what you truly are. A death eater! Now get out!"

I didn't want Lily to wake up and see me fighting with her brother. I left the room but hid outside the door.



I smiled a bit.

"No. It's your brother."

"Hey Harry."

"How do you feel?"

"If dad hasn't killed McGlaggen, I'm going to."

"He was here earlier while you were asleep."


"No. McGlaggen. I threw him out."

I clenched my fist in anger.

"He was here why I was sleeping?! What the bloody hell!?"

"Like I said, I took care of him."

I wanted to go in there and call him out. But I didn't want Lily and her brother to fight.

"Has Draco been here?"


I slammed my fist against the wall and heard a crack. I held back a shout and brought my hand to my chest.

"I don't even think he cares."

That was it! I walked in and glared at Potter.

"You're out of bed after hours, Potter. Ten points from Gryiffindor. Go back to your common room." I said.

He slowly stood up.

"Remember what I said, Malfoy."

I narrowed my eyes. I was taller than him so I tried to look intimidating. He pushed past me as he left. I looked at Lily and she sighed.

"I'm sorry. But I couldn't take the lies anymore."

"What do you mean?"

I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I was the one who found McGlaggen and threw him out."

She sighed and shook her head.

"I'm sorry. I know you would've come to see me."

She touched my hand and I winced.

"What happened to your hand?!"

"I hit the wall so I wouldn't hit your brother."

She growled and started to call for Madam Pomfrey. She came out and seemed a bit annoyed when she saw me.

"Mr. Malfoy, why are you here?"

"He hurt his hand. Badly." Lily said.

"I can see that. Let me take a look."

She looked at my hand and fixed it quickly.

"I would try and tell you to leave, but I know there's no point. I'm too tired to argue with you. If you do anything indecent I'll call her father. He won't be too tired to deal with you."

That was the last thing I wanted. She left and I turned back to Lily.

"Don't tell your brother what I told you. I don't want you two to fight because of me."

She smiled gently and reached her hand out to touch my cheek.

"I love you."

I smiled and took her hand.

"And I love you. Go back to sleep, I'll stay here."

"All night?"

I smiled and leaned forward.

"All night."

She smiled and I kissed her.

"Close your eyes love. Go to sleep." I said.

She closed her eyes and held onto my hand. About an hour later, Snape walked in.

"Oh good, now I don't have to wait until morning. McGlaggen was here earlier, watching her sleep."

The look in his eyes was absolutely terrifying.

"Did he touch her?"

"No sir, I got here before anything could happen."

He nodded.

"I believe I teach the two of you and McGlaggen tomorrow. I'll have Lily deal with him."

I smiled at Lily.

"That sounds like a fantastic punishment."

"Please stay here with her."

I nodded and he looked at Lily. It was one of those rare times I actually saw the man smile. He nodded again and then left. I was looking forward to tomorrow.