"Aren't we enjoying ourselves?" He began. "I saw you two earlier taking pics of my girl." He rightfully accused.

"Hey, man, where's your proof? How dare you accuse us? We're just resting for a bit here!" The man more buff than the other protested. The other one scampered in hiding his phone away.

However, before he could secure it in his pocket, Wu Xiang had already grabbed it. The phone was unlocked since it has recently been accessed by the men. He went straight to the phone's gallery.

"Sons of bitches." He cursed again. The two men did not only capture photos of Kang Sola's squats, with emphasis on her butt. Those filthy men also took a video!

Wu Xiang incessantly deleted the photos and video without fair warning nor permission from the two men.

"Hey! What have you done! That's mine!"

"Yours? The phone's yours but the photos and video aren't yours! Talkin' about being disgustingly lewd!"