They worked in blissful silence. Wu Xiang helped in filming what Kang Sola was doing with regards to the bookbinding project. 

Of course, the camera was initially set on tripod could do its job of capturing her activities and movement, but a person behind the camera would do much more like zooming in or out and adjusting the focus.

She continued in laboriously adding gold leaf and metal corner ornaments on the front the book. She added studs and leather straps as well. She rocked and nailed the bookbinding project. The final result's look was not short of magical. It was enchanting and it looked very similar to how an original magical tome that any magician would want to possess and encrypt with spells.

To add more fun to the challenge, she even added a battery-operated LED lighting in front of the cover that would only light when the book is closed. It was simply awesome.